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Pelatihan Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA

Training Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001:2015 Jakarta Sertifikasi IRCA   Pengenalan :Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 – Program 5 hari ini sangat ideal bagi mereka yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan audit secara professional. Dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan audit yang efektif di bidang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ( ISO 14001:2004). Pelatihan ini terdaftar di Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Pelatihan ini dibutuhkan bagi mereka yang menginginkan menjadi Lead Auditor Manajemen Sistem Lingkungan dari IEMA. Pelatihan ini sangat berharga bagi mereka yang memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk penerapan dan pemeliharaan sistem manajemen lingkungan, karena mereka yang diperlukan untuk secara teratur menilai kinerja perusahaan. Pelatihan ini membantu peserta untuk memahami prinsip-prinsip Pengelolaan Lingkungan yang baik dan untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka tentang standar pengelolaan lingkungan. Hal ini juga akan mengembangkan delegasi pengetahuan & pemahaman tentang jenis pemeriksaan yang berbeda, dan keterampilan praktis yang diperlukan untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan audit pengelolaan lingkungan. Setelah selesai, delegasi akan dapat mengevaluasi efektivitas EMS berdasarkan ISO 14001 atau standar EMAS pada tingkat yang dapat diterima bagi lembaga sertifikasi.  Obyek pelatihan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Untuk mengembangkan pemahaman akan prinsip sistem manajemen lingkungan, persyaratan standar ISO 14001:2004, dan untuk mengembangkan pemahaman peserta tentang beberapa tipe audit yang berbeda dan keahlian praktis yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan, eksekusi, dan pelaporan audit sistem manajemen lingkungan. Pokok Bahasan Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pendaftaran Auditor• Studi kasus Audit dan role-play• Isu lingkungan global• ISO 14001 & EMAS• Pencegahan polusi• ISO 19011• Sertifikasi & verifikasi• Peran dan tanggung jawab auditor• Keterampilan Auditor & pengembangan• Perencanaan Audit , pelaksanaan dan pelaporan• NCRs dan kategorisasi• Identifikasi / evaluasi aspek lingkungan• Ikhtisar persyaratan legislatif lingkungan saat ini Konten Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 : • Pengenalan tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan.• Prinsip – prinsip ISO 14001• Peraturan lingkungan hidup• Bagaimana merencanakan dan melaksanakan audit• Mengapa perusahaan Anda perlu sistem manajemen lingkungan• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Studi kasus audit dan memainkan peranan auditor• Roles and Responsibilities of auditors and audit leaders• Ketidaksesuaian kategorisasi dan pelaporan• Perencanaan audit, eksekusi, pelaporan, dan tindak lanjut• Cara melaporkan dan mengambil tindak lanjut• Keyakinan dalam melanjutkan penilaian Manfaat Lead Auditor Course ISO 14001Kursus ini memenuhi persyaratan pelatihan formal bagi mereka yang ingin mendaftar dengan IEMA Skema Pendaftaran Auditor. Peserta akan mengembangkan pemahaman rinci tentang sistem manajemen lingkungan, tahu kriteria yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan bersertifikat EMS sukses dan bagaimana menilai terhadap ISO 14001 dan standar EMS. Fasilitator :Penyaji dari pelatihan ini adalah tenaga pengajar dengan kualifikasi dan latar belakang dibidang sistem manajeman lingkungan, terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Mereka telah memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor termasuk manufaktur, keuangan, farmasi, kontraktor baik lokal maupun pemerintahan nasional. Sertifikasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Bagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti pelatihan hingga selesai, termasuk ujiannya, dan dinyatakan lulus akan mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari IRCA. Jadwal Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 Tahun 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Januari 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 Februari 2019 Jakarta, 11 – 15 Maret 2019 Jakarta, 29 April – 3 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 20 – 24 Mei 2019 Jakarta, 17 – 21 Juni 2019 Jakarta, 22 – 26 Juli 2019 Jakarta, 5 – 9 Agustus 2019 Jakarta,  16 – 20 September 2019 Jakarta, 21 – 25 Oktober 2019 Jakarta, 18 – 22 November 2019 Jakarta, 16 – 20 Desember 2019 Investasi Training Lead Auditor ISO 14001 :Rp 8,500,000 / peserta.Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau lebihInvestasi ini termasuk :• Lunch and 2X Coffee Break• Training Material• Seminar Kit• Certificate (Certified by IRCA) Lokasi Pelatihan Lead Auditor ISO 14001Hotel bintang 4 di Jakarta atau IAS Training Center INFORMATION & REGISTRATIONwww.ias-indonesia.comGedung MTH Square Lantai 3A No. 21Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10, Kel. Bidara Cina,Kec. Jatinegara Jakarta Timur 13330E-mail: info@ias-indonesia.comPhone: (021) 2926 3044 (021) 2926 3021

