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VOR-Sorge Dich nicht, Lebe! Das Live-Seminar

Hast Du Dich schon einmal gefragt, warum einige Menschen finanziell auf der Überholspur sind, während andere auf dem Seitenstreifen zu stehen scheinen? Die Antwort liegt oft in ihren Glaubenssätzen und der Einstellung zu Geld. Außerdem in der Bereitschaft, sich die nötigen Strategien anzueignen, um wirklich finanziell frei zu werden.  Das bringt Dir dieses Seminar Du findest einen Weg, der Dir Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit garantiert. Du erkennst, wie sich Deine Glaubenssätze auf Deinen finanziellen Erfolg auswirken. Du siehst den wahren Wert des Geldes und lernst, wie Du Geld aufbaust und Gutes bewirkst. Du gewinnst mehr Sicherheit und Selbstbewusstsein, wenn es um Dein Geld geht: Das wirkt sich sofort positiv im Beruf und im Privatleben aus, weil Du Sorgen ums Geld vergessen kannst. Du weißt, wie Du systematisch Dein Einkommen erhöhst. Du kannst Dir und Deiner Familie Träume erfüllen. Du lernst, wie Du Dir die finanziellen Voraussetzungen für Deine Träume schaffst. Du hast es in der Hand: Verankere Dein finanzielles Wissen dauerhaft in Deinem Leben! Erlebe ein sehr tiefes und gleichzeitig äußerst emotionales Seminar. Lass Dich nicht mehr von Deinem Weg in die finanzielle Freiheit abbringen. Du beschäftigst Dich zwei Tage lang ausschließlich mit Deinem Geld und bringst Ordnung in Deine finanzielle Situation. Du legst das sichere Fundament für Deinen Durchbruch zum finanziellen Erfolg. Über Ludger Quante Ludger Quante ist Finanzkoryphäe mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung und berät in Frankfurt die “Oberen Zehntausend” in allen Belangen, die mit dem Thema Geld zu tun haben. Sein Anspruch ist es, seinen Kunden nicht nur gute und sinnvolle Lösungen im Bereich der Finanzplanung anzubieten, sondern maßgeschneiderte Strategien für die verschiedenen, individuellen Lebenssituationen seiner Klienten zu finden. Ticket zzgl. Verpflegung und Unterkunft

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In this class you will discover techniques that can be applied to conquering any type of hair. Whether you are looking for new techniques to add to your arsenal or are looking to build it, this class is something you don't want to miss!

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New York Yankees vs. Detroit Tigers

CashVisaMasterCard Location: Box Office Window Opens: Spring Training: 2 hours before game Tampa Tarpons: 1 hour before game Customer must present the actual credit card used for the purchase, a photo ID and Ticketmaster account confirmation number in order to receive tickets. (813) 879-2244 During Spring Training ---------------------- Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm Sat 10:00am-3:00pm Sun 10:00am-3:00pm Tampa Tarpons ---------------------- Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm Sat (Gameday) 2pm -5th inning Sun (Gameday) 12pm- 5th inning Sat & Sun (No game) Closed Concerts/Other Events: TBA Regular Hours ------------- Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm This is an accessible venue.

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Small Business Speed Lending

Black Professional Men, Inc Invite You to Attend A FREE Event Connecting Business Owners with Lenders & Resource Providers.   Open to all entrepreneurs & lenders. Learn about the many business finance and counseling programs available to assist with starting or growing a small business. Meet one-on-one with lenders and resource providers. Businesses will have 4 minutes with lenders of their choice in a speed dating format to discuss their funding needs and determine if a second date is desirable.

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Parts 1 & 2 Weds 14:00 & 19:30

Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500 Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday. Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)

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Digital Transformation Training in Tokyo | Introduction to Digital Transformation training for beginners | Getting started with Digital Transformation | What is Digital Transformation | January 6 - January 29, 2020

