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Breaking Down Barriers Benefits Conference-Concert

Do you dream of living a fulfilled life? Do you feel stuck, wondering how to make a shift? It's time to learn the secrets of "Breaking Down Barriers" Obtain the keys to unlock your fears and self-doubt, so you can excel in life as you deserve. Inspirational Speakers, Authors, and Artists join together to supply you with a day of motivation, assisting you on your path so you can live the life you've been dreaming of! Get ready to be transformed, from the inside-out! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Joyful Heart Foundation, founded by Mariska Hargitay (playing Detective Oliver Benson on Law & Order) "Breaking Down Barriers is a powerful conference full of life changing answers for those who are stuck and wondering how to make a shift into living the fulfilled life they've been dreaming of."— Mike Dooley, NY Times Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Co-Founder of TUT Use Of Customer's Image: By purchasing this ticket Customer grants New Dawn Productions, LLC permission to film or photograph him or her at a venue, and to reproduce that film or photograph in any audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction in any medium or context, within lawful limits and without further authorisation by, or compensation to, the Customer. Refunds: No refunds 

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Cash Bingo (H)

Cash Bingo (H) - Touchmark Helena - Mon Feb 3 at 3:00PM  Hobby Room Helena MT -

source categories: localonly

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from Account: syn-touchmarkhelena

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Wedding Fair's Wonderful Wedding Treat Bag Event

ATTN: COASTAL BEND BRIDES/COUPLES! WE HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU! Due to Covid-19, we have not been able to hold our summer/fall Wedding Fairs this year. We miss all of you, and we still want to help engaged couples with planning their weddings and save money too! Just click on the link below to register for Wedding Fair’s Wonderful Wedding Treat Bag Event for your FREE treat bag! Inside you'll find hundreds of dollars of savings to help you save on your wedding as well as other gifts and treats! Stop by La Palmera Mall (2nd floor) in Corpus Christi, Saturday, October 31st during mall hours between 11AM and 7PM to pick up your bag. MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED ON OUR WEBSITE! While you're at the mall, enjoy a day of shopping in the stores and eating in the restaurants, too! What you get: • Treat bag • Gift cards * $500 in Wedding Fair Bucks to spend with vendors • Discounts and special offers from wedding vendors * Your registration will also enter you for our "virtual" door prizes! For more details visit… and click on the link at the bottom of the page to register! We can't wait to see you!

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー

詳細 【IT・TECH・メディア系向け◆APAC進出に興味のある方必見!】中国・タイ・ベトナム進出のイロハがわかる!世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー開催!◆開催概要「海外に進出したいと思っているが、どこからはじめて良いかわからない」「現地のマーケット事情を調べても、何が正しいか判断できない」「トレンドのズレで損をしたくない」など、 ほど近いアジアであっても、どの国にするのか?どう始めるのか?不安が多く、なかなか進出を決められない方もいらっしゃると思います。実際、日本と同じアジアといえども、商慣習や法令、マーケットの特徴は国により大きく異なり、一筋縄で行かないことも多々あります。本セミナーでは、世界26都市に開発・営業拠点をもち、マーケティングやUX調査を含むローカライズ案件や企画開発を通して得た知見を、現地をよく知る中国・成都、タイ・バンコク、ハノイ・ベトナムの各拠点リーダーより惜しみなくお伝えさせていただきます。■こんな方にオススメ・海外(特にアジア)へのビジネス展開を真剣に考えている・現事業に加えて、ビジネス基盤を海外におきたいと考えている・事業のみならず、海外に拠点を持ちたいと考えている・進出を考えているが、何から手をつけて良いか、ノウハウがわからない・まだ進出まで考えていないが、マーケット事情を知っておきたい・自社のサービス・商品のニーズ・可能性を知りたい■セミナー内容▷導入・モンスターラボグループ会社紹介・モンスターラボグループの海外進出サポート概要▷各国拠点から・各国のマーケット概況・近年の進出に関する傾向と事例・各国進出に関するイロハ・モンスター・ラボとして提供できるサービスラインナップ▷名刺交換会◆イベント詳細 日時 2019年11月21日(木)・16:00~18:00(15:30受付開始)セミナー終了後、ご希望の方に名刺交換会を実施いたします 場所 東京本社(日本/モンスター・ラボ)〒150-0012東京都渋谷区広尾1-1-39 恵比寿プライムスクエアタワー 4F 参加料 無料(※詳しいタイムテーブルや参加申込みについては下記イベントページからお願いします) 持ち物 名刺をご持参ください

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Camp Congress for Girls Chicago 2020

Camp Congress for Girls Chicago 2020 is a leadership program that introduces girls ages 8 to 17 to politics. Camp begins with a lesson on the structure of our political system. Each girl will choose to run for a seat in the US House of Representatives, the US Senate or for the presidency. She will create her own campaign with a platform, campaign finance plan and a political ad. All campers will register to vote and then vote in an election. Once elected to Congress and sworn in, the newly installed members of Congress will learn how to introduce a bill, debate the merits of the bill, lobby fellow legislators, collaborate with the Executive branch and finally vote on the proposed bill. Camp will culminate with a ceremonial signing of the bill by our Ms. President. All participants will receive Certificate of Completion. The camp day runs from 8am to 3pm.  For additional information contact us at +1 (202) 660-1457 ext 2,via email at or visit our website at Answers to frequently asked questions. Is the registration fee refundable? The registration fee is non-refundable unless the organizer cancels the session. If a participant is unable to attend a session a credit will be placed on file that may be used at any time for a future program. The credit does not expire. Is lunch provided? Lunch is provided as are snacks. Snacks include fresh apples, bananas and granola bars. Water will be served with lunch and available throughout the day. No sodas or juice will be served. Breakfast is not served. Are accommodations made for allergies or dietary restrictions? A vegetarian lunch option will be provided, no pork will be served. No nuts are allowed in the meeting room. Participants with other dietary restrictions or allergies should bring lunch and snacks if necessary. What is the dress code? Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. Each participant will receive a GIP logo t-shirt that may be worn during the session. We carry sizes youth medium through adult medium. Do parents attend? The sessions are drop-off sessions and parents/chaperones are welcome to wait in hotel lobby or any of the lounge areas of the hotel. Is this a partisan program or supported by a political party? No, the Girls in Politics Initiative is a private independent company that is self-funded through the fees generated from hosting sessions. The curriculum is civic education. Are scholarships available?  Financial aid is available on a first come, first serve basis. Email for all financial aid inquiries. Who are the instructors? Our Lead Instructors are women that currently or have previously worked in government or electoral politics. Our support staffers are current or former licensed teachers. Our instructors and support staff have criminal background checks and WWC cards. Watch the Girls in Politics Initiative™ on Now This News Watch the Girls in Politics Initiative™ on MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Show. “Camp empowers young girls to run for office”  Watch the Girls in Politics Initiative™ on RTL Nieuws New York. "Bestemming Witte Huis (afl. 25): Vrouwen aan de macht" | "Destination White House (ep. 25): Women in Power"

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Auckland Town Hall Box Office is open 90 minutes prior to show start times. Outside of show times the Box Office at the nearby Aotea Centre is open Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm and Saturday & Sunday 10.00am - 4.00pm. All Auckland Live venues can be accessed by wheelchairs and have lifts and ramps to assist those who have difficulty climbing stairs. Please communicate any special requirements regarding seats for wheelchair users when booking your tickets. Contact Ticketmaster on (09) 970 9711 or email If you require a wheelchair when arriving at the theatre or want to discuss anything related to your visit please phone Auckland Live on (09) 309 2677. For more information about accessibility at Auckland Live venues please visit

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