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ICITS 2020: 14. International Conference on Internetworking Technology and Services

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICITS 2020: 14. International Conference on Internetworking Technology and Services aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Internetworking Technology and Services. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Internetworking Technology and Services

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Flair Bartending WFA Yellow Certificate

WFA Flair Bartending Certificate - Yellow This 2 day course covers everything you need to know to start your journey into the wonderful world of flair bartenders. Each day will consist of 3 hours of learning and 2 hours of practice, Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is exam day where you will be taking your WFA Yellow certificate exam, which will last roughly 20-30 minutes. Each bartender will take the exam one by one.  The course will run during the week but the exam will take place on a date on which the student will feel comfortable; wether it be the same day, 2 days, 2 weeks or 2 months after the course has run, as the exam requires practice and patience to get right. This course will grant you a Certification in Flair Bartending on completion; along with a White tin for taking the course, and a Yellow tin for passing the exam. “Flair bartending is the theatrical art of manipulating bar tools with style and grace whilst making exquisite cocktails with precision and speed”. To be a competent Flair Bartender, skill, dedication, motivation and a thriving passion to entertain others are required from any bartender who can create multiple, complex cocktails with speed and consistency. “Without the abilities of a good bartender, a flair bartender is simply a juggler.” With this new string to your bow you will notice an increase in bar intake, an increase in tips and an increase in your technical ability behind the sticks. You will also notice a new, confident bartender with a higher level of concentration and determination to get better and better. High levels of practice are required to reach the number one spot at the top of the WFA gradings. Which is why we have created a course specifically designed for the eager bartender in mind. With this course you will receive, a Mixology group certificate accredited by the World Flair Association, proving you have what it takes to perform behind any bar with character and skill, knowledge of the history of flair, and actual ability to manipulate multiple objects in mid flight, safely and professionally. The earliest record of flair bartending was bartender Jerry “The Professor” Thomas, who poured fiery streams of boiling water and flaming whisky to mix an original cocktail called the Blue Blazer in the late 19th Century. Flair really came into it’s own in the 1980’s when T.G.I Fridays hosted the first national flair bartending competition in 1986 called “Bar Olympics”. John JB Bandy was the winner of this competition and went on to train Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown for the 1988 film, Cocktail. The head instructor Brandon has nearly 10 years experience behind the sticks. With many accomplishments in the competitive field, working alongside the greatest flair bartenders in the world, in some of the best venues in the globe and with his Yellow Teaching Certification, he has dedicated his time, knowledge and passion to create a course fit for all abilities. The World Flair Association (WFA) realised that throughout the world, the standard of bartending differs from country to country. So they created gradings to set standards that can be used no matter where in the world you are. These gradings are colour coded, much like in Karate, White is the first grading with Black being the top grading (1st Place in a grand slam). This WFA accredited diploma course will expand on and perfect the techniques learnt in the introductory course. The WFA exam will cover a timed working flair routine, a timed exhibition flair routine and a timed speed round as well as a free pour test. Course Requirements This course is designed as an entry level course and as such is suitable for complete beginners, up to those who have little flair experience and wish to certify their knowledge of flair. Learning Outcomes Students attending this course are expected to leave having gained the following skills, competencies, and knowledge: WFA Yellow Certification Theory behind flair Competition and bar setup Safety and accident prevention Pours and cuts Flair pouring Garnish and ice flair Bottle – tin moves Simple craft flair techniques Practice with plastic bottles Practice with real bottles and liquid Fluid body movements Speed flair Working flair moves Exhibition flair moves Guest interactions A simple flair routine combining the whole course.

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. Will Call is located at the theatre box office on Canal Street. Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up as early as two and a half hours prior to the event. The customer must present the actual credit card, photo I.D., and the confirmation number. (504) 287-0351 Mon through Fri 12pm to 4pm excluding holidays

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

The Footprint Center accepts the following methods of payment at the Box Office:VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CASH, PHX ARENA NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS The WILL CALL windows open two hours prior to events and are located on the Northwest side of the building in the Pavilion. WILL CALL PICK-UP: The Footprint Center requires that customers picking up WILL CALL tickets furnish the following: 1) PICTURE IDENTIFICATION THAT MATCHES THE PICK-UP NAME 2) CONFIRMATION NUMBER THAT MATCHES THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ALTERNATE WILL CALL PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at (1-800-745-3000), ask for customer service to verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Northwest side of Footprint Center in the Pavilion.(602)379-7800 Suns Game Nights call (602)379-7867 Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - Sunday: closed except on event days and special on sales. PHOENIX SUNS: To purchase Phoenix Suns tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7867 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARIZONA RATTLERS: To purchase Arizona Rattlers tickets for people with disabilities, Subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at PHOENIX MERCURY: To purchase Phoenix Mercury tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)252-9622 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARENA CONCERTS AND OTHER EVENTS: To purchase concert or other event tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at

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CATA DE LIBROS. El libro de la risa y el olvido. Milan Kundera.

