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Hunger Relief Volunteer Shift

Rise Against Hunger is an International hunger relief organization. We provide food and other life saving aid to students and families all over the world. We are looking for a few Hunger Champions that would like to give back to our great cause on Thursday mornings. This shift is great for thise individuals off on Thursdays, Students who might be home schooled and need volunteer hours, or Adults who are retired but are looking to stay active while giving back We need help in our warehouse with general duties such as helping us set up and break down from our Hunger events, washing of our bins that store our ingredients, inventory, and many others duties.  These range from light to heavy.  Come be a part of a great cause, meet some amazing people, and have a great time in the process. 

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Los Angeles Lakers vs New York Knicks Arena does not accept Will Call drop off. Alternate Will Call Procedure (Alternate Pick Up) If a person (other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets) is picking up a Will Call order, the Alternate Pick-Up's name MUST be on the account. To add the name of an alternate pick-up to the account, the original purchaser must contact Ticketmaster Customer Service at 1-800-745-3000, verify their account information and request the addition an alternate pick-up. 213-742-7340 Box office is located on North side of building at 11th and South Figueroa. Box office hours are 10am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday. It is open extended hours on event day. Phone: 213-742-7340 SUMMER HOURS Closed Saturdays and Sundays unless there is an event, the box office will open at 9am on Saturdays or 10am on Sundays only if there is an event. The box office will have extended hours on all event days.

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Corso BUSINESS COACHING - Protocolli

"Il segreto negli affari è conoscere qualcosa che nessun altro sa."Aristotele Onassis Il Coaching trova una delle sue più naturali applicazione nel mondo aziendale: il Business Coaching appunto. Ma per applicarlo in ambito aziendale serve conoscere la complessità e le dinamiche delle organizzazioni, le resistenze al cambiamento organizzativo e acquisire l’abilità di “giocare” su più fronti e con più “giocatori” contemporaneamente. Studieremo il Business Coaching a doppio focus, in cui c’è una committenza diversa dal Coachee, e i protocolli d’intervento utili a soddisfare tutti gli stakeholder coinvolti nel processo di sviluppo. Approfondiremo i protocolli, rigorosi ma rigidi, del Coaching applicato al mondo del Business, in tutte le sue molteplici  variabili. Apprenderemo come supportare lo sviluppo delle varie realtà organizzative attraverso lo sviluppo e il miglioramento dei suoi professionisti. Scopriremo l’applicazione del Business Coaching allo sviluppo e alla valorizzazione delle Risorse Umane interne ad un’azienda e le sue applicazioni nel mondo del Talent Management & Development. Verranno analizzati casi aziendali risolti con il Coaching e verranno forniti materiali e strumenti tecnici immediatamente spendibili in ambito aziendale. Questo corso è il primo con una formula unica: due giornate d’aula esperienziale, una terza giornata in AZIENDA, con sessioni reali di Business Coaching e un Project Work da sviluppare nei due mesi successivi, fino al corso Business Coaching - Tecniche. Tanta pratica da cui poter imparare sul campo…   "Il Coach ti dice cosa non vorresti sentirti dire e ti fa vedere cosa non vorresti vedere, per farti arrivare dove vuoi arrivare e farti diventare chi vuoi essere."FYM Scarica la Brochure del corso: Il corso "Business Coaching" è parte della SCUOLA di BUSINESS COACHING FYM.

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Professional Coach Training Program - Sydney 2020

This 3 day coach training program is just one component of the all-inclusive Diploma coach training courses offered by the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches. Students enrolled in the Diploma courses are guided towards coaching practice according to the standards set by the International Coach Federation. Prior to the workshop, you will receive all pre-reading material as well as all resources supplied.  If you are not a student or graduate of one of these Diploma courses, that’s OK. There is an option to purchase attendance to our Professional Coach Training Workshop. You will receive a Certificate of Attainment – Coaching Level 1 when you complete the program. If you decide to take your studies further, the cost of this program will be credited towards the fees for the Diploma coaching course of your choice. In any case, you will receive the first two units of study in our Diploma of Professional Coaching so that you will be fully up-to-speed with the AIPC positive psychology approach to coaching and learn a little bit more about yourself before you attend the 3 day workshop Program. Join with students of the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches to learn about coaching and why it is such a powerful tool for behavioural change and performance improvement. Learn the coaching skills that will enable you to communicate more clearly, build relationships based on trust more quickly, and ask the powerful questions that will take your client deeper to discover their own insights and solutions. You are the facilitator of their learning. Your role is to be their confidante and sounding-board as they identify their life, work or career goals, gain clarity on what specifically is the problem confronting them, and empower them to grasp the amazing opportunity or challenge that is open to them.  You will need to come prepared with 3 issues that you can be coached on by another student. These issues or concerns may relate to work, family, or life in general such as conflict with a work colleague, indecision about a future career opportunity or attempts that you have unsuccessfully made to achieve a certain goal. They should not relate to counselling issues such as marriage breakdowns, suicide attempts or domestic violence. You will get the most out of the workshop if you are prepared to share issues that are of concern to you personally, in this safe space, rather than invent possible issues. The aim of the coaching practice is for you to learn the coaching process, and practice the coaching skills, not necessarily to solve all your problems (although coaching is a very powerful process and may assist you along these lines). Coaching is such an exciting and rewarding vocation. In this 3 day program you will learn how to take your clients on their journey to achieve amazing outcomes for themselves, their families and work colleagues. For more information about the Professional Coach Training Program or the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches, email or call us to speak with our National Careers Manager who will provide you with all the details. E: P: 1300 309 360  

