Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Cash.
Located at Northwest corner of Lumen Field. Opens 3 Hours prior to kickoff on gameday.
Gameday: (206) 381-7848
Open 3 hours prior to kickoff on gameday. Weekday hours will vary. Located in the Northwest corner of the Stadium.
There are disabled seats (wheelchair convertible) dispersed through all areas and price levels of Lumen Field. Disabled seating and access for all is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA).
★2020 International Workshop on Mobile Robotics (IWoMR 2020)--Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
May 22-24, 2020|Tokyo, Japan|Website:
★IWoMR 2020 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Mobile Robotics can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field. Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.
★Publication and Indexing
All accepted papers will be published in the digital conference proceedings which will be sent to be Indexed by all major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Inspec, SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), EBSCO, CrossRef, Thomson Reuters (WoS), etc.
A selection of papers will be recommended to be published in international journals.
★Program Preview/ Program at a glance
May 22: Registration + Icebreaker Reception
May 23: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions
May 24: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours
★Paper Submission
1.PDF version submit via CMT:
2.Submit Via email directly to:
Ms. Anna H. M. Wong
Accepts: cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express
Located at main box office on Centennial Olympic Park Drive. Available for pickup beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to event. Closing time will vary by event. PLEASE BRING A PICTURE ID, THE ACTUAL CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS, AND YOUR ORDER NUMBER.
404-878-3000 - State Farm Arena Box Office 1-866-715-1500 - Atlanta Hawks
The Box Office is open on event days and for the first day of all on-sales. (Hours will vary based upon the events and time of on-sales).
Accessible seating is available in throughout the arena in various price categories. Seating for the sight/hearing impaired available in the lower level. All accessible seating is subject to availability. All levels of the Arena are accessible by elevator and escalator.
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Honda Center is a cashless venue.
A photo ID matching the name the tickets are placed under is required. VIP, Artist, Promoter, or other special will call requirements and locations are subject to change. Will call windows are located at the Box Office. Will call is generally available beginning 1-1/2 hours prior to the event, and closes after the start of the event (after the first intermission for Anaheim Ducks games). Late pick up will be available at the East Entrance after the box office closes.
Box office phones are answered during regular box office hours. Please note, the box office does not sell tickets by phone. Call (714) 704-2500 for general information
Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm. The box office will remain open through the beginning of weeknight events. On event Saturdays and event Sundays, the box office will open three (3) hours prior to the event and remain open through the beginning of the event. The box office is located on the east side of the building, near the East Entrance, facing the Santa Ana riverbed.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available in most areas of Honda Center including Plaza, Club, and Terrace levels. Availability of locations is dependent upon event seating configuration. For availability and exact locations based on a particular event, please toggle the Accessibility icon in the seat map filters on the event page. The box office will have the same availability as Ticketmaster. Please note, semi-ambulatory or limited mobility seating is also available and requires the guest to navigate some steps. Wheelchair accessible seats have no steps. Hearing Impaired Guests: Assistive listening devices are available, with a picture ID as a deposit, at the Guest Services Desk located at Section 214. Requests for sign language interpreters must be received at least 14 business days prior to the event you are attending. To arrange for courtesy sign language interpreters, please either email or call 714-704-2400. For a full list of ADA policies, please visit
Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit and CASH
ID required for collection LOAs accepted
On Site Box Office will be open on show dates from 2pm-9pm
Event specific,please select Accessible Icon on event page for specific procedure.
Description: Welcome to Vistaedutech! We thank you for visiting Vistaedutech Business Case Writing training page. Corporate strategy execution depends upon developing and implementing the best solution in the workplace. Success factors however, rely upon basing the solution on the right requirements, drawn from a sound and robust Business Case. A well-crafted business case document outlines the rationale for undertaking a business project. It should be a formal, written argument that argues the reasoning to convince a decision maker to approve an intended action. Our BCW course is designed to provide you with a practical understanding on how to write compelling business cases to best suit organizational objectives and achieve targets. Sharpen your presentation skills and get the stakeholders on your side through our Business case writing training. Avail the benefits of this course from anywhere and get trained by the best faculties from Trainerkart. The online and classroom course for Business Case Writing is offered at very reasonable prices so that there is no limit to your learning and growth. This 8 hours course packs in all the information you will need to create compelling business cases that are comprehensive and persuasive. On successful completion of this BCW course, you will receive a Course Completion Certificate from Vistaedutech. What you will learn: Learn to define the project Understand how to analyze, outline and communicate a business case effectively in writing to meet