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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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The Queen Kings

The Queen Kings „The Queen Kings“ gilt als eine der besten Queen-Tribute-Bands und tourt schon seit vielen Jahren durch Deutschland und Europa. In diesem Jahr präsentieren sie mit Sascha Krebs als Leadsänger ihre neue Show „A kind of Queen“.Kenner schätzen die Band für Ihre Authentizität – sie haben sich den Queen-Sound bis ins kleinste Detail zu eigen gemacht, bleiben aber dennoch sich selbst treu und behalten eine eigene Note. So wirken sie nicht wie eine farblose Kopie, sondern überzeugen das Publikum jedes Mal mit ihrer Leidenschaft und Begeisterung.  Mehr zur Band       ---The Queen Kings --- Zum Musiklokal    Musiklokal Südbahnhof  ACHTUNG - Keine SITZPLATZGARANTIE !!!                       Einlass 11:00 Uhr 

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Secure Programming Foundation 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description: This course teaches you the basic principles of secure programming. The course is aimed at every programmer or software developer who develops any application in any programming language. Course Topics: Secure Programming Awareness ●      Why Secure Coding + EXERCISE Introduction to Secure Programming ●      What is security? ●      Security jargon + EXERCISE ●      Threats ●      STRIDE Method + EXERCISE ●      Attack surface and Trust zones ●      Web applications + DEMO ●      HTTP Requests ●      HTTP Responses + EXERCISE ●      HTTP Header injections + EXERCISE ●      Browser Security Model + EXERCISE ●      Current state of web security Authentication and Session Management ●      Authentication + DEMO, EXERCISE ●      Password storage + EXERCISE ●      Managing lost passwords ●      Sessions and cookies + DEMOS ●      Cross-Site Request Forgery + EXERCISE ●      Clickjacking Handling Input ●      Injection Attacks ●      Subsystems and data flows ●      User input & Trust + EXERCISE ●      SQL injection + DEMOS, EXERCISES ●      Input validation + EXERCISES ●      Buffer overflows + DEMO, EXERCISE ●      Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attacks + DEMOS, EXERCISES ●      File Uploads + EXERCISES ●      Encoding + DEMO ●      Second order injections Authorization ●      Checks ●      Session Poisoning + EXERCISE ●      Race conditions Configuration, Error Handling, Logging ●      3rd Party components ●      Configuration and hardening + DEMO ●      Information Leaks ●      Reduce attack surface ●      Side channel attacks ●      Error handling ●      Denial of Service + EXERCISE ●      Logging Cryptography ●      Man in the Middle attack ●      Trusted 3rd party ●      Threats ●      General guidelines Secure Software Engineering ●      Assessment + EXERCISE ●      SDLC and Security ●      Requirements ●      Threat modeling + EXERCISE ●      Secure design ●      STRIDE per element ●      Architecture analysis + EXERCISE ●      Secure coding + DEMO ●      Security testing Learning Goals: ●      Understanding the various issues of insecure software ●      Understanding how software vulnerabilities come into existence, how an attacker can exploit these, and what measures to take to counter this ●      Understanding how to integrate security in the requirements, designing, coding and testing phases of the software building process Course Agenda: Day 1 ●      Introduction ●      Secure Programing Awareness ●      Introduction to Secure Programming ●      Authentication and Session Management ●      Handling Input (1) Day 2 ●      Handling Input (2) ●      Authorization ●      Configuration, Error Handling, Logging ●      Cryptography ●      Secure Software Engineering Who can Attend? All software developers, lead programmers and software architects. This course is programming language agnostic, so every developer can attend this course.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, MC, AMX, Discover & Check (San Antonio area only, with valid TX drivers license or state issued ID) Available for pick up on the day of the show. 2 hours prior to the show. Majestic Theatre does not participate in In-Store-Pick-Up. (210) 226-3333 10am-5pm Monday - Friday Hours Vary Saturday. Call for more info. (Extended hours on performance days) The Majestic Theatre offers accessible seating for patrons in wheelchairs and seating for patrons with limited mobility. In addition, for the Broadway in San Antonio performances there is Close Captioning provided on Sunday matinees.