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LET'S keep ELEVATING the HEALING in HARLEM  WHOLISTICALLY! Come & have a HANDS on HEALING EXPERIENCE of your MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, LEGACY & ECONOMICS! You are invited to participate &/or collaborate in healing our Community through these events via. the HOLISTIC HARLEM  Project!  We invite Holistic Service Providers, Holistics Practitioners, Vegan Restaurants, & distributors of Natural Health Products to join with Youth & Adult Harlem Residents &  all those who can benefit /or are looking for Holistic Lifestyle Resources to support, elevate & or maintain a healthier & higher quality of Life! NOTE DATE & possible LOCATION  for NEXT EVENTS :is 215 W 125th St Admission is $10 Adv/ $15- @ Door  RSVP to be eligible door prizes that may include complimentary vacation stays for TWO,  crystals, jewelry  & MORE!!!  Our NEXT SHOWCASE- Wed, SEPT 18, 2019- 4:30pm-7:30pm  HEALTHY LIVING SHOWCASE & HOLISTIC SHRED 10 Graduation celebration! Featuring Wholefood Nutrition, Aeroponic Gardening, Colors, Gemstones & Healing tools to SHINE your LIGHT BRIGHT no matter the SEASONS, HEALTH CHALLENGES &/or LIFE CHANGES you may experience!      LOCATION NOTE: Inside OUR BOOTH Imani's Creations/HOLISTIC HARLEM/DJ Card Creators BOOTH inside  the HARLEM ARTISANS MARKET  105 W, 125th St  (next door Staples & Marshals stores)  More info: REGISTER NOW to JOIN or get info about our next HOLISTIC SHRED10 - a 10 DAY JUMP START to HEALTHIER LIFE STYLE!! This EASY, FUN  & AFFORDABLE HEALTH CHALLENGE STARTS SEPT 9, 2019  & ends Wed, Sept 18, 2019! Don't have to be in NEW YORK or even in the USA to join us!!!  (*Participants can reside anywhere in USA or other Countries, but will need access Facebook & our SHRED 10 package site) To learn more, REGISTER NOW, or by Friday Sept 6, 2019 to Participate in our SEPTEMBER 2019- HOLISTIC SHRED10!  May also get updates & more info at OUR PAST EVENTS: More Info & Updates also at : Come relish in tasting fresh homegrown delicious trulu organic greens from Keith Williams & as you DISCOVER affordable soil-less Aeropoonic Gardening options! :) PAST EVENTS:: More info & updates also on facebook: PAST EVENT- Sat, MAY 18, 2019-3pm-8pm  HEALING HARLEM with the WISDOM of the AGESS! with Special SALUTE to Elders GALE & BEN ARMSTEAD!    LOCATION: The HUB 215 W. 125th St 4th Floor Donation $10- PAST EVENT- Sat, MARCH 23, 2019- HEALING HARLEM WHOLISITCALLY Time: 3:30pm-8:30pm-  Location: 215 W. 125th St  Admission: $10 advance/ $15- @ door FEBRUARY 20 & 27, 2019! HAPPY HEART HEALTH MONTH!!! PAST DATES  JANUARY 30, 2019! We'll also be celebrating Michael's Birthday at this event!  Our DECEMBER EVENT DATES are: Sat, DEC 22 & 23, 2018!  ADMISSION FREE- RSVP for SPECAIL PRIZES & GIFT! For updates & live stream, etc can also visit Some Holistic Services may require additional fees pending the practioner,etc.  NO ADDITIONAL VENDORS for  Dec 22-23 event, However, those interested may REGISTER for other Vendor opportunites available for future event dates! Modest Donation for Vendor showcasing  Product Samples, Services &/or Advertising!  Vendor fee for Holistic practtitioners, presenters &/or Holistic product distributors, etc. usually range from  $25-  $45- in advance &/or inquired about bartering options  in value of products/services  at some events. Sponsorship or Partnership options are also available & welcomed! The HEALING in HARLEM CONTINUES -- Sat, Dec 22 & 23, 2018- LOCATION:  HARLEM HOLIDAY POP UP SHOP 105 W.125th St ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 17 & Sun, Nov 18,  2018 Time: 3:30pm -8:30pm  DAY 1) Sat, Nov 17 Doors open 2:30pm Will feature an array of HOLISTIC Healing Modalities & especially feature.. Crystal Healing, Aeroponic/Hydroponic Gardening, Herbs & Nutrition, Weight Management options, Martial Arts, Yoga, Reflexology, Aroma Therapy, Holistic Travel/Leisure Services, Wealth & Financial Empowerment. All contributing to help in Building, Sustaining a Life of Significance in order to Preserve and leave a your/our Legacy of Success & meaningfullness in the World!  SPECIAL Presentation on how to SAVE BIG  on your ORGANIC PRODUCE by OWNING a Aeroponic/Hydroponic TOWER GARDEN INSIDE your TINY APARTMENT, BALCONY, PORCH &/or BACKYARD!, View & purchae a Tower Garden from Imani's Creations &/or a HOLISTIC HARLEM Reps  & WIN Prizes NOW thru  11/30/18 (*Terms apply while supplies last) !  RSVP to REGISTER NOW as a GUEST Attendee!, An array of HOLISTIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES will be available for PURCHASE at these EVENTS! *SPECIAL OFFER! BE eligible to receive a 2 Day /1 Night Hotel Stay Voucher for TWO,,plus a Prospertiy GEMSTONE Gift ∨ a chance to WIN a DINNER for TWO at a participating VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT/ JUICE BAR  in Harlem, with your Aeroponic/ Hydroponic TOWER GARDEN Customer order placed NOW thru Mon 12/24/18 with a HOLISTIC HARLEM Rep!  *NOT Required to Live in NEW YORK for this offer, anyone living in the USA may qualify!   In addition to these events, HOLISTIC HARLEM will also be showcased by Imani Scott- the Wealth Empress in Queen Afua's newest Book "PLANET HEAL" and exibit samples seen at Imani's Creations vendor Booth during many festivals, Corporate Office Parties, Health Fairs and more.  We'll even be co-sponsoring & collaborating on various different projects , for example the WE'RE LISTENING - STORY TELLING event series,, Learn more  & Buy TIX at For More Info:  email: or call 347-746-9749

