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Detroit Red Wings vs. Columbus Blue Jackets

The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929 The Xfinity Box Office at Little Caesars Arena is open Monday thru Friday, from 11:00am to 5:30pm, and also on Event Days from 11:00am until Intermission.

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MOA/NIMA Examen Sensorisch onderzoek A

De sensorisch onderzoeker op MOA/NIMA A niveau heeft een functie met uitvoerende werkzaamheden zoals:  Werken volgens ‘Good Sensory Practice’ in de product(voor)bereiding  Hanteren van aanbiedingsdesigns en productcodering  Gebruik van testmateriaal  Omgaan met onderzoekscondities  Instrueren van panelleden Voor wie? Dit examen is bedoeld voor personen die werkzaam zijn in of zich willen kwalificeren voor een functie in de uitvoering van sensorisch onderzoek. Gangbare functienamen voor Sensorisch Onderzoeker A zijn: testleider, panelleider, onderzoeksassistent etc. Tijd en locatie: Het examen wordt afgenomen bij de MOA, Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Amsterdam, 13e etage op 9 juni 2020. Inloop: 10.30 uur.Aanvang examen: 11.00 - 13.00 uur U dient daarvoor uw eigen laptop mee te nemen. Na het succesvol beëindigen van het examen ontvangt de deelnemer een officieel MOA-NIMA diploma Sensorisch onderzoeker A. Twee weken voor het examen ontvangen alle inschrijvers een schriftelijke oproep per mail.   Exameninhoud Exameneisen Exameneisen en literatuur voor MOA/NIMA A Sensorisch Onderzoeker.Informatie over de exameneisen, examenmethodiek, aanbevolen literatuur en proefexamens vindt u hier.   Examenreglement Het examenreglement is hier te downloaden.  Het MOA/NIMA A Examen Sensorisch Onderzoeker duurt 2 uur en bestaat uit meerkeuzevragen. Naast vaardigheden worden kennis en inzicht getoetst op het gebied van: Zintuiglijke waarneming    Testmethoden    Respondenten    Onderzoekscondities Leerdoelen Je kunt bij een onderzoeksvraag het beste toepassingsgebied (kwaliteitsonderzoek, houdbaarheidstesten, productontwikkeling, procesbeheersing en consumentenonderzoek) van sensorisch onderzoek selecteren. (WETEN) Je kunt de zintuigen en zintuiglijke waarneming van de mens als meetinstrument benoemen. (WETEN) Je kunt het verschil tussen analytisch en hedonisch onderzoek uit elkaar houden. (WETEN) Je kunt de juiste sensorische verschil- en beschrijvende test aanduiden. (INZIEN) Je kunt de juiste panelselectie-, -trainings- en –monitoringstesten selecteren. (WETEN) Je kunt de voor – en nadelen van Flavor Profiling, Texture Profiling, QDA-testen en Free choice profiling opsommen. (WETEN) Je kunt een beargumenteren welke eisen er gesteld dienen te worden aan het type respondent per onderzoeksvraag. (ANALYSEREN) Je kunt de regels van ‘Good Sensory Practice’ hanteren en toepassen. (TOEPASSEN) Je kunt de verschillen en overeenkomsten van een centrale locatietest en in home-use test opsommen. (WETEN) Je kunt de juiste schaal benoemen en weet hoe je voor een beschrijvende test de juiste attributen selecteert. (INZIEN)   Meer informatie Dit examen wordt jaarlijks door NIMA afgenomen in samenwerking met MOA (Expertise Center voor Marketing insights, Onderzoek & Analytics). Voor dit examen biedt MOA een cursus aan. Voor meer informatie over deze oproep kun je contact opnemen met NIMA via telefoonnummer 020 - 503 93 30 of via Voor urgente zaken kun je tijdens kantooruren contact met de NIMA opnemen via 020-5039300. Graag maken we je er op attent dat het antwoord op veel vragen te vinden is op de NIMA website.

