CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
read moreCashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
read morePHPerKaigi(ペチパーカイギ)は、PHPer、つまり、現在PHPを使用している方、過去にPHPを使用していた方、これからPHPを使いたいと思っている方、そしてPHPが大好きな方たちが、技術的なノウハウとPHP愛を共有するためのイベントです。 PHPerKaigiのメインコンテンツは公募されたスピーカーによるトークセッションですが、それだけではなく、PHPerKaigiが参加者どうしのコミュニケーションの場になり、参加者全員が「ホーム」と感じられる環境を提供することを目的としています。 そのため、数人で特定のテーマについてディスカッションするInteractive Round Tableや、アンカンファレンス、懇親会など、日本中から集まったPHPerたちとのコミュニケーションを思う存分するための企画を多数ご用意しています。 PHPerKaigiは、初心者でも歴戦の勇者でも、PHPer友達がたくさんいる方もPHPer友達を探したい方も、男性エンジニアも女性エンジニアも、お酒を飲む方も飲まない方も、全てのPHPerが楽しめるイベントです。 次回、2020年のPHPerKaigiは 2月9日(日)〜2月11日(火・祝)の開催です。この3日間はPHPerたちのお祭りです!スケジュールの確保をお願いします! 公式サイト: https://phperkaigi.jp/2020/公式Twitter: https://twitter.com/phperkaigi --- 関連イベントのご案内 -------- このページのチケットは「本編」のチケットですこのチケットで下記のうち懇親会とPHPostPartyを除くすべてのイベントに参加可能です 2/9(日)day0 12:00 もくもくスペース開放 17:00 前夜祭 20:00 PHPreParty @池袋 別途無料チケット配布予定 2/10(月)day1 10:00 本編 18:00 PHPer茶会 別途無料チケット配布予定 2/11(火・祝)day2 10:00 本編 18:00 懇親会 別途有料チケット販売予定 21:30 PHPostParty 別途有料チケット販売予定 --- チケット種別のご案内 -------- A. 一般 以下の特典があります。 前夜祭(2/9(日))および本編(2/10(月), 2/11(火・祝))への参加 PHPerKaigi 2020 Tシャツ PHPerKaigi 2020 オリジナルノベルティ 2/10(月), 2/11(火・祝)のランチ(先着) 2/9(日)開催の「PHPreParty」無料参加 *1 2/10(月)開催の「PHPer茶会」無料参加 *1 *1: 別途チケットが必要です。後日配布します B. サポーター PHPerKaigiを特別にサポート頂ける方のためのチケットです。以下の特典があります。 「A. 一般」に含まれる特典すべて PHPerKaigi 2020 パーカー セッションルーム前方3列の電源付きサポーター優先席の利用 トークを指定しての席予約 サポーター専用ノベルティ(専用色Tシャツ, 追加ノベルティ企画中) C. ジョーカー チケットがたくさんあって何を買ったら良いかわからないが全て参加したい!という方のためのチケットです。このチケットの購入のみで追加のチケット発券などの必要なく全てのイベントに参加可能です。 以下の特典があります。 「B. サポーター」に含まれる特典すべて 2/9(日)開催の「PHPreParty」無料参加 (チケット取得不要) 2/10(月)開催の「PHPer茶会」無料参加 (チケット取得不要) 2/11(火・祝)開催の懇親会 参加(チケット購入不要) 2/11(火・祝)開催のPHPostParty 参加(チケット購入不要) スポンサーのみなさま、スピーカーのみなさま用のチケットについては個別にご案内します。 (スポンサーのみなさまには「一般」と同内容の、スピーカーの方には「サポーター」と同内容(席予約を除く)のチケットを進呈します。) --- その他注意事項 ------------------------------------- 開催に関する情報は公式サイトおよび公式Twitterに掲載します。 2/11(火・祝)の夜、同会場にて懇親会を開催します。懇親会へ参加するには、本ページで販売するチケットとは別に「懇親会チケット」が必要です。「懇親会チケット」は、こちらで販売中です。 Tシャツ、パーカーのサイズは当日受付でも変更可能です。受付時間によっては一部のサイズが在庫切れになることがあります。あらかじめご了承ください。 チケットの譲渡・キャンセルはできません。 トークが採択された場合および、当日スタッフになった場合はチケットなしに参加することができます。この場合、お手持ちのチケットはキャンセルが可能です。 チケット購入時のお支払はPayPal経由でPHPerKaigi 2020実行委員長「長谷川智希」宛となります。
read moreISTQB Prüfung / Zertifizierung Ohne KursIn unserem autorisierten ISTQB Certified Tester Prüfungszentrum können Sie folgende Prüfungen ablegen: ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst ISTQB Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst ISTQB Advanced Level Test Manager ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer Prüfungszeiten - ISTQB PrüfungDie ISTQB Certified Tester Prüfungen findet jeden 3. Mittwoch im Monat um 10:00 Uhr statt.Darüber hinaus können Sie gesonderte Prüfungszeiten auf Anfrage erhalten. Kosten der ISTQB Prüfung ohne Kurs Die Prüfung zum ISTQB Certified Tester ohne Teilnahme an einem Seminar kostet 225,00 € zzgl. Buchungsgebühr und MwSt.Die Ausstellung des Zertifikats zum ISTQB Certified Tester ist in diesem Preis enthalten. Beratung & Organisation Für die Beratung zu einer Zertifizierung können wir einen Pauschalbetrag von bis 15 €* je Test erheben. Bei Buchung eines Seminars mit zugehörigem Test ist diese Beratung Bestandteil des Seminarpreises. Zeitbonus Nicht-Muttersprachler ohne einem Pass aus Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz erhalten auf Nachtrag und nach Prüfung einen Zeitbonus