Although sipping on award-winning wines is a delight, once you bring food into the equation the experience moves to an extraordinary level of discovery. Scientists describe seven basic tastes: bitter, salty, sour, astringent, sweet, pungent (eg chili), and umami. There are however five basic tastes that the tongue is sensitive to: salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and umami, the taste of MSG. Experience a fun, educational, and delectable aha moment Food and Wine pairing class. You will learn how to appreciate your palate and pair wines – spanning from whites and rosés, to reds, dry, bubbly or sweet – with savory and sweet food selections.
Use promo code: EVT357 for BOGO free classes
Cash and All Major Credit Cards
(702) 733-3111 1-866-574-3851 - Group Sales (10+)
Box office hours: 11:00AM- 10:30PM Group sales hours: M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm
To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives.
Visa, American Express, Mastercard
Will Call tickets may be picked up at the Visa Box Office at Levi’s® Stadium. The Will Call windows open three (3) hours prior to the event. Will call tickets can be claimed only by the person whose name appears on the Will Call envelope. Government issued photo identification is required. ****** Bag Policy – All Events ****** • In compliance with the NFL’s Bag Policy, Levi’s® Stadium prohibits all bags, backpacks and other carriers from being brought into the stadium with the following exceptions: • NFL approved clear plastic bags (12” x 6” x 12”) • One gallon clear plastic zip lock type bags • Small Clutch Bag (the size of an adult hand) (4.5” x 6.5”) All approved bags are subject to inspection upon entry and are subject to additional inspections within the stadium. Guests with oversized bags or other prohibited items must check these bags or items at bag check sites located in front of Intel Gate A and Dignity Health Gate C, Toyota Gate F. These sites close one hour after the completion of the event.
415-GO-49ERS (415-464-9377)
9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday, 10AM to 5PM Saturday through Sunday
Accessible seating for patrons requiring wheelchair access is available with up to 3 companions. FOR ALL OTHER ACCESSIBLE AND LIMITED MOBILITY CONCERNS, PLEASE CALL (415) 467-9377
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
Will Call will open 3 hours prior to an event.
Monday thru Friday..... 9am - 5pm Box office will open 3 hours prior to an event
For Accessible Seating please call (301) 276-6000
Join Chauvet Arts for “The Art of Unity” exhibit, a timely rotating show featuring the gallery's diverse roster of acclaimed artists during a time when artists are uniting more than ever. For more information about CHAUVET Arts, featured artists and upcoming exhibitions, please visit
215 5th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37219
Open to the public five days a week, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Doors open one hour before the start of concerts and one hour before tip off of basketball games.
If you anticipate needing any type of accommodations, please contact the Center directly at 814-865-5555 or 814-863-1821 TTY. Please notify the Center at time of purchase of your access needs. Accessible Parking is located immediately west of the Beaver Stadium. Access to this lot is available off of University Drive.
Types of payment accepted are Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
Will Call is defined as tickets left by the Colorado Rockies, tickets purchased via mail, online or telephone orders that were not mailed, and tickets left by a third party. Will Call is generally available during regular ticket office hours at the Coors Field Main Ticket Office at 20th and Blake Streets. Guests must present a photo I.D. to pick up tickets. Tickets must be left under the name of the person who will pick them up. If there is a need to change the Will Call name, the Guest must contact Will Call prior to game time at (303) 292-0200.
Call (303) ROCKIES for all your inquires.
After February 11, 2012, regular ticket office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 6:00pm, and Saturday, 9:30am to 4:00pm, with extended hours on home game days, remaining open until approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the game. Sunday home game days only, the ticket office will open at 9:00am remaining open until approximately 30 minutes after the conclusion of the game.
There are approximately 1,000 accessible and companion seats available throughout Coors Field. When purchasing seats, please indicate to the ticket seller (whether ordering by phone or in person) that you require accessible seating. If you are mailing your order, indicate this request on your mail order form. Even though a game may be "sold out" for other areas, there may still be accessible and companion seating available. Despite the "sold out" status, unsold accessible and companion seating will remain reserved for persons with disabilities, with the following exception: on the day of a sellout when there are enough seats to meet the needs of our Guests with disabilities, a percentage of the unsold accessible and companion seating may be made available to the public. The remaining inventory will continue to be reserved for our Guests with disabilities. Additionally, please note that only certain areas will be sold, and there is not a specific time they will be available.
::: For English, please, scroll down ::::
Zimní Ghetto Zouk Dance a Kizomba soukromé lekce s Vitorem Tavares Mendesem - Kizomba Prague.
☆ ★ ☆ "Sen se nestane realitou díky kouzlu, ale diky potu, odhodlání a tvrdé práci." ☆ ★ ☆
Nejlepší a nejrychlejší způsob, jak se zlepšit v tanci nebo s tancem začít od začátku? Naše soukromé lekce nabízí studentům možnost si zlepšit svou techniku, získat nové taneční dovednosti či se pořádně připravit na nadcházející taneční akci či festival.
Ať už si rezervujete 60min soukromou lekci jednou nebo třikrát týdně, naučíte se tancovat pod vedením výborného instruktora ve svém vlastním tempu, kdy veškerá pozornost bude věnována vašemu pokroku a cílům.
Soukromé lekce jsou určeny pro ty, kteří upřednostňují individuální přístup. Jsou vhodné pro jednotlivce, pro páry, ale také pro menší skupinku kamarádů, kteří se chtějí tanec naučit společně, všech úrovní. Lekce si můžete domluvit od pondělí do neděle, záleží na vašich časových možnostech.
☆ KDY:
- 25. - 29.11.
- 2. - 3.12.
- 9. - 20.12.
- 2. - 9.1.
- 16 - 30.1.
1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10
(bus zastávka Centrum Zahradní město)
2. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10
(bus zastávka Plaňanská)
- ceník i registrační formulář najdete na našem webu zde:
- do zprávy uveďte dny a časy, kdy chcete lekce mít, dále vaši úroveň a cíl, kterého chcete dosáhnout.
- zakoupit můžete i dárkový voucher v jakékoliv hodnotě
Winter Ghetto Zouk Dance & Kizomba private classes with Vitor Tavares Mendes - Kizomba Prague.
☆ ★ ☆ "A dream doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." ☆ ★ ☆
Private dance classes are the most effective way to take your dancing to the next level, learn a new dance style or begin dancing for the first time.
Our private class offers the student the opportunity to focus on improving his or her overall technique, learn new skills, advance to a new class level, or prepare for an upcoming event or festival. Whether you book 60 min private class once a week or 3 times a week, you will be learning dance with your own private teacher, private studio space, and all the focus is on you and your progress towards your dance goals.
The private dance classes can be for 1 person, couple or small group at all levels.
- 25. - 29.11.
- 2. - 3.12.
- 9. - 20.12.
- 2. - 9.1.
- 16 - 30.1.
1. Kentoya Fitness, Topolová 14, Praha 10
(bus stop Centrum Zahradní město)
2. Fitness & Health club Malešice, Praha 10
(bus stop Plaňanská)
- registration form and price list is on:
Please, write days and times you are available and level and goal you want to reach into your message.