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't Zonnehuis op zijn kop: Landing (0+) en (2+)

Kom elke tweede zondag van de maand naar ’t Zonnehuis in Amsterdam-Noord voor de leukste familievoorstellingen! Fantasierijke, grappige en muzikale voorstellingen voor baby’s, dreumesen, peuters, schoolkinderen en natuurlijk hun (groot)ouders en begeleiders. We verwelkomen elke maand een ander gezelschap, variërend van poppen en objecttheater tot dans en zelfs circusacts. Op 12 januari twee keer dezelfde voorstelling, maar voor een andere doelgroep, 0+ en 2+. 10:00 uur LANDING (0+)11:00 uur LANDING (2+) Een muzikaal-zintuigelijke voorstelling, voor iedereen die wel eens vol verbazing iets heeft laten vallen. En dan ben je, floep, ergens beland. Op aarde bijvoorbeeld. Of in een rare theatervoorstelling met je papa of mama- je baby of peuter. Heb je je moeten haasten? Ben je al geland? Landen, was dat niet iets met zwaartekracht? Klinkerdingklong !! daar vallen de fietsbellen en Wofff !! een kussen. Dat klinkt als een liedje. Keer alstublieft terug naar je plaats, gordels vast, wij gaan landen. Kaboem-plats-rakata...! Een muzikaal-zintuigelijke voorstelling van Jasmin Hasler, voor iedereen die wel eens vol verbazing iets heeft laten vallen. Over landen. Op aarde aankomen. En er echt zijn. Over het moment van aankomst en wat ervoor nodig is om te kunnen landen. Landing wordt gespeeld in twee versies: voor kinderen van 6-18 maanden (10:00 uur) en voor 18 maanden tot vier jaar (11:00 uur), en hun begeleiders. Deze serie is een samenwerking tussen de Janivo Stichting en Stadsherstel Amsterdam om jeugdtheatermakers verder te helpen en het Zonnehuis toegankelijker te maken voor zowel de buurt als nieuw jong publiek.  

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Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001

Jadwal Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 Jakarta, 12 Februari 2019 Jakarta,   9 April 2019 Jakarta, 18 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2019 Jakarta, 8 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 17 Desember 2019 Internal Audit merupakan salah satu kunci untuk menjalankan system ISO 9001:2015 yang efektif dan meyakinkan adanya perbaikan yang berkesinambungan. Dalam hal ini WQA mengadakan Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi akan audit internal ISO 9001. Adapun Manfaat Dari Workshop Basic Internal Audit ISO 9001 ini. Mengembangkan dan merancang sistem manajemen mutu Meningkatkan kompetensi auidit secara personal Pokok Bahasan : Teknik dasar audit Persyaratan dalam ISO 9001:2015 Prinsip dan metodologi audit Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi Internal Auditor Pelaksanaan internal audit yang efektif Fasilitator : Pelatihan ini akan difasilitasi oleh tenaga pengajar yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dibeberapa sektor. Dan sudah menjadi Lead Auditor yang diakreditasi oleh IRCA. Sertifikasi Workshop Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC. Investasi Workshop Rp. 200.000/peserta Investasi ini termasuk : Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC) Pembayaran Transfer BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDE Pembayaran paling lambat 3 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan, untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke atau hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Tempat Acara : WQA OFFICE – Graha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia

