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Free Events Sundays at Nyingma Institute

Tibetan Chanting 5-5:45 PM The practice of mantra enables us to restore a natural balance and harmony in our live. When we chant mantra, we are free to transcend habitual reflexes. "The sound of mantra can still the mind and senses, relax the body, and connect us with natural healing energy."Tarthang Tulku, Hidden Mind of Freedom. Every Sunday we invite the public to join us for an hour of Tibetan chanting and meditation. Staff or Faculty members lead the a slow soulful Vajra Guru Mantra for approximately 25 min with 10 min of meditation. Light refreshments. Free Sunday Talks 6-7 PM A talk on Nyingma teachings is presented by a Nyingma Institute faculty member or visiting scholar. Topics and dates are listed at our site. Free Questions? Information? Call: (510) 809-1000 Email: Arrive early to delight in our beautiful meditation garden with prayer wheels, Enlightenment Stupa, a fish pond, waterfall and a rose garden while the sun is still up. Meditation Garden is open to the public every day from Mon-Fri 9AM-6PM, Sat 9-5 and Sun 9-7.

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New York Yankees vs. Philadelphia Phillies

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. No Cash Will Call is not currently available as a delivery option. The Stadium Box Office will be open on day of game(s) to help with Mobile Ticket troubleshooting. Location: Right Field and Main Box Offices Windows Open: Spring Training: 2 hours before game. Tampa Tarpons: 1 hour before game. (813) 879-2244 Right Field and Main Offices will only open on day of Game. Any advance sales must be made online or by contacting the Steinbrenner Field Ticket Office via phone. Hours to reach a Box Office Representative by phone are Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm This is an accessible venue.

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來自四面八方的壓力如亂槍射鳥,令你難以招架,不知如何自處?親子的關係、與伴侶的感情、與家人的關係、與同事的關係像是天秤的砝碼,需要我們時常微調以免失衡,正在找尋平衡的你是否因為找不到出口而憂愁, 來試試藝術戲劇療癒吧! 戲劇療癒是將「戲劇」與「療癒」的技巧,運用在身心成長戲劇療癒是從戲劇的創意過程中,透過演譯個人議題,經驗到對問題理解的改變,逐步轉化自己的身心狀態,變得更健康更平衡。 奧地利精神科醫師雅各布‧莫雷諾說,藝術讓我們有一個很安全的形式,透過適合自己的媒介,把內在狂野和被壓抑的,卻對心理健康有幫助的內容,挖掘整理出來,甚至表現成充滿美感的形式,展現創造力。 「水面上水面下劇場」藝術總監張嘉容從戲劇凝練療癒的魔法棒 化身心動的能量擅長結合戲劇與身心靈治療領域多年的張嘉容藝術總監, 為知名編劇導演及中國國家二級心理諮詢師。深知各種修復身心與轉化痛苦的的劇場式療癒釋放過程,將創造力的表演藝術訓練融入「自我提升」「伴侶關係」「原生家庭」「人際關係」等深層身心靈課程中。2019接近尾聲,「水面劇場」(簡稱) 將在年末為正在找尋出口的朋友開設「原生家庭 X 伴侶關係」、「遇見最好的自己」及專為人際關係疏離者開設的「翻轉跳躍不受限」三個主題式的戲劇療癒工作坊。 在張嘉容老師的帶領下,學員可以在音樂中即興舞動、在地板上翻滾當一根法國麵包、與團員肢體協調互動、戲劇角色扮演等劇場方法,釋放自己與他人親密互動,達到感官的統合,從視覺、觸覺、聽覺、本體覺、平衡覺等各方面的感官開發,將內在世界外化到現實世界和意識層面,達到揚升、治療與覺察的果效。 X O X O 9/30前報名享有早早鳥優惠,敬請把握! X O X O ▌活動一:遇見最好的自己  如何遇見最好的自己?怎樣才是最好的自己? 我該怎麼做呢? 有那些事要學習? 我能夠克服自己的缺點嗎? 有哪些資源可以幫助我? 我該如何打開舊思維,創造能幫助我的習慣? 如何正向思考和開創資源?使用戲劇療癒、表演藝術創作方法,帶領團體參與者探索自我,表達與包容情緒,修改及開闊自我形象,在這堂課程中,遇見最好的自己,重新開創生命新的可能。☞ 活動|遇見最好的自己 ☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/14 (六) 、12/22(日)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/15 (六) ~ 2/16 (日)   定價| ▌活動二:原生家庭 X 伴侶關係 探索「目前伴侶關係的困擾」 與 「雙方原生家庭成長經驗」,在原生家庭中你扮演什麼樣的角色?在伴侶關係中你又扮演什麼樣的角色?你自認為自己有哪些優缺點?你對理想伴侶關係的想像?你想帶什麼東西到理想伴侶關係,讓你和你伴侶都過得快樂和幸福?藉由戲劇治療,以演戲的方式使參與成員們,系統化地探索目前伴侶關係的困擾與雙方原生家庭成長經驗,促成經驗分享及心路歷程的壓抑釋放,覺察自我及伴侶關係的改變。☞ 活動|原生家庭 X 伴侶關係☞ 日期|一日 2019/11/03 (日) 定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/08 (六) ~ 2/09 (日) 定價| ▌活動三:翻轉跳躍不受限 為了生存、工作,每個人都必須擁有在職場生存、與人合作的人際互動技巧。有些人雖然社交技巧不好,卻還是能夠擁有穩定令人稱羨的工作;有些人卻樹敵眾多,不斷轉換跑道,甚至找不到工作。還有些人,擁有良好的人際關係,總是能夠優雅應對各種職場上的棘手人際情境。 人際關係互動是否令你感到困擾及充滿挑戰,總迷失在社交潛規則中找不著方向嗎? 本課程針對社交互動技巧不熟練,自覺人際互動困難的朋友參與,一起在歡笑和戲劇練習中增加情緒和壓力管理技巧,培養人際互動技巧和心理韌性,突破種種限制,更有自信克服挑戰。讓不一樣的人,都能活出最好的人生。 ☞ 活動|翻轉跳躍不受限 - 針對社交互動困難者☞ 日期|一日 2019/12/15 (日) 、 12/21 (六)   定價|☞ 日期|二日 2020/2/22 (六) ~ 2/23 (日)   定價|▌報名連結:

