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FabLabKids: Im Coding Camp zum Coding Champ (Raspberry Pi + Python) - Ferienkurs 3tägig

Kurstermin: Osterferien 2020: 06.04.2020 bis 08.04.2020 jeweils von 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr Du willst wissen, was einen Computer zum Laufen bringt? Was in Deinem Smartphone steckt, Du aber nicht anfassen kannst? Woher Roboter wissen, was sie tun sollen?Wenn Dich diese Fragen neugierig machen, dann ist das Coding Camp im FabLab genau das richtige für Dich - denn hier erfährst Du, wie man Rechnern Befehle gibt und Programme zum Laufen bringt. Weil Computer nur sehr einfache Befehle verstehen, ist die Aufgabe herausfordernder als man vielleicht denkt. Deshalb fangen wir möglichst einfach an. Im Laufe der Kurstage programmieren wir einfache, textbasierte Computerspiele wie Galgenraten, Mastermind oder Tic-Tac-Toe. An jedem der drei Termine werden wir anhand eines Spiels Grundlagen der Programmierung erlernen. Wir arbeiten dabei mit der Programmiersprache Python auf Raspberry Pi Computern. Diese sind zwar nicht größer als ein Päckchen Spielkarten, bringen aber alles mit, was man zum Programmieren braucht. Jede/r nimmt am Ende des Kurses seinen/ihren Minirechner mit nach Hause und kann dort weiter herumexperimentieren und weitere Spiele oder andere Programme entwickeln. In den Kurspausen werden wir Gehäuse für die Raspberrys entwerfen, mit Lasercuttern ausschneiden und gravieren und zusammenbauen. Kursort sind die Bildungsräume des FabLabs im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70, Eingang D, Erdgeschoß, 80339 München. Das Coding Camp ist auf 10- bis 14-jährige Anfänger/innen ausgerichtet, die bisher noch nicht programmiert haben. Voraussetzungen sind geübter Umgang mit Tastatur und Maus. Um bestmögliche Betreuung zu gewährleisten, ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf maximal sechs Kinder beschränkt. In den Kursgebühren sind bereits Materialkosten in Höhe von 60,- EUR enthalten. Hierfür erhält jede/r Teilnehmer/in: einen Raspberry Pi 3 Mini-Computer, inkl. Kühlkörper und geeigneter Stromversorgung eine SD-Karte mit eingerichtetem Betriebssystem und Programmierumgebung; diese wird bereits während des Kurses von den Teilnehmern genutzt, so dass zu Hause mit den eigenen Kursergebnissen weitergearbeitet werden kann ein Gehäuse, das wir mit den Möglichkeiten des FabLabs in den Kurspausen anfertigen und individuell mit Gravuren gestalten Um den Raspberry Pi im Anschluss an den Kurs zu Hause weiter betreiben zu können, werden noch folgende Dinge benötigt, die nicht in den Materialkosten enthalten sind: USB Maus und Tastatur HDMI Kabel Monitor, oder alternativ TV mit HDMI-Eingang Falls der Rechner Teil eines kabelgebundenen Netzwerks werden soll, wird ein Ethernet-Kabel benötigt. Der Raspberry Pi ist grundsätzlich auch WLAN-tauglich, sollte dabei aber nicht zu weit vom Accesspoint/Router stehen. !!!Achtung!!! Ticketrabatt mit Ferienpass München 2019/20! Beim Ticketkauf oben rechts "Werbecode eingeben" anklicken und den im Ferienpass genannten Rabattcode eingeben. Ticketpreis reduziert sich automatisch. Bitte beachte:im Normalfall finden all unsere Kurse und Workshops auch so statt, wie hier angegeben. Es kann in Ausnahmefällen aber vorkommen, dass es Änderungen gibt oder die Mindest-Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Dich über die hier hinterlegte Email-Adresse informieren.Unsere Seminarräume befinden sich im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70D. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Hinterhof.

