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Thank You & the January 2021 Johnson Park Center (JPC) Food Pantry Opening Days/Hours

What: Thank You & the January 2021 Johnson Park Center (JPC) Food Pantry Opening Days/Hours Where: 1404 West Street, NY 13501 Contact: JPC Office 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at (315) 734-9608 Email at: Utica, NY. Thank you to Capraro Technologies, Inc. (CTI), the Community Foundation of Hermiker & Oneida Counties), and all of the donors for financial gifts to the JPC Food Pantry to purchase food for persons in need. You helped us to reach our goal successfully and very quickly. We have closed out this campaign. Thank you again for caring and giving. Below "Rain-Snow or Shine" is the JPC Food Pantry Schedule for January 2021 Opening Days/Hours: Walk-Up: Mon, Jan 4, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 5, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Mon, Jan 11, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 12, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Tue, Jan 19, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm Free Food Giveaway: Drive-Thru on Mon, Jan 25, 2021, from 2 pm to 7 pm Walkers on Tue, Jan 26, 2021, from 3 pm to 6 pm If you have any questions or need additional information, the best way to contact Rev. Ursula Meier, JPC COO & Media Coordinator, is by email: Or call her at (315) 269-8580. Thank you so much for your continual support and Join Positive Change at Johnson Park Center (JPC). -- Rev. Dr. Maria A. Scates, D.D. CEO / Founder JCTOD Outreach, Inc. dba Johnson Park Center (JPC) Utica, NY, 13503-0160, Tel.: (315) 734-9608

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Corso Esperto Risarcimento Danni - Patrocinatore Stragiudiziale (FAD)

ESPERTO RISARCIMENTO DANNI - PATROCINATORE STRAGIUDIZIALE CORSO FAD DI FORMAZIONE ED AVVIAMENTO PROFESSIONALE Il primo corso completo teorico-pratico in Italia per diventare un professionista affermato nel Risarcimento del Danno. PREMESSA Il mondo delle libere professioni ha visto l'affermarsi di nuove figure professionali che offrono molteplici opportunità a studi professionali che vogliono incrementare i loro servizi in aree affini al loro business, oppure a chiunque aspiri ad intraprendere un'attività in proprio con pochissimo investimento di risorse economiche e di capitali.  Una figura che non risente della situazione attuale di crisi economica rispetto le numerose categorie di professionisti e/o imprese, quella del Patrocinatore Stragiudiziale, uno specialista che fornisce servizi di consulenza tecnico-legale stragiudiziale, in favore di chiunque abbia subito danni e che intenda essere assistito e tutelato per conseguirne il giusto risarcimento nei confronti delle compagnie assicurative o di terzi.   INFORMAZIONI: Il Video Corso qui descritto è il primo in Italia nell’ambito a proporre un’offerta formativa completa sotto il profilo tecnico, pratico e di supporto all’implementazione dell’attività  immediatamente, alzando di molto lo standard di qualità pur mantenendo prezzi di mercato. Si conviene quindi una valida ed innovativa opportunità di sviluppo e formazione personale e professionale in Italia. MODALITA’: Il Corso viene seguito in differita attraverso piattaforma digitale e può essere seguito anche soltanto a moduli di interesse per professionisti che vogliono migliorare la loro specializzazione in determinate materie.   OBIETTIVI -       Per il cliente: Diventare un consulente nel settore dell’infortunistica stradale e privata. Una valida opportunità per incrementare l’attività per professionisti in settori affini, per giovani in cerca d’occupazione o coloro che vogliono lanciarsi in un’attività autonoma stimolante. -       Dal corso: Trasmettere informazioni tecniche, pratiche ed operative subito applicabili nel lavoro quotidiano sulla base della pluriennale esperienza dei docenti specializzati ed attivi nella professione del risarcimento del danno.   DESTINATARI DEL CORSO - Lavoratori autonomi e/o Liberi Professionisti che intendono ampliare le proprie conoscenze e competenze al fine di offrire ulteriori servizi di consulenza in favore dei propri clienti (studi professionali, carrozzieri, trasportatori e consorzi di autotrasporti ecc.) - Disoccupati, Neolaureati/Laureati che vogliono avviarsi alla nuova professione di Patrocinatore Stragiudiziale e diventare imprenditore.  - Dipendenti e collaboratori di imprese, società e associazioni - qualificare il proprio curriculum personale per proporsi come collaboratore e/o dipendente qualificato    IL CORSO “PATROCINATORE STRAGIUDIZIALE – esperto risarcimento danni” Partecipando al corso di Patrocinatore Stragiudiziale non ascolterai solo lezioni teoriche, ma avrai l’opportunità di confrontarti con professionisti di esperienza e su casi pratici: Imparerai le varie norme giuridiche, tecnico-peritali e medico-legali attinenti il Risarcimento Danni causati da: Incidenti Stradali, Infortuni sul Lavoro, Malasanità e altro; Imparerai come gestione il cliente dalla firma del mandato fino alla definizione della pratica Imparerai come fare le convenzioni e creare partnership; Imparerai a promuovere questa tipologia di servizi attraverso tecniche di marketing; Imparerai come pubblicizzarsi sul web;   Il corso si articola in ore teoriche e consigli pratici, dove ogni partecipante avrà l’opportunità di  avere  una visione chiara e immediata. Il percorso include anche un Tutor di 6 mesi che lo affiancherà durante il percorso iniziale della propria attività.   PROGRAMMA DEL CORSO Modulo 1 - Area Giuridica Modulo 2 -  Area Medica Modulo 3 - Area Tecnica Modulo 4 -  Operatività Modulo 5-  Area marketing e comunicazione AL TERMINE DEL CORSO VERRA’ RILASCIATO: Attestato di formazione e qualifica di Patrocinatore Stragiudiziale; Chiavetta con materiale e slide del corso; FORMATORI : Il corso viene erogato da professionisti specializzati in ambito giuridico, tecnico peritali, medico,  infortunistica stradale e in comunicazione/marketing.      COSA AVRAI IMPARATO AL TERMINE DEL CORSO Una volta completata la parte teorica e pratica, avrai imparato:   Come aprire una Agenzia ed iniziare fin da subito la propria attività Come aprire i sinistri e come gestire l’iter del risarcimento dei danni Come interagire e trattare con gli ispettorati liquidativi Come creare le partnership con gli studi medici, studi legali, peritali, officine ed altro Come gestire fin da subito le relazioni tra il cliente (assistenza) e la controparte (trattazione) Avrai imparato le basi giuridiche, tecniche e mediche nell’ambito della propria attività di consulente Come  creare delle convenzioni (es. Enti – Associazioni – Imprese ecc..) per incrementare il flusso di potenziali clienti Come gestire il marketing e la comunicazione dello studio e/o di questi servizi;   Per informazioni e iscrizioni: Tel. 02 84560055 -   Nota Bene: E’ possibile frequentare anche solo i moduli di interesse quindi a scelta, in questo caso pagando solo le ore effettive di formazione dei moduli appunto indicati.   PREZZI DI LISTINO € 1.590,00 +iva Corso di formazione ed avviamento    PREZZO ALL-INCLUSIVE - IN PROMOZIONE: € 990,00 + iva  Pagamenti: 30% all’ordine – saldo entro l'inizio del corso     CONTATTI Per informazioni e iscrizioni: Tel. 02 84560055 -   Il Corso è organizzato da Impulse Team in collaborazione con esperti di risarcimento danni, agenzia di marketing e comunicazione con sede a Milano che si occupa di organizzazione eventi, comunicazione ed organizzazione corsi di formazione.

