Breaking Down Barriers Benefits Conference-Concert
Do you dream of living a fulfilled life? Do you feel stuck, wondering how to make a shift? It's time to learn the secrets of "Breaking Down Barriers" Obtain the keys to unlock your fears and self-doubt, so you can excel in life as you deserve. Inspirational Speakers, Authors, and Artists join together to supply you with a day of motivation, assisting you on your path so you can live the life you've been dreaming of! Get ready to be transformed, from the inside-out! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Joyful Heart Foundation, founded by Mariska Hargitay (playing Detective Oliver Benson on Law & Order) "Breaking Down Barriers is a powerful conference full of life changing answers for those who are stuck and wondering how to make a shift into living the fulfilled life they've been dreaming of."— Mike Dooley, NY Times Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Co-Founder of TUT Use Of Customer's Image: By purchasing this ticket Customer grants New Dawn Productions, LLC permission to film or photograph him or her at a venue, and to reproduce that film or photograph in any audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction in any medium or context, within lawful limits and without further authorisation by, or compensation to, the Customer. Refunds: No refunds
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