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Curso SER & ESTAR e-learning

Para iniciar a carreira na rede CENTURY 21 é realizado o Curso SER&ESTAR. A participação neste curso (formação inicial) é o primeiro contacto com o Sistema CENTURY 21, nomeadamente com os objetivos, visão, missão, valores, história, elementos e método da maior Rede Imobiliária do Mundo. Inscreva-se no SER & ESTAR em E-LEARNING e aprenda de forma mais flexível e interativa o Sistema CENTURY 21, nomeadamente o posicionamento da Marca como fator de diferenciação no mercado e a importância da Cultura Empresarial e dos procedimentos na construção do sucesso comercial na esfera imobiliária. Destinatários: Toda a Rede CENTURY 21 Modalidade: E-learning Preço: Gratuito Procedimentos e informações: Preencha a ficha de inscrição A Coordenação da Agência recebe e partilha consigo o utilizador e respetiva password para o acesso à Plataforma (enviado pela plataforma à 3ªf e 5ªf); Após a receção do utilizador e respetiva password pela Coordenação, o formando tem 7 dias para frequentar o Curso; Quando aceder aos conteúdos do Curso SER & ESTAR CENTURY 21 encontrará uma formação interativa que irá possibilitar o acesso a informação, realização de exercícios práticos, visualização de vídeos, consulta de conceitos no Glossário e de documentos na Biblioteca e ainda o acesso a botões “Saber +”; Após concluir o ponto anterior, é solicitado que realize um teste de conhecimentos, sendo que tem três tentativas para o realizar. Para efeitos de avaliação e certificação conta a nota mais alta, sendo que para obter sucesso é necessário obter uma classificação igual ou superior a 50%; A frequência e a conclusão do Curso SER & ESTAR CENTURY 21 com sucesso é obrigatória para obter o seu e-mail gratuito e ter acesso ao CRM 21Online. 

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EAL Success Roadshow 2020 (Manchester)

SAVE THE DATE Is your school seeking new and effective strategies to tackle the EAL challenge? Find answers at the EAL Success Roadshow 2020! What is EAL Success Roadshow 2020? A practical and interactive conference, ideal for SLT and those directly responsible for EAL provision. It is recommended that headteachers and EAL leads attend together for maximum benefit. Agenda 09:00 – 09:30 Registration & Breakfast 09:30 – 09:55 Nicholas Bailey, Introduction 09.55 – 10:25 Claire Evans, Anderton Park School 10:25 – 10:55 TBA 10:55 -11:20 Break 11:20 – 11:40 Mike Watson, Jigsaw24 11:40 – 12:10 Panel Discussion: Emma McCormick, Claire Evans, Erica Field, TBA 12:10 – 13:10 Lunch 13:10 – 13:40 Emma McCormick, Lilly Lane Primary School  13:40 – 14:10 Veejay Lingiah, FlashAcademy®: Unlocking the EAL Challenge with Technology 14:10 – 15:10 Workshop/ Interactive Session 15:10 – 15:30 Summary/ Close Agenda is subject to change. Why attend? A lively combination of short talks and workshops will give you: Clear guidance on how to plan and implement an effective EAL strategy Strategies for building an effective EAL team within your school Finding effective EAL proficiency assessments A summary of the latest of EAL resources for schools School success stories: hear directly from local schools that are winning with their EAL challenges Please check back as this page will be updated regularly as we get closer to the event. How much does it cost to attend? Standard tickets are £59.95. FlashAcademy® customers are entitled to a 50% discount on the full ticket price. Get in touch with your education director for more details! Feedback from last year's event: "As a very green EAL rep, it was great that each speaker made their learning and points accessible to all levels. Also an excellent venue and accommodating staff!" "The whole event was brilliant!" "It was great listening to the ways in which schools are adjusting to EAL pupils. Very well organised and presented event!" We look forward to seeing you! N.B. This event, including delegates, will be recorded for promotional purposes.

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