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Miami Heat vs. Los Angeles Lakers

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express Tickets purchased in advance can be left at the Will Call Window, located on the north side of the Arena next to Gate 3. • Valid ID required to pick up Will Call Tickets Miami HEAT & Arena Event Sales Information: • Miami HEAT Season Tickets & Partial Plans – (786) 777-HOOP • Miami HEAT Group Tickets – (786) 777-DUNK • Miami HEAT Premium Seats (Courtside/Flagship/Suites/Loges) – (786) 777- 4320 • Arena Event Suite Sales – (786) 777-1000 • Group Ticket & Fundraising Opportunities for Arena Family Shows (786) 777-4FUN (4386) Ticket Office hours are Monday – Friday, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Hours may be extended on event days. Arena Box Office Information – (786) 777-1250 This is an accessible venue.

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Interaction 20

Interaction  20 will assemble a diverse group of practitioners and academics from around the world to explore the edges of interaction design, and help spark a transformation of the discipline to be relevant to the needs of the 21st century. This year’s event features: Interaction 20 Conference Interaction Design Education Summit Local Leaders Retreat Workshops Student Design Charette Interaction Awards Ceremony ... and so much more!

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Madrid (España) Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos

Certificación en el método LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®para la facilitación en Equipos y Grupos Precios indicados en dólares canadienses. Precio reducido: 2.850 CAD ≈ 1.950 EUR Precio normal: 3.150 CAD ≈ 2.155 EUR  Requisitos previos: Inscripción abierta Este programa de certificación ha sido aprobado por la Global Federation of LSP Master Trainers. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® es un método facilitado e internacionalmente reconocido que provoca el compromiso de los participantes en forma de generación de ideas orientadas a la mejora de la organización. El método está basado en extensas investigaciones y estudios, y habilita a los equipos a enfrentar y gestionar situaciones complejas de una forma divertida y responsable al mismo tiempo. ¿A quien va dirigido? Facilitadores Formadores Educadores, investigadores, profesores universitarios Profesionales de Recursos Humanos Responsables de proyectos Formadores en Agile Consultores Profesionales de branding Estrategas Diseñadores Gestores del cambio Coaches Todos estos perfiles pueden aplicar esta metodología e implementar poderosos procesos a sus actuales competencias.  Adicionalmente, si trabajas en el campo de la investigación, las tecnologías de la información, eres coach ejecutivo, de equipos o coach de vida, o tienes responsabilidades de liderazgo en tu organización, esta metodología te ofrece enormes beneficios y se convierte en un perfecto complemento a tus técnicas y herramientas actuales. Resumen del Programa Día uno: Programa fundamental Aprenderás los conocimientos básicos de la metodología. Esta formación te introducirá en la herramienta LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Sabrás como utilizar las diferentes herramientas incluyendo la teoría del flujo, el uso de normas para la configuración del campo de juego, etiqueta, trampas a evitar, y todo a lo largo de multitud de aplicaciones en diferentes escenarios que posibilitarán la conexión mano-cerebro. La teoría se funde con la práctica. Día dos: Equipos y Grupos El segundo día mueve a los participantes hacia dentro y hacia fuera del proceso a la vez que se explora la identidad individual y se interioriza la idea sobre cómo esta herramienta se puede personalizar para todo tipo de talleres o procesos, incluidos los talleres en equipo. Día tres: Paisaje y Desarrollo de Sistemas para Equipos y Grupos El tercer día del programa te permitirá entender cómo utilizar LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® con kits de identidad y paisaje para la recreación de modelos 3D que ilustren entornos complejos en los que elementos como equipos y proyectos, así como otros sistemas asociados, interactúan conformando entornos sobre los que “jugar” en tiempo real. Tu programa incluye: Manual y kit de piezas para comenzar a diseñar y desarrollar talleres ¡ya!. Certificación formativa acreditada por un Strategic Play® Master Trainer en metodologías y materiales LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. Opción de ser incluido y registrado en la lista mundial de facilitadores certificados LSP. Almuerzos y snacks/coffee breaks en sala o próximos para aprovechar mejor tu tiempo. Estrategia de comunicación sobre ideas y herramientas para que puedas desarrollar tu práctica e iniciar tus talleres. Orientación profesional para poder comenzar a incursionar en el mercado como facilitador con las máximas garantías. Info: E-mail: Teléfono/Whatsapp: +(34) 636 012 333 Our group is named "Best in Class" at Procter and Gamble.