“La lucha del hombre contra el poder es la lucha de la memoria contra el olvido.”Comenzamos el año con la voz única de Milan Kundera, quizá uno de los grandes novelistas del SXX todavía con vida. Miramos hacia Kundera buscando afianzar los cánones de la novela de nuestro tiempo. «La novela—dice— es como una síntesis de la filosofía, la narración, los sueños, el reportaje y la autobiografía». Sin alejarnos del SXXI regresamos a la Europa de finales de los años setenta con su cuarta novela «El libro de la risa y el olvido», una obra que mezcla varios géneros, un conglomerado de imágenes, reflexiones y vidas ajenas, que confluyen en el mar de los fanatismos y el amor —temas recurrentes en esta obra. La Republica Checa, su difícil historia, está narrada con crudeza, pero siempre con lealtad a su propia estética. La historia de la República Checa se reconstruye a partir de los diarios de Tamina —protagonista de la historia— y las cartas de amor de Mirekz. Esta obra, como otras del autor tiene una estructura narrativa poco convencional que, entre otras cosas, nos ha motivado su inclusión en nuestro Club de Lectura. «El libro de la risa y el olvido» es difícil de clasificar. Sin ser un libro de difícil lectura, se requiere un lector activo y preparado para el encuentro con el peculiar universo kunderiano. «Milan Kundera nació en Brno (República Checa) en abril de 2019 cumplirá noventa años.En su lengua materna escribió, en estricto orden de escritura, el volumen de cuentos El libro de los amores ridículos y las novelas La broma, La vida está en otra parte, El vals del adiós (La despedida), El libro de la risa y el olvido, La insoportable levedad del ser y La inmortalidad. Ya en francés, las novelas La lentitud, La identidad, La ignorancia y La fiesta de la insignificancia; la obra de teatro en tres actos Jacques y su amo. Homenaje a Denis Diderot; y cuatro ensayos: El arte de la novela, Los testamentos traicionados, El telón y Un encuento.». Tusquets Kundera, desde hace algunos años, es uno de los grandes favoritos al Premio Nobel de Literatura. Además de novelista, es poeta, ensayista, crítico literario y musicólogo. La música está presente en gran parte de su obra. Fue y es un gran admirador de Cervantes a quien rinde homenaje en su literatura.  «Me veo a mí mismo como uno de los últimos artistas de la gran cultura centroeuropea, que está a punto de ser masacrada» En 1982 se publica la traducción de la obra por la editorial Seix Barral. Tusquets publica la última revisión de la obra en 2016.Traductor: Fernando de ValenzuelaCoordina la CATA la escritora Eva Losada Casanova. Autora de “El sol de las contradicciones” XVIII Premio Unicaja de novela Fernando Quiñones, (Alianza), “En el lado sombrío del jardín” (Funambulista) seleccionada entre las finalistas del LIX Premio Planeta de novela y el Premio Círculo de Lectores 2010. Eva es profesora de los talleres de narrativa y novela de La plaza de Poe.Nuestro CLUB DE LECTURA está formado por cualquier lector o lectora que quiera compartir su experiencia de lectura. Siempre repasamos la vida, el entorno literario, el estilo y analizamos la obra en profundidad mientras degustamos un aperitivo y un magnífico vino.Cada CATA está acompañada por un vino seleccionado especialmente por la enoteca Tomevinos Barrio de Salamanca. Ortega y Gasset, 61 de Madrid. Asistir a la CATA te da derecho a un descuento del 10% en los productos de la tienda. VINO SELECCIONADO: próximamente Te instamos a que acudas a la cita con la novela leída, buscamos siempre el debate y contrastar las diferentes experiencias de lectura. Nuestras CATAS no son conferencias, son charlas y encuentros.¡Feliz lectura!

