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49th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-49)

49th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (ETAS-49) is a festival for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of engineering, technology, applied science and more under multiple sub-themes. Selected articles have opportunities to publish in associated Scopus indexed journals. Respected authors are invited to submit abstracts/full papers/posters which have not been submitted in other conferences. Multiculturalism and perspectives are respected and appreciated in ETAS conferences. AASE anticipate that these conferences will challenge how you look at your researches and find inspirations under a friendly and supportive environment. NOW, take chances to present and publish your researches in international academic journals.

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't Zonnehuis op zijn kop: Het Grote Kleurenballet (4+) - onderdeel van Familiefestival Kleurrijk

Kom elke maand naar ’t Zonnehuis in Amsterdam-Noord voor de leukste familievoorstellingen! Fantasierijke, grappige en muzikale voorstellingen voor baby’s, dreumesen, peuters, schoolkinderen en natuurlijk hun (groot)ouders en begeleiders. We verwelkomen elke maand een ander gezelschap, variërend van poppen en objecttheater tot dans en zelfs circusacts. Deze serie wordt afgesloten met Familiefestival Kleurrijk, een feest van kleurexplosies, vormverrassingen en dansende kunstwerken. Een van de voorstellingen die hier te bezoeken is, is Voorstelling Het Grote Kleurenballet (4+) door Theaterstraat | Meboer & Bakker. Tromgeroffel. “Jongens en meisjes, welkom bij Het Grote Kleurenballet!”. Een grote gele bal met vrouwenbenen doet een spectaculaire draai, een stoere blauwe streep met armen beweegt strak op de maat van de muziek. Steeds meer fascinerende kleuren en vormen komen het podium op. Alleen zijn sommige danspassen best lastig en de kostuums zijn prachtig maar ook groot en onhandig. Een voorstelling vol hilarische en slapstickachtige momenten. Het Grote Kleurenballet is geïnspireerd op de beroemde choreografie het Triadische Ballet (1921) van Oskar Schlemmer Hierin komt abstracte, beeldende kunst letterlijk tot leven. Voorstelling Het Grote Kleurenballet (4+) van Theaterstraat | Meboer & Bakker:Spel: Rianne Meboer, Suzanne Bakker, Tjebbe RoelofsRegie: Anne van DorpMuziek: Jolle RoelofsVormgeving: Calle de Hoog en Daphne KarstensDuur: 50 minutenLeeftijd: vanaf 4 jaar 't ZONNEHUIS OP ZIJN KOP is een samenwerking tussen de Janivo Stichting en Stichting Stadsherstel Cultureel om jeugdtheatermakers verder te helpen en het Zonnehuis toegankelijker te maken voor zowel de buurt als nieuw jong publiek.  

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Monster Jam

Cash, Master Card, Visa, American Express, No Personal Checks Available at Home Plate Gate. Tickets that are at will call may be picked up two (2) hrs. before event time. Photo ID is required to pick p will call tickets. 714-634-2000 Contact Angel Stadium Ticket Office at 714-634-2000 for current hours Accessible seating is available to people with mobility disabilities that require accessible seating because of their disability at all price levels. This includes individuals who use wheelchairs, those who use other mobility devices, and people who cannot climb steps or walk long distances because of significant arthritis or Severe respiratory, circulatory, or cardiac conditions. Individuals who, because of their disability, cannot sit in a straight-back chair or those whose service dogs cannot fit under a non-accessible seat or lie safely in the aisle are also permitted to purchase accessible seats. Individuals purchasing a ticket for an accessible seat may purchase up to three additional seats for their companions in the same row and that are contiguous with the accessible seat. If contiguous seats have already been sold and are not available, the Angels will offer other seats as close as possible to the accessible seat.

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BST Pearl Jam - Official Premium Ticket Experiences

Visa, Mastercard, Maestro Tickets must be collected hy the card holder who must present the card used to book and the Ticketmaster reference number on the day of the event. Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40 International: 00 44 161 385 3500. Ticketmaster credit card line open 24hrs. A Box Office will be open during the event. It will not be open in advance. See individual events for specifications.

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Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Cash. Located at Northwest corner of Lumen Field. Opens 3 Hours prior to kickoff on gameday. Gameday: (206) 381-7848. SFC Customer Service: 877-657-4625 Open 3 hours prior to kickoff on gameday. Weekday hours will vary. Located in the Northwest corner of the Stadium. Seattle Sounders FC: 2 hours prior to match There are disabled seats (wheelchair convertible) dispersed through all areas and price levels of Lumen Field. Disabled seating and access for all is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA).

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, Debit, American Express, MasterCard & Visa. The Box Office is located on the Canal Level. Note: Please arrive at Box Office early if picking up tickets. Customers must present the actual credit card used when placing the order and photo ID. Toll free: 1.844.985.ARTS (2787) Parking: 613.947.7000 Ext 488 / Toll Free 1.866.850.ARTS (2787) Ext 488 Lost And Found: 613.947.7000 Ext 212 / Toll Free 1.866.850.ARTS (2787) Ext 212 1 Elgin (formerly le café): 613.594.5127 Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Sundays & Holidays: Closed except when a performance is schedule, the Box Office will open 2 hours prior to curtain until 15 minutes after the curtain time of the last performance. Please Note: The NAC Box Office is NOT a Ticketmaster Ticket Centre. The NAC Box Office sells tickets for NAC performances only! This includes shows presented at the NAC by other promoters and shows sponsored by the NAC but held elsewhere. Please Note: The NAC Box Office is NOT a Ticketmaster Ticket Centre. The NAC Box Office sells tickets for NAC performances only! This includes shows presented at the NAC by other promoters and shows sponsored by the NAC but held elsewhere. Special tickets are available for patrons in wheelchairs, as well as for the visually impaired. For availability, please contact the NAC Box Office at 1.844.985.ARTS (2787). Seating for patrons in wheelchairs may also by purchased online. Visit for information regarding venue accessibility.

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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