Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. No Cash
Will Call is not currently available as a delivery option. The Stadium Box Office will be open on day of game(s) to help with Mobile Ticket troubleshooting. Location: Right Field and Main Box Offices Windows Open: Spring Training: 2 hours before game. Tampa Tarpons: 1 hour before game.
(813) 879-2244
Right Field and Main Offices will only open on day of Game. Any advance sales must be made online or by contacting the Steinbrenner Field Ticket Office via phone. Hours to reach a Box Office Representative by phone are Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm
This is an accessible venue.
Meet, connect, network with and get to know other small businesses in Ealing, West London - register here to enter the two-day Ealing Business Expo 2020 for free, and to attend the exhibition, panels, talks and masterclasses. Keep in touch via social media: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and we will also send you the occasional email update to help you plan your Expo days.
Stand by for more information about the speed networking sessions.
Are you searching for meaning? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Would you like to feel more in control and do you want to learn how to overcome fear and anxiety while you're at it?
Search no further, the answers are right here.
Every Monday from 12 to 1PM master Kabbalist and life coach Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui will hold a Lunch and Learn on Kabbalah
This is a feel good event catering to your soul and spirituality while pastrami and corned beef sandwiches cater to your stomach.
The satisfaction and fulfillment experienced on Mondays will last much longer than the 1 hour lunch and can transcend your life. Come feel complete and feed your soul every Monday 12 to 1PM with Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Kabbalah Lunch and Learn.
Course Description:
Develop the skillsets needed to guide the delivery of value in a Lean enterprise—and learn about the activities, tools, and mechanics used to manage backlogs and programs—by becoming a SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM). During this two-day course, attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the Agile Release Train (ART), how it delivers value, and what they can do to effectively perform their role.
They will also learn how to apply Lean thinking to write Epics, break them down into Features and Stories, plan and execute Iterations, and plan Program Increments. Finally, attendees learn about the Continuous Delivery Pipeline and DevOps culture, how to effectively integrate as Product Owners and Product Managers, and what it takes to relentlessly improve the ART.
Learning Goals:
To perform the role of a SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager, attendees should be able to:
● Apply SAFe in the Lean enterprise
● Connect SAFe Lean-Agile principles and values to the PO/PM roles
● Collaborate with Lean Portfolio Management
● Explore continuous value with Program
● Increment Planning
● Execute the Program Increment and deliver continuous value
● Articulate the Product Owner and Product
● Manager roles
● Create a role action plan
● Applying SAFe in the Lean enterprise
● Relating a Lean-Agile Mindset to the Product Owner and Product Manager roles
● Collaborating with Lean Portfolio Management
● Continuously explore customer needs
● Executing the Program Increment
● Defining the Product Owner/Product Manager roles and responsibilities
● Creating a Product Owner/Product Manager action plan
Attendees who pass the certification exam will receive:
● SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager certificate
● A SAFe 4 Product Owner/Product Manager digital badge to promote your accomplishment online
● A one-year certified membership as a SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager, which includes access to the POPM Community of Practice
● A SAFe Product Owner/Product Manager certification usage guide with POPM certification marks
● Access to a variety of learning resources to support certified professionals during their SAFe journey
Annual Renewal:
Certificates expire one year from the date the certification is earned.
Renewal fee is $100
Who can Attend?
All are welcome to attend the course, regardless of experience. However, the following prerequisites are highly recommended for those who intend to take the SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) certification exam:
● Attend a Leading SAFe® course
● Experience working in a SAFe environment
● Experience with Lean, Agile, or other relevant certifications
Who will benefit?
The following individuals will benefit from this course:
● Product Managers, Product Line Managers, Product Owners, Business Owners, and Business Analysts
● Solution Managers, Portfolio Managers, Program Managers, PMO personnel, and Process Leads
● Enterprise, Solution, and System Architects
What Attendees Get
The class registration includes:
● Attendee workbooks
● Preparation and eligibility to take the SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) exam
● One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform
● Course certificate of completion
Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam.
● Exam name: SAFe® 4 Product Owner/Product Manager Exam
● Exam format: Multiple choice
● Exam delivery: Web-based (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance,
● Exam access: Candidates can access the exam within the SAFe Community Platform upon completion of the SAFe 4 Product Owner/Product Manager course
● Exam duration: Once the exam begins, candidates have 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to complete the exam
● Number of questions: 45
● Passing score: 35 out of 45 (77% passing score)
● Language: English
● Exam cost: First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of course completion. Each retake attempt costs $50.