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Monster Jam

The Box Office accepts cash, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express. NO CHECKS. Will Call orders can be picked up on the night of the event only, after 5:00 pm or two hours prior to the event, unless special arrangements are made. Customers must have their order number, a picture ID, and the actual credit card used to place the order. Heritage Bank Center - (513) 421-4111 The Box Office is open for the public on sale of all events at the building as well as- Mon-Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat-Sun: Open at 12:00 noon or two hours prior to the event start time on event days only. The Box Office will close at half time the last game of the day. The Box Office will close at intermission (or when the main act goes on stage for a concert). The Box Office is located on the Plaza Level at the west end of the building facing the Ohio River and Great American Ballpark. If entering at street level, take the elevator to the 4th floor. Heritage Bank Center is handicap accessible. Seating is available at the Box Office and through the Ticketmaster Charge-by-Phone number.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and Visa. Checks are accepted up to 21 days prior to the event. Will Call tickets are available at the DeVos Performance Hall beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to showtime. Customer must have their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification. For information about events at the DeVos Performance Hall, please call: *Broadway Grand Rapids: 616-235-6285 *Grand Rapids Ballet: 616-454-4771 *Grand Rapids Symphony: 616-454-9451 *Opera Grand Rapids: 616-451-2741 *DeVos Performance Hall: 616-742-6500 The DeVos Performance Hall Box Office opens 3 hours prior to events. Tickets for events at DeVos Performance Hall can be purchased at the DeVos Place Box Office or the Van Andel Arena Box Office Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Customers needing special seating arrangements may purchase tickets online at, by calling Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000, or by visiting the DeVos Box Office prior to the event. Accessible Seating Terms: Wheelchair Accessible: seating location in which there are no stairs that allows for wheelchair or scooter usage. Companion Seat: seating for individuals that are attending an event with someone who requires wheelchair or semi-ambulatory seats. Semi-Ambulatory: seating reserved for those with limited mobility that may require walking a few incline/decline stairs.

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Garden Grubs

Kids have lots of creative and active fun in the Garden with our professional, enthusiastic educators!  This all-day school holiday program is full of fun and adventures in the Garden. Kids spend the day exploring the garden and connecting with nature! We have a different theme each day - come for one or all! Thursday 3rd October 2019- SPRING HAS SPRUNG There is something magical about Spring! Let’s get creative with colour – we’ll make a gorgeous spring-inspired mandala, a dream catcher using loose plant parts and play in the fairy meadow as we look for pollinators! Plus, we’ll make iced lemon myrtle tea and plant in our Cryptogam house along with lots of other fun outdoor activities.   Friday 4th October 2019- AUSTRALIAN ANIMALS Today will be spent exploring the garden looking for animals and going on the Hello Koalas Sculpture Trail. We’ll meet an Aboriginal Education officer and learn about animal tracks and dreaming stories. Plus we’ll design and print a calico bag inspired by the Koala Sculptures throughout the Garden, make clay sculptures and do animal yoga. It’s going to be a fun day!   Tuesday 8th October 2019- BUGS & BEASTIES It’s our all-time favourite program and its back again! We’ll look for bugs and beasties as we explore the garden by dip netting in the pond, hunting for minibeasts in the Education Garden and meet a garden expert. We’ll also get messy creating with clay, plant seeds in the Cryptogam house, play outdoor games and so much more! Watch our Garden Grubs video here For more information please download our Garden Grubs Fact Sheet. Who: Kids 6 - 12 yearsTime: 9am – 3.30pm (Standard Day) OR 8am - 5.30pm (Long Day)Dates: Various dates, every school holidays.Meeting Point: The Moore Room, see map belowMembers Pricing: $76.50 per child (Standard Day), $103.50 (Long Day)Non-Members Pricing: $85 per child (Standard Day), $115 per child (Long Day)Bookings: Essential online, limited places available Booking siblings? Receive 10% off by selecting the group discount tickets. Price includes afternoon tea and craft materials. "Abi and Samuel had the most wonderful time at Garden Grubs! So much so that they ended up going for 3 days in a row! They loved exploring the gardens and making art.  The staff who ran each day we're all amazing! Meeting Point Map: View our privacy policy here

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Healthcare Drinks (HCD) is a platform with popular series of networking events for the Healthcare industries orgnized by leading Healthcare executives with some background in and with China. It was started in Shanghai in 2015. HCD platform enables decison makers to meet, exchange ideas and socialize in a casual yet professional atmosphere. Event are generally held after work with drinks provided. There are active chapters in Beijing, Boston, Chengdu, Chicago, Guangzhou, hangzhou, Hongkong, Melbourne, New York, San Francisco, Shenzhen, Singapore, Taipei, and Vancouver, and now Paris! BECOME MEMBER OF OUR NETWORK NOW TO PARTICIPATE TO OUR MANY EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR WITH PRESTIGIOUS SPEAKERS FROM HEALTHCARE INDUSTRIES, AND TO NETWORK WITH YOUR PEERS! Your membership for the year is 30€, which is the price of one event! We welcome new members with one free event if you subscribe here now! See you very soon,  Paris Healthcare Drinks Board Members To comply with RGPD rules, when registering as HCD member, you allow us to use your contact details in the EXCLUSIVE PURPOSE of annoucing our events and activities throughout our HCD branded networks. 