von 25%. Sprache Die Prüfung kann jederzeit in englischer Sprache abgelegt werden. Bitte geben Sie dies bei der Buchungsauswahl an. Lehrplan 2018 Ab sofort finden alle ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Zertifizierungen in unserem Testcenter nach dem neuesten Lehrplan 2018 statt. Es ist immer noch möglich, die ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level Prüfung nach dem Lehrplan 2011 in englischer Sprache bis zum 01. Juni 2019 zu bestehen. ISTQB FL Prüfungen nach dem Lehrplan 2011 in anderen Sprachen sind bis zum 01. Dezember 2019 verfügbar. Sollten Sie die Prüfung nach dem Lehrplan 2011 ablegen wollen, tragen Sie dies bitte im Bemerkungsfeld ein. *Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. Buchungsgebühr MwSt Mehr unter:https://www.qytera.de/testcenter/istqb-zertifizierung-pruefung
read morePresenting Dark Sense, a collection of dark, mysterious, haunting and/or monochrome art made by local artists. Some art will be hung in our large windows and may be viewed curbside, purchased and available for safe curbside pickup during open hours. SHOW DATES: October 3-17 --October 3: 6-9pm (OPENING NIGHT) Please check our website or Facebook page for updates and additional dates and times.
read moreThe private lesson offers more attention, more assistance, more flexibility … a great option for young children, non-swimmers, special needs, and those who have moved beyond the beginner lesson.Your accomplished instructor will focus on you and you alone – your talents, strengths and weaknesses, goals and experience. This is the perfect lesson for those who would like to take their surfing to the next level. This level of instruction is designed for students who may be hesitant to try surfing or may require more assistance. We specialize in helping students of all shapes, sizes and abilities experience the love of stand up paddleboarding.Private lessons are great for beginners who want personalized one on one instruction, children, those with special needs and intermediate surfers and are available for all ages.By completing this booking request, you acknowledge that this is a request that needs to be confirmed by our Partners. Once verified, you will receive a confirmation email.
read moreCash, Visa, MC, Discover, American Express Available at Box Office during regular hours. Holiday Box Office Hours: Christmas Eve (12/24/19) - 10:00am-2:00pm Christmas Day (12/25/19) - CLOSED New Year's Eve (12/31/19) - CLOSED New Year's Day (1/1/20) - 12:00pm-7:00pm Box office hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm THE BOX OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FOR SALES IN PERSON ONLY. There are no steps into the theatre from the sidewalk. Please be advised that where there are steps within the theatre we are unable to provide assistance. Orchestra: Seating is accessible to the Orchestra without steps, but there are 1-2 steps up to access rows Q-T in the Center and Right Orchestra. Wheelchair seating is in the Orchestra only. Mezzanine: On the 2nd Level: up 29 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Mezzanine. Entrance is behind row F. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the mezzanine. Balcony: On the 3rd level: up 76 steps from the Orchestra. There is no elevator to the Balcony. There are approximately 2 steps up/down per row. There are handrails along both sides of every aisle in the Balcony.