● Retake policy: Second attempt on exam (first retake) can be done immediately after first attempt. Third attempt requires a 10-day wait. Fourth attempt requires a 30-day wait. Contact for any retake questions.
2020 Marriage Conference
What is a healthy marriage?
What is covenant communication and how does it affect our marriages?
Come and see at the 2020 Marriage Conference!
Prince Waikiki hotel
Keynote speakers: George & Gregory Tondra - Journey For Life -
Friday evening 2/14/2020 & Saturday daytime 2/15/2020
Early Bird Prices:
$90 per person for both days
$800 per table of 10 for both days
$30 for childcare for both days
How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
Send your questions to
A touching and hilarious “tell-it-like-it-is” look at the lives of a group of female friends, Girls Night The Musical promises to have audiences around the country laughing, crying and dancing in the aisles! Follow five friends as they re-live their past, celebrate their present, and look to the future on a wild and hilarious karaoke night out … and you’ll recognize every one of them! Outrageous Carol, blunt Anita, boring and designated driver Kate and sassy Sharon, the not-so-angelic angel who just couldn’t resist tagging along! Girls Night is bursting with energy and is packed with hits “Lady Marmalade,” “It’s Raining Men,” “Man I Feel Like A Women,” “I Will Survive,” “We are Family."
★2020 International Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Technology (ICFoIT 2020)---Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
June 19-21, 2020|Prague, Czech Republic|Website:
★ICFoIT 2020 provides researchers and industry experts with one of the best platforms to meet and discuss groundbreaking research and innovations in the field of Industrial Technology.
International invited speakers are invited to present their state-of-the-art work on various aspects, which will highlight important and developing areas.
★Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be sent to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Inspec, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), EBSCO, CrossRef, Thomson Reuters (WoS), etc.
A selection of papers will be recommended to be published in international journals.
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
June 19: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
June 20: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
June 21: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
1.PDF version submit via CMT:
2.Submit Via email directly to:
Ms. Anna H. M. Wong
Vor zwei Jahren fand der letzte Business Intelligence-Kongress statt – eine Ewigkeit, gemessen in BI-Lebenszyklen und in dem rasanten Tempo, mit dem sich die Technologien in unserem Umfeld weiterentwickeln. Viel mehr Themen beschäftigen uns im BI-Umfeld heute: Real-time Interaction, Artificial Intelligence und das Internet of Things sind keine ferne Science Fiction mehr.
Sie sind in unsere Realität diffundiert und erleichtern uns alle Lebensbereiche. Die großen Entwicklungsschritte der vergangenen zwei Jahre nehmen wir zum Anlass, unserem BI-Kongress mit einer Namensänderung Raum für mehr Vielfalt zu geben: Herzlich Willkommen in der World of Data!
Wann: 14. Mai 2020
Wo: Paulaner am Nockherberg, München
Worum geht’s: Big Data, IoT, Cloud, Data Visualization, Data Science & AI
Wer kommt: 650 BI-begeisterte Teilnehmer aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen.
Und außerdem: 30 Vorträge von den besten BI-Experten.
Warum: Weil wir für Business Intelligence brennen!
Rapunzel is an enticing classic complete with the long-haired beauty, Prince Charming and the evil witch. Exiled to a lonely tower, only the witch may visit Rapunzel by climbing up her beautiful, long hair. This seriously funny tale shows how a possessive mother, a tentative prince, and a naïve young girl all grow up in a surprising way.
Grade 2
Curriculum: Language Arts, Social Studies, Music, Dance, Theater
Click Here for the SEAS Study Guide:
*SEAS PLUS Workshops Connect Direct Experience with Learning*
SEAS PLUS for Rapunzel
---> Superhero Storytelling and Songs ---
Grade Level: 2
The 10:30 SEAS PLUS workshop is for students who attend the 11:30 a.m. performance
Add to your students’ experience this year with SEAS Plus, pre- and post-show interactive workshops that take place at the theater. Students build on the themes and content from select performances and extend that experience through small group, hands-on workshops led by professional Teaching Artists. Students explore the educational content of the show using creative theater art forms such as movement, music, drama and dance, adding to the learning experience.
Students use fun and engaging storytelling exercises and imaginative exploration through song, recreating characters and action from the show to present during the workshop.
Maximum participants: 120
40-minute workshop before or after the performance
2 different engaged learning activities
Teacher’s study guide for the show
FREE add-on available after your reserve seats
---> To register for SEAS Plus submit your ticket request first. After submitting your ticket request, the link to register for SEAS Plus will be in the confirmation email. ---