Microsoft Information Protection = AIP + DLP + WIP?
Stand von MIP und Entwicklungsausblick
Monitoring und Betrieb
Deep Dive
AIP- und MIP-Clients & 3rd Party Anwendungen
Migration zu Unified Labeling
Best Practices zu Labeling
Verwaltung von Labels und Verschlüsselung
Labeling aus Nutzer-Perspektive
DLP verwalten und nutzen
Sichere Kommunikation zwischen zwei Organisationen
Voraussetzungen für Hands-On
Der Kunde bringt einen Laptop mit, der eine RDP-Verbindung in die Testumgebung aufbauen kann.
All sales must be done in advance online.
WILL CALL is no longer accepted at the Box Office. All tickets are digital and must be managed that way.
For more information you can also go to Ball Arena website, www.BallArena.com.
The Box Office will open 90 minutes prior to the event start time.
Ball Arena is committed to providing every Guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience in the arena, including Guests with disabilities. Wheelchair and accessible seating tickets and companion seating is available for purchase in each of the wheelchair seating sections.
The Box Office accepts cash only for Chicago Bears games. Soldier Field games accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash.
Chicago Bears events: Tickets may be picked up at the Will Call Window outside of Gate 10, 2 hours before the event. Gate 10 is located on the southeast side of Soldier Field. Customers must have the actual credit card, picture ID and the confirmation number to receive their tickets. Soldier Field events: Will Call is available on the day of the event only. Government issued photo i.d. and the credit card used for the purchase will be required to claim tickets. Typically will call opens 90 minutes to an hour before the scheduled event.
For non Bears events please call (312) 235-7000
Chicago Bears ticket office is available by phone Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. The Soldier Field Box Office is open only on game days, their phone number is (312) 235-7000.
Accessible Seating Information for Chicago Bears games: For Chicago Bears accessible seating please purchase the best available seating and contact the Chicago Bears at 847-615-2327 for an exchange after purchase is complete. Accessible Seating Information for Other Soldier Field events: Accessible seating is available through Ticketmaster. Do NOT contact the Chicago Bears for accessible seating information on non-Bears events at Soldier Field
Crypto.com Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up.
Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.
KOTLIN/Everywhere is a global series of community-led events - supported by Google and JetBrains - where you can learn more about Kotlin, including using it in Android, Google Cloud Platform, and multi-platform development.Event is Free.How to Prepare for the event :Bring your laptop with IntelliJ Community Edition and Android Studio installed.
Presenting Dark Sense, a collection of dark, mysterious, haunting and/or monochrome art made by local artists.
Some art will be hung in our large windows and may be viewed curbside, purchased and available for safe curbside pickup during open hours.
SHOW DATES: October 3-17
--October 3: 6-9pm (OPENING NIGHT)
Please check our website or Facebook page for updates and additional dates and times.
Stel, je wilt iets regisseren? Je hebt een idee. Je hebt verschillende ideeën, maar je weet niet hoe te kiezen. Je inspiratie kan een film, een boek, een foto zijn. Of het gesprek aan de ontbijttafel van die ochtend. Hoe zet je dit om naar een theaterscène? We vertrekken voor deze cursus van jouw idee. Dit werk je uit onder coaching van de regiedocent. Je leert concreet ideeën om te zetten naar de scène met of zonder spelers.Basistechnieken zijn mise en scène, decorwissels, lichttechnieken …Je gebruikt vooral je verbeelding onder het motto alles kan!
11, 25/01 & 08, 22/02/202010:00 > 17:00€ 75 / € 60 (leden OPENDOEK)In samenwerking met Opendoek en Wisper
Suppose you want to direct something? You have an idea. You have different ideas, but you don't know how to choose. Your inspiration can be a film, a book, a photo. Or the conversation at the breakfast table that morning. How do you convert this to a theater scene? For this course we start from your idea. You work this out under the coaching of the director. You learn to convert concrete ideas to the scene with or without players.Basic techniques are stage composition, set changes, lighting techniques ...You mainly use your imagination under the motto “everything is possible”!
11, 25/01 & 08, 22/02/202010:00 > 17:00€ 75 / € 60 (members OPENDOEK)In collaboration with Opendoek and Wisper
Tu veux mettre quelque chose en scène. Tu as une idée, des idées mais tu ne peux pas choisir. Ton inspiration peut être un film, un livre, une photo. Ou un conversation au petit déjeuner. Comment transformer ceci en une scène théâtrale ? On démarre avec ton idée. Tu la développes avec le coaching.Les techniques de base sont la mise en scène, les changements de décor, les techniques de lumière.
11, 25/01 & 08, 22/02/202010:00 > 17:00€ 75 / € 60 (membres OPENDOEK)En collaboration avec Opendoek et Wisper
Dr. Daniel Weissbluth has been helping families with their children's sleep ever since becoming a pediatrician. He is the coauthor of "Sleep Consult" with his father, Dr. Marc Weissbluth and he consults families from all over the world on this topic.
His colleague, Dr. Priya, will teach expectant parents how to lay the groundwork for creating healthy sleep habits starting from the moment the infant arrives at home. We will review, how to prepare the nursery, safe sleep environment, the newborn’s sleep “landscape”, and debunk popular parenting myths.
This class is intended for pregnant women.
Because space is limited, please obtain one ticket for each expectant parent.