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Cassandra Training in Tokyo | Cassandra Training | Introduction to Cassandra Training for Beginners | Getting Started with Cassandra| January 11, 2020 – February 2, 2020

Cassandra training is a 16 hours long LIVE Instructor-led training delivered from January 11 - February 2, 2020 over 4 weekends, 8 sessions, 2 sessions per weekend, 2 hours per session. Cassandra Training Overview Cassandra training course is designed to help you master the key concepts of Apache Cassandra including Architecture, features, Data Model, and its Administration. During this Cassandra course, you will learn how to install, configure, and monitor Cassandra. You will also learn about its integration with other Apache frameworks like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka. Weekly Schedule 4 weekends | Saturday and Sunday every weekend 7:30 - 9:30 AM US Pacific time each day January 11 - February 2, 2020 US Pacific time Please check your local date and time for first session Features and Benefits 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 16 hours of total Instructor-led LIVE training Training material, instructor handouts and access to useful resources on the cloud provided Practical Hands on Lab exercises provided Actual code and scripts provided Real-life Scenarios What are the Objectives of the Course ? Creating Sample Application in Cassandra Configuring, Reading and Writing Data in Cassandra Integrating Cassandra with Hadoop Cassandra Data Model Cassandra Environment Understanding Cassandra Architecture Who should take this course? IT Professionals looking for a career in Cassandra IT Developers Testing professionals Those looking to refresh their Cassandra skills Analyst/Researcher Project Managers Course Outline  1. What is Big Data Technology Landscape Big Data Relevance Distributed Systems and Challenges 2. Why NoSQL Databases Relational DB vs. NoSQL Type of NoSQL Databases NoSQL Landscape CAP Theorem and Eventual Consistency Key Characteristics of NoSQL Database systems ACID vs BASE 3. Cassandra Fundamentals Distributed and Decentralized Elastic Scalability High Availability and Fault Tolerance Tuneable Consistency Row-Oriented Schema-Free High Performance 4. The Cassandra Data Model The Relational Data Model A Simple Introduction Clusters Keyspaces Hands-on Session 5. Installation and Setup of Cassandra Single Node Setup Multi-Node Cluster Setup Key Configurations for Cassandra CLI and Hands-On with Cassandra 6. Cassandra Modeling Cassandra (Column Family NoSQL DB) Key Concepts – Key Space – Column Family – Column Family Options – Wide Rows, Skinny Row – Column Sorting – Super Columns – Counter Column Family – Composite Keys and Columns – Time To Live – Secondary Indexes in Cassandra Difference between Custom Indexes and Secondary Indexes Difference between Relational Modeling and Cassandra Modeling Key Points to note while modeling a Cassandra Database Patterns and Anit-Patterns in Cassandra Modeling 7. Cassandra Architecture & Intro to CQL Anatomy of Reading operation in Cassandra Anatomy of the Write operation in Cassandra How is Deletes handled in Cassandra System Keyspace Peer to Peer Model Logical Data Model: Keyspace, Column Family/Table, Rows, Columns Traditional Ring design vs. VNodes Partitioners: Murmer3, Random (md5) and ByteOrdered Gossip and Failure Detection Anti-Entropy and Read Repair Memtables, SSTables and Commit Log Compaction fundamentals to reduce SSTable data files Hinted Handoff Compaction Bloom Filters, Tombstones Managers and Services VNodes Indexes and Caches Coordinator node Seed nodes Write/Read consistency levels: Any, One, Two, Three, Quorum Snitches: Dynamic snitching, Simple Snitch, Rack Inferring Snitch, Property File Snitch, Gossiping Property File Snitch Routing Client requests Nodetool commands: gossipinfo, cfstats, describing YAML file fundamentals Operations management web GUI Stress testing Cassandra CQL command fundamentals 8. Cassandra API Key concepts for Reading and Write in Cassandra Tunable Consistency Simple-Get, Multi-get Slice Range and Slice Slice Predicate Delete Hands-on CLI commands 9. Cassandra CQSHL SQL over Cassandra Composite Keys Hands-on examples on CQL 3.0 10. Cassandra Clients How to establish Client Connections Thrift Client Connection Pooling Auto-discovery and Failover in Hector Client with CQL 11. Cassandra Monitoring and Administration Tuning Cassandra Backup and Recovery methods Balancing Bootstrapping Node Tools Commands Upgrades Monitoring critical metrics Bulk Loading Data to Cassandra Bulk Export of Data from Cassandra Hands-on Examples for each of them 12. Cassandra Analytics and Search Clusters Cassandra Hadoop Integration Integration of Solr with Cassandra Search Query on Cassandra

