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New Jersey Devils vs. Detroit Red Wings

American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash Located in the Box Office, near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. (973) 757-6000 The Prudential Center Box Office is located inside the arena near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. Guests can enter from the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place, next to the Investors Bank Tower. Box Office hours are 11AM to 6PM Monday-Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday with the exception of weekend events, where the Box Office opens at 11AM. Please visit for more information. Accessible seating is available through Ticketmaster. Please call 800-877-7575 or visit to purchase accessible seating.

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Présentez votre manuscrit aux éditeurs, atelier-formation à Paris

Atelier payant (85 € la journée): paiement par chèque, Paypal ou sur mon site (  Votre texte est achevé et vous souhaitez le publier ? Une journée de formation et d’échange animée par une auteure pour : • Comprendre les différents types d’édition : compte d’auteur, d’éditeur, autopublication. Tendances & perspectives du marché de l’édition.• Connaître le fonctionnement des maisons d’édition et le travail éditorial• Repérer les éditeurs à cibler pour votre projet, éviter les erreurs, bien présenter votre manuscrit.• Échanger avec les autres participants (expériences, contacts)85€ la journée (10 h/13 h et 14 h/17 h). Paiement sur mon site:  Atelier rue Sainte-Anne (75002 Paris), dans le centre de Paris.Plus d'information sur mon site: www.audececcarelli.comDates les vendredis :* 10 janvier 2020* 13 mars 2020* 15 mai 2020* 12 juin 2020 Vite ! Osez ! Ecrivez ! 

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Preseason Luxury & Suites: Miami Dolphins v. Atlanta Falcons

GENERAL EVENTS: Cash, Visa, MC, Amex and Discover - UNIVERSOUL CIRCUS: Cash only - HURRICANE FOOTBALL at UM Box Office: Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX ($1 service charge on all tickets) GENERAL EVENTS Location : Gate G Hours : 10am Miami Hurricanes Football : Gate F at the Stadium, 4 hours prior to Kickoff (888) FINS-TIX for Miami Dolphins and General Events 1-800-GO-CANES for University of Miami Football 305-341-4701 for the Capital One Orange Bowl For Universoul Circus information 1-800-316-7439 GENERAL EVENTS Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm Sat 10:00am-4:00pm University of Miami Football: 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday at Hurricane Ticket Office located at the BankUnited Center on UM Campus This is an accessible venue.

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ArcTanGent Festival 2020

ArcTanGent is a critically acclaimed, independent festival and since 2013 we’ve been delivering line-ups you won’t find anywhere else on Earth. Here is a quick list of some things you might want to know about us… The festival takes place from August 20th – 23rd on the idyllic Fernhill Farm near Bristol, UK. We were winner of Best Small Festival at the UK Festival Awards 2018 and we were also shortlisted for the Best Line-up award. Our 90+ acts play across four alternating stages on a relatively compact site, so there is no chance of missing your favourite band. We have surely the friendliest and most chilled audience you’ll find at any festival. Camping is included for the whole weekend or you can upgrade to several glamping options if you want to experience the festival in style. We put a huge amount of effort into sourcing the best food traders a festival can buy. And we promise you’ll love our range of independent and local breweries. Every night ends with our infamous silent disco from 11pm to 3am. Trust us, this has to be seen to be believed! says that “ArcTanGent is essential” and “a weekend escape like no other on offer”. Whilst Metal Hammer magazine says that ATG is “three days of expansive exhilaration” and we are “a haven of progressive music across the spectrum of all things heavy”. Come and escape reality for a few days and join the ATG family.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioni

