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Werte und Wertemanagement - Tagesworkshop, Berlin, 30.01.2020

Werte- und Wertemanagement   Für Entscheider: Vorstände, Geschäftsführer, Bereichsleiter, ... mit Prof. Dr. John Erpenbeck und Prof. Dr. Werner Sauter Die heutige Arbeitswelt ist geprägt von einer hohen Unsicherheit und Komplexität. Digitale Kompetenzen helfen Mitarbeitern dabei, sich in neuen, offenen, unüberschaubaren, dynamischen Herausforderungen zu finden und aktiv zu handeln. Werte dienen den Menschen dabei als Ordner für den Aufbau ihrer Kompetenzen in selbstorganisierte Prozessen der Problembewältigung. Mitarbeiter mit einer hoch ausgeprägten Werteorientierung arbeiten eigenverantwortlich, indem sie sich an ihren verinnerlichten Werten orientieren, die in Prozessen der Kompetenzentwicklung entwickelt wurden. Da die Mehrheit der Mitarbeiter jedoch in Arbeits- und Lernsystemen sozialisiert wurden, die durch Fremdsteuerung geprägt sind, fällt es ihnen schwer, diesen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Unternehmen benötigen deshalb ein zielorientiertes Wertemanagement, d.h. ein System von Maßnahmen zur Gestaltung, Steuerung sowie Weiterentwicklung der selbstorganisierten Werteaneignung und –entwicklung. Sind die Werte einer Organisation optimal mit der Strategie und der Unternehmensführung abgestimmt, können sie eine große Menge Energie freisetzen, die dabei hilft, die gemeinsamen Ziele zu erreichen. Auf der anderen Seite können Werte ein echtes Hindernis darstellen, wenn sie nicht zur Strategie passen. Erfahren Sie in unserem Intensiv-Workshop im praxisbezogenen Austausch mit anderen Teilnehmern und unseren Wertemanagement-Experten, wie Sie Ihr betriebliches Wertemanagement initiieren, konzipieren, gestalten und erfolgreich implementieren können. Ziel dieses eintägigen Workshops ist es, in einem kollaborativen Entwicklungsprozess gemeinsam eine erste unternehmensspezifische Lösungsskizze für Ihre Organisation zu entwickeln, die aufzeigt, wie Sie die Werte Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Teams sowie der gesamten Organisation messen und in einem unternehmensweiten Prozess gezielt entwickeln können. Inhalte „Wertemanagement von „oben“ ist weitgehend sinnlos“ Der Workshop orientiert sich am Bedarf der Teilnehmer. Auf Basis einer Vorab-Umfrage wird ein maßgeschneiderter Workshop konzipiert. Dabei werden Impulsreferate mit Reflexionen, Diskussionen und der Entwicklung von Lösungsskizzen kombiniert. In diesem Workshop erfahren Sie die zentrale Bedeutung von Werten für Ihr Unternehmen und deren Messung mit dem Wertemess-System KODE®W.  Auf dieser Basis definieren Sie in Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Teilnehmern und unseren Experten die wesentlichen Schritte und Maßnahmen zur Initiierung, Konzipierung, Umsetzung und Implementierung eines wirksamen Wertemanagements, in Ihrem Unternehmen. Daraus ergibt sich folgender Ablauf:        Werte als Ordner selbstorganisierten Handelns        Werte. Wertungen in einer zunehmend digitalisierten Arbeitswelt        Aktueller Werteentwicklungsbedarf in meinem Unternehmen        Wertemessung        Gezielte Werteentwicklung von Mitarbeitern        Wertemanagement auf Team- und Organisationsebene        Implementierung eines strategieorientierten Wertemanagements Ihr Nutzen Sie werden nach diesem Workshop in der Lage sein, die notwendigen Entscheidungen für den Aufbau eines unternehmensweiten, gezielten Wertemanagements zu treffen. Sie erarbeiten sich dafür ein fundiertes Verständnis für die Anforderungen an die Wertemessung und ein Wertemanagement, das eine Verinnerlichung von Werten bei den Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften ermöglicht. Damit schaffen Sie die Voraussetzung für die Performanz Ihres Unternehmens in der digitalen Zukunft.   Gebühr 950 Euro zzgl. USt. Nehmen auch Sie Teil an einem fokussierten, intensiven und zeitlich überschaubaren Tagesworkshop! Die KODE® Academy ist ein Bildungsanbieter, welcher interessierten Personalentwicklern, HR-Managern, Geschäftsführern, Direktoren & Personalchefs, Berater, Trainer und Coaches völlig neue Wege aufzeigt Menschen zu entwickeln. Sie möchten gerne persönlich mit einem Berater über eine Teilnahme sprechen? Besprechen Sie die Zugangsvoraussetzungen und ob dieser Kurs für Sie in Frage kommt. +49 (0) 89 90410025-0 Sie erreichen uns an Werktagen von 9:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr.  

