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Coding for Kids - P11S - Young Computer Scientist Programme (Ages 7-9) @ Parkway Parade (By Term)

Think and Tinker Young Computer Scientist marries software (coding) and hardware (mBot, Makey-Makey, micro:bit) and is a collaborative platform for students to be little Mathematicians and Scientists. The nature of this course is one that is of experimentation in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) field and of endless possibilities waiting to be discovered! We have 12 different badges for students to collect and advance their coding abilities. This class will expose students to diverse fields of application for coding. You can join us anytime throughout the year. Collect your exclusive badges today and after clinching 4, 8 and 12 badges, win an assortment of mystery gadgets! (Greater prizes await with more badges collected) There are also secret missions for our aspiring researchers. Want to find out more? Check out our FAQs. "Caleb enjoyed the course so much.. He is greatly inspired and created a new game today.. He could also articulate what he has learnt." - Trionna, Caleb’s Mother Term Fees: $695 / Term (3 Months)

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Workshop: Essential Video Skills for Comms MANCHESTER

Workshop: Essential Video Skills for Comms The rise of video has been the single overwhelming trend of the last three years, as these killer stats show: -          58 per cent of UK mobile phone users watch video (source: Deloitte, 2018). -          80 per cent of the internet will be video by 2019 (source: Cisco, 2016). -          An hour a day of YouTube is watched a day by 16 to 24-year-olds (source: Google, 2018). When and how to use video or not is a skill all communicators need to master. It can be the difference between success and failure. We’re proud to offer a workshop to give you the skills to know the landscape and how to plan, shoot, edit then add text, subtitles and music to a video. Then post it. Get up to speed. All in a day. What will you learn? A whole range of skills, including: -          Know the video landscape. -          Optimum video lengths channel-by-channel. -          Know how to hold your phone, focus and compose your shot. -          Plan a video using BBC principles. -          Shoot an interview using an establishing shot, cutaways. -          Edit and add text and sub-titles. -          Add music and know where to find it. -          What budget kit to use to improve your sound. -          How to stay legally safe with GDPR, copyright law and PSBAR legislation. Who is this for? Everyone whose job includes communications, PR, marketing, web and social media at all levels of seniority. It’ll also be useful for designers and frontline people who use social media. What experience do you need? You can have some experience or you can never have shot a frame in your life. Either is fine. We'll guide you through things. What kit do you need? An android or ios smartphone made after 2013. Windows or blackberries won't make the grade, we're afraid. They can be your workphone or your own device. Who will offer the training? In 2015, Dan Slee and Steven Davies pioneered the first dedicated workshop to show how communicators can understand and use video. It mixes theory and practical skills to give you the confidence to know when to use video. Dan Slee is a former journalist and has more than 12 years working in-house and with teams. Steven Davies is a filmmaker and cameraman who has worked for the BBC, Channel 4, S4C and a range of organisations. Who have we delivered the workshop for? Dan and Steve were the first people to offer video skills training bespoke in 2015. Since then they have trained more than 2,000 people. Clients include Dublin City Council, University of Edinburgh, Food Standards Agency,  Cynnal Cymru, North Devon Council, McDonalds plc, Eon plc, Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust and Hampshire Police. What people say about the workshop "I just wanted to say how impressed everyone was with the training. You both made it informative, interesting and fun.” – Kirsty Tobin, Head of Communications, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. “This has to be one of the best training courses I have been on for years. I came away from it with the skills I seeking and the desire and confidence to go away and put those skills into practice. It was fun too. I don't think you can ask for much more from a course.” – Louise Willmot, communications officer, Diocese of Bath and Wells. “This course not only taught me how to produce a film it also reminded me of why I am doing what I am doing and how I can do it even better.” Marie Cacace – Oxfordshire County Council. Two ways to book The standard attendee price is £195 + VAT. There's an early bird ticket at £145 + VAT until 9.8.19. Be quick!  1. Book through eventbrite using a credit card. Hang fire before you book your travel and transport. We'll confirm attendance by email. There's a small booking fee for this.  2. We'll send you a traditional invoice. You can pay through BACS transfer and PO number route. Or you can settle it with a credit card through the link. Drop us a line by email to You'll dodge booking fees this way.  If the date doesn't work  If the date doesn’t work for you drop me a line and we can arrange an in-house session. By email: or by Twitter: @danslee. Easy. 