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Boston Bruins vs. Tampa Bay Lightning

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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40th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-40)

40th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-40) is a festival for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of engineering, technology, applied science and more under multiple sub-themes. Selected articles have opportunities to publish in associated Scopus indexed journals. Respected authors are invited to submit abstracts/full papers/posters which have not been submitted in other conferences. Multiculturalism and perspectives are respected and appreciated in ETAS conferences. AASE anticipate that these conferences will challenge how you look at your researches and find inspirations under a friendly and supportive environment. NOW, take chances to present and publish your researches in international academic journals.  

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Shania Twain "Let's Go!" - The Las Vegas Residency

Cash and All Major Credit Cards Must have photo ID & credit card used to purchase tickets when picking up will call tickets 1-855-234-7469 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+) 10:00am - 8:00pm (show nights vary) Accessible ramps to orchestra & mezzanine sections; Elevator service to balcony

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Sponsor a Food Stand

Would you like to help support Food is Free Solano? We are currently recruiting for our new Sponsor a Food Stand program.Sponsors would pledge to help stock, organize, and clean a certain stand for a period of time. For example,Scout Troop 555 would like to sponsor the West K stand for the month of September. They will bring food by (at least 2 times per week), pick up any litter, and organize any items on the shelves so the stand looks it's best. How will they get the food to stock the stand?They could have a food drive to get food for the stand, or a bake sale to raise funds to purchase food.This is a great way to connect with your neighborhood stand. Sponsoring your nearby Food is Free Solano stand will help us reach even more people in our communities. 430 West K Street, Benicia - $0.00 St. Dom's,935 East 5th, Benicia - $0.00 St. Paul's, 120 East J, Benicia - $0.00 Pups N Purrz, 422 First St, Benicia - $0.00 294 Military East, Benicia - $0.00 754 Barton Way, Benicia - $0.00 813 Carsten Way, Bneicia - $0.00 500 Block of Lansing Circle, Benicia - $0.00 33 Corte Dorado, Benicia - $0.00 481 Camellia Ct. Benicia - $0.00 504 Capital Drive, Benicia - $0.00 Robert Semple, 2015 East 3rd St., Benicia - $0.00 Grove Circle, Benicia - $0.00 2141 Warwick Dr., Benicia - $0.00 93 Crawford Way, American Canyon - $0.00 1232 Missouri St., Fairfield - $0.00 409 Nevada St., Vallejo - $0.00 2118 Griffin, Vallejo - $0.00 901 Magazine St., Vallejo - $0.00 Mini and Corcoran, Vallejo - $0.00 1585 Fulton, Glen Cove, Vallejo - $0.00 1224 Alabama St., Vallejo - $0.00 Taper Drive at Fairground, Vallejo - $0.00 2140 Union Ave., Fairfield - $0.00 925 Locust Dr., Vallejo - $0.00 646 Claremont Drive, Vacaville - $0.00 1631 San Carlos St., Fairfield - $0.00 1305 Hillview, Dixon - $0.00 32 Frey Place, Vallejo - $0.00 2128 Lusitano Drive, Fairfield - $0.00 1406 Michigan St., Fairfiled - $0.00

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Corso Social Media Management