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L’arte di vincere senza combattere… “Le parole giuste costano poco e valgono molto.”George Herbert  “Non è possibile non comunicare” è il primo postulato della pragmatica della comunicazione umana formulato da Paul Watzlawick. Proprio perché siamo “costretti” a comunicare, è meglio saperlo fare con consapevolezza, responsabilità, abilità e strategia in modo da usare al meglio la nostra comunicazione, anziché venirne usati. La COMUNICAZIONE STRATEGICA ci insegna, appunto, l’arte di VINCERE SENZA COMBATTERE, lavorando contemporaneamente su tre aspetti che molto spesso sono trascurati:– EFFICACIA;– EFFICIENZA;– ELEGANZA. Conoscere la comunicazione strategica ci permette di capire meglio i nostri interlocutori, di farci capire meglio da loro, di ridurre le conflittualità, di creare sintonia, di aumentare la nostra sfera d’influenza e le nostre capacità di persuasione. Scopriremo l’importanza delle domande, delle parole da scegliere, dei silenzi, degli sguardi, delle parafrasi e degli stratagemmi comunicativi per usare la comunicAZIONE in modo da aumentare il carisma personale e la propria forza comunicativa: impareremo ad AGIRE LE PAROLE al meglio. Lavoreremo sui meta-messaggi, sui modelli e gli stili di comunicazione; scopriremo il potere delle domande strategiche, applicate a vari contesti: dagli ambiti performativi del Coaching, ai contesti persuasivi della vendita, dall’ambito educativo alle sue applicazioni nella leadership e nel team working. Ci concentremo sugli EFFETTI della Comunicazione, in modo da poterla agire al meglio in funzione degli effetti che desideriamo generare con la nostra comunicazione, strategicamente appunto. Tutti comunicano, pochi sanno farlo, pochissimi sanno farlo strategicamente. E noi impareremo a farlo. Le parole possono essere spade, scudi, finestre, porte o ponti, e dobbiamo imparare ad usarle, strategicamente, in ognuna delle loro possibili funzioni. L’obiettivo è usare la comunicazione umana, in tutte le sue forme, con consapevolezza e responsabilità, in modo che sia funzionale al raggiungimento degli obiettivi personali e professionali, e non un ostacolo. E ovviamente, studieremo la Comunicazione come strumento principale di Coaching, in ambito business, sportivo e life. “Le parole sono come pallottole.”L. Wittgenstein   In questo corso imparerai: Come acquisire un tuo stile comunicativo efficace ed efficiente. Come evitare gli errori più comuni nella comunicazione. Come stabilire facilmente un rapporto di fiducia e sintonia con i tuoi interlocutori. Come aggirare le difficoltà relazionali più comuni, grazie all’uso della parola. Come far tua l’arte del dialogo strategico. Come guidare con efficacia attraverso le tue parole. Come vincere senza combattere, ottenendo i tuoi risultati pur conservando intatta la relazione.   A chi si rivolge: A tutti coloro che credono nella possibilità di perfezionare il proprio modo di comunicare (con gli altri, ma anche con se stessi). A tutti coloro che a volte incontrano delle difficoltà nel farsi capire. A chi crede nel valore dell’ascolto e della condivisione di qualità. A chi già utilizza la comunicazione nella propria professione e a chi vuole acquisire competenze essenziali nelle relazioni d’aiuto (coaching, counseling, consulenza, psicoterapia e didattica).   Programma Tecnico-Didattico del Corso: Pragmatica della Comunicazione Umana Stili di comunicazione La struttura della Comunicazione Contenuto e Relazione Gli errori da evitare nella Comunicazione L'arte del Feedback (le 4 tipologie) L'arte del dialogo Domande Strategiche Parafrasi e Accordo Aforismi e Analogie Il processo dialogico a imbuto I canali della Comunicazione Comunicazione logica e analogica Comunicazione d'Impatto Comunicazione sintonica Comunicazione persuasiva I meta-Messaggi Stratagemmi Comunicativi L'Ascolto Attivo Sintonia ed Empatia Esercitazioni pratiche    FORMULA DI EFFICACIA DIDATTICA FYM 60% TEORIA 40% PRATICA Vai alla pagina web del corso: Scarica la brochure del corso:

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1 day modeling workshop Paris - confidence class

Apply for our 1 Day / 8 hours  Intensive Runway Training: We teach you the basic about how to walk the runway (catwalk) in 8 hours ( 1 day) with basic choreography for fashion shows, techniques of motion and gesture for your next commercial photo shooting incl. facial expression and basic posing in front of the camera. This is the place where you get knowledge  you need to know for your modeling: How to become a Model Types of modeling Rules  of modeling Walking the Catwalk Techniques of motion and gestures Facial expression Posing in front of the camera and much more  Contact us today if you like to apply for our 32 hrs modeling School or 1 day r model Workshop. Please visit first our Website for more Information and than send us your email with your age, high, location, and your Facebook or instragram profile - so we know who you are. Your model Coach, Fashion Show Trainer, runway training, confidence workshop, modeling School Paris, Milano, Luxembourg  and London. Photo production Company Florida, Kuba, Bahamas

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Coding for Teens - S101: Python 1 Course (Ages 13 - 18) @ Bukit Timah

Enhance Your Child’s Understanding of Mathematics with Python Consistently ranked #1 as the “Most Popular Coding Language“, learning Python will enable your child to build programs that are used widely today in many domains; Eg. Web Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence. In this program specifically designed based on the GCE “O” and “A” level Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. They will learn how to develop a simultaneous or quadratic equation solver, program Monte Carlo simulations, and more, leading to a better understanding of these complex and abstract Mathematical concepts. This powerful synergistic pairing of Math and Programming, developed by Coding Lab’s Award-Winning team of curriculum advisors, has been tested in selected MOE schools and proven to provide students a solid foundation in both. Students who have completed this course are encouraged to go on to pursue S100P: Python perfect which is a critical lab practice component.

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Thursday Free dessert at Yasmine’s PUDONG

Waking up in the middle of the week and getting good vibes from all the people around you (plus remembering that the weekend is just one day away) is fantastic . But what if your favorite restaurant makes this day even better? What if the restaurants will offer you a totally free dessert?? Come to Yasmine’s Steakhouse Pudong on Thursday (all day long) and get a free dessert with every main course ordered. Delicious desserts are like symphony, take you step by step into a brand-new world. Scientists have proved that eating sweets can let people feel happier and can relieve stress. After working almost the whole week, enjoy a free dessert at Yasmine!