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WomenHack - Istanbul - Employer Ticket - February 27th, 2020 (Not an employer? Our events are invite-only but you can apply here) WomenHack is a community that empowers women in tech through events, jobs, and reviews and aims at creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace for all. Our diversity recruiting events targets some of the most talented women in tech from respective local communities. We believe more diverse talent strengthens teams and creates companies that are capable of outperforming. Our event nights are kicked off with diversity talks, followed by 5-minute rapid interviews to keep things engaging and fun. It will be a casual evening that allows for maximum face-to-face exposure and interaction with everyone in the room. Get to know who you are talking to by going through the list of candidates who have signed up for the event a day before. We invite you to join us in working towards the vision of equalizing the playing field in the tech industry while building mutually benefitting from an inclusive team. BRING DIVERSITY, EQUALITY, AND INCLUSIVENESS INTO TECH WHY ATTEND? • Get the word out about your brand, technologies, and projects to the widest pool of candidates• Build strong and diverse teams without sacrificing on quality and start the hiring relationship early • Get in front of handpicked female technical talents and hire women who are amazing at their jobs• Showcase your company’s support and commitment to diversity hiring • Connect with talents who registered individually through the provided list of contact details    WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WOMENHACK EVENTS: How do you ensure quality?Our events are invite-only for candidates, so that ensures that almost everyone has a solid work history or background. Technical talents such as developers, designers, and PMs are invited according to their expertise.What should I bring?You’d want to share more about your technologies and projects with potential candidates, so bringing your laptop would be a good idea. We also recommend bringing banners, marketing materials, and swag for this event. A printout of the list of candidates attending this event might also be useful for recruitment purposes. Can I bring multiple people?Absolutely, but you will need to buy an additional ticket for each person attending. We highly recommend having multiple people present to be able to work the room.Do you collect a recruiting fee?We don’t ever take a fee outside of the ticket price.Can I hold a private event for my company only?We have worked with multiple industry players to reach their diversity hiring goals internally. Email for more information regarding private events.  WomenHack Host WomenHack Sponsors Key Companies Questions? Email us at Refund Policy

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Digital Marketing Training in Taipei | Content marketing, seo, search engine marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, internet marketing, google ad sponsored training | December 7, 2019 - December 29, 2019