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Advanced Java and Web Application Security 3 Days Virtual Live Training in Milan

Course Description: Beyond a solid knowledge in using Java components, even for experienced Java programmers it is essential to have a deep knowledge in Web-related vulnerabilities both on server and client side, the different vulnerabilities that are relevant for Web applications written in Java, and the consequences of the various risks. General web-based vulnerabilities are demonstrated through presenting the relevant attacks, while the recommended coding techniques and mitigation methods are explained in the context of Java with the most important aim to avoid the associated problems. In addition, a special focus is given to client-side security; tackling security issues of JavaScript, Ajax and HTML5. The course introduces security components of Standard Java Edition, which is preceded with the foundations of cryptography, providing a common baseline for understanding the purpose and the operation of the applicable components. The use of all components is presented through practical exercises, where participants can try out the discussed APIs and tools for themselves. Finally, the course explains the most frequent and severe programming flaws of the Java language and platform. Besides the typical bugs committed by Java programmers, the course introduces security vulnerabilities cover both language-specific issues and problems stemming from the runtime environment. All vulnerabilities and the relevant attacks are demonstrated through easy-to-understand exercises, followed by the recommended coding guidelines and the possible mitigation techniques. Course Topics: DAY 1 1. IT security and secure coding 2. Web application vulnerabilities DAY 2 1. Foundations of Java security  2. Basics of cryptography  3. Java security services DAY 3 1. Java specific vulnerabilities 2. Using security testing tools 3. Knowledge sources  Course Outline:  IT security and secure coding  ●     Nature of security ●     IT security related terms ●     Definition of risk ●     Different aspects of IT security ●     Requirements of different application areas ●     IT security vs. secure coding ●     From vulnerabilities to botnets and cybercrime ●     Classification of security flaws Web application vulnerabilities  ●     SQL Injection ●     Other injection flaws ●     Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) ●     Broken authentication and session management ●     Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) ●     Insecure direct object reference ●     Unvalidated file upload ●     Security misconfiguration ●     Failure to restrict URL access ●     Transport layer security issues ●     Unvalidated redirects and forwards Client-side security  ●     JavaScript security ●     Ajax security ●     HTML5 Security Foundations of Java security  ●     The Java environment ●     Java security ●     Low-level security – the Java language ●     High-level security – access control Basics of cryptography  ●     Cryptosystems ●     Symmetric-key cryptography ●     Other cryptographic algorithms ●     Asymmetric (public-key) cryptography ●     Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Java security services  ●     Java security services – architecture ●     Authentication and authorization ●     Cryptographic services ●     Secure communication Java specific vulnerabilities  ●     Input validation ●     Improper use of security features ●     Improper error and exception handling ●     Time and state problems ●     Code quality problems ●     Mobile code Using security testing tools  ●     Web vulnerability scanners ●     SQL injection tools ●     Static code analysis Knowledge sources ●     Secure coding sources – a starter kit ●     Vulnerability databases Course Features: Learning Objectives:  Individuals certified at this level will have demonstrated:  ●     Understand basic concepts of security, IT security, cryptography and secure coding ●     Learn Web vulnerabilities beyond OWASP Top Ten and know how to avoid them ●     Learn client-side vulnerabilities and secure coding practices ●     Learn to use various security features of the Java development environment ●     Get information about some recent vulnerabilities in Java framework ●     Learn about typical coding mistakes and how to avoid them ●     Get sources and further reading on secure coding practices  Certification: Once after the training we will provide you the course completion certificate. Who can Attend? Web developers using Java

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“The Art of Unity” exhibit at Chauvet Arts

Join Chauvet Arts for “The Art of Unity” exhibit, a timely rotating show featuring the gallery's diverse roster of acclaimed artists during a time when artists are uniting more than ever. For more information about CHAUVET Arts, featured artists and upcoming exhibitions, please visit 215 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37219 Open to the public five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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