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Frozen (NY)

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express Available at Box Office during regular hours. Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.

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Charlotte Hornets vs. Boston Celtics

American Express, MasterCard, VISA, Discover Card 704-688-8600 For general group sales questions for Spectrum Center: 704.688.9047 Event Day: The Ticket Office opening hours will vary based on show time and event. Please call 704.688.9000 for more information. This venue is accessible. For sight impaired and hearing patrons please contact the Box Office. Spectrum Center is committed to providing every guest with a comfortable and enjoyable experience. The arena is one of the most accessible arenas in the U.S. Seating throughout the venue allows guests with accessible needs flexibility in seat locations and price levels.

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Santana + Earth, Wind & Fire: Miraculous Supernatural Tour

The Box Office accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Cash. Will Call tickets can be picked up anytime after 6:00 PM on the evening of the show at the Will Call Window. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID, and the confirmation number. Riverbend Music Center General Information - (513)232-6220 Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra - (513)381-3300 The box office is open during the summer concert season. For seasonal hours please refer to There are accessible seats for this venue available through all points of sale. Patrons MUST SPECIFY if they need seating for the physically challenged, hearing impaired, or visually impaired. A ticket will be sold in the designated ADA section on a best available basis. These seats allow for one to three companions.

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

The box office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Cash. The box office is located at 229 East Front Street and the main entrance to the centre. The box office phone number is 330-746-5600. The box office hours are 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. As you enjoy a wide variety of sports and entertainment events at the Covelli Centre, it is our goal to make your visit with us a positive experience. Our staff is committed to upholding the expectations of all who attend our many events. You will find the Covelli Centre to be a user-friendly building. It is accessible and provides a safe and comfortable environment. Our Guest Services Staff are trained to provide service excellence with an understanding of how to accommodate any guest's special needs. The Covelli Centre is designed to be an "arena for everyone." The following will give you helpful information of policies, procedures and amenities offered to make your visits to us memorable and enjoyable. For information or assistance, Guest Services is located at the main entrance across from Section 201 and can be reached at anytime by calling 330-746-5600 - ext. 5192 or ext. 5183. First Aid during events can be reached by calling ext. 5191. Automatic doors are located at all concourse entrances, VIP, Main and across from Disability parking at Section 217. Wheelchairs (with escorts) are available to transports guests. Contact Guest Services. The passenger elevator is available to transport guests to all levels of the Centre.

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REALationships Seminar (February 1, 2020 Saturday, HALF-DAY, Makati)

Once upon a time, I joined a company. I very soon got into odds with a colleague who would always argue with me in meetings. She became an "archenemy" who later became a good friend. A year later, she left our company to migrate. She spent 13 years in the company. I wanted to learn from her so I asked ... "In your 13 years in this company, what's one big lesson you've learned?" She replied: "After all the meetings, proposals, projects, sleepless nights, awards, team buildings, training, parties, bonuses and everything in between ... it all boils down to this: RELATIONSHIPS. "What to do with all the awards if your relationships suck? What to do with all the money if your relationships suck? What to do with your travel adventures if your relationships suck? "If you don't have REAL meaningful relationships at work, with family, in love life, you don't have anything." Words to live by. In this seminar REALationships, we will teach you the specific Life Coaching tools that help our clients have REAL relationships at work, with family and in love life whether present or future. @ Work:  * No career progress * Feel unsupported (feel alone) in handling problems at work * Feeling that your skills/talent/time is under-utilized;  * Feeling unfulfilled;  * Feeling that there's so much more to life than what you're doing day-in, day-out.  * Being stuck, no clear career growth path w/ Family:  * Due to lack of communication, not able to do what I want * Not getting the support I need from my loved ones * Sleepless nights * Something is lacking, feeling unfulfilled * Lack of trust among family members * Fear of being judged by family members in Love Life (whether current or future ... or past!)  * Lack of a fulfilling Love Life * For some, it is the lack of a romantic relationship * For others, it is the lack of Romance in their relationship (Which situation are you in?)  * Lack of companionship * Desire to dream and experience life with a partner who enjoys life life you do Join us and Get REAL! REALationships Seminar: at Work, Family, Lovelife Your Facilitator: Edwin S. Soriano Coach Edwin is the Founder and Head Coach of Winning Coaching. We empower clients through Life Coaching and Training to unleash the best version of yourself.He is a Certified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach since 2008, Author of the book: "You Can Be Happy Again - Breakthrough Tips from a Life Coach"

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