organizational requirements Learn to identify and compare costs and advantages of alternative solutions to the problem Learn to apply risk assessment techniques to forecast and mitigate potential problems Learn to work out alternate solutions based on existing resources Learn to communicate and present the business case effectively to critical stakeholders to gain acceptance Key Features : This is a basic introductory course 1 day or 8 hrs of high quality training from certified instructors Course completion certificate will be provided Hands-on coaching to write winning business cases The course covers the following topics: Introduction to Business Case Where does the business case fit in our business model? Business Case Principles Planning your Business Case – a summary How to identify stakeholders’ needs and align your business case with strategic requirements Strategies for developing a successful business case Identify market potential and compare market ratings of competitors Gather inputs including business capabilities and risks involved in the proposed business Elements that make up a persuasive argument for the business case Build a compelling case supported by data, tables and so on Business Case Study writing tips and effective presentation Use of appropriate language, which is consistent and credible without being biased Typical Business Case Template Business Case Checklist Why Business cases fail, how to give just enough detail but not too much Business Case Writing session & creative discussion Why VistaEdutech ? VistaEdutech's training is the best and value for time & money invested. We stand out because our customers Get trained at the best price compared to other training providers. Get trained by the best trainer in the industry. Get accesses to course specific learning videos. Get 100% Money back guarantee*. Training Fee Classroom: $ 449 Training Fee Online: $ 349 Standard Fee: Booking within 30 days of training but 10 days prior to the start date. Early Bird: Booking at least one month prior to the class start date Super Early Bird: Booking 3 months prior to the class start date. Training Venue: Venue will be confirmed to the classroom participants one week prior to the workshop start date and online participants will get the session attendance link before 4- 5 days of the training start date. Standard Fee: Booking within 30 days of training but 10 days prior to the start date. For more details please contact us at +1 (302) 232-5303 or e-mail *To know more about the discount and money back, Contact us on chat, email or phone.
Pour des raisons culturelles, un Manager ou un Entrepreneur Femme se trouve plus facilement face à la question fondamentale de sa légitimité.
De plus, certaines Femmes font parfois l'erreur de vouloir se comporter comme un homme, c'est à dire avec autorité pour asseoir leur leadership. Or, ce leadership est la résultante de composantes comportementales et sociales qui sont aussi bien accessibles aux femmes qu'aux hommes et qui n'ont rien à voir avec la testostérone. Manager ou entreprendre n'est pas dominer ou passer en force.
La posture managériale ainsi qu’entrepreneuriale est donc accessible aux femmes autant qu'aux hommes.
D'ailleurs, dans beaucoup cas, le style de Management que peut avoir une femme lui permet de mieux réussir que beaucoup d'hommes.
Il ne reste plus qu'à faire face aux situations pourtant fréquentes de remise en cause personnelles lorsque certains hommes ont à collaborer avec une femme manager. De ce fait, les femmes craignant cette remise en cause parfois brutale peuvent avoir d'entrée de jeu un manque de confiance en elles ou d'estime d'elles. Et dans certains cas, la solitude du Dirigeant n'arrange rien...
Nous avons modélisé ces qualités comportementales et sociales ainsi que la manière de les développer, et en avons fait une formation focalisée sur le Leadership au Féminin.
1. Différencier le leadership masculin du leadership féminin
S’appuyer sur les valeurs et les traits de personnalité des femmesDevenir son propre coach pour libérer son potentielAligner ses comportements avec sa vision, sa mission et ses valeurs defemme leaderIdentifier les freins et les leviers pour vivre pleinement lemanagement au féminin
2. Gagner en efficacité grâce à l’Intelligence Émotionnelle
Évaluer la part de l’émotion dans le management et la prise de décisionMieux comprendre les émotions de ses collaborateursSe donner les moyens pour adopter une attitude affirméeSavoir-faire la différence entre l’affirmation, l’autorité, l’agressivité
3. Construire son leadership
S’accepter, connaître ses limites.Rechercher son équilibre intellectuel, émotionnel, physique.Bâtir des relations positives grâce à l’écoute active.Développer sa flexibilité comportementale.Soigner son image et accroître son impact
Le but du programme est de vous amener à :
Avoir confiance dans vos forces pour booster votre évolution professionnelle,
Prendre conscience de vos freins internes et vous entraîner entre pairs à les dépasser,
Vous motiver ensemble : que cet atelier soit un espace de co-développement, de partage d’une même culture, d’un même savoir-faire, de mêmes «secrets», en plus d’être un espace de formation.
Démarches et travail personnel :
Afin d’atteindre les objectifs de la formation, il est essentiel que chaque stagiaire entreprenne des démarches individuelles pour avancer dans son projet et appliquer le plan d’action élaboré au cours de la formation.
Vos frais de formation sont pris en charge à 100%. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus.
Tel: 06 46 01 37 11
The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard,American Express, Discover, money orders,and cash.
Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Box Office 2 hours prior to show time. Customer must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number.
(502) 690-9090
10:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday 10:00AM-5:00PM Saturday event days or on sales 12:00PM-5:00PM Sunday event days or on sales *If there is not an event or on sale, the ticket office is closed on Saturday and Sunday*
Accessible seating is available for 1 wheelchair and up to 3 companions. TM Customer Service: use sell class accessible for seating availability.