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Python online training in Hyderabad - Naresh I Technologies

We are providing Python online training in our institute NareshIT. We are having the best and well trained experienced faculty to train you the python. By joining in this course you will get complete knowledge about python. we are giving 100% guidance in placement for our students. Python is a high-level programming language designed to be easy to read and simple to implement. It is open source, which means it is free to use, even for commercial applications. ... Python is considered a scripting language, like Ruby or Perl and is often used for creating Web applications and dynamic Web content. course objective : After completion of the python online training at Naresh I technologies, you will be expertise and eligible for: Complete knowledge on Python Learn how to use lists, tuples, loops, decision statement, etc. in python Build packages in Python Working with Exception handling, Inheritance Work independently in Project with scripting and Automation What is Python and why Python? Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. ... Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance. Python supports modules and packages, which encourages program modularity and code reuse. What is Python theory? Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. What is the main use of Python? Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. What is special about Python? Python is a general-purpose language, which means it can be used to build just about anything, which will be made easy with the right tools/libraries. Professionally, Python is great for backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. ... Connect with our Python experts now! Where is Python used in real life? The programming language is used globally to design and build 2D imaging software like Inkscape, GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, and Scribus. Also, Python is used in several 3D animation packages such as Blender, Houdini, 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, and Lightwave, to name a few. How is Python used in government? Python is widely-used across financial institutions, whether they are hedge funds, large banks or regulators (see "Government Agencies" section below). ... Salaries and responsibilities vary widely based on the role and whether Python is used for data analysis, web application development or DevOps. Why is Python so popular? More Productive. First and foremost reason why Python is much popular because it is highly productive as compared to other programming languages like C++ and Java. ... Python is also very famous for its simple programming syntax, code readability and English-like commands that make coding in Python lot easier and efficient What are the basic concepts of Python? Basic Data Types - Learn the five types: strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, and integers. Operators - Python operators - basically, ways to do things. Flow Control - By using Boolean expressions, flow control, and loops, you'll learn how to code logic into your program. Will Python be used in the future? Python itself reveals its success story and a promising future ahead. Python programming language is best used for application development, web application or web development, game development, system administration, scientific computing, etc. What is the demand for Python programmers? Python developers are in high demand - not only because the language is so popular and widely used but mostly due to the fact that Python became a solution in many different areas. From web applications to data science and machine learning. However, it is not enough to just master the language itself. What does a Python developer do? Python Developer writes server-side web applications when working as a Web Developer. They also develop various back-end components to connect the web application to web services and more. Basically, a Python Developer develops, deploys, and debugs a project. Are Python developers in demand? Python developers are in high demand - not only because the language is so popular and widely used but mostly due to the fact that Python became a solution in many different areas. From web applications to data science and machine learning.Surprisingly, that might be the easiest step in becoming a Python developer How much does Python developer make? The entry-level Python developer salary in the US is $78,176 a year on average, The average junior Python developer salary is $89,776, The mid-level Python developer salary reaches $$111,896, While the senior Python developer earns $122,093 on average. Why we have to choose NareshIT? • Real Time Trainers • 100% Placement Assistance • Small Training Batch • Flexible Timings • Practical Guidance • Excellent Lab Facility • Resume Preparation • Hands on Experience • Certification Support For Details : • Email Id : • Contact : +91 8179191999 • Website : • REGISTER HERE :

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Washaroo Hand Car Wash

The Washaroo Hand Car Wash does not use brushes or automatic conveyors providing you with the very best quality car wash in Austin for all your needs. We wash and auto detail cars, trucks, and oversized vehicles as well as provide services for fleet accounts. Professionally staffed with over 50 years of experience, the Washaroo aims to create an outstanding experience for you every visit. Come check us out Tel No :- 512-428-9274 Website :- Working Hours :- Mon To Thu - 9AM–5:30PMFri - 8AM–5:30PMSat - 8AM–5:30PMSun - 9AM–5:30PM Washaroo Hand Car Wash - $0.00

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