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New York Giants vs. Detroit Lions

The MetLife Stadium Box Office will accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. Personal checks will not be accepted. Ticketmaster Will Call may be picked up at any open ticket window. For all events, non-Ticketmaster will call orders may be picked up at the designated will call window. Will call tickets will be available beginning at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled start time for the event. Box Office: 201.559.1300, - General Ticket Inquiries - ADA Ticket Inquiries Guest Services: 201.559.1515, MetLife Stadium Box Office is open Monday through Friday 11am through 5pm. The Box Office is located in the West VIP lobby. Please park in Lot G, enter through MetLife Gate and into the large glass doors labeled West VIP. MetLife Stadium is fully accessible including all concession stand locations, merchandise stands, ATM's and seating areas. Accessible seating for guests with special needs is available on all levels and in all price ranges. Elevators are located in the southeast (HCL Tech), southwest (Verizon), and northwest (Pepsi) corners of the stadium. Ramps are located at the north and south entrances. Seats with removable armrests are located throughout the stadium. A limited number of wheelchairs are located at each of the entrance gates to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact the MetLife Stadium at 201-559-1515 or for more information or any additional needs for non-NFL events. MetLife Stadium ADA Ticket Questions call 201-559-1300. New York Giants ADA Ticket Purchases call 201-935-8222. New York Jets ADA Ticket Purchases call 973-549-4585. For wheelchair accessible and limited mobility patrons for non-NFL events, please click on the "Request Accessible Tickets" icon on the right side of the page to be taken to a dedicated page for accessible seating purchases. Please request the total number of wheelchair plus companion seats or limited mobility plus companion seats within the same wheelchair dropdown box so you may sit together.

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2020 3rd International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB 2020)

2020 3rd International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB 2020)--Ei Compendex, ScopusJanuary 31 - February 2, 2020Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan Dear Scholars and Researchers,Warmest Greetings from ICCMB 2020!2020 3rd International Conference on Computers in Management and Business (ICCMB2020) will be held at Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan during January 31 - February 2, 2020, co-located with ICSCM 2020 (2020 International Conference on Supply Chain Management). The main purpose of ICCMB2020 is to provide an international platform for presenting and publishing the latest scientific research outcomes related to the topics of Computers in Business and Management. This conference offers good opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas, and to establish research and/or business links, as well as to build global partnership for potential collaboration. We sincerely hope that the conference will help advance knowledge in relevant scientific and academic fields. Publication:Each submission will be reviewed by 2-3 reviewers, and the accepted papers after registration will be published in ICCMB2020 Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science). HistoryICCMB2018 | Oxford University, Oxford, UK | May 25-27, 2018ICCMB2018 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6423-2, it has already been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus! ICCMB2019 | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK| May 24-27, 2019ICCMB2019 - ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6168-2 SubmissionICCMB 2020 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Please submit your full paper to us: Tentative Program Date Time Events31 January, 2020 10:00-16:00 Participants Registration and Conference kits Collection1 February, 2020 09:00-12:00 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches1 February, 2020 13:00-18:00 Parallel Sessions2 February, 2020 09:30-12:00 Keynote & Plenary Speeches2 February, 2020 13:00 -18:00 Parallel Sessions Conference Venue: Hosei Univ. Shin-Hitokuchizaka Building (法政大学新一口坂校舎) Address: 3-chōme-3-9 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073 Japan (〒102-0073 東京都千代田区九段北3丁目3?9) Contact usMs. Yanira YoungConference Secretary of ICCMBEmail: iccmb2018@yeah.netTel: +86-18215525193(Office time 9:30 - 18:00, Time zone: GMT+8; Monday to Friday )

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AFC Divisional Playoffs - Chiefs v TBD

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express. (816) 920-9400 The Box Office hours are as follows: Monday through Friday - 8:30AM to 5PM Saturday (during Chiefs season) - 9AM to 1 PM - Home Game weekends only Saturday and Sunday - Closed

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X Country

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Cardiology Congress 2020

Ark conferences are series of research and academic conferences that brings together some of the most devoted minds in the industry

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Besteuerung von Druckerzeugnissen – voller oder ermäßigter Steuersatz?