This Digital Transformation training is a LIVE Instructor-led training delivered from January 6- January 29, 2020 for 16 hours over 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 2 sessions per week, 2 hours per session. Weekly Schedule 4 weeks | Monday, Wednesday every week 5:30 - 7:30 PM US Pacific time each day January 6 - 29, 2020 US Pacific time Please check your local date and time for first session Features and Benefits 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 16 hours of total Instructor led LIVE training Training material, instructor handouts and access to useful resources on the cloud provided Real-life Scenarios Course Overview Digital Transformation is everywhere around us. We are increasingly using smartphones for communicating with friends, read news on subway screens or hail a ride via mobile apps. How does this impact our work and life? Digital Transformation may seem challenging, but it is also creating abundant new career opportunities and business growth potential. Discover how to deal with this change and take advantage of the opportunities in this digital era. What are the Course Objectives? This course will begin with an introduction to Digital Transformation, terminology, technology concepts in simple and understandable terms. You will gain in-depth understanding of Digital Transformation and how you and your company can take advantage of this latest trend in 21st century. By the end of this course you will have developed an understanding of: The most important digital transformation concepts Key digital initiatives and activities New approaches to developing products and services New approaches to internal collaboration and communication Emerging technologies and trends Who should take this Course? Anyone can take this course. If you are interested in learning about digital transformation in your company, in the industry, this course will give you a jumpstart. Course Outline Digital Transformation Basics Definition and Core Concepts - Digital Transformation Opportunities for Digital Transformation Digital Transformation at work - Example Design Thinking and Lean Startup - Processes and Methods Emerging Technologies Overview Cloud computing IoT Big Data Digital Competence The Digital DNA The Role of Data The Process of Digital Transformation Digital Business Models People and the Organization Technology and Policy

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Modeling school Barcelona - your fashion show trainer & model coach

Tickets Event Information Description We have over 20 years of professional modeling experience and knowledge regarding fashion show organization and Runway Training .During your Workshop, all your questions about modeling will be answered, fully aware of how the industry is run and organized and also how to work in the modeling business, along with advice for attending interviews for auditions with Photographs,Agents and casting Directors. Your goal is to become a Modelor only get more self esteemThis is the place where you will learn the thingsYou need to know. How to become a ModelTypes of modelingRules of modelingWalking the CatwalkTechniques of motion and gesturesFacial expressionPosing in front of the camera and much moreContact Us Today!If you would like to attend our next model training and confidence building workshop please email us. We look forward to hearing from you. www.sabineganatz.comModel coach Barcelona, Marbella, Milano  & LondonModeling school, fashion show trainer, high heels class confidence workshop, runway training, fashion show planner & organization, Miami, photo production company, high heels training, art director, crative director , photo production company, London, Visit photo production company , Miami South Beach, Florida, Fotoproduktion

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E-Ticaret Sohbetleri

Ticimax E-Ticaret Sohbetlerinde isteğimiz belli; sohbet edelim, paylaşalım, kaynaşalım, öğrenelim, yiyelim, içelim ve keyifli anılarla bir sonraki ay buluşmak dileğiyle mekandan ayrılalım. Networking imkanı, bilgi paylaşımı ve sohbet ortamı arayan herkes mutlaka bu etkinliğe gelmelidir. Bu ayki konuklarımız yakında belli olacaktır. Ajanda (7 Ocak 2020, Salı) 19.00 - 19.30: Networking Saati - Çay/Kahve Eşliğinde İkramlar 19.30 - 19.40: Açılış Konuşması - Murat Erdör (Me Consultancy) 19.40 - 20.50: Panel  20.50 - 21.00: Sürpriz Çekilişler ve Kapanış E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Kimler Katılıyor? E-ticaret ile alakalı gelişmeleri yakından takip etmek ve yeni konular ile ilgili bilgi edinmek isteyen e-ticaret girişimcileri, Kobi'ler, mevcut girişimini büyütmek isteyenler, e-ticaret, pazarlama, reklamcılık ve dijital gibi alanlarda çalışanlar etkinliğe katılıyor. E-Ticaret Sohbetlerine Katılım Ücreti Ne Alınıyor? Ücretsiz. Sürpriz Çekilişlerde Neler Veriliyor? Optimist Kitap tarafından üç kişiye kitap hediyesi Faydalı Eğitimler sitesinden bütün misafirlerimize %20 İndirim Kodu Ulaşım Metro ile Haliç durağında inip Eminönü meydanda yer alan Yeni Camiye geleceksiniz. Nimet Abla ve Yeni Caminin yanından yukarı doğru 3-4 dakikalık yürüyüş sonrasında meşhur Şarkhan'ı göreceksiniz. Türk Telekom SANTRAL Topluluk Merkezi Şarkhan'ın yanında. Sorularınız için bize 0 212 951 01 24 numaralı telefondan ulaşabilirsiniz.

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