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Chicago White Sox vs. New York Yankees

American Express, MasterCard, Visa & Discover. Ticket Windows do not accept checks. NEW! Ticketmaster Will Call Kiosks are available for will call pick-up on the day of the game! There are 2 will call kiosks located at each of the following gates: Gate 3, Gate 4, & Gate 5. Simply bring the credit card used to purchase the tickets to the kiosk, swipe your card and wait for your tickets to print! No more waiting in long will call lines! Kiosks are currently available for day of game will call pick-up only; advance pick-up and ticket sales are NOT available at the kiosks currently. Ticketmaster Will Call (phone or internet orders) may be picked up at any open ticket window at Guaranteed Rate Field on the day of the game, or before the day of game at least 48 hours after the order was placed, during regular box office hours. (312) 674-1000 **SUBJECT TO CHANGE** Non-Game Day Monday to Friday: 10AM to 5PM Saturday/Sunday: Closed Game Days 1:10 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 3:10PM 3:05 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 5:05PM 3:10 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 5:10PM 6:10 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 8:10PM 6:15 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 8:15PM 7:10 Game: Box Office is open from 9AM to 9:10PM 2008 Regular Season: Accessible seating is available in all price levels. In the lower level, accessible seating is in the back of the sections, and in the upper level, accessible seating is in the front of the sections. Ticketmaster sales of accessible seating is limited to four (4) tickets. If there is a larger request for accessible seating, please direct the order to Mary Weiss at the Guaranteed Rate Field Box Office at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5244, or Laura Arenas at (312) 674-1000 ext. 5246. Accessible elevators are located at Gate 4 entrance at the corner of 35th and Shields.

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Winnipeg Jets vs. Chicago Blackhawks

VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Cash, Debit, TM Gift Cards Located at all Box Office windows. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and photo ID. Only the owner of the credit card may pick up the tickets. Note that some orders cannot be picked up until the night of the show. Paperless tickets do not need to be picked up in advance, simply proceed to the gate if you have paperless tickets (see General Rules). Ticketmaster: 1.855.985.5000 Customer Service: 1.855.985.HELP TRUE NORTH BOX OFFICE Ticket Office Hours (June to August) 10:00am - 4:00pm (Monday to Friday) Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays (unless an event is scheduled) Event Days 10:00am to event intermission* (Monday to Friday) Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays - Open 2 Hours prior to event time. *Varies by promoter request There are a number of accessible platforms that can be purchased by patrons who require limited mobility access. Note that row 16 in the lower bowl has no stairs and may be a suitable option for some patrons. The best drop off point for wheelchairs is the loading zone on Donald between Portage and Graham.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover. Will Call tickets can be picked up no earlier than 90 minutes to show time at the Orpheum Theatre Box Office. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the order number. Administration: 612-339-7007 Group sales: 612-373-5665 The Orpheum Theatre box office is only open on days that there is a performance at the Theatre. On show days, the box office open at 3:00 pm, or two hours before the show if there is a matinee. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the State Theatre box office at 805 Hennepin Avenue (one block north across the street). The hours at the State Theatre are: Mon-Fri: 10:00am - 6:00pm Sat: 12:noon - 3:00pm Sun: Closed Accessible seating is available on both the main floor and balcony. An elevator is available to the balcony. Hearing devices are available. Please bring a drivers licence or credit card to an usher to obtain a device.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Think Cyber Think Resilience Manchester Cyber Pathfinder Training Scheme 6: Business Continuity and Recovery from Cyber Incidents

