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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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January - February Exhibits @ Art Works!

New exhibits and 80 artist studios open to the public Tuesday - Sunday 12-5 pm. Admissions is free. 18th Annual Simply Photography Exhibit Photographers get an opportunity to showcase their signature photographs in this juried show. Photography of all types including traditional, digital, manipulated and photographic mixed-media are allowed. This exhibit will be juried by Jeffrey Allison, the Paul Mellon Collection educator at VMFA and a professional photographer. The exhibit will be in the main gallery. Call for entries is December 15, 2020 - January 13, 2021. Submit your entries through our online form. There are cash prizes. Check our website for details on submitting your artwork. Camera Club of Richmond Exhibit ‌ This exhibit of award winning photography will be in the Centre Gallery at Art Works. The Camera Club of Richmond’s mission is to pursue excellence in photography. CCR accomplishes this mission through monthly meetings, group activities, educational seminars, image evaluations, photography exhibitions, and competitions. Since 1932, the Club has offered instruction, mentoring, and camaraderie to members to help them advance their photographic skills. All experience levels are welcome. Throughout COVID, CCR has transitioned their monthly meetings (2nd Wednesday of each month) and their many other seminars, to a virtual format. To learn more about CCR, visit their website. Eternity Concepts by Xexilia O. Shadows Xexilia O. Shadows This exhibit is the illustrative works of Eternity Concepts, the passion project of Xexilia O. Shadows. They depict various moods, emotions, and contain cryptic messages therein. Xexilia began producing and showing art at the VFMA in her youth with traditional media such as drawing and painting; Today, she mainly relies on digital art production due to accessibility. The constant themes explored in her work are love, tragedy, quantum mechanics, the otherworldly, religion, magic, morality, human rights equality, and human nature. She uses art to communicate her thoughts most clearly, as severe dyslexia has made it difficult to explain her views verbally. Instead, a picture is worth more than a thousand words in her world. It can be an entire novel. Long influenced by comics, Xexilia branched in Japanese comics (commonly called manga) in 1996, feeling that the typical format and stories of these comics better worked for the stories she wanted to tell--which were a far cry from American superhero comics or newspaper strips. Today, in addition to being a showcased artist, Xexilia is also a published author in a variety of subjects, namely non-fiction research of paranormal events. Working in the genre of New Adult, her work is beloved by teenagers and adults alike, and often features cautionary tales and examples Xexilia sees as pitfalls of life. Her goal is to always leave the viewer or reader better than before they found her work, to expand their minds and cause them to reconsider themselves, old beliefs, and the world inside and around them. She originally began publishing her works online in 1998 and is considered a legacy or retro webcomic artist.

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East Conf Qtrs: TBD at Celtics Rd 1 Hm Gm 1

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Corso base per il marketing dell’autoriparazione

Destinatari: Tutte le imprese della riparazione indipendente e i responsabili della gestione dei network distribuzione ricambi. Obiettivi: Per molti operatori il marketing e la comunicazione sono ancora elementi di forte criticità, in un periodo caratterizzato da grandi evoluzioni tecnologiche. Questo corso BASE fornisce l’ABC del Marketing per l’officina, ovvero le attività di base per essere visibili internamente ed all’esterno, e per trarre vantaggio nell’era digitale da semplici azioni di marketing “tradizionale”. FCAR SRL

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Silvester 2019 - Big Red Hot Night of Swing

