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Cash, American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card. A valid matching ID is required for credit card purchases. Location at venue: Separate windows at each dedicated Venue Box Office. Hours of Operation: Will Call opens two (2) Hours prior to show-times. Other Information: An ID matching the person picking up the tickets as well as the name on the account, the credit card used to purchase the tickets and an order number are required for pick-up. Greensboro Coliseum Complex website: Greensboro Coliseum Advance Information Line (automated): 336-373-7474 Greensboro Coliseum Administrative Offices: 336-373-7400 Group Sales: 336-373-2632 TDD: 336-333-6930 Advance Box Office Location at venue: An Advance Box Office is located on-site beside the Coliseum Administrative Offices along W Gate City Blvd. just north of Stamey’s BBQ. Advance Box Office Hours of operation: Monday thru Saturday, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm, also open during major event hours. The dedicated facility box offices open 2 hours prior to event show-times. For events where tickets are only available at the door, the box office opens 30 minutes before door openings. Other Box Office Information: A Valid matching ID is required for all credit card purchases at the advance box office. Greensboro Coliseum Complex is committed to meeting the needs of all guests including those that are hearing impaired, physically challenged or mobility impaired. If you require specific ADA seating accommodations, please call the Coliseum ADA Hotline at 336-218-5333. If you need other special assistance, please contact our Guest Services Manager at 336-373-7461. Greensboro Coliseum: Accessible seating is located in all levels of the Coliseum. Odeon Theater: Accessible seating is located in two sections of the Odeon Theater. Special Events Center: Accessible seating is located at the front of most 100 level sections. Visually/Hearing Impaired Seating is available in all venues. Guide dogs are permitted inside Complex facilities. The Coliseum presently maintains FM assistive listening devices which may be obtained from Guest Services. Interpreters: Interpreters are available for the hearing impaired by arranging for a minimum of 10 days prior to an event to ensure proper service and scheduling. Please call the Coliseum Guest Services Manager at 336-373-7461 to request interpreter services. The Coliseum utilizes a TDD line if necessary at 336-333-6930.

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Detroit Red Wings vs. Buffalo Sabres

The Box Office accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and Cash. Box Office Phone Number: (313) 471-7929 The Xfinity Box Office at Little Caesars Arena is open Monday thru Friday, from 11:00am to 5:30pm, and also on Event Days from 11:00am until Intermission.

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Microsoft Information Protection | Mai 2020

Überblick Microsoft Information Protection = AIP + DLP + WIP? Stand von MIP und Entwicklungsausblick Monitoring und Betrieb Deep Dive AIP- und MIP-Clients & 3rd Party Anwendungen Migration zu Unified Labeling Best Practices zu Labeling Hands-On Verwaltung von Labels und Verschlüsselung Labeling aus Nutzer-Perspektive DLP verwalten und nutzen Sichere Kommunikation zwischen zwei Organisationen Voraussetzungen für Hands-On Der Kunde bringt einen Laptop mit, der eine RDP-Verbindung in die Testumgebung aufbauen kann.

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BOUNCE Bon Jovi Tributeband

BOUNCE ist zweifelsohne die authentischste BON JOVI Tribute Band Europas! In den mehr als 10 Jahren ihres Bestehens hat die Band in so ziemlich jedem angesagten Club, jeder Konzerthalle, bei einschlägigen Festivals sowie auf Open Air Shows alles „abgeräumt“: Die Herzen der Zuschauer, zufriedene Gesichter, ekstatische Fangesänge - sprich: Ein restlos begeistertes Publikum... und das in beständiger Besetzung! Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieser energiegeladenen Show ist der charismatische Sänger und Frontmann Olli Henrich. Er steht dem Original in nichts nach und wurde wegen seiner unglaublichen Stimme von der Presse sogar schon als „der bessere Bon Jovi“ gehandelt („so echt klingt noch nicht mal der wirkliche Jon Bon Jovi...“) Der Band geht es nicht darum, als “Double“ oder “Look-alike“ aufzutreten. BOUNCE bringen mit eigener Note und trotzdem originalgetreuen Sounds und Arrangements das nahezu unerschöpfl iche Repertoire aus fast 30 Jahren BON JOVI auf die Bühne: Welthits, die Rockgeschichte geschrieben haben, Rocksongs, die an Power nicht zu überbieten sind, und Balladen, bei denen nahezu jeder Musikliebhaber dahin schmilzt. Vom ersten Hit „Runaway“ über All-Time-Favourites wie “You Give Love A Bad Name”, “Livin’ On A Prayer”, “Keep The Faith”, “Bed Of Roses”, “It’s My Life” oder “Have A Nice Day” bis hin zu aktuelleren Songs wie “We Weren’t Born to Follow” wird wirklich nichts ausgelassen! Mit viel Liebe zum Detail, typischen Posen - die niemals aufgesetzt wirken - und unzähligen Originalinstrumenten erspielen sich BOUNCE nach wie vor einen immer größer werdenden Kreis an Fans, die mitunter mehrere 100 Kilometer Fahrt auf sich nehmen, um die spektakulären Shows von BOUNCE zu erleben. Nicht nur eingefl eischte Bon Jovi Fans attestieren BOUNCE, die “No. 1 Bon Jovi Tribute Band“ zu sein. Viele sind erst wegen BOUNCE zum Bon Jovi Fan geworden...!  LINK:   BOUNCE LINK:   Südbahnhof Musiklokal  !!! ACHTUNG - Keine SITZPLATZGARANTIE !!! 