Digital Marketing Training is a 16 hours long Instructor-led training to be provided over 4 weekends by our highly professional and certified Digital Marketing professionals.  Digital Marketing training course is designed to cover SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SMO (Social Media Optimization), SMM (Social Media Marketing), and more. Upcoming Training Schedule 1.Digital Marketing training (December 7 - December 29, 2019) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 2. Digital Marketing training (December 9, 2019 - January 2, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 3. Digital Marketing training (December 14, 2019 - January 5, 2020) Please check Local date and time for the 1st session 4. Digital Marketing training (December 16, 2019 - January 8, 2020) Please check Local date and time for the 1st session 5. Digital Marketing training (December 21, 2019 - January 12, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 6. Digital Marketing training (December 23, 2019 - January 16, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 7. Digital Marketing training (December 28, 2019 - January 19, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 8. Digital Marketing training (December 30, 2019 - January 23, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 9. Digital Marketing training (January 4 - 26, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 10. Digital Marketing training (January 6 - 29, 2020) Please check local date and,time for the 1st session 11. Digital Marketing training (January 11 - February 2, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 12. Digital Marketing training (January 13 - February 5, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 13. Digital Marketing training (January 18 - February 9, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session 14. Digital Marketing training (January 20 - February 12, 2020) Please check local date and time for the 1st session What will you get 4 weeks, 8 sessions, 16 hours of total Instructor-led training Training material, instructor handouts and access to useful resources on the cloud provided Practical Hands-on Lab exercises provided Actual code and scripts provided Real-life Scenarios Training Course Objectives Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of digital marketing. Learn Digital marketing tools and technologies. Learn branding and sales. Metrics Reporting and tracking. Digital marketing tools Online customer experience. Manage social media - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Who can take this Course This course can be taken by Digital Marketing, Social media, marketing, website and, internet marketing professionals. Pre-requisites Basic knowledge of computers, internet browsing, Course Content 1. Introduction to Digital Marketing What is Digital Marketing? Why Digital Marketing? Digital Marketing platforms? Digital Marketing Strategy Types of Digital Marketing – Organic & Paid Digital Marketing VS Traditional Marketing How is it different from traditional marketing? ROI between Digital and traditional marketing? 2. Understanding the Website What is a website Types of websites? Static Website Dynamic Website E-Commerce Website Domain Booking Web Hosting Purchase Website Architecture 3. Website Creations Blogger WordPress 4. Keyword Selection Strategies Keyword Analysis Keyword Competition 5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) What is SEO? How do search engines work? SEO Tools Web position Analysis Competition Analysis Google Algorithms and Update 6. On-Page Optimization Title Tag Meta Description Meta Tags Canonical form Alt Tag Anchor Text Header Tag Robots.txt Xml Sitemap Redirections ( 301, 302) 403 Forbidden 404 File Not Found Webmaster Google Analytics 7. Offpage Optimization Search Engine Submissions Backlink Submission Social Bookmarking Classified Submissions Article Submissions Content Marketing Image Marketing Video Marketing Video Strategy Event Creations Question And Answers 8. Social Media Optimization (SMO) 9. Facebook Profile Creations Creating groups and pages Tips and Guides Posts And promotions Events Creations Video Marketing Promotional Techniques Integration Techniques 10. Twitter Set-up and usage Tips Promoted Tweets Video Marketing Promotional Techniques Integration Techniques Analytics 11. LinkedIn Profile Creations Company Page Creations Tips and Guides Linkedin posts Linkedin promotions Linkedin Groups Video Marketing Promotional Techniques Integration Techniques 12. Instagram Integration Techniques Promotional Techniques 13. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 14. Introduction to SEM 15. Google Adwords Search Advertising Display Advertising Mobile Advertising Video Advertising Shopping Advertising Report generation 16. Google Adwords Express Setup Google Mapping Ads 17. Bing Ads Setup Marketing 18. Social Media Marketing (SMM) 19. Introduction to SMM 20. Facebook Sing up Payments Methods Paid Promotion Video Ads Event Marketing 21. Twitter Set-up and usage Tips Promoted Tweets 22. LinkedIn Setup Paid Ads Linkedin Post promotions LinkedIn Paid Campaigns 23. Affiliate Marketing What is Affiliate Marketing Components of Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing types Affiliate marketing tools Earning Techniques 24. Email Marketing How Email Marketing Works? Types of emails What to write How to write list creation Creating e-mailers Tracking emailers Create Template Reporting 25. Mobile App Promotions Android Apps iPhone Apps Marketing Strategies Marketing Tips 26. Certifications Google Partners Search Advertising Display Advertising Mobile Advertising Video Advertising Shopping Advertising Google Analytics Social Media Marketing Certification 27. Reporting Google Webmasters Google Analytics 28. Tools Alexa VIDIQ AddThis Pinterest MOZ 29. Youtube Marketing Youtube Channel Setup How to Rank and Optimize Youtube Videos How to get more views and Subscribers How to Promote Your Youtube Channel How to boost your Business with youtube Channel Learn to Edit Video Learn ways to Make Money from Youtube How to Setup youtube Premiere Youtube Earning Youtube Advertising 30. Online Earning Types 31. Google Adsense Content Marketing Video Marketing 32. Affiliate Marketing

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Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash Will Call is available 1 hour prior to showtime and is located at the Morrison Center Box Office unless otherwise indicated. (208) 426-1110 Regular Hours: M-F 10am - 5pm Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day): M-TH 10am - 5pm; FRI 9am - 3pm Accessible seating locations are shown on the event interactive seat map. For more information please visit or call 208.426.1111. Wheelchair seating in Main Hall is available in Row I and (K for extra companion seating) of the Orchestra Level, and Row E and (G for extra companion seating) of the Mezzanine Level. See seating chart for details. Accessible locations are reserved for use by patrons with disabilities, but may be released for general sale when all other locations are sold. If you are planning on transferring to a theater seat from a wheelchair or mobility device, please inform the ticket office when ordering so we may seat you in an appropriate and safe location. Fire safety codes forbid items such as wheelchairs and mobility devices from being left in any aisle where they may become an obstruction in an emergency. Only entries 1, 11 & 12 completely avoid stair steps on approach from lobby. Up to (4) companions per accessible patron. Please make every attempt to limit the number of companions in adjacent seating to (1). Place other companions (as possible) in the row just behind the wheelchair space(s). For information regarding Mobility/Sight/Hearing Impairment accommodations, please purchase seats designated as wheelchair accessible or call (208) 426-1110. Sign Language Interpretation for Morrison Center sponsored performances requires a minimum of 72 hrs. prior notice. Please call the Special Assistance Line at (208) 426-1111 Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM well in advance to schedule an interpreter. Assistive listening headsets are available at all Morrison Center sponsored performances and may be picked up at the information booth in the main lobby.

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