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Corso BUSINESS COACHING - Protocolli

"Il segreto negli affari è conoscere qualcosa che nessun altro sa."Aristotele Onassis Il Coaching trova una delle sue più naturali applicazione nel mondo aziendale: il Business Coaching appunto. Ma per applicarlo in ambito aziendale serve conoscere la complessità e le dinamiche delle organizzazioni, le resistenze al cambiamento organizzativo e acquisire l’abilità di “giocare” su più fronti e con più “giocatori” contemporaneamente. Studieremo il Business Coaching a doppio focus, in cui c’è una committenza diversa dal Coachee, e i protocolli d’intervento utili a soddisfare tutti gli stakeholder coinvolti nel processo di sviluppo. Approfondiremo i protocolli, rigorosi ma rigidi, del Coaching applicato al mondo del Business, in tutte le sue molteplici  variabili. Apprenderemo come supportare lo sviluppo delle varie realtà organizzative attraverso lo sviluppo e il miglioramento dei suoi professionisti. Scopriremo l’applicazione del Business Coaching allo sviluppo e alla valorizzazione delle Risorse Umane interne ad un’azienda e le sue applicazioni nel mondo del Talent Management & Development. Verranno analizzati casi aziendali risolti con il Coaching e verranno forniti materiali e strumenti tecnici immediatamente spendibili in ambito aziendale. Questo corso è il primo con una formula unica: due giornate d’aula esperienziale, una terza giornata in AZIENDA, con sessioni reali di Business Coaching e un Project Work da sviluppare nei due mesi successivi, fino al corso Business Coaching - Tecniche. Tanta pratica da cui poter imparare sul campo…   "Il Coach ti dice cosa non vorresti sentirti dire e ti fa vedere cosa non vorresti vedere, per farti arrivare dove vuoi arrivare e farti diventare chi vuoi essere."FYM Scarica la Brochure del corso: Il corso "Business Coaching" è parte della SCUOLA di BUSINESS COACHING FYM.

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Monster Jam

Cash, Money Order, AMEX, MC, VISA, Personal Check (must be received 10 days prior to event). Will Call is located on the southwest corner of the stadium on the corner of Brush & Beacon Street outside Gate A. (This location may change depending on event. Please call 313-262-2000 with any questions) Ford Field Address: 2000 Brush St. Detroit, MI 48226 General Information: 313-262-2000 Ticket Information: 313-262-2002 Accessible Seating Ticket Information: 313-262-2167 Event Information: 313-262-2003 (press option 5) Detroit Lions Pro Shop: 313-262-2200 Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Located at Gate G off St. Antoine 2000 Brush St. Suite 200 Detroit, MI 48226 Wheelchair accessible seating is available at the box office at 313-262-2167. Policy: One companion for each wheelchair patron allowed in wheelchair designated seating areas.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Love Poetry of London Walk

Feel the beat of your life and the rhythms of London's changing history. Meet In front of St Paul's Cathedral by the white statue of Queen Anne to enjoy fine architecture and discover a new way of looking at an old Roman city. Let lavish love poetry roll out through the centuries of London's history around this glorious and breathtaking dome and give you a fresh place to stand. Come and explore a London of changing fortunes and daring romances  starting outside St Paul's Cathedral on a poetry walking tour.  Live out your love affair of a place once thought to be paved with gold. Bring umbrellas, raincoats and some chocolate treats to enjoy the morning discovering treasures and the secrets of famous figures such as Samuel Johnson, Jane Austen walking near London’s most stunning and magnificent buildings with their memories and its shadows. Read out your own lines or let the work of others capture you. “There is nothing more beautiful than light”. Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of London’s crowning glory. As featured in Conde Nast Traveller 2019 Enjoy snippets on instagram

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Charlotte Hornets vs. Dallas Mavericks

American Express, MasterCard, VISA, Discover Card 704-688-8600 For general group sales questions for Spectrum Center: 704.688.9047 Friday's 10AM-4PM This venue is accessible. For sight impaired and hearing patrons please contact the Box Office. Spectrum Center is committed to providing every guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The arena is one of the most accessible arenas in the U.S. Seating throughout the venue allows guests with accessible needs flexibility in seat locations and price levels.

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