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Barcelona Taste Food Tour, Gothic Quarter // Saturday, 1 February

The Gótico Tapas Tour takes you through Barcelona’s famous Gothic Quarter, in the Ciutat Vella (old city) – past Roman walls, alongside cathedrals, through precious plazas and, most importantly, in-and-out of small local restaurants that will leave you sated, jolly, and with a better understanding of local Catalan and national Spanish cuisine.  Gótico was our first tour, is our first love, and remains a great traditional option in Barcelona’s most historic setting.  First time in Barcelona?  This is the one for you!  The low-down on our Barcelona tapas tour This is not a historical walking tour with a snack at the end. Our 3 hour tour stops in 3 small food establishments, ranging from high-quality specialty shops to home-style tapas restaurants, each one with its own scrumptious specialties for you to taste. Your knowledgeable guide will safely lead you, all the while sharing stories about Barcelona life, food and history. You will enjoy all the cuisine, and, due to the small size of the group, you will also enjoy a more personal, relaxed experience. Our tour groups are typically no larger than 6; meaning we can discreetly visit venues loved by locals and genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Indeed, by the end of the night we usually feel we’ve made lifelong friends!

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WE WILL Business Networking

Join us for business networking sponsored by the The Colvin House and the Edgewater Chamber. The event will include casual networking in the beginning, followed by a few rounds of structured networking. Breakfast is included but please BYO(C)offee and business cards Learn More about We WIll. Join the We Will chat on Facebook. 

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Monster Jam

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. (816) 920-9400 The Box Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday - 8:30AM to 5PM Saturday (during Chiefs season) - 9AM to 1 PM - Home Game weekends only Saturday and Sunday - Closed

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TORNEO DI CARTE COLLEZIONABILI POKEMON MAGIC WARRIOR LEAGUE CUP COSMIC ECLIPSE   CHE COS’E’ UNA LEAGUE CUP E’ un torneo “sanzionato” in formato “STANDARD” definito evento “premier” (con i quali è possibile ottenere Punti Campionato) che si svolge nelle città dove è presente una Lega Pokemon ed in misura pari a uno nell’arco di un trimestre. I premi garantiti sono costituiti da una carta promozionale per tutti i partecipanti, nel limite dei posti disponibili, ed una esclusiva playmat per i primi classificati di ciascuna categoria di età. Ulteriori premi sono a discrezione dell’organizzazione e variano in relazione al numero di partecipanti. Possono essere costituiti da bustine Pokemon, confezioni speciali o buoni sconto negozio.   LEAGUE CUP COSMIC ECLIPSE LUOGO: MAGIC WARRIOR – Via Treviso 7/9 – 31057 Silea (TV) DATA: Domenica 26 gennaio 2020 REGISTRAZIONI: Dalle ore 09.45 alle ore 10.15 INIZIO TORNEO: Ore 10.30 POSTI DISPONIBILI: 50 COSTO: Euro 10,00 (preiscritti) – Euro 20,00 (non preiscritti) PREISCRIZIONE: La pre-iscrizione per questo torneo è obbligatoria in considerazione del numero limitato di posti, al fine di versare una quota di iscrizione più bassa e per assicurarsi la carta promo dell’evento. Si può effettuare tramite il sito Eventbrite all'indirizzo La preiscrizione può essere effettuata dal 01 gennaio 2020 alle ore 23.30 di venerdì 24 gennaio 2020. MODALITA’ DI REGISTRAZIONE: I giocatori dovranno presentarsi nell’orario indicato per le registrazioni corrispondendo la quota di iscrizione. Dovrà essere compilata la lista del mazzo che sarà ritirata durante il meeting dei giocatori che si terrà al termine delle registrazioni. Il modulo può essere compilato on-line all’indirizzo internet (in lingua inglese) in, richiesto via mail a oppure reperibile sul luogo del torneo.  Si raccomanda la corretta compilazione della lista per non incorrere nelle penalità previste dal regolamento.   FORMATO E CARTE AMMESSE: STANDARD COSTRUITO Il mazzo DEVE essere di 60 carte esatte con limitazione al massimo di 4 carte uguali, ad eccezione delle carte energia base. Sono ammesse esclusivamente le carte in lingua inglese, italiana, francese, tedesca, portoghese e spagnola delle espansioni da Utra Prism (UPR) a Cosmic Eclipse (CEC), incluso il set Detective Pikachu, Hidden Fates e le Black Star Promo da SM094 in poi. Sono altresì ammesse le carte delle espansioni precedenti purché ristampate integralmente (Punti vita, attacchi, ecc.) in uno dei nuovi set. Potete trovare l’elenco al seguente link: MODALITA’ DI SVOLGIMENTO: Ogni giocatore gareggerà nella propria categoria di età (Junior, Senior, Master) qualora venga raggiunto il numero minimo di 6 iscritti. Nel caso in cui in una qualunque categoria non sia raggiunto il numero minimo sopra citato, si procederà con sistema “swiss age modified” secondo quanto stabilito dai documenti ufficiali Play Pokemon. I round di “svizzera” avranno la durata di 50 minuti + 3 turni con partite al meglio delle tre. La fase ad eliminazione diretta, se prevista sarà di 60 minuti + 3 turni con partite al meglio delle tre    PREMI: Per ciascuna categoria sono previsti i seguenti premi: 1° class – Playmat esclusiva + 50 punti Campionato 2° class – 40 Punti Campionato 3°-4° class – 32 Punti Campionato 5°-8° class – 25 Punti Campionato (se almeno 24 giocatori presenti nella categoria) Tutti i giocatori riceveranno: Una esclusiva carta promozionale dell’evento (nei limiti dei posti disponibili) Una bustina di carte Pokémon!  In relazione al numero di partecipanti in ciascuna categoria sono previsti per i giocatori con i migliori piazzamenti buoni spesa da utilizzare nel negozio o carte rare singole a disposizione del negozio. Ulteriori informazioni sulle regole ufficiali da torneo possono essere reperite sul sito ufficiale Per informazioni relative ai tornei è possibile inviare una mail a

