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6th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences (ICHSS 2020)

Welcome to join in the 2020 6th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences, which will be held in Phuket, Thailand during January 10-12, 2020. For papers submitted to ICHSS 2020, we offer the publication as following:Publication in the International Journal of Social Science and Humanity(IJSSH), which will be indexed by Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, etc. There are two methods for submitting your paper:1. By our electric system: By our contact email box: Please feel free contact with us:Conference Secretary: Yoyo ChowE-mail: ichss@iacsitp.comTelephone: +86-28-86512185 For more information about international conferences, please visit our conference website:ICHSS 2020 website: CFP:Humanities and AnthropologyHuman and Social Evolutionary ComplexityHuman Development based on psychological and social conceptsHuman Rights DevelopmentHuman-Computer InteractionsHuman-Environment InteractionsInformation and Communication SystemsInnovation, Technology and SocietyInterdisciplinary Research and StudiesInternational Relations & CollaborationsJournalismKnowledge Management and Knowledge EconomyLand-Use Modeling Techniques and ApplicationsLaw and JusticeLearning and Behavioral ModelingSocial Sciences and Social MediaSocial and Organizational Networks

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ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager

This intensive accredited 5-day course is ideal for software testing professionals who are looking to take a more senior role. With plenty of practical exercises to reinforce a solid theoretical basis, it will help you to build on the knowledge and skills of Foundation Level and develop advanced skills to manage a test team and successfully deliver a software testing project. This five-day course follows the ISTQB® Advanced Level Test Manager syllabus (which can be downloaded free of charge from the ISTQB® website). Contents of days: 1st day - Testing Process (Test Planning, Monitoring and Control; Test Analysis & Design; Test Implementation & Execution; Evaluating Exit Criteria & Reporting, and Test Closure Activities) - Test Management in Context (Understanding Testing Stakeholders; Lifecycle Activities and Work Products; Alignment of Test Activities with Other Lifecycle Activities; Managing Non-Functional Testing; Managing Experience-Based Testing) 2nd day - Risk-Based Testing and Other Approaches (Risk-Based Testing Techniques; Other Techniques for Test Selection; Test Prioritization and Effort Allocation in the Test Process) - Test Documentation and Other Work Products (Test Policy; Test Strategy; Master Test Plan; Level Test Plan; Project Risk Management) - Test Estimation 3rd day - Defining and Using Test Metrics - Business Value of Testing - Distributed, Outsourced and Insourced Testing - Managing the Application of Industry Standards - Management of Reviews and Audits 4th day - Defect Management (the Defect Lifecycle and the Software Development Lifecycle; Defect Report Information; Assessing Process Capability with Defect Reporting Information; revision period) - Improving the Testing Process (the general Test Improvement Process; Improving the Testing Process with TMMi; Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next; Improving the Testing Process with CTP; Improving the Testing Process with STEP) - Test Tools and Automation (Tool Selection; Tool Lifecycle; Tool Metrics) 5th day - People Skills - Team Composition (Individual Skills; Test Team Dynamics; Fitting Testing Within an Organisation; Motivation; Communication) All courses start at 9:00 and finish at 18:00, except for the last day which will finish at around 16:00. There will be a 1-hour lunch break, and short breaks for refreshment at regular intervals.

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Pediatric Practice Management Conference- Miami

Download PDF Version of Flyer Here Conference Description: This conference is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of the nuances of operating a Pediatric Medical Practice. Through lecture, case studies and discussion, attendees will gain the knowledge necessary to ensure a successful Pediatric practice. Learning Objectives: After the conference, the attendees should have an understanding of the specific issues facing Pediatric medical practices. They will become aware of the special considerations related to financial reporting and operational design unique to Pediatrics. Who Should Attend: Pediatricians, Office Managers, Administrators, CFO, CIO, Revenue Cycle Managers, Decision Support Managers, Financial Leaders, IT Vendors and Clinical Managers.

