Pick-up tickets 1 hour prior to show time. Customer must present actual credit card used to purchase tickets and a photo ID.
For TTY service call: 1.800.843.4327 or 1.800.359.2525. All gates around Fenway Park are handicap-accessible; however, only Gate D has an elevator available. Grandstand wheelchair ticket holders should enter through Gate D.
Si buscas un centro para practicar Yoga , esta es la mejor manera.
Prueba tres clases de Yoga, a lo largo de 8 dias.
Prueba con tres profesores diferentes.
Si eres principiante elige las clases de NIVEL 1. Si tienes una buena práctica, puedes probar también las clases de NIVEL 1-2.
Avísanos de las clases que vas a venir a probar para anotarte en ellas (Tel: 934512928).
Te dejaremos el yogamat para que practiques.
Solo puede usar una vez esta opción de probar 3 clases.
Buena práctica :)
Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
The SWG3 Event box office opens at the door time stipulated on your ticket. Tickets are not available to collect before this date and time.
The SWG3 Event box office opens at the door time stipulated on your ticket. Tickets are not available to collect before this date and time.
There is no accessible viewing platform in this space. Please purchase a general admission ticket. This space is on the ground floor of the building. There are no stairs to enter the venue. For details on how to access this space or to apply for a free companion ticket please visit https://swg3.tv/site-info/accessibility Limited Blue badge parking spaces are available. Spaces can only be reserved by contacting the venue.
Box Office Location: Located on west side of building across from the Rosegarden parkade. Note: Please arrive at box office early if picking up tickets. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and photo ID.
Ticket Office: 604.822.2697 Customer Service Phone: 604.822.9197 Fax Number: 604.822.1606
Regular Box Office Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 12 noon - 5pm Regular Performance Days: 12 noon - intermission Sunday/Monday Performance Days: 2.5 hours prior to show start - intermission Closed on statutory holidays Tickets to the Chan Centre are available at all Ticketmaster Ticket Centres or Charge-By-Phone at 1-855-985-5000. Tickets may also be purchased at the Chan Centre Ticket Office. There is no service charge when purchasing tickets directly at the Chan Centre Ticket Office (facility fee applies). Tickets to theatre at UBC events are available at the Frederic Wood Theatre Box Office (6354 Crescent Road), between 10:00am to 4pm, Monday to Friday or by calling 604.822.2678
Accessible Seating: The Chan Centre is fully accessible to people with disababilities. If special arrangements need to be made, customers may contact the Chan Centre at 604-822-2697. Wheelchair and companion seats are beside each other. The seats in the orchestra level right side are easily accessible and the left side is easily accessible as well, but a little further away. Dress boxes 5 and 15 are also available, there is elevator access on the left hand side of the house. If patrons require a wheelchair they should go to the coat check (only 1 wheelchair available). Hearing Devices: Infrared Hearing System headsets are available, free of charge, for the hearing impaired. Please contact the Chan Centre's Customer Service Department at 604.822.9197 to make arrangements or for additional details.
This is not your typical bridal show! This is a bridal show alternative complete with a meaningful vow renewal ceremony, light bites, and a dance-party reception. Yep, we host big, fake weddings to connect brides and grooms to the best local vendors. At the Big Fake Wedding you’ll get wedding inspiration you can taste and see. Think of it as Pinterest in real life. Unlike your typical bridal show or wedding website, you’ll experience the vendor’s work in an actual wedding setting at Lacuna Lofts in Chicago.
Cash and All Major Credit Cards
702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+)
Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show.
To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives
Course Description:
This is an awareness course designed to provide you with an understanding of Big Data, the potential sources of Big Data that can be used for solving real business problems. The course also introduces Big Data technologies, such as Hadoop and MongoDB, and provides the overview of data mining and the tools used in it.
Course Topics:
Module 1 : Big Data Fundamentals
● Big Data: History, Overview, and Characteristics
● Big Data Technologies: Overview
● Big Data: Privacy and Ethics
● Big Data Projects
● Big Data Success Stories
Module 2 : Big Data Sources
● Enterprise Data Sources
● Social Media Data Sources
● Public Data Sources
Module 3 : Data Mining : Concepts and Tools
● Data Mining: Introduction
● Data Mining Tools
Learning Goals:
● Explain Big Data and its characteristics.
● Explain the most popular tools/technologies for Big Data processing.
● Identify various types of enterprise, social media, and public data sources.
● Explain data mining and popular tools used for data mining.
Course Agenda:
Day 1
● Big Data Fundamentals
● Big Data Sources
● Data Mining: Concepts and Tools
Who can Attend?
This course is best suited to information technology professionals who possess intermediate to advanced programming, system administration, or relational database skills and are looking to move into the area of Big Data. These include :
● Software Engineers
● Application Developers
● IT Architects
● System Administrators
The course can also be of benefit to other professionals, such as Business Analytics and Research Analytics, who possess strong Information Technology skills and have a deep interest in Big Data analytics and the benefits it can bring to an organization.
IL CARATTERE DEGLI ITALIANIUna produzione Editori Laterza
CAMILLO BENSO DI CAVOURIl calcolo e l’occasione
Alessandro Barbero
Nato suddito di Napoleone, abituato a parlare e scrivere in francese, Cavour (1810-1861) a prima vista può apparire poco rappresentativo del carattere degli italiani.
In realtà, agli occhi degli europei del suo tempo rivive in lui un tipo antico e temuto di italiano: il politico sottile, calcolatore senza scrupoli, abilissimo nel cogliere l’occasione pur di realizzare il fine con qualunque mezzo.
Alessandro Barbero insegna Storia medievale presso l’Università del Piemonte Orientale, sede di Vercelli
Come raggiungo il Teatro con i mezzi pubblici o dove posso parcheggiare?
M3 Crocetta – Tram 16, 24 – Bus 77, 94
Parcheggio del Centro (via Calderon de la Barca, 2):tariffa a forfait € 4,50 per gli spettacoli serali (dalle ore 19.00 alla 01.00) e per quelli pomeridiani (dalle ore 14.30 alle 20.30).Il biglietto ritirato al parcheggio dovrà essere vidimato all’apposita obliteratrice posta in teatro, sul lato sinistro della cassa: solo così, al ritiro della vettura, verrà applicata la tariffa agevolata.Il pagamento (alla cassa manuale oppure a quella automatica) dovrà essere effettuato prima del ritiro della vettura.
Come posso contattare il Teatro per eventuali domande?
Contattando l’Ufficio Promozione del Teatro allo 02-55181362 o 02-55181377 - interno 2 (da lunedì a sabato, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 18.30 - orario continuato) oppure via e-email a info@teatrocarcano.com.
Devo portare le conferme d’ordine stampate per poter accedere allo spettacolo?
È necessario portare le conferme d’ordine stampate in botteghino prima di accedere alla sala e convertirle con i biglietti con fila e posto assegnati. Le conferme d’ordine possono essere convertite solo il giorno stesso dello spettacolo a partire da un’ora prima dell’inizio.
Il nome sulla mia conferma d’ordine o sulla registrazione non corrisponde al nome della persona che parteciperà, è un problema?
Non è un problema.