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Africa Entrepreneurs 2020 : Préinscriptions

L'Africa Entrepreneurs le RDV annuel rassemble les acteurs de l'entrepreneuriat africain de plus de 30 pays qui ont un impact en Afrique (entrepreneurs, investisseurs, grands groupes, médias, etc.). Cet événement unique organisé à Paris, marquant ainsi sa dimension internationale, est également l'occasion de découvrir le Palmarès du Prix de l'Entrepreneur Africain et l'actualité des entrepreneurs répertoriés dans le Next Impact Initiative. Il offre l'opportunité d'assister à des interventions inspirationnelles d'entrepreneurs innovants et d'accéder à un réseau unique d'entrepreneurs. Inscrivez-vous dès à présent à l'édition 2020 et soyez les premiers à être informés du programme.

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题目:打造卓越和高价值幸福企业文化,共享丰盛富足人生简介:以利益为主和最大化的企业,很容易被贪婪所腐败,安然超级大企业的倒闭就是一个很好例子。幸福的企业是未来的趋势,它所强调的就是,以人的本分(君子立本)和德为核心思想和依据。这样的企业就家一样,企业的大家长要不停学习,要以身作则,带领大家根据能力和尽力的扮演各自的角色自制力是个人和企业恒久成功的基础更是幸福企业的基石。这是给公司老板和主管的幸福企业文化基础培训课程。内容主要从中华传统文化的智慧去奠定个人的本分,角色和正确的心态和习惯。课程特色☆轻松掌握中华传统文化核心价值和智慧,正能量,正确态度和心态作为个人自制力和幸福企业文化的重要元素。☆从真实个案,历史和故事学以致用,进而创造价值和影响力☆以身作则,以人/德为本,带领企业团通往幸福迈进。对象:公司的领导层和企业老板目标:(i) 让公司领导和老板学习幸福企业的核心价值,和大家长角色的扮演。(ii) 让公司领导和老板,调整正确的心态,态度和信念,以身作则带领公司团队,一同学习,提升,往共同目标前进。 建议人数:20-35 人日期:只是供参考,真实日期待洽商课程安排:只限企业内部培训安排时间:9am-5pm (一天课程) 内容: 1.    中华传统文化和幸福企业-中华传统文化的介绍-企业存在的意义-幸福企业是未来企业的趋势和榜样2.    尽本分和修德-德是一切财富,地位,名誉的根本-君子务本,本立而道生-孝和敬是做人的根本-领导和被领导的角色-君事臣以礼,臣事君以忠-能力,角色和责任的承担-企业就是一个家,家是讲爱的地方-修身,齐家,治国,平天下-君子予以义,小人予以利3.    诚实和自制能力-坚持正确和对的-自制能力-诚实4.    正确的心态和习惯-态度就是人生的高度-心量的大小决定成就的大小。-选择善良-给与的力量-正能量-吃亏就是占便宜-不去评论人家的是非 ☎️ 课程询问与报名,马上WhatsApp 019-5932539 或点击链接

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Penn & Teller

Amex, Mastercard, Visa (credit and debit), Switch/Maestro, cash, cheques (with guarantee card) Collect from the venue on the day of the show an hour before the start of the performance. Please ensure you take the Ticketmaster reference/order number with you. Ticketmaster UK: 0844 847 2388 Calls will cost 7 ppm plus your network access charge. Monday - Saturday: 12:00 - 18:00 (12:00 - 20:00 on performance days) When there is a show on a Sunday, the box office opens two hours prior to the start time and remains open half an hour after the start time. If the main act comes on stage after 20:00, the box office remains open until the event begins. The venue is accessible to disabled patrons. Please contact the venue on 0121 230 9077. (Monday - Saturday 12:00 - 18:00) or email Patrons with walking difficulties please choose seats in the orchestra stalls as this venue has no lift!

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ACM Business Referral "Leads" Group - Membership Application