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Agente Immobiliare: LinkedIn e Personal Brand

Agente Immobiliare: LinkedIn e Personal Brand Diciamolo subito: il Personal Brand è la ragione per cui un cliente ti sceglie! Sicuro di essere “solo” un Agente Immobiliare? Sicuro di essere “uguale” al tuo collega? Forse non lo sai, ma tu hai caratteristiche uniche che possono rappresentare il valore che il tuo potenziale cliente sta cercando. Tu sei specializzato in… proprio ciò che serve al tuo cliente. Ma se non le comunichi per il tuo potenziale cliente sei “solo” un Agente Immobiliare, uno stereotipo! In un mondo di uguali, scelgo chi costa meno. COMUNICARE la diversità diventa strategico e fattore di successo. LinkedIn offre ogni giorno sempre maggiori opportunità di business, ma è un canale colpevolmente trascurato dagli agenti immobiliari. E’ spesso frainteso come strumento utile esclusivamente al recruiting o come curriculum online.Invece è un ottimo strumento per sviluppare relazioni commerciali. Lavorare sul proprio Personal Brand oggi è diventato indispensabile per qualunque professionalità. L’Agente Immobiliare non fa eccezione. In un mondo di professionisti che dicono tutti le stesse cose («cerchi la casa dei tuoi sogni?») il cliente può effettuare solo una scelta: la soluzione più economica. Cosa Imparerai in questa giornata? Affronteremo un percorso di consapevolezza come base per poter COMUNICARE tre concetti chiave che ci differenziano sul mercato: chi siamo cosa sappiamo fare come possiamo aiutare il cliente Al termine della sessione acquisirai le nozioni fondamentali per creare il TUO profilo professionale su LinkedIn. Sarai pronto per utilizzare questo social network di eccellenza per il business: pubblicazione dei contenuti, ricerca delle fonti, comprensione delle logiche dei suoi algoritmi, metodi su come creare una rete professionalmente utile al raggiungimento degli obiettivi. Lavoreremo sull’aspetto più importante del Personal Brand: trasmettere l’esatta PERCEZIONE che desideriamo avere sul mercato. “Le persone non credono a quello che dici raramente credono a quello che mostri spesso credono a ciò che dicono i loro amici. Però credono sempre alle impressioni che ritengono di aver ottenuto da soli” - Seth Godin LinkedIn è lo strumento ideale per porre le basi del proprio personal brand e permette di farci percepire dai potenziali clienti per quelle che sono le reali capacità professionali che ci distingueranno dai nostri competitor. Durante la sessione, impareremo a gestire una particolare campagna di LinkedIn ADS: InMailEntrare nella chat di LinkedIn di persone qualificate selezionate per professione, azienda, età, livello di esperienza (e molto altro) anche se non rientra fra i tuoi contatti. Sono pochissimi gli utenti che utilizzando questo strumento potentissimo ma spesso ignoto a tantissimi professionisti. Potresti raggiungere in modo chirurgico gli interlocutori giusti per i tuoi obiettivi. Informazioni sulla logistica La sala è situata c/o Spazio PIN in Viale Monte Santo, 5 Circa 900 metri dalla Stazione Centrale di Milano e vicinissima alla fermata "Repubblica" MM3.