Oltre 2.500 persone in classi da 20 persone max hanno fatto questo corso. Leader in Italia con oltre 59 edizioni pubbliche + 105 sessioni private dedicate a singole aziende.(se vuoi un progetto Linkedin ADV per promuovere il tuo business oppure un corso personalizzato, scrivici in privato) Titolo: Linkedin for Business - strategia e utilizzo - corso con esercitazioniMaggiorin info su: Sottotitolo: Usare Linkedin come strumento strategico per la propria azienda migliorando la propria reputazione professionale online. Approfondiremo come intraprendere consapevolmente progetti online e scelte Social utilizzando Linkedin, in modo da portare profitto alla propria organizzazione usando Linkedin. Messaggio chiave: Per fissare obiettivi reali e raggiungere i propri risultati di business, è importante comprendere come e perchè investire tempo nell'utilizzo del Social Network Linkedin. Misurare i risultati è la condizione per fare un investimento profittevole del proprio tempo su questa innovativa piattaforma di Social Business Professional. Audience: Imprenditori e Management delle aziende, Direzione vendite, Funzione marketing e comunicazione, servizio clienti, customer care, Communication Office, Responsabili di progetti Web/Online e Social Media. Overview: Nel mondo, oltre 500 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per fare business ... affari :-) Linkedin è un social network di business professionals. E' il nuovo modo di entrare in contatto professionalmente, che sostituisce la pagine gialle e le rubriche telefoniche personali. E' un social network dedicato migliorare le 'Business Connection'. Le Persone su Linkedin descrivono le proprie competenze professionali e vogliono entrare in contatto con altri per motivi di lavoro. In Italia 11 milioni di persone usano Linkedin per: - trovare contatti commerciali e pianificare appuntamenti - pianificare un approccio strategico ad un prospect, client, partner, o competitor; - promuovere il proprio profilo professionale (Business Personal Branding); - interagire con i propri clienti; - promuovere la propia pagina aziendale o della propria organizzazione; - formare gruppi di discussione intorno ad un tema; - pubblicizzare prodotti e servizi; - incontrare persone di altre nazioni per fare business insieme; - trovare parter e distributori; - capire come sono fatti gli organigrammi aziendali; - per studiare i concorrenti; - candidarsi per una posizione aziendale e far valere le proprie competenze; - ... Agenda: giornata intera dalle 9.00 alle 18.00: Mattino 9.00-13.00 Linkedin come si integra con gli altri Social Network Social Media Trends 2019 Situazione internazionale Situazione italiana Evoluzione di Linkedin 2018 Ottimizzare il profilo personale Linkedin secondo le regole aziendali Rivediamo insieme le componenti essenziali del profilo; Suggerimenti e attività pratiche per migliorare il profilo; Gestire i propri contatti in modo efficiente ed efficace; Linkedin come piattaforma di Contanct Management La SEO di Linkedin 11:00 Pausa Caffè Portare la propria azienda su Linkedin Gestire un progetto digitale su Linkedin (cenni) Attività di marketing e comunicazione digitale Il profilo dell’azienda (come completarlo in modo efficace senza perdere tempo) Strutturare e condividere con i colleghi e superiori la strategia di presenza su Linkedin                L’utilizzo dei gruppi per creare le proprie Community di riferimento Community dei dipendenti Community dei prospect e clienti Community dei partners Come Scrivere e commentare nelle Community dei competitors Integrazione con i sistemi di Email Marketing Automation Pausa Pranzo 13.00-14.00 ----- Pomeriggio 14.00-18.00 Come ottenere contatti qualificati con l’attività su Linkedin: L’attività di posting (persone e sui gruppi) La pubblicità a pagamento su Likedin Processi e metodi virtuosi per ottenere i risultati voluti ROI e KPI delle attività su Linkedin (misurare investimenti e risultati) 3 tool per gestire linkedin (pubblicazione, distribuzione, commenti, monitoring e Social CRM) L’attività di HR e di analisi di competitors cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin come strumento di recruiting cenni all’utilizzo di Linkedin per studiare la concorrenza 16.30 Pausa caffè Esercitazioni e case histories Lavoro in team: crea la tua campagna digitale su linkedin 4 casi di successo da commentare insieme Fine lavori 18.00 (per chi vuole aperitivo alle 19.00)