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High Class Silvester 2019 im Haus Ungarn

Feiern Sie Silvester am Fernsehturm im Haus Ungarn auf 1400qm Eventfläche und einer 180° Balkonterrasse!Erleben Sie Silvester im Haus Ungarn direkt am Fernsehturm in Berlin und freuen Sie sich auf einen eindrucksvollen Blick auf dieses Wahrzeichen, das Rote Rathaus und die Marienkirche durch die Glaspanorama Front innen oder von der Balkonterrasse. Genießen Sie alle Getränke wie Bier, Wein, Sekt und Longdrinks inklusive. Das Haus Ungarn bietet mit seiner modernen Einrichtung die passende Location für eine "High Class" Silvesterparty in gehobenen Ambiente auf unglaublichen 1400m² Eventfläche. Feiern Sie im Kinosaal und der modernen Empfangshalle mit zahlreichen Sitzmöglichkeiten. Moderne Lichteffekte und eine 4-Punkt Beschallung bieten auf zwei Tanzflächen die perfekte Grundlage für einen grandiosen Silvesterabend in Berlin 2019/2020. Verschiedene Live-Djs und ein Special Act lassen keinen Musikwunsch offen und sorgen für eine grandiose Silvesteratmosphäre. Gold- und Platingäste genießen ein Fingerfood Buffet in einer abgetrennten Premiumlounge. Die Balkonterrasse am Fernsehturm bietet Ihnen und Ihren Freunden zu Silvester in Berlin einen grandiosen 180-Grad-Blick auf das pulsierende Zentrum der Stadt. Feiern Sie Ihren Jahreswechsel "High Class" direkt am Fernsehturm in Berlin!Beginn der Silvesterparty:31.12.2019Platin Ticket Einlass ab 19:00 Uhr Gold Ticket Einlass ab 22:00 UhrMusik auf 2 Floors:Disco Classics, Charts, Pop, Party, Dance, House, R'n'B,Pop, Dance, House & R’n’B im ClubfloorSilvester Specials im Haus Ungarn:*Silvester feiern direkt im Herzen Berlins mit Blick auf den Fernsturm*2 Dancefloors & hauseigene Balkonterrasse*180-Grad-Ausblick auf den Alexanderplatz*diverse Lounges & Sitzmöglichkeiten*Open Bar die ganze Nacht (Getränke sind inklusive)19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr Stehbüffet (limitiert und nur mit Platin Ticket)Einlass ab 18 JahrenGold Frühbucher Ticket (inkl. Getränke) im VVK ab 59,-Platin Frühbucher Ticket (inkl. Getränke + Stehbüffet) im VVK ab 99,- → Die Ticketkontingente sind stark beschränkt und werden mit der Zeit teurer. Early Bird Tickets sind Frühbucher Tickets. Sie unterscheiden sich nicht im Leistungsumfang zu anderen Tickets. Je länger sie warten desto teurer werden eventuell die Tickets.Rückblick Silvester Fingerfood Buffet (Platin Tickets) Tickets gibt es online auf oder an jeder bekannten Theaterkasse deutschlandweit in Kooperation mit Eventim.Veranstalter:Haus Ungarn Gastro GmbH, Köpenickerstr. 16-17, 10997 BerlinLocation Standort in Berlin:EventlocationHaus Ungarn Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 9, 10178 von!

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Cash and Checks. Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Box Office as early as sixty minutes prior to show time. Customers must present the actual credit card used for the order, a picture ID, and the confirmation number. The Box Office can be reached at (414) 273-7206. Nationwide Toll Free Line: 888-612-3500. BO PHONE hours Mon to Thur 10 am to 5pm Fri 10 am to 9pm Sat 12 noon to 9pm Sun 12 noon to 5pm For accessible seating, locations are available online or by calling the venue box office.

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New York Yankees v. Tampa Bay Rays * Pinstripe Pass

Due to government directives, Yankee Stadium is currently closed to the public. Continue to check for updated information including a Yankee Stadium Ticket Office reopening schedule.

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

The box office accepts CASH, VISA, MC, DISCOVER and AMERICAN EXPRESS. Will Call tickets are available for pick up starting 2 hours prior to show time. (419) 321-5007 Box office hours are: Mon-Fri 10am-5:30 pm Sat and Sun Closed (open only if there is an event)

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The Scientific History of Musical Instruments - Talk & Coffee Morning

Saturday 1st February 2019 | 10.30am The Scientific History of Musical Instruments Murray Campbell will be joining us to explain how Western musical instruments work, how they developed historically, how they are manufactured, and how they are used to make music. An incredibly fascinating talk which will delighted anyone with an interest in music.

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Straight from Broadway, this opera/rock mash-up sensation blends iconic opera classics with rock and roll hits from Queen, Journey, Elton John, Billy Joel and others, along with the songs of Jersey’s finest – Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Frank Sinatra, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Kool & the Gang and Whitney Houston! From Frank Sinatra to Frankie Valli to Figaro…Forgettaboutit!

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