Der Umsatzsteuersatz für bestimmte Druckerzeugnisse führt bei der Angebots- und Rechnungsstellung häufig zu Zweifeln darüber, welcher Steuersatz für die Lieferung von Druckerzeugnissen gilt: der allgemeine (volle) Steuersatz in Höhe von 19 % oder der ermäßigte Steuersatz (7 %). Deshalb bieten wir unseren Mitgliedern ein Seminar zu diesem Thema an, damit die Teilnehmer bei der Bestimmung des Umsatzsteuersatzes mehr Sicherheit erhalten. Als Highlight erhalten die Seminarteilnehmer die Gelegenheit, sich bei einem Besuch des Bundesfinanzministeriums (Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus) in Berlin in die Materie einzustimmen. BundesfinanzministeriumIm Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus spiegelt sich wie kaum in einem anderen Gebäude in Berlin die wechselhafte Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert. Im Dritten Reich als monumentaler Amtssitz von Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring errichtet, war der Komplex nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg eine der wichtigsten Regierungszentralen der DDR und steht nun als Sitz des Bundesfinanzministeriums für das wiedervereinigte Deutschland. Auf der Tour erfahren sie alles Wissenswerte über das Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus, seine Geschichte und Architektur. Die Führung dauert 90 Minuten und zeigt sowohl die Historie der Liegenschaft auf, als auch die Struktur und das Handeln des heutigen BMF. Es wird Zeit und Raum sein, Fragen und Themen unserer Gruppe zu behandeln. Seminar-InhaltIn unserem Seminar wollen wir Sie über die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des richtigen Steuersatzes informieren. Anhand von typischen Fehlern aus der Praxis von Druckereien werden die wichtigsten Grundsätze und Bestimmungen des Umsatzsteuer- und Wettbewerbsrechts erläutert, insbesondere die einschlägigen Verwaltungsregelungen zur Anwendung des ermäßigten Steuersatzes. Mehrwertsteuer – was ist das? Unterschiedliche Mehrwertsteuersätze – wozu? Angebote/Rechnungen richtig schreiben Mehrwertsteuer im innergemeinschaftlichen Handel Mehrwertsteuer in der Druckindustrie Werklieferung/Werkleistung? Begünstigt/nicht begünstigt? Welchen Einfluss hat Werbung im Produkt? Streit- und Grenzfälle Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie Tipps und Ratschläge, wie Sie in der täglichen Geschäftspraxis eigene finanzielle Verluste sowie Ärger und Unzufriedenheit bei Ihren Kunden vermeiden können. Während des Seminars ist ausreichend Zeit für Diskussionen über Ihre konkreten Problemfälle und Praxisbeispiele. ZielgruppeDie Veranstaltung richtet sich insbesondere an Sachbearbeiter, Verkäufer und Buchhalter aber auch an alle Fachkräfte aus der Verwaltung von Druckereien, die über den zutreffenden Umsatzsteuersatz entscheiden müssen. TerminDienstag, 30. Januar 2020 Seminardauer10.30 Uhr: Eintreffen am Bundesfinanzministerium (Personalausweis zum Einlass ist nötig) 11.00 Uhr: geführter Rundgang durch das Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus 12.30 Uhr: Fußweg zum Bundesverband Druck und Medien mit anschließendem Mittagsimbiss 13.30 Uhr: Seminar Umsatzsteuer in der DruckindustrieEnde ca. 16.30 UhrDie Teilnehmer erhalten einen USB-Stick mitdigitalen Seminarunterlagen zur sofortigen Anwendung SeminarortBundesverband Druck und Medien e.V.Friedrichstraße 194-199, 10117 Berlin ReferentHenning MarcardVerband Druck und Medien NordOst e.V.Geschäftsstelle Berlin KostenDieses Seminar führen wir für unsere Mitglieder unentgeltlich durch. Anmeldungbitte telefonisch beim Verband (030 3022021) oder per E-MailVDMNO-Mitglieder können auch bei Eventbrite bestellen.

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Minnesota Vikings vs. Dallas Cowboys

U.S. Bank Stadium Box Office accepts; Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card and American Express. The will-call windows are located at the U.S. Bank Stadium Ticket Office, on the Northwest corner adjacent to the Polaris Gate. Will-Call will be available for pick-up beginning one hour prior to the event being attended, unless otherwise noted. Tickets are released only to the person whose name appears on the Ticketmaster transaction. Proper photo identification is required. A signature from the person authorized to pick up the tickets will be obtained at the time of pick up. 612-777-8787 U.S. Bank Stadium 612-33-VIKES Minnesota Vikings Monday through Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday closed with the exceptions of event days. For weekend events, the box office will open one hour before doors. Accessible seating is available throughout all seating levels of U.S. Bank Stadium. For accessible seating accommodations, please contact Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000. A specifically dedicated ADA Pick-Up/Drop-Off zone is available during events. The designated ADA Pick-Up/ Drop-Off zone is located on 10th Avenue South, between 6th Street South and 7th Street South. Game Day Team Members will be available when you arrive for any additional assistance.

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Denver Broncos vs. Los Angeles Chargers

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and American Express only. Photo ID is required for all events. Tickets will only be released to the person whose name is on the envelope. Note: Broncos half-price tickets are only available via mobile delivery. There is no will call for half-price tickets. (720)258-3333 Denver Outlaws Information: 720-258-3600 8:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday 9:00-End of half time on Game Day ADA seating may be purchased via Ticketmaster at or by calling 800-745-3000. Limit of 4 ADA seats per customer. For ADA assistance/inquiries, please call 720-258-3337.

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Christmas Late Market - 18th December

London's favourite designer makers under one roof. Super talented makers and the gifts they will love!Also, music, mulled wine and mouth-watering street food.Greenwich Market's Late Night Wednesdays are just the place to find the perfect arts and crafts Christmas gifts.And enjoy some festive cheer with a delicious street food supper and heavenly music.Wednesday 18th December.Shop through to 8pm.

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