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London Career Fair.

Meet face to face with recruiters and hiring managers to apply for positions in: Sales Management Government Customer Service/Call Center Insurance Banking/Financial Services Healthcare Education IT/Engineering Retail.....and more The career fair starts at 9:30 AM and professional dress is strongly recommended. This job fair is free to job seekers and allows you to connect face to face with top employers. A list of the attending employers and open positions will be sent to all registered candidates the week before the career fair. To apply directly to open positions please register here: We are looking forward to seeing you there! Recruitment Services Talent Career Fairs. 800-201-3873

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Training ISO 9001:2015 di Jakarta (PASTI JALAN) 4 – 5 April 2019

Training ISO 9001:2015 Seperti halnya semua sistem manajemen, secara periodik ISO 9001 harus melalui proses review yang komprehensif. Sehingga dalam perjalanannya, Sistem Manajemen Mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001 telah mengalami 3 kali revisi, yaitu di tahun 1994, 2000, dan 2008. Saat ini, standard ISO 9001 terbaru versi 2015 telah terbit pada bulan September 2015. Training ISO 9001:2015 ini akan mengarahkan dan memberi kepahaman kepada peserta dalam menyiapkan dan menyusun dokumentasi yang teruji sebagai dasar penerapan dan evaluasi, serta strategi penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 bagi perusahaan yang berkomitmen menghasilkan produk dan layanan bermutu serta kinerja yang tinggi.   GARIS BESAR  TRAINING ISO 9001:2015 UNDERSTANDING & IMPLEMENTING ISO 9001:2015 Pengenalan Sistem Manajemen Mutu Perbedaan prinsip Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2008 dengan ISO 9001:2015 Perubahan mendasar Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015 Transisi implementasi dan langkah – langkah dalam menerapkan ISO 9001:2015 MANFAAT TRAINING ISO 9001:2015 Mampu mengidentifikasi persyaratan ISO 9001:2015 dan perbedaan ISO 9001 versi 2008 dan ISO 9001 versi 2015 Memahami apa yang harus direvisi dalam Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang sudah diterapkan sekarang untuk memenuhi persyaratan ISO 9001:2015 Memahami perubahan utama iso 9001:2015 Mampu merumuskan action plan untuk penerapan ISO 9001:2015 Mampu melakukan persiapan resertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 SIAPA YANG PERLU MENGHADIRI PELATIHAN ISO 9001:2015 INI ? Manajer OperasiManagement Representative dan tim ISOOrganisasi yang sudah menerapkan ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 9001:2015Tim Internal Auditor ISOSiapa saja yang memiliki minat dalam implementasi perubahan ISO 9001:2015 JADWAL TRAINING ISO Tahun 2019 Jakarta, 3 - 4 Januari 2019 Jakarta, 14 – 15 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 11 - 12 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 4 – 5 April 2019 Jakarta, 2 - 3 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 4 – 5 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 1 - 2 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 4 – 5 September 2019 Jakarta, 1 - 2 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 6 – 7 November 2019 Jakarta, 3 – 4 Desember 2019 Investasi TrainingRp 2.499.000 Lokasi PelatihanHotel Bintang 4 di jakarta Jika bapak/ibu tertarik untuk megadakan In House Training ISO 9001:2015, silahkan menghubungi Kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai Training ISO 9001:2015: INFORMASI & REGISTRASI KUALITA SINERGI Mobile Phone : 0812.2473.3304 (WA/SMS/TLP) Email : Website :

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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Allied Health Practitioners