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express Will Call is located at the venue box office and is available 2 hours prior to performance. 336-373-7400 In advance - Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Day of Event - Open 2 hours prior

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SAFe 4.6 DevOps Practitioner (SDP) Certification, Dubai, UAE

SAFe® DevOps: Optimizing Your Value Stream Description To compete in a disruptive global market, every organization needs to deliver valuable technology solutions at the speed of business. This requires a shared DevOps mindset among all the people needed to define, build, test, deploy, and release software-driven systems — not just the engineers operating a CI/CD pipeline. The two-day, interactive SAFe® DevOps course helps people across technical, non-technical, and leadership roles work together to optimize their value stream from end to end. Attendees will learn what DevOps is, why it is important to every role, and design a continuous delivery pipeline that is tailored to their business. Attendees work in cross-functional teams to map their current state value stream from concept to cash, identify major bottlenecks to flow, and build an actionable implementation plan that will accelerate the benefits of DevOps in their organization. Attendees will leave with the knowledge they need to support and enable a successful DevOps initiative at scale. The course also prepares attendees for the SAFe® 4 DevOps Practitioner (SDP) certification exam. Learning Goals After attending the class, attendees should be able to: Explain how DevOps enables strategic business objectives Apply a CALMR approach to DevOps to avoid automating broken processes Understand how successful DevOps requires continuous exploration, continuous integration, continuous deployment, and the ability to release to end users on demand Incorporate continuous testing and continuous security into the delivery pipeline Use value stream mapping to measure flow and identify bottlenecks in the end-to-end delivery process Select DevOps skills and tools strategically for the fastest, most compelling results Prioritize DevOps solutions and investments for greatest economic benefit Design and implement a multi-phased DevOps transformation plan tailored to their organization Work with all roles and levels in the organization to continually optimize the value stream Topics Covered Introducing DevOps Mapping your Continuous Delivery Pipeline Gaining alignment with Continuous Exploration Building quality with Continuous Integration Reducing time-to-market with Continuous Deployment Delivering Business Value with Release on Demand Taking action What Attendees Get The class registration includes: Attendee workbook Preparation and eligibility to take the exam One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform Certification of completion SAFe DevOps Practitioner certification upon passing of exam Attendees must attend both days of the course in order to qualify for the exam. Who will benefit? The following will benefit from this course: All members of an Agile Release Train and/or value stream Developers, Testers, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and other Agile Team members Infrastructure and Operations engineers and practitioners Configuration Managers, Release Managers, and Change Management professionals Architects, Database Administrators, and Information Security professionals Product Managers, Portfolio Managers, Product Owners, Release Train Engineers, and UI/UX Developers Development, Engineering, QA, Infrastructure, and Operations Managers IT and Business change agents, leaders, and executives Prerequisites None. All are welcome to attend the course without prior DevOps or SAFe experience. SAFe Certification Kit Becoming a Certified SAFe 4 DevOps Practitioner requires an exceptional range of skills and is a career path for many servant leaders. Certification includes: SAFe 4 Certified DevOps Practitioner PDF certificate SAFe 4 Certified DevOps Practitioner digital badge to promote your accomplishment online One-year membership to the SAFe Community Platform, which includes access to the SDP Community of Practice Access to Meetup groups  and events that connect you with other SAFe Certified Professionals A variety of learning resources to support you during your SAFe journey Exam Details Exam name – SAFe 4 DevOps Practitioner Exam Exam format – Multiple choice, multiple response Exam delivery – Web-based (single-browser), closed book, no outside assistance, timed Exam access –  Candidates can access to the exam within the SAFe Community Platform upon completion of the SAFe 4 DevOps Practitione Exam duration – Once the exam begins, candidates have 90 minutes (1.5 hours) to complete the exam. Number of questions – 45 Passing score – 33 out of 45 (73%) Language – English Exam cost – First exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee if the exam is taken within 30 days of course completion. Each retake attempt costs $50. Professional Development Units (PDUs) and Scrum Education Units (SEUs) Attendees may be eligible to apply for 15 PDUs toward their continuing education requirements with the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PMP, PgMP, and PMI-ACP certifications Attendees may be eligible to apply for SEUs under Category C, toward earning or renewing their CSP through the Scrum Alliance Cancellation Policy: In the event a participant wishes to cancel registration, refund will be issued for cancellations greater than 15 days from the start of the course. For cancellations 15 days or less from the start of the course, registrants may change to future course or different location of equal or lesser value.  All ​classes are not guaranteed to make. Classes can be cancelled due to low enrollment or any unforeseen reason. The Daily Agile is not responsible for any kind of reimbursements for travel expenses due to cancelled classes. We recommend that you contact us for course status before booking any travel accommodations. In the event a class is cancelled by Daily Agile, all ticket holders are entitled to a full refund for their ticket purchase.  For more information, contact us at: or visit us at: Instructor: Manish Thakkar (SPC, CSM, PMI-ACP, PMP, MS-IT) Manish Thakkar, a SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) Program Consultant with 20 plus years of experience in global IT application development and leadership, offers SAFe certification training and coaching in Agile practices for superior product development, in both IT and Non-IT organizations. Manish’s training delivery consistently meets the goal of providing world class training and guidance to help organizations achieve higher levels of software quality, and team productivity, while increasing your customer satisfaction.   Manish has an extensive experience in Information Technology projects and he has progressively advanced into leading large, complex and strategic initiatives. Manish brings in a wealth of global experience from wide variety of industries including Financial, Insurance, Consulting, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Retail, Sales and Marketing.   Manish also holds CSM (Certified Scrum Master), PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner), and PMP (Project Management Professional) and a degree in Masters of Computing (Information Technology) from Australia. Client's Feedback: "Manish is an amazing SAFe instructor. His understanding of the subject and delivery with a diverse group of members was great. Manish was detailed, with real-life examples in delivering the course content while being patient with the many questions and examples of our own from various lines of business. I would highly recommend Manish for SAFe training. Thank you Manish." "Manish is an excellent instructor. Having been a Senior Scrum Master for a while, I was very impressed with his depth of knowledge & experience. He was able to discuss both Theory & practice equally well that kept the class engaging. I'll surely be going back to take more courses with Manish in the future." "Manish led a great 2-day intensive Leading SAFe 4.5 course which I attended recently. I have a lot of experience as an Agile coach and was a little weary of my time being wasted, especially on a weekend and on my coin. But thanks to Manish's in depth knowledge, his ability to adjust time spent on topics based on the audience, his impressive time management and his willingness for the class to get into some free-form discussions where we shared experiences of things that worked or didn't work, I was not only not dissapointed but really felt it was time well spent. I have extensive training experience myself and give Manish high marks for his skills and recommend him for any SAFe training (or any other training on any topic he is well versed in)." "I took "SAFe Agilist (Leading SAFe for Leaders and Managers)" training with Manish. Taking training with Manish was an excellent experience. Manish is very knowledgeable and have a very strong presentation skills. He is very dedicated and committed to his students during and after the training until they get certified. Manish conducted the demos required in the curriculum, linking the explained topics and broadening our horizons. I highly recommend taking training with him."