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ISTQB Prüfung / Zertifizierung ohne Kurs

ISTQB Prüfung / Zertifizierung Ohne KursIn unserem autorisierten ISTQB Certified Tester Prüfungszentrum können Sie folgende Prüfungen ablegen: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst ISTQB Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer  Prüfungszeiten - ISTQB PrüfungDie ISTQB Certified Tester Prüfungen findet jeden 3. Mittwoch im Monat um 10:00 Uhr statt.Darüber hinaus können Sie gesonderte Prüfungszeiten auf Anfrage erhalten. Kosten der ISTQB Prüfung ohne Kurs Die Prüfung zum ISTQB Certified Tester ohne Teilnahme an einem Seminar kostet 225,00 € zzgl. Buchungsgebühr und MwSt.Die Ausstellung des Zertifikats zum ISTQB Certified Tester ist in diesem Preis enthalten. Beratung & Organisation Für die Beratung zu einer Zertifizierung können wir einen Pauschalbetrag von bis 15 €* je Test erheben. Bei Buchung eines Seminars mit zugehörigem Test ist diese Beratung Bestandteil des Seminarpreises. Zeitbonus Nicht-Muttersprachler ohne einem Pass aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz erhalten auf Nachtrag und nach Prüfung einen Zeitbonus von 25%. Sprache Die Prüfung kann jederzeit in englischer Sprache abgelegt werden. Bitte geben Sie dies bei der Buchungsauswahl an. Lehrplan 2018 Ab sofort finden alle ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Zertifizierungen in unserem Testcenter nach dem neuesten Lehrplan 2018 statt. Es ist immer noch möglich, die ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Prüfung nach dem Lehrplan 2011 in englischer Sprache bis zum 01. Juni 2019 zu bestehen. ISTQB FL Prüfungen nach dem Lehrplan 2011 in anderen Sprachen sind bis zum 01. Dezember 2019 verfügbar. Sollten Sie die Prüfung nach dem Lehrplan 2011 ablegen wollen, tragen Sie dies bitte im Bemerkungsfeld ein. *Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. MwSt Mehr unter:

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2023 Panthers Vault Access - SAINTS

Advance sales - Cash, Visa, MCGame days - Cash only Open 4 hours prior to game time. Located at box office-southeast corner PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. Carolina Panthers box office - (704) 358-7800 Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm Opens 2 Hours Prior To Game Time Located at the Southeast corner between South and East Gates This venue is accessible.

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