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Carolina Panthers vs. New York Jets

Advance sales - Cash, Visa, MCGame days - Cash only Open 4 hours prior to game time. Located at box office-southeast corner PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER. Carolina Panthers box office - (704) 358-7800 Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm Opens 2 Hours Prior To Game Time Located at the Southeast corner between South and East Gates This venue is accessible.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Training ISO 17025 : 2017 - WQA Training Center Indonesia

Training ISO 17025 Pelatihan 2 hari yang mempelajari dasar fundamental dari ISO 17025:2017. Pemahaman mendalam standar ISO 17025:2017 dan bagaimana menggunakannya untuk meningkatkan keefektifan dan kinerja laboratorium pengujian dan kalibarasi. Pengenalan Standar ISO/IEC 17025 merupakan persyaratan umum untuk laboratorium yang melakukan pengujian, kalibrasi serta pengambilan sampel. Persyaratan ini mencakup laboratorium pihak pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Standar internasional ISO 17025 ini berlaku untuk semua laboratorium terlepas dari jumlah personil atau perluasan ruang lingkup kegiatan pengujian dan kalibrasi. ISO telah menerbitkan versi terbaru dari standar akreditasi Laboratorium Pengujian dan Kalibrasi ISO/IEC 17025 pada bulan November, 2017. Format standar baru telah berubah secara signifikan, untuk lebih sesuai dengan panduan format ISO yang baru. Salah satu aspek terpenting ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 adalah munculnya konsep risiko. Ini menyiratkan serangkaian perubahan yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung mempengaruhi persyaratan yang sudah ada di versi sebelumnya seperti ketidakberpihakan, kerahasiaan, tindakan korektif, kepastian validitas hasil, dll. Tujuan ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 adalah untuk memberikan dasar bagi badan akreditasi dalam menilai kompetensi laboratorium. Apa saja perubahan utama dalam versi 2017? Ruang lingkup telah direvisi untuk mencakup pengujian, kalibrasi dan sampling yang terkait dengan kalibrasi dan pengujian berikutnya. Pendekatan proses sekarang sesuai dengan standar yang lebih baru seperti ISO 9001 (manajemen mutu), ISO 15189 (kualitas laboratorium medis) dan ISO / IEC 17021-1 (persyaratan untuk badan audit dan sertifikasi). Standar sekarang memiliki fokus yang lebih kuat pada teknologi informasi dan menggabungkan penggunaan sistem komputer, catatan elektronik dan produksi hasil dan laporan elektronik. Sebuah bab baru memperkenalkan konsep pemikiran berbasis risiko. Ada fleksibilitas yang lebih besar daripada di edisi sebelumnya dalam persyaratan proses, prosedur, informasi terdokumentasi dan tanggung jawab organisasi; Definisi baru “laboratorium” telah ditambahkan Pokok Bahasan Laboratorium dan sistem mutu Pengenalan dan Interpretasi elemen-elemen ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 – Persyaratan Manajemen Pengenalan dan interpretasi elemen-elemen ISO/IEC 17025:2017 – PersyaratanTeknis Perubahan dan revisi terbaru dari ISO 17021:2017 Langkah-langkah menuju akreditasi Implementation Plan Apa manfaat pelatihan ini ? Memahami persyaratan kompetensi laboratorium penguji / kalibrasi ISO 17025 : 2017 Memahami interpretasi persyaratan kompetensi laboratorium penguji / kalibrasi ISO 17025 : 2017 Memahami prinsip-prinsip penyiapan laboratorium yang memenuhi kompetensi laboratorium 
penguji /kalibrasi ISO 17025: 2017, termasuk dokumentasi mutunya Peserta 
 Manajer Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Manajer Laboratorium Teknisi penguji dan teknisi kalibrasi Penyelia Laboratorium Wakil Manajemen (Management Representative) Semua yang terkait dalam pengembangan manajemen laboratorium yang memenuhi ISO 17025 
di perusahaan / organisasi / unit usaha / laboratorium Facilitator Pelatih Profesional dan auditor yang sudah memiliki sertifikat dari IRCA. Terdaftar dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas diberbagai sektor Jadwal Training ISO 17025 Investasi Rp 3.990.000 / peserta tidak termasuk pajak Diskon 5% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim dua peserta. Diskon 10% untuk perusahaan yang mengirim 3 peserta atau lebih Diskon 10% untuk early bird (mendaftar 2 bulan sebelum pelaksanaan) Investasi ini termasuk : Lunch and 2X Coffee Break Training Material Seminar Kit WQA Certificate Lokasi Hotel atau WQA office Contact Worldwide Quality Assurance Graha ISKA 5th Floor Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165 Central Jakarta, 10570 Indonesia Phone : +6221 – 4260769 Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821 Email :  ,

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Sacramento Kings vs. Dallas Mavericks

The Box Office is now cashless. ONLY accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay Will Call tickets may be picked-up at the Golden 1 Center box office if a valid government issued photo I.D. that matches the name on the order, the credit card used to make the purchase, and the confirmation number given at the time of purchase are provided. VIP PACKAGES are subject to the package providers rules for pick up. Once the Will Call window closes, unclaimed tickets will be available through the end of the show at the Guest Services Booth at Section 109, please enter at the Media entrance near the box office. For the box office to release tickets not in your name you need to submit a written letter of authorization along with a copy of the driver’s license of the party whose name is on the account. Tickets are not accepted for Will Call from patrons wishing to leave tickets for others. (916) 701-5401 Monday thru Friday 10am to 5pm Saturday & Sunday Closed Saturday and Sunday Event Day Hours 12pm to Event Time Accessible seating is available online through, by calling Ticketmaster phone agents or coming to the Golden 1 Center Box Office. Interpreters are available by request and are dependent upon availability. Please e-mail for assistance with any ADA related questions. Interpreters need to be reserved a minimum of 10 days in advance of the show. Service dogs are allowed at the Golden 1 Center.