This 2 day introductory seminar is for Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths, Nurses and other Allied Health Professionals with an interest in utilising ultrasound imaging in their clinical practice. The format features didactic lectures, interactive scanning demonstrations and hands-on scanning tuition. This course is ideally tailored to new graduates, those with no or limited exposure to rehabilitative and diagnostic ultrasound with a desire to learn, and those currently using ultrasound whom wish to reinforce and expand their knowledge base.   Objectives On completion of the seminar, registrants should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant anatomy Demonstrate the ability to effectively perform basic soft tissue imaging Identify relevant muscles and tendons and ligaments Demonstrate muscle contraction and relaxation Identify and assess soft tissue injuries including haematomas, muscle injuries, major ligament injuries and major tendon tears  Identify ultrasound evidence suggesting fracture of small bones  Identify foreign bodies Identify arthropathy, tendinopathy, enthesopathy tenosynovitis and bursitis  Understand the limitations of ultrasound in diagnosis soft tissue injuries  Understand the complications in the normal healing process including fibrosis, calcification, infection and non-healing Write a structured report or complete proforma report for soft tissue assessment Have the clinical knowledge and ultrasound skill to be able to make appropriate management decisions according to the clinical situation Understand the requirement for comprehensive scan and expert input in certain settings    Curriculum: Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology   Nerves Muscle Tendon Enthesis Fascia Bone Joints   Imaging of soft tissue pathology   Identify tears of major muscles, ligaments and tendons (e.g. Achilles, Supraspinatus, etc ) Identifying grades of muscles tears Identify tendinopathy of major tendons (eg. Patellar tendon) Identifying grades of tendinopathy (ie reactive vs dysrepair vs degenerative tendinopathy). Identify soft tissue collections (including haematomas abscesses and ganglia) Identify joint effusions and synovial thickening Identify bursitis Principles of foreign body localization Complications of normal healing process including fibrosis, calcification, infection and non-healing   This course is CAHPU accredited for:- Basic Soft Tissue Ultrasound Basic Soft Tissue Ultrasound for Physiotherapists                                                                                                                Registrants requiring CAHPU accreditation should contact ASUM   Morning tea and lunch will be provided.  

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express Will call can be picked up in advance for both Coliseum and Performing Arts Center events at the advance ticket windows (please see Box Office Location and Hours above). Performing Art Center ticket windows day of show hours: Two hours prior to show time until promoter closes the windows. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. 843-529-5000 Office 800-745-3000 Charge-by-Phone Accessible seating is available through the venue by calling 843-529-5033 Advance ticketing hours for both the Coliseum and Performing Arts Center are conducted from the Coliseum Advance Ticket Windows located off of Montague Avenue in front of the south entrance to the North Charleston Coliseum . Monday-Friday; 10:00am-5:00pm Open Saturday and Sunday for events and on-sales only (Saturday 10 a.m. until event/ Sunday Noon until event). Wheelchair and accessible seating is available through the venue by calling 843-529-5033 (TDD 843-529-5021).

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Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers

You can use our proud partner’s Chase Cards for payment at the Box Office. We also accept, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets may be picked-up at the Chase Center box office with a valid government issued photo I.D. that matches the name on the order, the credit card used to make the purchase, and the confirmation number given at the time of purchase are provided. VIP PACKAGES are subject to the package providers rules for pick up. For the box office to release tickets not in your name you need to submit a written letter of authorization along with a copy of the driver’s license of the party whose name is on the account. For Golden State Warriors: Ticket Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 1) Group Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 2) Account Service: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 3) Grandview Suites 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 4) Administration: (510) 986-2200 Monday-Friday: 10AM - 4PM // Weekends: Only on event days pending door times. Accessible seating is available online through, by calling Ticketmaster phone agents or coming to the Chase Center Box Office. Interpreters are available by request and are dependent upon availability. Please call the Chase Center for further information. Interpreters need to be reserved a minimum of 10 days in advance of the show. Service dogs are allowed at the Chase Center.

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Philadelphia Eagles vs. Buffalo Bills

MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Traveler's Checks, Cash, & American Express. Pick up tickets one hour prior to show. Customer must present actual credit card used to place the order, the confirmation number and a photo I.D. Doors and plaza gates open 3 hours prior to event - seating gates - 2 hours prior to event. For non Eagles events - Will Call is on 11th St. facing the Wachovia Ctr. Will Call for the Lacrosse Event, May 28 - May 30, 2005 will be at the Chrysler Jeep Entrance/Main Ticket office. General Info - 215.463.2500 Ticket Office - 215.463.5500 Accessible Seating - 215.463.5500 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Event Day - Remote ticket booth located 11th st. side of main parking lot. Non event day:Headhouse Accessible seating is available in all levels. Limited accessible seating through Ticketmaster. Please call 215.463.5500 for accessible procedures.

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