read morePayments accepted are at the discretion of the show’s producer. An ATM is available in the lobby. Will Call orders may be picked up as early as 90 minutes prior to show time, at the main box office located in the main lobby. For DALLAS SUMMER MUSICALS: Please call 214.691.7200 For ALL OTHER EVENTS: Please visit www.liveatthemusichall.com The Music Hall at Fair Park does not operate a daily box office. Events are staffed on the day of event, 90 minutes prior to each performance (generally). For DALLAS SUMMER MUSICALS: Please call 214.691.7200 For Ticketmaster events: please visit Ticketmaster.com For ALL OTHER EVENTS: Please visit www.liveatthemusichall.com The Music Hall at Fair Park does not operate a daily box office. Events are staffed on the day of the event, 90 minutes prior to each performance (generally). For DALLAS SUMMER MUSICALS: Please call 214.691.7200 For Ticketmaster events: please visit Ticketmaster.com or call 800-877-7575 For ALL OTHER EVENTS: Please visit www.liveatthemusichall.com
read moreForest Bathing Hawai‘i's unique square gift card (4.7" x 4.7") features various images from the Lyon Arboretum. Luxuriously thick card stock is sourced from sustainable forests. Comes with a white or green envelope (your choice).Gift card may be purchased here for a place on a scheduled, small group, PUBLIC walk. All cards good for a year from delivery date. Recipient redeems card by emailing in advance. Cost includes shipping.Cards may also be purchased for a PRIVATE walk. Contact for more details. Returning and kama‘āina participants receive a 25% discount on cost of walk. Please email to request promo code. Please email forestbathinghi@gmail.com with shipping address (where gift certificate should be sent), as well as your choice of design (5 options, see below) and color of envelope (white or green). TOP ROW: back of card (same design for all); front of card: 1) Lawn & Mountains, 2) White Shrimp Plant FlowerBOTTOM ROW: front continued: 3) Māmaki Leaves, 4) Mountain Apple (fuchsia) Blossoms, 5) Blue Marble (buttress) Roots Visit www.forestbathinghi.com/gift.html for more.
read moreArt House MRKT Tokyo will bring together 150 of the most significant and forward-thinking contemporary artists from across the city and around the world, alongside a curated program of events and site-specific artists’ projects.
read moreCourse Description: The EXIN Agile Scrum Master certification validates participants’ skills and knowledge of the Agile framework and Scrum methodology. Agile Scrum is about working together to successfully reach a goal. Agile methodologies are popular approaches in software development and are increasingly being used in other areas. Scrum practices include establishing cross-functional and self-managed teams, producing a working deliverable at the end of each iteration or Sprint. This certification focuses on adopting Agile or Scrum in the workplace and taking on the role of Scrum Master. Course Topics: Module 1 : ● Introduction Module 2 : ● Agile ● Waterfall ● Why Agile is better Module 3 : ● Agility ● Development Models ● When to use Agile ● Agile Manifesto Module 4 : ● Agile Principles ● Principles ● Agile Frameworks ● Other frameworks Module 5 : ● Scrum ● Pillars ● Definition ● Empiricism ● Roles ● Workspace ● Scaled Scrum ● Scrum Master ● Manager ● Development Model ● Events ● Artifacts ● Ordering ● Backlog Refinement Module 6 : ● Estimating ● Estimating ● Triangulation ● Affinity Estimating Module 7 : ● Planning ● Event ● Artifacts ● Planning onion ● Planning/Feedback loop Module 8 : ● Daily ● Events ● Scrum of scrums ● Artifacts ● Velocity ● Performance Measurement Module 9 : ● Review and Retro ● Events Module 10 : ● Adopting Scrum ● Management support ● Agile Practices ● Splitting ● Contract types Learning Goals: ● Agile and Scrum concepts including the Agile way of thinking ● What it means to have a Cross-Functional Team ● What self-organization means and how project management is shared ● The limits of a Scrum Team ● How to scale to larger teams using both Scrum-of-Scrums and SAFe framework ● How to use the Product Backlog in a scaled environment ● How to manage issues, bugs and informing people outside of the team ● Commonly used tracking methods (Burn-Down Chart, Velocity) ● How to create Information Radiators, how to interpret them and how to act on the results ● Identifying impediments, deviations, roadblocks and other obstacles that influence the progress positively and negatively ● How to calculate the ROI (Return on Investment) ● How to Recognize errors in estimation ● How to guide a planning session, with and without Planning Poker ● When and how to estimate using Story Points, Ideal Hours and Ideal Days ● The role of the Scrum Master in all the planning moments: Roadmap, Release and Sprint planning ● How to maintain the Backlog and how to add Backlog items ● Creating and recognizing good user stories ● Why a good Definition of Done is so important ● All roles within the Scrum Framework ● How to coach and challenge the team ● When and how to mediate through conflict ● Which tools to use to facilitate the team ● Which solutions are suitable for solving problems ● Which tasks and responsibilities belong to the Scrum Master role Course Agenda: Day 1 ● Introduction ● Agile ● Agility ● Agile Principles ● Scrum Day 2 ● Estimating ● Planning ● Daily ● Review and Retro ● Adopting Scrum Who can Attend? The Agile way of thinking is best known in the field of software development but the principles are increasingly being applied in other types of projects. Scrum is the most used Agile methodology and is suitable for all professionals looking to keep their knowledge up to date with the latest developments in the fields of IT and Project Management, particularly those leading or participating in projects. In particular, the certification is suitable for professionals working in the areas of : ● Project Management ● Software development ● IT Service Management ● Business Management
read moreCash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm
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