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Breakthrough Music Business Summit London

This is just a pre-registration ticket. When the 20 tickets become available pre-registers will be notified 72 hours before the general public. The Breakthrough Music Summit is for any artist that wants to have ultimate breakthrough in their career.This career & life changing event with former A&R Director, music industry success coach, and music business strategist will not only be a roadmap to further your career but in one night you will be able to break through the limiting beliefs and habits that have caused roadblocks in you achieving ultimate success in the music industry that you desire and deserve.This event is only available to the 20 artists that want to have breakthrough in their career. This won't be another boring conference or lecture. This is going to be a hands on meeting with the premier music business success and strategist coach Matthew Rix! Matthew Rix introduction video on the Breakthrough Music Business Summit Matthew Rix has spent 20 years in the music industry in various job titles including being a senior A&R director, an A&R consultant, and regional promotions coordinator and for the past few years Matthew is the "go to" guy for artists. He's been called on to assist artist in the studio that are dealing with creative blocks (songwriting, artistic direction), negotiated record deals and his music business audio series "Mattrix Minute" had over 8.4 million sales and streams in 2014 alone from 38 different nations. Matthew's purpose with this event is taking your career from good to outstanding.This is not* Artist showcase*A&R audition*A mixerThis is for artists that want to find out how to take their career to the next level, whichever area that might be and receive the tools to achieve it.Each attendee will receive the following:*Entry into The Breakthrough Music Summit*Free copy of the soon to be released "7 Tips for unprecedented success" by Matthew Rix*One song submission to be featured on a special Mattrix Mixtape event compilation (And you get paid for every sale and stream on this compilation)*A private coach that will do follow up with you and help you with your compilation success.If you're ready for breakthrough then this summit is for you!

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世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー

詳細 【IT・TECH・メディア系向け◆APAC進出に興味のある方必見!】中国・タイ・ベトナム進出のイロハがわかる!世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー開催!◆開催概要「海外に進出したいと思っているが、どこからはじめて良いかわからない」「現地のマーケット事情を調べても、何が正しいか判断できない」「トレンドのズレで損をしたくない」など、 ほど近いアジアであっても、どの国にするのか?どう始めるのか?不安が多く、なかなか進出を決められない方もいらっしゃると思います。実際、日本と同じアジアといえども、商慣習や法令、マーケットの特徴は国により大きく異なり、一筋縄で行かないことも多々あります。本セミナーでは、世界26都市に開発・営業拠点をもち、マーケティングやUX調査を含むローカライズ案件や企画開発を通して得た知見を、現地をよく知る中国・成都、タイ・バンコク、ハノイ・ベトナムの各拠点リーダーより惜しみなくお伝えさせていただきます。■こんな方にオススメ・海外(特にアジア)へのビジネス展開を真剣に考えている・現事業に加えて、ビジネス基盤を海外におきたいと考えている・事業のみならず、海外に拠点を持ちたいと考えている・進出を考えているが、何から手をつけて良いか、ノウハウがわからない・まだ進出まで考えていないが、マーケット事情を知っておきたい・自社のサービス・商品のニーズ・可能性を知りたい■セミナー内容▷導入・モンスターラボグループ会社紹介・モンスターラボグループの海外進出サポート概要▷各国拠点から・各国のマーケット概況・近年の進出に関する傾向と事例・各国進出に関するイロハ・モンスター・ラボとして提供できるサービスラインナップ▷名刺交換会◆イベント詳細 日時 2019年11月21日(木)・16:00~18:00(15:30受付開始)セミナー終了後、ご希望の方に名刺交換会を実施いたします 場所 東京本社(日本/モンスター・ラボ)〒150-0012東京都渋谷区広尾1-1-39 恵比寿プライムスクエアタワー 4F 参加料 無料(※詳しいタイムテーブルや参加申込みについては下記イベントページからお願いします) 持ち物 名刺をご持参ください

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Fredericksburg Pet Expo

Mark your calendars for the most pet friendly weekend of the year.  The Fredericksburg Pet Show sponsored by Off Leash K9 Training is Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15 at the Fredericksburg Expo Center.  

Vendors include a variety of pet related professionals such as veterinarians,  trainers and more! There is always a number of new pet products on display while you can also learn new training tips and find quality service providers. Shelters and rescue agencies will have a limited number of lovable animals on site. 

Making a return appearance is The Dog Lure Course.  This interactive dog attraction is an agility and speed track where participating dogs can chase a mechanical squirrel through an obstacle course for an additional fee. Plus Meet Stuart the Awesome Opossum. 

DUE TO COVID SAFETY PRECAUTIONS THE EXPO CENTER  WILL NOT HAVE TICKETS FOR SALE IN THE BOX OFFICE. ALL TICKETS WHICH COST $8 TO ENTER ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE.  ITS EASY! J PETS are free to attend but will be required to have a FREE“ticket”.  Its FREE all you need to do is to go to the same ticket page and register your pet to attend.  KIDS 12 and Under do not require a ticket.



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Brooklyn Nets v. Chicago Bulls

American Express, Visa, Mastercard & Discover No public Will Call M-F 12-6pm; Sat 12-4pm; Sun Closed (Hours may differ due to events) Subject to availability, tickets for accessible seating may be purchased online for each event through Ticketmaster. Please refer all questions to the Barclays Center Disabled Services A to Z Guide: ENTRY: All entrances at Barclays Center are ADA accessible. Re-entry is not permitted. All guests wishing to enter Barclays Center are subject to the established venue/NBA screening guidelines. INTERPRETING SERVICES: Patrons requiring sign language interpretation services for any events at Barclays Center should contact our Guest Services Department at least one week in advance of the event, by emailing MOBILITY DEVICE STORAGE & MEDICAL BAGS: Storage is available at Guest Services located at Section 112 on the Main Concourse and Section 212 on the Upper Concourse. SERVICE ANIMALS: Service animals are welcome at Barclays Center. In keeping with ADA regulations. Please contact our Guest Services Department if any accommodations are required, by emailing

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Inhuman Nature

**There is no disabled access; but the Venue can accommodate your request , please do not hesitate to call 0121 236 2421 and speak to a member of management**

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Will call available at any open window (559) 445-8200 * Box Office is located at the Selland Arena, just south of the Saroyan Theatre * Box Office hours are: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm * On event days the Box Office is open until 30 minutes after showtime. On weekend event days the Box Office will be open by 4:30pm. Special accessibility seating is available for the William Saroyan Theatre. Please call the Box Office at (559) 445-8200 for more information.

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