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REALationships Seminar (February 1, 2020 Saturday, HALF-DAY, Makati)

Once upon a time, I joined a company. I very soon got into odds with a colleague who would always argue with me in meetings. She became an "archenemy" who later became a good friend. A year later, she left our company to migrate. She spent 13 years in the company. I wanted to learn from her so I asked ... "In your 13 years in this company, what's one big lesson you've learned?" She replied: "After all the meetings, proposals, projects, sleepless nights, awards, team buildings, training, parties, bonuses and everything in between ... it all boils down to this: RELATIONSHIPS. "What to do with all the awards if your relationships suck? What to do with all the money if your relationships suck? What to do with your travel adventures if your relationships suck? "If you don't have REAL meaningful relationships at work, with family, in love life, you don't have anything." Words to live by. In this seminar REALationships, we will teach you the specific Life Coaching tools that help our clients have REAL relationships at work, with family and in love life whether present or future. @ Work:  * No career progress * Feel unsupported (feel alone) in handling problems at work * Feeling that your skills/talent/time is under-utilized;  * Feeling unfulfilled;  * Feeling that there's so much more to life than what you're doing day-in, day-out.  * Being stuck, no clear career growth path w/ Family:  * Due to lack of communication, not able to do what I want * Not getting the support I need from my loved ones * Sleepless nights * Something is lacking, feeling unfulfilled * Lack of trust among family members * Fear of being judged by family members in Love Life (whether current or future ... or past!)  * Lack of a fulfilling Love Life * For some, it is the lack of a romantic relationship * For others, it is the lack of Romance in their relationship (Which situation are you in?)  * Lack of companionship * Desire to dream and experience life with a partner who enjoys life life you do Join us and Get REAL! REALationships Seminar: at Work, Family, Lovelife Your Facilitator: Edwin S. Soriano Coach Edwin is the Founder and Head Coach of Winning Coaching. We empower clients through Life Coaching and Training to unleash the best version of yourself.He is a Certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach since 2008, Author of the book: "You Can Be Happy Again - Breakthrough Tips from a Life Coach"

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX & Discover. No Checks accepted at Box Office Will Call is located at main Box Office. Customers can pick up any time/day prior to event (518) 487-2000 Box Office is located on the Market Street side of the venue. From Labor Day to Memorial Day - Hours M-F 10AM -6PM & Sat 10AM - 2PM Summer Hours (from Memorial Day to Labor Day) - Hours : M-Th 10AM - 5PM Closed Fri-Sun This is an accessible venue. Venue is Accessible from Pearl Street Level with escalators and elevators to the concourse level. Venue parking in MVP Arena Garage (behind venue) is accessible via walkway on the 3rd floor of garage.

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Hamilton (Chicago)

The Administrative offices of CIBC Theatre may be reached at (312) 977-1700. There is no public phone number available for the Box Office. The box office cannot take phone orders. To order tickets by phone, please call 800-775-2000. For groups of 20 or more, call (312) 977-1710. Box office hours vary. Please call (312) 977-1700 for the current week's hours. The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. No personal checks, please. Will Call tickets can be picked up at any time during Box Office hours on the day of a show. The customer must present the actual credit card used to make the order, a valid picture ID, and the confirmation number. For wheelchair accessible seating please call the box office at 312-977-1700 ext. 1259. ELEVATOR: There is no elevator access to the dress circle level of the theatre. There is elevator access to the mezzanine and balcony levels. However, once the patron gets to their level, they will need to go up or down stairs as each row is on a different step.

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