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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX & Discover. No Checks accepted at Box Office Will Call is located at main Box Office. Customers can pick up any time/day prior to event (518) 487-2000 Box Office is located on the Market Street side of the venue. From Labor Day to Memorial Day - Hours M-F 10AM -6PM & Sat 10AM - 2PM Summer Hours (from Memorial Day to Labor Day) - Hours : M-Th 10AM - 5PM Closed Fri-Sun This is an accessible venue. Venue is Accessible from Pearl Street Level with escalators and elevators to the concourse level. Venue parking in MVP Arena Garage (behind venue) is accessible via walkway on the 3rd floor of garage.

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Future Leaders MUN

Future Leaders Model United Nations (FLMUN) is an upcoming United Nation’s Simulation Conference that intents to bring enthusiastic young leaders from across the globe under one roof to discuss and exchange their opinions on issues which are plaguing the present world.   FLMUN will present young diplomats with an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who aspire to play their part in changing the world and dream to become the leaders of tomorrow by inculcating them with skills such as diplomacy, negotiations, drafting and public speaking.

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New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills

The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted. Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event. Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515, MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday – Friday 11am – 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled “West VIP.” MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (SAP), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 201-935-8222. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.

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Capturing Classical Edinburgh at the City Art Centre - 2.5 hour sketch tour

Capturing Classical Edinburgh with the Edinburgh Sketcher.  To tie in with the City Art Centre exhibition 'Reflections on Classical Edinburgh' join local artist Edinburgh Sketcher (Mark Kirkham) to capture some of the city's beautiful architecture in ink and watercolour. In this walking tour of streets around the City Art Centre you will capture detail, scale and perspective with gentle instruction and guidance from Mark. You will make the most delightful drawings in this beautiful location in the heart of Edinburgh with view across to the Scott Monument and Princes Street – a very special opportunity. Once you’ve filled your pages with beautiful ink drawings, we’ll end our tour with tea or coffee and time to add watercolour to your sketches and compare our doodles. No previous experience is required for this relaxed and informal drawing tour and all materials are provided. 

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CATA DE LIBROS. El libro de la risa y el olvido. Milan Kundera.

“La lucha del hombre contra el poder es la lucha de la memoria contra el olvido.”Comenzamos el año con la voz única de Milan Kundera, quizá uno de los grandes novelistas del SXX todavía con vida. Miramos hacia Kundera buscando afianzar los cánones de la novela de nuestro tiempo. «La novela—dice— es como una síntesis de la filosofía, la narración, los sueños, el reportaje y la autobiografía». Sin alejarnos del SXXI regresamos a la Europa de finales de los años setenta con su cuarta novela «El libro de la risa y el olvido», una obra que mezcla varios géneros, un conglomerado de imágenes, reflexiones y vidas ajenas, que confluyen en el mar de los fanatismos y el amor —temas recurrentes en esta obra. La Republica Checa, su difícil historia, está narrada con crudeza, pero siempre con lealtad a su propia estética. La historia de la República Checa se reconstruye a partir de los diarios de Tamina —protagonista de la historia— y las cartas de amor de Mirekz. Esta obra, como otras del autor tiene una estructura narrativa poco convencional que, entre otras cosas, nos ha motivado su inclusión en nuestro Club de Lectura. «El libro de la risa y el olvido» es difícil de clasificar. Sin ser un libro de difícil lectura, se requiere un lector activo y preparado para el encuentro con el peculiar universo kunderiano. «Milan Kundera nació en Brno (República Checa) en abril de 2019 cumplirá noventa años.En su lengua materna escribió, en estricto orden de escritura, el volumen de cuentos El libro de los amores ridículos y las novelas La broma, La vida está en otra parte, El vals del adiós (La despedida), El libro de la risa y el olvido, La insoportable levedad del ser y La inmortalidad. Ya en francés, las novelas La lentitud, La identidad, La ignorancia y La fiesta de la insignificancia; la obra de teatro en tres actos Jacques y su amo. Homenaje a Denis Diderot; y cuatro ensayos: El arte de la novela, Los testamentos traicionados, El telón y Un encuento.». Tusquets Kundera, desde hace algunos años, es uno de los grandes favoritos al Premio Nobel de Literatura. Además de novelista, es poeta, ensayista, crítico literario y musicólogo. La música está presente en gran parte de su obra. Fue y es un gran admirador de Cervantes a quien rinde homenaje en su literatura.  «Me veo a mí mismo como uno de los últimos artistas de la gran cultura centroeuropea, que está a punto de ser masacrada» En 1982 se publica la traducción de la obra por la editorial Seix Barral. Tusquets publica la última revisión de la obra en 2016.Traductor: Fernando de ValenzuelaCoordina la CATA la escritora Eva Losada Casanova. Autora de “El sol de las contradicciones” XVIII Premio Unicaja de novela Fernando Quiñones, (Alianza), “En el lado sombrío del jardín” (Funambulista) seleccionada entre las finalistas del LIX Premio Planeta de novela y el Premio Círculo de Lectores 2010. Eva es profesora de los talleres de narrativa y novela de La plaza de Poe.Nuestro CLUB DE LECTURA está formado por cualquier lector o lectora que quiera compartir su experiencia de lectura. Siempre repasamos la vida, el entorno literario, el estilo y analizamos la obra en profundidad mientras degustamos un aperitivo y un magnífico vino.Cada CATA está acompañada por un vino seleccionado especialmente por la enoteca Tomevinos Barrio de Salamanca. Ortega y Gasset, 61 de Madrid. Asistir a la CATA te da derecho a un descuento del 10% en los productos de la tienda. VINO SELECCIONADO: próximamente Te instamos a que acudas a la cita con la novela leída, buscamos siempre el debate y contrastar las diferentes experiencias de lectura. Nuestras CATAS no son conferencias, son charlas y encuentros.¡Feliz lectura!

