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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Debit, American Express, MasterCard & Visa. The Box Office is located on the Canal Level. Note: Please arrive at Box Office early if picking up tickets. Customers must present the actual credit card used when placing the order and photo ID. Toll free: 1.844.985.ARTS (2787) Parking: 613.947.7000 Ext 488 / Toll Free 1.866.850.ARTS (2787) Ext 488 Lost And Found: 613.947.7000 Ext 212 / Toll Free 1.866.850.ARTS (2787) Ext 212 1 Elgin (formerly le café): 613.594.5127 Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Sundays & Holidays: Closed except when a performance is schedule, the Box Office will open 2 hours prior to curtain until 15 minutes after the curtain time of the last performance. Please Note: The NAC Box Office is NOT a Ticketmaster Ticket Centre. The NAC Box Office sells tickets for NAC performances only! This includes shows presented at the NAC by other promoters and shows sponsored by the NAC but held elsewhere. Please Note: The NAC Box Office is NOT a Ticketmaster Ticket Centre. The NAC Box Office sells tickets for NAC performances only! This includes shows presented at the NAC by other promoters and shows sponsored by the NAC but held elsewhere. Special tickets are available for patrons in wheelchairs, as well as for the visually impaired. For availability, please contact the NAC Box Office at 1.844.985.ARTS (2787). Seating for patrons in wheelchairs may also by purchased online. Visit for information regarding venue accessibility.

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Corso Insegnanti Danza Classica

Il corso di formazione per conseguire il diploma di Insegnante di Danza Classica è articolato in due livelli di preparazione: Primo livello: Insegnante Danza Classica (qualifica di primo livello che fornisce l'abilitazione all'insegnamento della disciplina); Secondo livello: (Qualifica di specializzazione di Insegnante Danza Classica).   FINALITÀ: La finalità del percorso professionale è quella di creare una figura di Insegnante di Danza Classica con un notevole bagaglio di competenze tecniche della disciplina che lo renderà professionista del settore. Tale formazione professionale consentirà ai partecipanti di conseguire, previo esame finale, il diploma e il tesserino di Insegnante in Danza Classica rilasciato da A.S.C., Ente di Promozione Sportiva riconosciuto CONI e valido per l’insegnamento in tutti i centri sportivi, associazioni, scuole di ballo e danza. Diploma valido ai fini delle agevolazioni fiscali per l’attività Sportiva Dilettantistica (L. 342/2000). I diplomi rilasciati danno la possibilità di esercitare la professione di Insegnante di Danza Classica. I corsi di formazione sono a NUMERO CHIUSO.   DATE: Il prossimo corso di formazione Insegnante Danza Classica Primo Livello si svolgerà nelle seguenti date: SABATO 1 FEBBRAIO 2020   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      SABATO 22 FEBBRAIO 2020   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      SABATO 14 MARZO 2020   - dalle ore 10.30 alle ore 18; •      SABATO 4 APRILE 2020   - dalle ore 10:30 - 13:30 lezione, esame dalle ore 14 in poi.   PREREQUISITI: Buono studio pregresso della Danza Classica.   PROGRAMMA: Saranno trattati tutti gli argomenti del corso di formazione della disciplina Danza Classica che saranno visionabili anche nel testo di preparazione che verrà fornito ai corsisti il primo giorno del corso: - Storia della danza classica: analisi delle tecniche e dei principali metodi; - Studio della tecnica dei passi e movimenti metodo Vaganova; - Analisi della struttura di una lezione, esempi pratici di lezioni di livello differente associati alle fasi evolutive; - Passi di collegamento e salti; - Analisi della parte tecnica della lezione; - Postura: analisi della corretta postura nella danza, impostazione delle braccia e del tronco; - Laboratorio di anatomia, riscaldamento muscolare e stretching; - figura dell’insegnante di danza; - normative fiscali.     DOVE: I corsi di formazione si svolgono presso l'A.S.C. DANZA in via Gregorio XI 211 a Roma.   DOCENTI: - DANIELA MIGLIACCI - ANTONELLA DI PROSPERO - SIMONETTA GUERRIERI I nostri Docenti svolgono attività di tutoraggio 7 giorni su 7 a tutti i frequentanti dei corsi di formazione che dovessero avere bisogno di un supporto tecnico della disciplina oggetto di studio.   MODALITÀ D'ISCRIZIONE: Per iscriversi al corso di formazione (posti a numero chiuso) bisogna richiedere la disponibilità tramite l'apposito modulo sul sito dell’A.S.C. DANZA, comunicando il proprio nome cognome e recapito telefonico e la tipologia di corso scelto. Da quel momento, il corsista avrà cinque giorni di tempo per ufficializzare l'iscrizione, inviando il modulo di iscrizione e la copia del pagamento della quota di iscrizione.   ESAME FINALE: Al termine del percorso formativo sarà verificata l'abilità tecnica e didattica di ogni aspirante Insegnante attraverso un esame di fine corso che si svolgerà l'ultimo giorno del corso di formazione.   COSTI E CERTIFICAZIONI: Le quote comprendono: -       Materiali di studio; -       Corso negli incontri prestabiliti; -       Diploma ASC riconosciuto coni, previo superamento dell’esame finale, -       Tesserino tecnico personale di Insegnante Danza Classica; -       Quota associativa all'ente di promozione sportiva per la stagione in corso; -       Iscrizione all'albo nazionale insegnanti danza sportiva ASC.   QUOTE INSEGNANTE PRIMO LIVELLO: 550 Euro (suddivisa in 150 Euro all’ atto dell’iscrizione da versare entro 15 giorni dall’ inizio del corso salvo disponibilità di posti, 200 Euro da saldare presso la segreteria il primo incontro del corso e i restanti 200 euro da saldare presso la segreteria il secondo incontro del corso).   COSA PORTARE: -       2 fototessere cartacee da consegnare in segreteria dell’A.S.C. DANZA il primo giorno del corso; -       Abbigliamento e calzature idonee per la lezione di danza classica.   N.B. Le dispense e i materiali di studio verranno consegnati il primo giorno del corso di formazione e sono compresi nelle quote di iscrizione.       DOVE SIAMO e COME RAGGIUNGERCI Via Gregorio XI 211– 00166 Roma (oppure entrata secondaria a Via Giovanni Andreucci 20). CONTATTI: Rispondiamo dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.30 alle 21.30 ed il sabato e la domenica dalle 10 alle 18. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale dell’A.S.C. DANZA.