Big Red Hot Night of Swing - Ein eleganter Gala-Abend zu Silvester The Red Light Jazz Society & The Westin Grand München laden zur Silvester Gala 2019 ein.So fühlt sich der Jahreswechsel gut an:Schweben Sie auf dem großzügigen Tanzparkett des Ballsaals zu bestem Big-Band-Sound mit der Red Light JazzSociety ins Neue Jahr. Sie sind „in the mood“ für außergewöhnliche Tafelfreuden? Dann steht für Sie ein opulentes Buffet mit raffinierten Speisen bereit. Mit einem Glas Champagner und einem zauberhaften Feuerwerk starten wir beschwingt ins Jahr 2020. Silvester Galabuffet inklusive Aperitif, Hauswein, Bier, Softgetränken, Wasser, Kaffee- und Teespezialitäten  (Getränke inklusive bis 00:00 Uhr) 19:00 Uhr Cocktail-Empfang mit Flying-Gourmethäppchen im Ballsaal Foyer 19:30 Uhr Einlass in den Ballsaal 20:00 Silvester Buffet im Ballsaal ▪▪▪▪▪▪ Vorspeise (serviert) Cocktail von der Rot-Garnele Avocado / Limonen Kaviar / Lakritz Kresse ▪▪▪▪▪▪ Gala-Buffet Zweierlei Austern Fine de Claire Austern auf Eis / Garnituren / Chesterbrot Fine de Claire Austern Rockefeller / Babyspinat / Sauce Mornay   Sushi, Maki & Sashimi / Ingwer / Wasabi /  Sojasauce   Wildlachs „Label Rouge“ mit seinen Variationen Tatar / Terrine / Gebeizt & Geräuchert   Carpaccio & Tatar  vom Rinderfilet / Avocado Crème / Wachtel Ei   Burrata / Orangen / Feldsalat / Pinienkerne   Gebratener Wilder Broccoli / Urkarotte / Mini Kürbis Serrano Schinken / Foccaccia Sticks   Salate im Glas   Apfel – Sellerie Salat / Enten Brust / Cashew Nüsse Tai Spargel Salat / Lachswürfel / Kresse Rindfleisch – Papaya Salat / Edamame / Sprossen ▪▪▪▪▪▪ Suppe Hokkaido Kürbissuppe Kokosmilch / Ingwer / Jakobsmuschel   ▪▪▪▪▪▪ Hauptgang vom Buffet an Live Stationen  Hummer Thermidor & Jakobsmuschel Thai Spargel   Rinder & Kalbsfilet im Wildkräutermantel   Rote Beete Püree / Kenia Bohnen / Wilder Broccoli / Rotwein Glace   Asiatische Wok Gerichte Garnele / Huhn / Tofu  / Basmati Reis   Tortelloni Michelangelo – Burrata Trüffel Perlage / gebratener Buchenpilz / Birne ▪▪▪▪▪▪  Dessert vom Buffet an Live Stationen Köstliches & kreatives aus der der The Westin Grand Patisserie Erlesene Käse vom Tölzer Kasladen Feigensenf/ Gourmetbrot / Trauben / Nüsse ▪▪▪▪▪▪ Mitternacht Champagner zum Anstoßen und großes Feuerwerk vor dem Hotel Ofenfrische Leberkäse-Semmel Neujahrskrapfen Dresscode:Black Tie & Glamour - vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Tanzschuhe! Kinder unter 6 Jahren kostenfreiKinder 6-12 Jahre 50%

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash Located in the Box Office, near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. (973) 757-6000 The Prudential Center Box Office is located inside the arena near the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place. Guests can enter from the corner of Mulberry Street and Edison Place, next to the Investors Bank Tower. Box Office hours are 11AM to 6PM Monday-Friday and closed on Saturday and Sunday with the exception of weekend events, where the Box Office opens at 11AM. Please visit for more information. Accessible seating is available through Ticketmaster. Please call 800-877-7575 or visit to purchase accessible seating.

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Preparing For Great Sleep for You and Your Baby (BUCKTOWN)

Dr. Daniel Weissbluth has been helping families with their children's sleep ever since becoming a pediatrician. He is the coauthor of "Sleep Consult" with his father, Dr. Marc Weissbluth and he consults families from all over the world on this topic. One of our Providers will teach expectant parents how to lay the groundwork for creating healthy sleep habits starting from the moment the infant arrives at home. We will review, how to prepare the nursery, safe sleep environment, the newborn’s sleep “landscape”, and debunk popular parenting myths. This class is intended for pregnant women. Because space is limited, please obtain one ticket for each expectant parent. FOR A COMPLETE SCHEDULE OF ALL WEISSBLUTH PEDIATRICS FREE CLASSES & EVENTS, PLEASE VISIT:

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"Exploration" Art Exhibit at BIG ARTS

Members of the Sanibel-Captiva Art League are proud to present their 45th Annual Juried Art Show (“Exploration”) in concert with the Art Council of SW Florida. This eclectic, multi-media exhibit will occupy the Dunham Family Gallery of BIG ARTS at 900 Dunlop Rd. in Sanibel, from December 17, 2020, through January 31, 2021. Hours for viewing are Tu-F, 10-4pm, and Sundays, 9-1pm. The gallery show will also be available as a virtual exhibit starting December 21, 2020. Each year, the Annual Juried Show features innovative art works with subjects both abstract and representational, covering themes both unusual and familiar. Working in a variety of media, including two- and three-dimensional pieces, some of the best artists in Florida have produced works to delight and intrigue the viewer. Plan to explore this exceptional exhibit of original art created by members of the San-Cap Art League and the Art Council of SW Florida. Educator, writer, popular presenter, juror and artist Barbara Anderson Hill is the judge for this show. A resident of Sanibel during the 1970s and 80s, Hill was one of the founders of BIG ARTS. She owned and operated a pottery school on the island and was adjunct professor at Edison Community College, now Florida Southwestern. Hill has held numerous key positions at art and cultural institutions including grants and major gifts manager for the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, and executive director of the Edison-Ford Winter Estates Foundation, Fort Myers. For more information about “Exploration,” visit and

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