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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Taller de RRHH: Assessment Center

DESTINATARIOS DEL TALLER: El taller está dirigido a psicologos, gerentes, jefes, supervisores y líderes empresariales de las diferentes áreas funcionales que estén interesados en explorar la aplicación del Assessment Center para identificar y evaluar las capacidades, talentos y/o competencias de sus colaboradores y, de esta manera, estar en posibilidad de tomar mejores decisiones de selección, promoción y desarrollo de personal gerencial de su empresa. La actividad fue pensada para asistentes con un perfil más pragmático que teorico en virtud de su metodología de enseñanza- aprendizaje.   OBJETIVOS DE LA ACTIVIDAD: Descubrir la importancia y el fundamento de la metodología de Assesment Center. Aprender el proceso y los resultados que pueden lograrse con la aplicación del Assessment Center en los procesos de selección, evaluación y desarrollo del talento humano de su empresa. Identificar y desarrollar, por medio de distintos ejercicios y técnicas, sus capacidades de observación del comportamiento como un medio para detectar y valorar competencias específicas de los participantes en un Assessment Center. Conocer el diseño de algunos ejercicios que son necesarios para estructurar un proceso de Assessment Center de propósito específico. Vivenciar técnicas de evaluación de competencias de liderazgo, trabajo en equipo, entre otros.     CONTENIDO DE LA ACTIVIDAD: Concepto y contenido del Assessment Center Qué es el Assessment Center? Diferencia entre un A.C y entrevista grupal. Competencias, Qué son y cuáles evalúo? Alcance y componentes Comité evaluador Beneficios Definición de perfiles en base a competencias Ejercicio práctico de diseño de perfil en base a competencias   Estructura de la metodología de evaluación: Participantes y panelistas Roles y funciones de cada asistente. Estructura y diseño de un assessment center Herramientas Evaluativas Ejercicio práctico de diseño herramientas evaluativas   De la teoría a la práctica: Aplicando el marco téorico  Evaluación integrada Ejercicio práctico de ejecución assessment center Análisis y cierre de la actividad.   METODOLOGIA DE ENSEÑANZA - APRENDIZAJE: El taller se desarrolla con un modelo de educación de adultos, en el que los participantes construyen su aprendizaje a partir de su experiencia y la participación en la actividad.  En el taller se utilizan exposiciones teóricas breves, ejercicios prácticos y análisis de casos, entre otros recursos didácticos. Un punto relevante que hay que señalar es que, como consecuencia del método de trabajo, los participantes logran altos niveles de auto-conocimiento, motivación, confianza y compromiso interpersonal con el grupo de trabajo. El diseño fue pensado para que quienes asistan puedan implementarlo de forma inmediata y profesionalmente. DURACION, FECHA y LUGAR: El taller tiene una duración de una semana muy intensiva, comenzando el martes 21 y 28 de enero de 9 a 12hs. en nuestras oficinas de Wework (Torre Bellini). Esmeralda 950, Microcentro Porteño.                                                         Preguntas Frecuentes ¿Dónde puedo Ponerme en contacto con el organizador en caso de tener alguna pregunta? Envía correo electrónico a o llamanos al 011 1561352003   ¿Requisitos para cursar? Es importante contar con muy buena conexión a internet, en virtud de que las clases son en vivo.   ¿Cuál es la política de reembolso? La consultora no realiza ningún reembolso. Vos podes abonar tu entrada hasta dos días antes de iniciar el taller.

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Make A Difference-Reduce Food Insecurity & Hunger- Jan 2021 Food Pantry Schedule