National Cyber Security Programme – Think Cyber Resilience Cyber Pathfinder Training Seminar 6: Business Continutity and Recovery from Cyber Incidents Manchester: Wednesday 5th February 2020: King's House Conference Centre, Sidney Street, M1 7HB Time: 09:30hrs - 16:00hrs (09:30hrs arrival for 10:00hrs prompt start) We all know that Digital Public Services in the UK are under constant cyber-attack. The UK Government has in place a National Cyber Security Strategy aimed at protecting UK Public Services from cyber-attacks. The National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) is responsible for delivery of that strategy and is working with cross-government partners (such as the National Cyber Security Centre) to improve cyber resilience across UK Public Services.   The seriousness of this challenge means that local government and the wider local resilience community need to build a shared understanding of the implications for local multi-agency partners in responding to a significant cyber incident.   To help with this the National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) is sponsoring a new Cyber Pathfinders scheme to help the local public service and resilience community navigate their way through the complexities of cyber security and cyber resilience.   The scheme is running free of charge a Cyber Pathfinder Training Seminar on Business Continuity and Recovery from Cyber Incidents (see details below) for local public sector participants running from January 2020 onwards.   Aim: To enable participants to appreciate how business continuity complements cyber resilience and understands the requirement for effect recovery planning.   Module 6.1: Business Continuity: establish an appreciation of how business continuity complements cyber resilience.   Overview   Outlines the linkages between business continuity life cycle and cyber resilience; Explain the relationship between service recovery time objectives and disaster recovery; How to assess BCM recovery time objectives against a cyber incident; Identify the need to assess critical suppliers’ resilience arrangements.   Description   Cyber Security incidents often create complex problems in business continuity terms due to their nature and the length of time it often takes to fully investigate the cause and whether your organisation has eliminated that from reoccurring. Business continuity plans need to take into consideration a of range options to maintain core capabilities, whilst transitioning back to business as usual. After a cyber incident business as usual may look quite different.   Module 6.2: Recovery:  to understand the requirements for effect recovery planning   Overview   Understand the need to review recovery plans in relation to cyber incidents; Post incident reporting and how to implement lessons through a change management process; Role of remediation planning (quick fixes for restoring to a normality); Need to agree recovery priorities (cyber systems and prioritised services).     Description   The recovery phase following a cyber incident can be a long journey.  Whilst business operations may be restored, lessons identified built into policy, plans, procedures and staff training legacy may continue for many months if not years. This module will look at case studies to support the lessons identified for developing a cyber recovery capability.   Audience:   Senior leaders, Policy Makers and Practitioners from English Local Authorities, Local Resilience Forums, and Public Sector Partners   Focus:  Senior Executives from public sector organisations responsible for policy making and strategic oversight of cyber security, information or data management, business continuity planning, and incident management handling - especially in Local Authorities; Local Resilience Forums; Warning Advice & Reporting Points; or other Local Public Sector Bodies. These events, which are free to attend for public service delegates are aimed at Senior Executives from Public Service providers - especially (but not limited to) Local Authorities and Local Resilience Forums or their public sector delivery partners - with responsibility for:   Cyber Resilience/ Security Information Assurance Data Management and the impact of GDPR/NIS Democratic and Electoral Services Business Continuity Planning Emergency Planning   Places are limited to 60 participants for each Pathfinder event and so early booking is advisable. Polite Notices Charging Policy: This event is funded by Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government on behalf of the National Cyber Security Programme and is therefore FREE to attend. Registration: There are a few questions as part of the registration process - you will be given the opportunity to request CPD etc. Special/ Dietary Requirements: You will be asked to specify if you have any special or MEDICALLY RELATED dietary requirements when completing the registration form.  Please note: We cater for vegetarian option as standard at all our events. This does not have to be specially requested.  Cancellations: In the interest of efficiency, please let us know if you are unable to attend at least 10 working days before this event, so that we can make adjustments to the delegate list and catering requirements. Apologies given with less than 10 working days, we request that delegate substitution is made wherever possible iNetwork's privacy notice can be found here:

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Holiday Art Market - Arnot Art Museum

The Arnot Art Museum’s annual Holiday Art Market is open - Celebrate the season and support the Arts! The Holiday Art Market is a seasonal Exhibition which doubles as a retail pop-up shop. Held in the Museum’s front Reading Room Gallery, it is a highly anticipated tradition. Come in to enjoy viewing these unique creations and perhaps find the perfect, special gift for a loved one - or yourself. This year’s market showcases nine regional artists, listed below. Pieces are available for purchase 13 October, 2020 through 9 January, 2021. Betsy Kent • watercolor paintings Barb Kurcoba • photography Julie Waltz-Stalker • oil and watercolor paintings Laura Glenn • multimedia collage Alice Muhlback • painterly style décor and stationary goods Mackenzie Stratton • ceramics Daniel McPheeters • mixed media digital artist Christy Spreng • hand-made jewelry Charles Hargenrader • turned wood artisan * Dropping in to shop the Market is free to the public. (Regular admission applies to enter the gallery spaces for non-members). * Museum Members are eligible for a discount on Holiday Art Market purchases. Consider joining when you visit. Location: 235 Lake Street, Elmira, NY 14901 Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10am - 5pm; Saturday, Noon-5pm. Closed Sunday, Monday and Holidays. Gallery Admission: $7 per person, free to those under 18. Admission is always free to Museum Members! Membership: Please inquire at the Reception Desk, call Guest Services at 607-734-3697 - or - visit us online to apply for membership benefits at: Directions: Exit 56 from Route 17/86 (Church Street Exit). Turn left at the forth traffic signal onto Lake Street. Free parking is available in the Museum parking lot at the rear of the building, bordering Baldwin Street.

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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