Business Referral Group Membership application The American Club of Madrid means business!   Our new Business Referral Group is your way to build your business by sharing business leads with other club members. As we begin this new group, we have created the following set of expectations.....and as always with someting new, we encourage your comments and questions!   Leads Group member:Must be an ACM paying member Must apply Fill out Leads Group application One person per industry. This can be classified by specialty i.e.  Real Estate agent who focuses on Residential vs Real Estate agent focused on Commercial  Lead group member can only represent one business so if there are situations where a single person represent s various products and services then that person will need to decide what is their primary business Overlapping this needs to be decided. Early sign up to Leads Group is motivation to secure spot. The decision to allow the person to join group will be the Lead Group member impacted. Wait list for members interested that are already being represented in Group, once a member is dropped members from wait list are contacted. A second Lead group can be created if there is enough interest! Meetings twice a monthDays and times will need to be established by group but in accordance with ACM calendar so no conflicts with other member events Structure Attendance mandatory if not member will be dropped and member on wait list for business category will be contacted Every meeting each member speaks 30 seconds and tells about how members can help them with their business and report on lead they have generated  Speaker each meeting 15 minutes one member will speak about their business related to etc Chair will have a sign up sheet to keep track of speakers up to 6 month in advance Each member should bring a guest once per quarter this is required.  This helps the group to get qualified members into Lead Group. The guest can attend Lead Group without being a member of the club but after 2 meetings they must be a AWM and Leads Group member Each member must provide a testimony of leads generated thanks to group  Leads need to be recorded and documented if a member does not refer leads they will be invited to leave the group as the essence of the Leads Group is to actively promoting each others business. Chair responsible for meeting agenda, speakers, meeting places , report to ACM board the no. Of referrals given, promoting the Leads Group with ACM and other clubs. (Jennyffer will take on this role as Chair) Co chair needed to record qualified leads , meeting minutes, help generate new members, member follow up, step in when Chair is unavailable  ( vacant)  Agenda45 minsAttendance recordingIntroduction and welcomeMember 1 minute blurb about their business Guests introduced and their business 15 min speakerReport on referrals testimony Remainder time networking and coffee pass out cards

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VO JAM - Studio Jams at the Kaufherr Center!

Studio Jams are a way to plug in with other members, get practice in the medium, work on industry-relevant material, and give and share feedback as you flex your muscles in a low-pressure setting. VO Jam - our our VO Jam takes place in our Audio Suite and affords voice actors a time and place to record copy, listen to feedback, and make tweaks and revisions to get in tip top shape for the next potential voice gig! UPCOMING HOSTS:Oct 17th - Tim DadaboNov 21st - Robyn MolerDec - Holly Jolly Jam - please RSVP on special event link HERE 2020 SCHEDULE: Jan - NO JAM SCHEDULEDFeb 20 - Kevin TheisMarch 19 - Brian PlocharczykApril 16 - Ann SonnevilleMay 21 - Brian PlocharczykJune 18 - Deb DoetzerJuly 16 - TBD *Aug 20 - TBD *Sept 17 - TBD *Oct 15 - TBD *Nov 19 - TBD *Dec - NO JAM SCHEDULED *(for any listed TBD dates - if you are an interested in becoming a member-moderator, have experience in this arena, and would like to lead that jam, reach out to and let us know!) HOW THE JAM WORKS:1) Confirm your seat at the jam! - Let us know that we should expect to see you - please confirm a seat via eventbrite by clicking "get ticket" below - space is limited to allow ample time for work and feedback so please only claim a seat if you can make it. If you confirmed a spot and are now unable to attend, no worries! But please remember to release your seat - this will allow someone from the 'wait list' to come jam with us! 2) Pick some material to jam on! - All attendees are encouraged to to pick something from our shared folder that they would like to work on in the jam (you will be sent a link to the folder when you receive your event confirmation from Eventbrite - a copy should also go to your inbox).3) Get ready to jam! - If you need someone to read dialogue with you, please come with two copies of your selected copy or allow enough time to print them at the Kaufherr Center before you jam. You are also welcomed to bring something you are currently working on outside of the jam for feedback! Show up ready to give and receive feedback and ready to work! We are always on the look out for new sides & material. Got something to share or add to our archives? Email it to Looking forward to seeing you at the Center! Best-Jess Jones, Center Director The Kaufherr PLEASE NOTE: The Studio Jam series is intended for SAG-AFTRA and AEA union professionals in order to foster community, provide resources, and offer opportunties for career growth. By claiming a seat in the jam, you are confirming that you are elligible for this benefit as a member in good standing.

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Kabbalah Lunch and Learn

Are you searching for meaning? Do you wonder about the purpose of your life? Would you like to feel more in control and do you want to learn how to overcome fear and anxiety while you're at it? Search no further, the answers are right here. Every Monday from 12 to 1PM master Kabbalist and life coach Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui will hold a Lunch and Learn on Kabbalah This is a feel good event catering to your soul and spirituality while pastrami and corned beef sandwiches cater to your stomach. The satisfaction and fulfillment experienced on Mondays will last much longer than the 1 hour lunch and can transcend your life. Come feel complete and feed your soul every Monday 12 to 1PM with Rabbi Shlomo Ezagui Kabbalah Lunch and Learn. (888)-714-7624

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