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Cleveland Browns vs. Washington Redskins

Box Office accepts Visa, cash and money order. Visa is a proud sponsor of the NFL and the Cleveland Browns, and is the only card now accepted by the Browns. Available for pickup after 9:00am on gameday at the ticket office will call windows located on the South side of the Stadium. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number, and photo ID. (888) 891-1999 (toll free)(440) 891-5050 Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Opens 9:00am on game day WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Available through TM HEARING IMPAIRED: Assistive listening devices are available at any Guest Services booth located on all levels of the Stadium. A valid drivers license and/or major credit card will need to be utilized as a deposit for the equipment. ELEVATOR ACCESS: Elevator service is provided for our guests who require use of an elevator to access their seating area.

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RIBA South-South East (Reading) - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: policy, strategy and delivery in business

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: policy, strategy and delivery in business Diversity and Inclusion relies on the principle of equity, is underpinned by legislation and delivers social and business value. This interactive seminar will enhance your understanding of ED&I whilst also providing greater awareness of its legal and business case and will help you identify tools to review and update your strategy and discuss initiatives for impact.     This session will provide an introductory overview which will enable you to make a difference within the context of both small and large organisations. Providing an improved understanding of the tripartite nature - knowledge, behavior and attitude, you will be able to explore and prioritise actions and identify a pathway to measurable and sustained improvement. In detail, this seminar will discuss:   UK Equalities legislation; the implication for individuals and businesses  Business value and wider benefits  Inclusive leadership  Assessing your context  Unconscious Bias  Formulating a strategy   Policies  Difficult conversations and workplace culture    Speaker: Teri Okoro, TOCADr Teri Okoro is director of TOCA, a design and project management consultancy. Dual qualified as an architect and chartered project professional, she is a fellow of both RIBA and APM, the Chartered Body for the Project Profession. Teri sits on the Diversity and Inclusion Panel of the Construction Industry Council and has over twenty years’ experience of leading on diversity and inclusion in practice and strategically at board level. An inclusion influencer and strategic change advocate, she authored APM’s thought leadership paper on diversity and inclusion as well as writing and presenting extensively in the UK and internationally.      Core Curriculum Topics Architecture for social purpose Business, clients and services Legal, regulatory and statutory compliance Terms and Conditions (PAYG)  Cancellations are acceptable in writing up to 10 working days of the event, please contact regional office for cancellation requests Substitutes are permitted at any time*, please contact regional office for substitution requests If the RIBA has to postpone or cancel the event the booker is entitled to a full refund of the ticket price only, no compensation will be given for travel costs We may contact you regarding future CPD events The RIBA accepts no responsibility for the views or opinions expressed by speakers or any other person at the event A photographer will cover this event and the images may be used to publicise future RIBA events By accepting an invitation or purchasing a ticket you consent to being photographed, filmed or recorded as a visitor attending the event.  On entry to the event you agree to accept and abide by any venue rules The RIBA reserves the right to refuse admission to any ticket holder The details you provide will be processed in line with the RIBA's GDPR obligations. For information on how we handle your personal data please see our Privacy Policy. on The personal data you provide is managed via Eventbrite in order to provide a better service. The RIBA staff process the data at all times * Non-members cannot substitute for a member and/or student ticket