What: Donate & Receive a $20 Coupon to Aqua Vino to Make A Difference-Help Reduce Food Insecurity and Hunger & Jan 2021 Food Pantry Schedule Where: JPC Food Pantry 1404 West St, PO Box 160, Utica, NY 13503-0160 Contact: Rev. Meier, 315-269-8580 Email at: Utica, NY. Johnson Park Center (JPC) is honored and happy to share the good news that the Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties pledged $5,000 and will host the web site to accept your donations to feed people in need. Additionally, Capraro Technologies, Inc. (CTI) offering to match up to $10,000 to ensure that food will be available to the less fortunate at the JPC Food Pantry in 2021. Also, for every donation you make, you will receive a $20.00 coupon good for purchases of $40.00 or more of food either in the restaurant or takeout at the Aqua Vino restaurant. Coupons are good until 1 March 1, 2021. The JPC Food Pantry served 1,374,615 million meals in 2020 versus 265,725 meals in 2019. To continue to meet the demand in 2021, we need your support to fill bags with food for families and single individuals struggling during the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19). Feeding America list that each third child in New York experiences Food Insecurity, which may harm their health. The Food Bank of Central New York reports that 63% of client households with seniors report making choices between paying for food and paying for medicine/medical care. 88% of clients agreed that receiving food at emergency food agencies helped them get the food they could not receive any other way. Please see the link below, go to the Foundation’s website site, and donate. Your donation will make a difference for individuals and families experiencing hardship by the COVID-19. Join us, and donate to ease the burden of hunger and food insecurity in our and your community. See the attached January 2021 JPC Food Pantry Flyer with Opening Days/Hours: Walk-Up: Mon, Jan 4, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 5, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Mon, Jan 11, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 12, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 19, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Free Food Giveaway: Drive-Thru on Mon, Jan 25, 2021, from 2 pm to 7 pm Walkers on Tue, Jan 26, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm If you have any questions or need additional information, the best way to contact Rev. Ursula Meier, JPC COO & Media Coordinator, is by email: Or call her at (315) 269-8580 Thank you so much for your continual support and Join Positive Change at Johnson Park Center (JPC). Rev. Dr. Maria A. Scates, D.D. CEO / Founder

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New Year's Eve Concert in Rome: The Three Tenors - Concerto di Capodanno a Roma: I Tre Tenori

SPECIAL CONCERTS  DECEMBER 31TH 2019 JANUARY 1ST 2020   NEW YEAR’S EVE CONCERT   THE THREE TENORS: OPERA ARIAS, WALTZES AND CHRISTMAS SONGS h. 9 p.m.   The Opera e Lirica Three Tenors Carlo Napoletani, Emil Alekperov and GianCarlo Polizzy, from the most important Theaters in Rome, accompanied by a string quartet and piano, will perform a special programme of Opera Arias, Christmas Songs and New Year’s Eve typical Waltzes.   Enjoy the New Year’s night with The Three Tenors voices singing the best Christmas songs and Opera arias in this magic location full of mysticism, while the music of the typical Strauss Waltzes resounds within the Caravita Church golden walls. The perfect way to celebrate your New Year’s night, right in the centre of Rome.   Children under 7 and the disabled can attend the concert for free. Approximate duration (min.): 90    CONCERT AND TOAST* h. 10:30 p.m. The magic evening goes on after the concert. New Year’s Eve is a time to toast to a new beginning and usher in the New Year with hopes of joy and good health. Raise a toast to the New Year with sparkling Italian spumante together with The Three Tenors! * Toast only for EXCLUSIVE AND VIP CATEGORIES GLI SPECIALI CONCERTI 31 DICEMBRE 2019 1 GENNAIO 2020   CONCERTO DI CAPODANNO   I TRE TENORI: ARIE D’OPERA, WALTZER E CANZONI DI NATALE h. 21:00   I Tre Tenori di Opera e Lirica Carlo Napoletani, Emil Alekperov e GianCarlo Polizzy, provenienti dai più importanti Teatri di Roma, accompagnati da un quartetto d’archi e pianoforte, si esibiranno in un programma speciale di Arie d’Opera, Canzoni di Natale e Waltzer tipici di Capodanno.   Godetevi la Notte di Capodanno lasciandovi trasportare dalle voci dei Tre Tenori che intoneranno le più belle Canzoni di Natale e Arie d’Opera, all’interno di questo luogo magico intriso di misticismo, mentre la musica dei tipici Waltzer di Strauss risuonerà tra le pareti dorate dell’Oratorio del Caravita. È il modo perfetto per festeggiare la Notte di Capodanno nel cuore di Roma.   I bambini di età inferior a 7 anni e I disabili possono usufurire dell’ingresso gratuito. Durata: circa 90 min.   CONCERTO E BRINDISI* h. 22:30 La magia della serata continua dopo il concerto. Capodanno è il momento per brindare a un nuovo inizio e inaugurare l’Anno Nuovo con la speranza che sia all’insegna della gioia e della buona salute. Brindate al Nuovo Anno con calici di spumante italiano insieme ai Tre Tenori! * Il brindisi è riservato alle categorie EXCLUSIVE E VIP

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Brooklyn Nets v. Philadelphia 76ers (Kids Game)

To reach Barclays Center, please call 917-618-6100 or visit and use the chat feature. Barclays Center provides wheelchair and companion seating with appropriate sight lines on all levels. Barclays Center team members can guide guests with mobility challenges to their seating location and to other amenities. Be advised that Center personnel reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against individuals who fraudulently obtain wheelchair & companion seats.

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New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles

The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted. Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event. Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515, MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday – Friday 11am – 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled “West VIP.” MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (SAP), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 201-935-8222. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.

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