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Kanban Management Professional 1 (KMP I)

“Why “one size fits all” development methodologies don’t work” – David J. Anderson Sie lernen Kanban in Ihrer Organisation einzusetzen und Verbesserungen anzustoßen, indem Sie Ihre Wertschöpfung visualisieren. Wir starten im ersten Modul "Kanban System Design - KMP I" bei den Grundkonzepten von Kanban bis zur Gestaltung Ihres eigenen Kanban-Systems. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie die Grundlagen von Kanban Systemen und lernen Kanban Systeme selbst aufzubauen. Sie wollen wissen, was Kanban wirklich ist? Dann erleben Sie in diesem Kurs eine Umfassende Einführung in die Grundlagen und Prinzipien von Kanban. Sie haben schon Ihr erstes Kanban Board aufgebaut und wollen einen Schritt weitergehen? Dann erweitern Sie in diesem Kurs Ihr methodisches Wissen über Kanban und erlernen das strukturierte Design eines Kanban Systems. Inhalte des Trainings In dem Kurs „erleben“ Sie Kanban in einer interaktiven Simulation und lernen: Was ist Kanban: Prinzipien und Praktiken Warum evolutionäre Veränderung?  Vorteile von Work-In-Progress (WIP)-Limitierung  Pull-Systeme und ihre Implikationen  Was bedeutet Flow, und wie lässt sich dieser verbessern?  Wobei können Metriken helfen? Service-Klassen (z.B. Express und fixer Termin) sinnvoll einsetzen  Mit Kanban eine Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung (Kaizen) herstellen Rollen und Meetings in Kanban  Slack nutzen, um das System zu verbessern Anhand von Beispielen der Teilnehmer, werden Sie mit mit dem „Systems Thinking Approach to Implement Kanban“ (STATIK) Kanban-Systeme designen Praktische Übungen Diskussion eigener Fragestellungen Optionale Themen nach Interesse der Teilnehmer, z.B. Planung mit Kanban, elektronische Kanban-Tools, Kanban und Scrum, Portfolio-Kanban Nach dem Kurs können Sie ein Kanban System gestalten und damit Lieferfähigkeit eines Teams oder Ihrer Organisation erhöhen Service- und Produktentwicklungsprozesse schrittweise effektiver gestalten Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Teams visualisieren und damit Verbesserungspotenzial identifizieren die mithilfe des Kanban Systems gewonnenen Daten auswerten und damit Veränderungen anstoßen Zertifizierung Für die Teilnahme am KMP I Training wird ein "Certificate of Completion" vergeben. Teilnehmer, die das Kanban Management Professional I und II Training abgeschlossen haben, erhalten das Zertifikat "Kanban Management Professional". Format Interaktiver Präsenz-Workshop mit Präsentationen, Übungen und Erfahrungsaustausch. Dauer: 2 Tage, Sprache: deutsch Die Kursgebühren schließen die Versorgung während der Veranstaltungstage ein. Mögliche Übernachtungskosten sind durch die Teilnehmer selbst zu tragen. Gern empfehlen wir Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten durch Partner mit entsprechenden Raten. Wir behalten uns vor, den Veranstaltungsort, falls notwendig, anzupassen. Zudem weisen wir darauf hin, dass die Durchführung des Trainings mindestens fünf Teilnehmer voraussetzt. Ist dies nicht der Fall, behalten wir uns vor das Training zu verlegen.  Wer ist mein Trainer? Durch dieses Training führt Sie Holger Kipp. Seit mehr als 16 Jahren begleitet Holger Teams und Organisationen vornehmlich im IT Umfeld und hilft ihnen den Zufluss an Arbeit zu kanalisieren und auf diese Weise die eigene Leistungs- und Lieferfähigkeit kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Aufgrund seiner langjährigen Praxiserfahrung, der Begleitung zahlreicher Teams sowie der Vorliebe Kanban auch für die Selbstorganisation zu nutzen, wartet Holger mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis auf, die die Prinzipien realitätsnah veranschaulichen und eine schnelle Anwendung des Gelernten unterstützen. Neben seiner Aktivität als Kanban Trainer ist Holger erprobter Scrum Coach und SAFe® Program Consultant.

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Tennessee Titans vs. Miami Dolphins

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover & Cash. Will Call begins 2 1/2 hours prior to event. 615-565-4200. Fax is 615-565-4212. For CMA Festival Info, please call 1-800-CMAFEST 8:30AM - 5:00PM Monday - Friday. This is an accessible venue: All Patrons in Wheelchairs Must Purchase Accessible Seating. For CMA Music Festival: Please contact CMA at 800-262-3378 for accessible seats.

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