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Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Tampa Bay Lightning

412-642-1800 The Box Office will only be open on event days. Monday - Friday at 10am & Saturday - Sunday at 12pm. On an event day, the Box Office hours vary. Hours are subject to change as a result of event times, holidays or inclement weather. Please call 412-642-1800 for more information.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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St. Louis Blues vs. Arizona Coyotes

Box Office Accepts Cash, Money Orders, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover and Diners Club Card. Customer must present actual credit card used to place the order, the confirmation number and a photo ID. Tickets held at Will Call may be picked up beginning 2 hours prior to show time. See Miscellaneous Info section for phone numbers. Service Hours: The Enterprise Center Box Office is currently open Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm. Short-term parking is available in front of the building, or in the garage attached to Enterprise Center. Enter the garage from Clark Avenue or 16th Street. Cash is accepted. Checks and credit cards are not accepted for garage parking. DOORS OPEN: -60 minutes prior to game time for Blues -Other events vary by show PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Please call Enterprise Center at (314)622-5420 to reserve seats. To arrange seating for a group with special needs, please call Enterprise Center Group Sales at (314) 622-5454. SEATING: Enterprise Center has an ample number of reserved seats for guests with disabilities dispersed throughout the plaza, club, mezzanine and penthouse levels as well as the event level for concerts. One companion seat is available for each seat reserved for a guest with a disability. These seats are provided in a wide variety of price ranges for all events. All seats for guests with limited mobility have been selected to allow convenient entry and exit, as well as for accessibility to restrooms and concession stands. In addition, Enterprise Center's private suites, club seats and private restaurant are accessible to guests with disabilities. TICKET SALES: Tickets to Enterprise Center events are sold to persons with disabilities on a first-come, first-serve basis. When purchasing tickets, please inform your ticket seller about any needs that may require accommodation, including companion seating or use of a service animal.

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Volunteer with Us

We are looking for committed individuals with a passion and heart to help others that can volunteer couple of hours during the week.  So far this year, we’ve served over 2,000 families in Prince George’s county through the many service we provide. As of right now, we are in great need for individuals to fill the following volunteer positions:  ESL Instructor Food Pantry Organizers Special Events Organizers Tax Preparers Office Data Entry Please visit our website at to register to become a volunteer. Or call our office Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm EST at (240) 696-2086. While we cannot pay you for your services, we are always looking for ways to provide an incentive to our volunteers.  In addition, there is no greater reward than the reward of knowing that you are helping to positively transform the lives of our community members. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Fountain Community Enrichment, Inc.