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Freedom From Freemasonry With Mike Preece

For too long many believers have lived with an ignorance of the negative effects that a connection to Freemasonry can have on our lives, even generationally. By all outward appearances, Freemasonry looks like an institution of brotherly love. However, its roots are hidden from outsiders and also from many of the men who get involved.  Ancestral and personal involvement in freemasonry brings families into crippling bondages resulting in poverty, blockages to career and spiritual growth, devastating illnesses and much more. This freedom day brings liberation from these bondages so that each person can enjoy the abundant life that is theirs in Jesus Christ. There will be extended times of ministry during the day. This will be a day of revelatory teaching that will move you towards freedom. A large amount of the day is also taken up with attendees releasing prayer declarations and recieving deliverance and prayer ministry. Due to the nature of this toping covered on this Freedom Day and the need for thorough prayer minsitry times, this day is longer in length than any other Freedom Day.  MIKE PREECE  Mike is married to Hiroko and they have 4 children and 2 grand children. Having been an elder in a baptist church for many years, Mike founded Gilgal House Healing Centre in 2005 where Hiroko also plays a prominent role in the ministry. Mike teaches a wide variety of courses on inner healing and deliverance and has also been involved in powerful ministry on an individual basis to those with a variety of deep personal needs. He has a passion to see a release of the "Fathers Heart" in healing and deliverance enabling the body of Christ to be fully released into their destiny.    FAQs Should my pastor be aware that I am attending this event? It is always recommended that you are a regular church attender and that your pastors are notified of your intention to come to our Freedom Days. Ideally, you should seek their covering as there may be need for them to follow up any ministry that you receive.  Is there an age limit to enter the event?We recommend that delegates are 16 years and over.   What are parking options for the event?The is free car parking in our car park and on the local streets.PLease let us know if you need a disabled parking space.  Is there childcare provided?Unfortunately, there is no childcare provided for this event. Please do not bring babies and infants. Will there be an offering?We will receive a free-will offering to honour the Lord and invest in continuing the work of healing and restoration of believers in our nation. Thank you for your generosity.  Can I pay on the Door?  We prefer that you pay via Eventbrite as this helps us plan the event however you can pay on the door. The door fee is £15 What refreshments are provided?  Biscuits, teas, coffees and cold drinks are provided. Lunch is not included. You are welcome to bring luncha nd eat on site. Or use local amenities. Please come prepared as this is a lengthy day. 

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New York Giants vs. San Francisco 49ers

The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted. Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event. Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515, MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday – Friday 11am – 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled “West VIP.” MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (SAP), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 201-935-8222. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.

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