Il corso Social Media Management offre tutte le competenze necessarie per un utilizzo professionale dei principali social media. Ai partecipanti verranno trasmesse le conoscenze tecniche e strategiche per essere in grado di gestire le pagine social di aziende e brand o del proprio personal branding. Verranno spiegate le operazioni concrete per migliorare l’interazione con gli utenti, aumentare la visibilità e raccontare la storia di un’azienda, un prodotto o un progetto. Nel corso verranno trattati in maniera pratica e interattiva 4 social media: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter Per ciascun canale si analizzeranno le dinamiche, le funzioni, le opportunità per l’utilizzo professionale, la lettura delle analisi di traffico e di interazione, lo sviluppo della linea editoriale e dei contenuti più adatti. Infine, poiché i social sono anche e soprattutto dei “paid media”, si analizzeranno le piattaforme di gestione delle campagne sponsorizzate. FORMAT DEL CORSO SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Il 50% del corso sarà svolto tramite lezione frontale e il restante 50% in modalità laboratorio: i partecipanti potranno svolgere le attività richieste avendo un riscontro in diretta. OBIETTIVI DEL CORSO SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT Imparare a utilizzare i social media in maniera professionale, partendo dalle diverse strategie e imparando a gestire gli strumenti a disposizione con tecniche e tattiche in funzione degli obiettivi. COSA IMPARERAI Al termine del corso i partecipanti avranno un quadro completo (strategico e pratico) sull’utilizzo dei social media in funzione dei diversi obiettivi come ottenere maggiori visite al sito, brand awareness, portare i lettori ad un’azione specifica (call to action), utilizzare i social come canale d’ascolto, sensibilizzare le persone su una tematica di interesse. Argomenti del corso Social Media Management Facebook apertura e gestione della pagina aziendale differenze tra pagina azienda e profilo persona creazione e pubblicazione dei contenuti strategie e pratica per l’aumento dell’interazione con gli utenti e dell’indicizzazione dirette e stories su Facebook organizzare eventi su Facebook potenziare e usare in modo strategico le recensioni lettura strategica degli insights (analisi del traffico e delle interazioni) uso di FB Messenger Facebook ADS come creare una campagna pubblicitaria a pagamento quale tipologia di annuncio scegliere ottenere il massimo dalla profilazione del pubblico come creare un pubblico personalizzato Instagram apertura e gestione di Instagram for business video, fotografia e grafica (pre e post produzione) – programmi per potenziare i contenuti su Instagram stories, dirette e altre modalità di interazione campagne a pagamento migliorare il tasso di engagement (commenti, like e interazioni) lettura strategica degli insights (analisi del traffico e delle interazioni) utilizzo efficace dei Direct Message Linkedin come definire la tua strategia su LinkedIn generare fiducia per ottenere contatti come ottenere reputazione nel tuo settore utilizzare gli strumenti interni ed esterni per ottenere dati LinkedIn aziendale: tecniche e strategie per vendere Twitter come creare un profilo su Twitter Twitter: il microblogging perfetto per il marketing sviluppare le interazioni sviluppo dei contenuti adatti più adatti al canale, linea editoriale campagne a pagamento che funzionano lettura strategica degli analytics per analisi del traffico e delle interazioni L’attività del Social Media Manager Social Media Manager: come organizzare il lavoro tecniche per comunicare efficacemente sui social network l’importanza del piano editoriale come gestire più social network contemporaneamente con la social media automation DOCENTE: Mafrtina Ricci Gori ISCRIZIONI A QUESTO LINK: Al termine del corso verrà inviato il materiale didattico e l'attestato di partecipazione. Possibilità, per chi è giornalista, di ottenere 8 crediti per la Formazione Professionale Continua iscrivendosi al corso anche sulla piattaforma Sigef (sezione “Corsi Enti Terzi”).  FAQ A chi si rivolge in particolare il corso?Il corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che vogliono conoscere come utilizzare in maniera corretta i principali social media per migliorare il traffico sul proprio sito. Come arrivare al luogo dove si svolge il corso? Quali sono le opzioni di trasporto/parcheggio per l'evento?Clicca qui per scoprire come arrivare Cosa posso portare all'evento?Il proprio computer portatile (da collegare al wi-fi della sala) per partecipare alle esercitazioni pratiche. Come posso contattare l'organizzatore per eventuali domande?Tramite la mail oppure al 349 7088356 Qual è la politica di rimborso?In caso di disdetta anticipata rimborso totale del prezzo pagato a prezzo pieno se la comunicazione arriva entro 7 giorni dalla data del corso. Altrimenti possibilità di utilizzo della quota versata per un altro dei corsi di Primopiano.

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