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Domain Models in Practice: DDD, CQRS & Event Sourcing

Milan, 25-26-27 March 2020. Trainer: Marco Heimeshoff Are you interested in building semantic yet simple software that correctly serves its purpose? Join DDD expert and business software artist Marco Heimeshoff for this intensive three-day workshop exploring the technical relationship between code, culture, and architecture and learn how to model and implement software from a business perspective. Target audience If you are an Architect or Developer (junior or senior) with a strong interest in Domain-driven design and modern message-driven architectures then this course is for you! There are no specific requirements to this workshop, only the will and ability to build software with a focus on business behaviour.If you are a programmer with one year experience or a senior architect with 20 years in the industry, your specific mindset represents part of the workforce of business software developers and you can learn and practice language agnostic in this workshop. Topics Understand Domain-driven design (DDD) and when it applies Model the problem domain and explore multiple solutions to choose from Align your design with your business needs using CQRS and DDD Build scalable and decoupled applications with Event Sourcing. Program In this course, you will learn how to scale your application so that any number of queries can be handled, while also maintaining a behaviour rich domain model that can deal with complex scenarios.Discover how Event Sourcing enables you to build highly cohesive and decoupled modules and changes the way you write and communicate about tests forever. These patterns will help you to put your energy where the business value is, by letting you partition your team by their expertise and outsource the busy work. Drawing from Domain-driven design concepts, write code with Command Query Responsibility Segregation and learn how Event Sourcing tells a story in domain terms. Keep your software system design in line with your organisation's needs, improve readability, and strengthen your communication with key stakeholders. Agenda Day One Domain-driven design overview: Essential patterns and practices Defining a Ubiquitous Language Domain model implementation patterns Bounded Contexts Applying DDD in practice. Day Two Capturing user intention instead of editing data Implementing business behaviour in semantic code Applying Event Sourcing Testing with Domain Events using Behaviour Driven Development Implementing Aggregates, Entities and Value Objects Decoupling Bounded Contexts Dealing with performance optimisation and snapshots. Day Three Implementing read models Projecting Event Streams into poly-structured data Dealing with eventual consistency Building distributed systems with Pub/Sub Automating business processes with Sagas Strategies for long lived, evolving Event Sourced systems Discussing benefits, risks and socio-technical implications of CQRS and Event Sourcing. Expect to get your hands dirty You will explore a real domain and implement a working model front to back with a mix of lectures, group modelling with event storming, example guided pair programming and exploratory mob-programming. Why should you buy a ticket? After this workshop you will be able to use the methods of domain-driven design to analyse the business as a whole, split it into manageable contexts alongside the business units and implement a fitting culture, architecture and code to each of them FAQ Anything to do prior to the workshop (books to read, stuff to install)?Attendees will benefit from coming prepared with the knowledge about DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing, but this is not a prerequisite. You should have a working IDE with a test runner and a language of your liking. Since we will collaborate and pair program, please refrain from obscure languages or dvorak keyboard layouts ;) Do I need my laptop?Yes, we will need one laptop per two people. If you come with colleagues, you can join with one laptop per two people. Will there be any materials to take away?The slides of the lectures and pictures of our models will be shared between all attendees, as well as the source code that we build as a mob. Practical Info Language: English.Time: 9.30 am – 5.30 pmLaptop: Check out the FAQ section. Included in the price: Two coffee breaks and lunch with the trainer and the other attendees are also included in this ticket… because networking matters :-) How to get to Milan? The workshop will be held at the Pirelli Institute (Viale Fulvio Testi, 223, Milan).Check out how to get to the Pirelli Institute, our recommendations for the accommodation, how to get to Milan, and much more at our Istituto Pirelli Institute Venue Page. Questions? Drop us a line at Link to the website Trainer Marco Heimeshoff Location Pirelli Institute, viale Fulvio Testi, 223, Milano. Timings Each day will start at 9.30am and finish at 5.30pm. Under_Cover_Learner Discount - SAVE 20% If you’re paying the ticket out of your own pocket and you don’t have a VAT number, you can get a 20% discount on any tickets and on any ticket tiers! How? Just enter the Under_Cover_Learner promotional code in the registration field on Eventbrite. Please note: This code cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers/discount codes, and it applies to any ticket tier. If you need to pay with PayPal, drop us a line at We accept the following methods of payment: PayPal, Credit/Debit card (via PayPal, click on the link: "Don't have a PayPal account?"), Bank transfer (upon request - contact us at T&C, Privacy Policy, cancellations and refunds, Venue info Find out more at this link.

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