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Microsoft Power BI 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course  Overview Power BI is the newest Microsoft Business Intelligence and Data Analysis tool. In this module we will go through basics of this product, and introduce all five components of Power BI (Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map, and Power Q&A). You will see some demos and introduction about Power BI desktop, Office 365 Power BI subscription, and Power BI website, and mobile apps. You will see some basic demos of how easy to use is Power BI in some scenarios. Target Audience: The Power BI training is for all the professionals who are passionate about business intelligence, data visualization, and data analytics. Business Analysts Business Intelligence Manager Statisticians and Analysts Data Scientists Project Managers Learning Objectives: Understand primary features of a self-service Power BI solution Utilize Power BI and its data sources Combine, analyze, model, shape, and visualize data Report data using rich dashboards Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course. Course Materials: Students will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials. Examination: No Exam Technical Requirements: For eBooks: Internet for downloading the eBook Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle) Adobe DRM supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader) eBook download and activation instructions Agenda: Module 1: Introduction to Power BI Power BI is the newest Microsoft Business Intelligence and Data Analysis tool. In this module we will go through basics of this product, and introduce all five components of Power BI (Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View, Power Map, and Power Q&A). You will see some demos and introduction about Power BI desktop, Office 365 Power BI subscription, and Power BI website, and mobile apps. You will see some basic demos of how easy to use is Power BI in some scenarios. Module 2: Getting Data Getting Data is the first experience of working with Power BI. You can connect to many data sources on-premises or on cloud. For some data sources you can have a live or direct connection, for some connection works offline. For some connections you need a gateway or connector to be installed. In this module you will learn everything about get data experience of Power BI. Module 3: Power Query for Data Transformation Data analysis and BI world starts from data extraction and transformation. Power Query is the data transformation engine of Power BI. Power Query comes as part of Excel 2016, or as an add-in for Excel 2013 and 2010. Power Query is also part of Power BI Desktop. In this module you will learn about all different version of Power Query, their similarities, and differences, as well as configuration and requirements of using them. Power Query uses a graphical user interface to apply transformations on the dataset. However Power Query works with a functional scripting language behind the scenes. The key to learn Power Query is learning the functional language called M. There are many features in M that are not available in the Power Query GUI. In this module you will learn how to understand M, and how to write M scripts even from scratch. You will learn writing custom functions in M as well as many other useful features. Module 4: Power Pivot for Data Modelling Power Pivot is xVelocity in-memory data modelling engine of the Power BI. Modelling effectively is the key of high performance BI solution. In this module you will learn basics of Power Pivot such as creating relationships, and calculated members, as well as advanced best practices and DAX expressions. DAX is Data Analytical eXpression language. DAX has similar structure to excel functions, but it is different. In this module you will learn DAX from beginner to advance. You will learn basic functions as well as complex functions and scenarios of using them in real world challenges. Module 5: Data Visualization with Power BI Desktop, Power View and Power Map Data Visualization is the front end of any BI application, this is the user view point of your system. It is critical to visualize measures, and dimensions effectively so the BI system could tell the story of the data clearly. In this module you will learn conceptual best practices of data visualizations which is valid through all data visualization tools. You will learn Power View and Power Map skills. Power View is the interactive data visualization tool and Power Map is 3D geo-spatial data visualization tool. You will learn how to create effective charts, and dashboards using these tools as well as best practices for working with these tools. There are two version of Power View; Power View for Excel, and Power View for SharePoint which will be covered in this module as well. Module 6: Designing the best solution with Power Q&A Power BI introduced a new engine for users which focus on users who wants to play with the data more, and understand the story behind the data better. Power Q&A is question and answering engine which works based on human natural language. Power Q&A automatically will be enabled on Power BI files deployed into Power BI website, or Office 365 subscription. However there are some tips and tricks about how to design your model to get the best type of answers through Power Q&A. In this module you will learn best practices for modelling that effect on the response of Power Q&A. Module 7: Power BI Desktop; combination of three tools Power BI Desktop (Previously was known as Power BI Designer) is the new designer tool that enhance combination of three main Power BI components; Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power View. Power BI Desktop has great features that will be fully explored in this module. There is slightly difference from components of Power BI desktop with their original versions; in this module you will learn these differences. You will learn how to use Power BI desktop to mash up data, model it, and visualize it. Best practices of design will be all discussed with demos. Module 8: Administration Power BI components can be deployed into different environments such as Power BI website, Office 365 subscription, or even SharePoint on-premises. In this module we will go through deployment options, Configurations and requirements required for each environment. You will learn how to deploy your Power BI files into Power BI website. you will also learn how to build dashboards in the website, and how to work with Mobile Apps for Apple, Android and Windows Phone.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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