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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The 2nd Global Manufacturing Digital Transformation Summit 2020

Key Words: Digital Transformation, Digital Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing, Digital Factory, Business Model Innovation, IT and OT Integration, IoT, Data Analysis, Cloud Computing, Industry 4.0, Digital Supply Chain, Production Efficiency, Lighthouse The 2nd Global Manufacturing Digital Transformation Summit 2020, organized by Shanghai ECV International, is going to be held on Feb. 27th - 28th, 2020, in Shanghai, China. With the constant development of cloud computing, IoT, AI and other emerging technologies, digital transformation has become the primary goal of corporate development. According to a prediction, global enterprises' total spending on digital transformation will hit 2.1 trillion U.S. dollars by 2021, with a compound growth rate of 17.9 percent. Digital technologies have kept penetrating into all industries and created a new opportunity for global industrial development. As the mainstay of the national economy, manufacturing is the foundation of country building and development, accomplishing the transformation of manufacturing through digital technologies has become a top priority in development strategies of many countries. Based on successful global cases of digital transformation, The 2nd Global Manufacturing Digital Transformation Summit 2020 will look into hot topics such as IT-OT integration, operation efficiency improvement, business model innovation, supply chain optimization, digital twin and digital talent need. It aims to provide a digital transformation reference and exchange platform for enterprises, promote the organic integration of the digital economy with the real economy, and accomplish the transformation and upgrade of global manufacturing. Conference Format: Ÿ   Keynote Speech + Panel Discussion Hot Topics: Ÿ   US-China Trade War’s Impact on Domestic Manufacturing and How to Realize Industry Upgrade and Transformation Ÿ   How Manufacturing Thrive in the Digital Age Ÿ   How to Build a Digital, Smart, Connected, Flexible and Customized Factory Ÿ   In the Industry 4.0 Era, How Digital Transformation Revolutionizes Production Chain of Manufacturing Attendees Ÿ   President/Vice Ÿ   President/CEO/COO Ÿ   Board Director/General Manager Ÿ   Director/Business Manager Ÿ   Sales Director/International Sales Ÿ   Manager Ÿ   Business Development Ÿ   Director/Manager Ÿ   Strategic Development Ÿ   Director/Manager Ÿ   International Market Ÿ   Director/Manager Ÿ   Regional Director/Manager Ÿ   R&D Director/Manager Ÿ   Technical Director/Manager Ÿ   Sustainable Development Ÿ   Director/Manager Ÿ   Quality Director/Manager Sectors Ÿ   Consulting Ÿ   Telecommunication Ÿ   Construction and machinery Ÿ   Industry automation Ÿ   Home appliance Ÿ   Pharmacy Ÿ   FMCG Ÿ   Mining Ÿ   Chemistry Ÿ   Electronic Ÿ   Privacy security Ÿ   Supply chain and logistics Ÿ   Big data Ÿ   Clouding computing Ÿ   AI and IoT Inviting Speakers Ÿ   MIIT Ÿ   Mckinsey Ÿ   Haier Ÿ   Siemens Ÿ   Huawei Ÿ   Caterpillar Ÿ   Procter & Gamble Ÿ   Rolls-Royce Ÿ   BASF Ÿ   Microsoft Ÿ   Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group  Ÿ   Bayer Ÿ   BMW Ÿ   Mercer Contact Us Ÿ   Name:Franchy Zou Ÿ   Tel:+86 21 8026 0707 Ext. 808 Ÿ Ÿ   Weblink: ECV International ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc. In addition to its own summit, ECV also carries out business activities to provide customers with comprehensive marketing services ranging from event planning, conference planning, creativity to execution, 3D animation, film and television production, and cultural performances. Event planning and event execution involve creative projects, site planning, material planning, process planning and other services. Guest invitations and media campaigns involved media invitations, guest invitations, press release development, advertising and other services.

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