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Blind Date Matchmaking in Orlando and Complimentary Events

We wanted to bring a fresh alternative to countless forms, contracts and hours of consultations. Matchmakers claiming they had thousands of daters, but none explaining from where. While other Matchmakers are forced to find your match at bars, the mall or other unsavory locations, we meet a fantastic set of new singles every week from our events alone, allowing us the opportunity to choose for you the best out of an already great crowd. We we also garner extremely busy Matchmaking daters who find our services an efficient dating indulgence. Sought after for the level of dater we attract, the personal service we offer and an unparalleled selection of the daters you want to meet. We're honored to find that special someone just for you. Consider us your blind date specialists. Inspired by the romantic and simple days gone by, we bring back the lovely idea of meeting a date, arranged by another, at a venue of your choosing. Days of only knowing your date’s first name and looking out for that date with the red carnation are back; Red carnation optional. All communication between you and your Date-Mate prior to your Date-Night will be entirely through us. *Simplify Me Package $349.00 2 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events   *Date  Me Package $495.00 4 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events   *Indulge Me Package $695.00 6 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events ---   What is the age range?Our Matchmaking age range is similar to that of our events; our daters tend to be between the early twenties to early forties.   Are events included in my Matchmaking Package?Yes! A wonderful bonus to purchasing our Matchmaking Packages is the ability to attend our speed dating events at no additional charge to you. When you see an event you fancy attending - simply let us know and we'll add you to the guest list. There is no limit to the number of events you may attend with our compliments for the duration of your package. Attending events is an important part of the process and an excellent opportunity for us to get to know you better, for you get to know our daters and for us to see who is drawn to you. As well, many Matchmaking daters find our events the perfect way to narrow down what they are looking for and learn a bit more about themselves in the process. How do I let you know my preferences?After you select your matchmaking package, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with details and questions to help us find your Date Mate. Tell us as much as you like! The more you offer, the better we can match. Our staff will review your preferences and get to work finding your match, making arrangements and sending you off on your date night.   What is ‘This, that and the other’? Consider it our Concierge Service.  Let us know what you need – everything from fashion tips to relationship advice, to being well-groomed!  We have all the perks! Let us make your personal appointments or dinner reservations at the venue of your choice or ours - whilst you enjoy the lovely treatment!   How do I get started’? Simply email us at with some information about yourself and your goals. If we believe we can be of assistance to you - we'll send on details for you to purchase your desired package. How can you charge so much less than the competition? We don't have to spend money on recruiting daters. We are sought after for who we are and the level of dater we attract, affording us the luxury of daters finding us, rather than the expense of having to find daters. For more information please visit us at -- We wish we could help everyone but we can’t. It’s a very busy season for us but we love to spread the love wherever we can! If you would like to register please email us a brief introduction about yourself and goals. If we feel we can assist, we will give the go ahead to purchase.   Check out our Press! Terms & Conditions

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Monster Jam

The Box Office accepts cash, Visa, and MasterCard. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up as early as 2 hours prior to show at the front box office entrance(River Road - arena events) / (St.Louis St.-Theatre events). The customer must present the actual credit card, picture ID, and the confirmation number. (225) 389-4940 MON - FRI: 10AM-5PM This venue is accessible.

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