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Enterprise Architecture 101_ 4 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: This is a practical Course for working in the EA industry. Using a realistic case-study the learners get to know the Enterprise Architecture Processes laid out in the TOGAF 9 or 9.1 from Vision to completed Technology Architecture. Because it is impossible to be sure that disparate groups have common knowledge of any architecture tool, the workshop depends on manual skills, supported by BYOD technology. Thus the Course is focussed primarily on the Organization and Processes of two interactive EA projects and Learning what the correct descriptive artifacts might be in different circumstances.   The action of the learners is facilitated by a suitably experienced instructor who guides and pushes the progress – and acts as mentoris in loco for assumptions. The end result is a thorough appreciation of all the aspects of the TOGAF EA Process by all the specialists so that each can appreciate the necessary value-add from the other sub-disciplines to create a holistic outcome.  The advantages of, for example, astute stakeholder Management are explored amongst other techniques and guidelines. Much of the knowledge gained is implied by the actuality of conducting the exercise.  The Course does NOT consider TOGAF Phases E, F, G, H beyond discussing whether or not the Architectural Product is viable a basis for development and how to remedy if it is not.  Course Topics: ●     Preliminary Phase ●     Inputs ●     Steps ●     Artefacts ●     Outputs ●     Vision Phase ●     Inputs ●     Steps ●     Artefacts ●     Outputs ●     Business Architecture ●     Inputs ●     Steps ●     Artefacts ●     Outputs ●     IS Architecture ●     Inputs ●     Steps ●     Artefacts ●     Outputs ●     Technology Architecture ●     Inputs ●     Steps ●     Artefacts ●     Outputs ●     Phase E, F, G ●     Processes ●     Methods ●     Integration with 3rd Parties ●     Expectations  Learning goals: ●     Practical Enterprise Architecture ●     TOGAF as a practical methodology ●     aspects of tooling and required knowledge ●     The Architecture stage of the Project cycle ●     ways and means of engendering sufficient architecture ●     the intrinsic Risk profile of EA  Course Agenda: Pre-Course Reading Case Study Preparation notices  Day 1 ●     Preliminary ●     Vision ●     Business Architecture 1 Day 2 ●     Business Architecture 2 ●     IS Architecture 1 Day 3 ●     IS Architecture 2 ●     Technology Architecture Day 4 ●     Phases E,F,G ●     Wrap up  Who Can Attend?  ●     Professionals setting out on a career in EA ●     Practical EAs who are moving their game up a notch ●     MBA graduates et alia who are seeking to methodologic aspects of business Process ●     Recent TOGAF trainees who seek to put TOGAF into use in their company ●     Sales support staff of integrators and outsourcers ●     Line Management of companies seeking to outsource (sub-)Processes ●     Line Management of companies seeking to re-inhouse previous errors ●     IT and IS practitioners who wish to better support their businesses ●     Exec and Line managers about to embark on substantive business/Process change/upgrade ●     Business Process engineers who seek to broaden their appreciation of Process change ●     Operational staff who need to appreciate the shape of the Process structures

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East Conf Qtrs: Hawks at Celtics Rd 1 Hm Gm 2

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Boston Bruins vs. Los Angeles Kings

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Big Four Alumni - 四大老友会 入会申请 New Membership Application

Dear Sir / Madam 你无法想象一群人在办公桌前长期做到凌晨,不断地讨论,还可以欢快地聊天,大家朝着一个目标努力的那种执着是如此的珍贵。 加入“澳大利亚中国四大老友会”,结交知己、分享经验,齐迈进。 欢迎广大在澳大利亚生活的  曾任职 、  在职、及 intern  的  四大会计师事务所  中国背景同事参加。 We welcome you to join ACBF as an ordinary member if you wish.   Please fill in information following procedures after you click "register". The application is free of charge. By filling in such information, it serves as evidence of application and your consent to be a member of ACBF.  We will put you onto the Register of Members under Corporations Act 2001 and allocate a member number to you If you have any questions, please email to   Thanks and look forward to your involvement!   Regards Australia China Big Four Alumni (ACBF)

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