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Chicago Blackhawks vs. St. Louis Blues

The United Center Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up beginning 90 minutes prior to the start of the actual event. E-TICKET /PRINT AT HOME & MOBILE TICKETING If you chose Print-at-Home as your delivery method, your tickets will be sent to the email address used at the time of purchase in the form of a .pdf and must be printed on paper in advance for entry. Print at Home tickets cannot scanned at the venue from a mobile device. Choosing mobile entry allows the convenience of using your smartphone as your game ticket. You no longer need to bring your physical tickets to the game. This includes season tickets and single game tickets purchased online or forwarded by email through authorized outlets including,, ClickTix, or other United Center approved outlets. Mobile entry requires a valid QR code. (312) 455-4500 (312) 455-4519 (TTY) Monday-Friday, 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Saturday, closed if no performance Sunday, closed if no performance *Hours subject to change depending on event schedules. Not only is the United Center designed to 100% ADA compliance, but each team member has been specifically trained in assisting our guests with special needs. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the arena or for ticket information, please call 312-455-4653 and ask for Guest Relations (312-455-4519 TTY). Tickets in wheelchair accessible areas are available on all levels of the United Center, and the arena offers 100 disabled parking spaces located in parking Lot G off of Damen Avenue. All washrooms, restaurants, first aid station, seating areas, Cash Stations, box offices, Concession stands and drinking fountains are all wheelchair accessible.

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