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Ellen Kent: Madama Butterfly - FT Ukrainian Opera & Ballet Theatre

Amex, Mastercard, Visa (credit and debit), Switch/Maestro Ticketmaster: 0844 847 2315 The Box Office only opens on a day when there is a show in the venue 90 minutes prior to the performance commencing. The theatre is equipped with a hearing induction loop. Please note it is not available in the following areas however: Stalls Rows A, B and C (all seats) and Circle Rows G, H, I and J (seats 1-6 and 36-41) plus Cirlce Row K (seats 1-7 and 35-41).

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Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Pittsburgh Penguins

Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover (813) 301-2500 Amalie Arena Ticket Office (813) 301-6700 Accessible Seating Line Day of Event: 3 hours prior to the ticketed time. Hours may vary based on event. Please call (813) 301-2500 for specifics.. This is an accessible venue. For additional information, please visit

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Transformational Game Leela

There is an invitation to play amazing transformation game Leela Chakra where you will be able to determine your true desires and goals, understand the right direction to move further and analyze the actions or qualities which help you to achieve or realize your intentions. This game is a powerful tool for changing the existing stereotypes, preparing our mind to change the patterns of behaviour. The game reveals obstacles that block your way to achieving a goal and helps to overcome them. General Information: The number of players from 1 to 6.  Duration: 2- 2,5 hours Price: 250 RMB /per person group session (include drinks) 700 RMB/ per private session for 1-2 people (include drinks) The groups form on weekdays and weekends: (possible to organise the other day and time *on request) Saturday/Sunday afternoon 2 PM/ 5PM Monday morning/afternoon - 10 AM/2 PM Thursday evening - 7 PM *Possible to organise the online sessions Registration and more info: WeChat ID: DariaNalimova

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Elton John

Ticket purchases can be made at this box office during opening hours. Payment by all major debit/credit cards is available. Pre-booked tickets can be collected on the day of the show from 4pm, up to 15 minutes after the main act goes on stage. Customers must take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster reference number with them in order to collect the tickets. The cardholder will need to sign for the tickets. If you have any queries regarding box office collections, please contact Ticketmaster's customer services department. 0844 847 8000 The box office is situated on the Trinity Way link corridor next to the Arena Car Park entrance. This box office will be available from 4pm only on a show day and will close 15 minutes after the main act has gone onstage. Opening times will change for Box Office depending on the time of the show. Please check prior to attending the event to ensure you have the most current up to date information. Provisions have been made to cater for wheelchair users. Lifts have been installed and it is possible to enter the arena by the access link between Trinity Way and Victoria Station. The Hunts Bank entrance is accessible via external lift and access from the car park and Victoria Station is possible via the City Room. The second raised tier of seating (BLK 201 and above) requires the negotiation of steep steps and so may not be suitable for the elderly, infirm or those with mobility problems. Seating at the front of the upper tier is 35ft (10m) from ground, rising to 70ft (20m) at the rear. Please call 0161 950 5229 for further details.

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Boston Bruins vs. Montreal Canadiens

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Agile For Product Owner 2 Days Training in Seoul

Course Description : When an organization makes the decision to adopt agile, it takes much more than pulling together a development team and allowing them to work in an iterative manner. Agile is a true shift in how individuals collaborate, communicate and operate. Agile requires an all in mindset from both business and technology where all individuals work together to deliver business value in the form of working software. The Agile for Product Owners course will provide the knowledge to understand and apply the principles of agile. At the end of the course, participants will be able to effectively plan, prioritize and manage a product roadmap to deliver business value, understand the role of the Product Owner and the development team within an iterative process, and gain the skills necessary to become an agile leader to drive your organization to the next level. Course Outline : Section I: Agile Overview What is Agile? Why Agile? Agile Manifesto and Principles Agile Methodologies Sprint Overview Section II. Product Owner Overview Role of the Product Owner Responsibilities of the PO Characteristics needed to be a supportive PO Section III. The Agile Team Roles of an Agile Team Characteristics of a strong Agile Team Supporting an Agile Team Section IV. Agile Planning 5 Levels of Planning Vision Development Product Road Mapping Feature Prioritization Release Planning Section V: Building and Managing the Backlog User Personas Epics Writing User Stories Sizing User Stories Section VI: Sprint Planning and Execution Sprint Planning Execution Backlog Refinement Demo Retrospective Section VII: Agile Leadership What is Agile Leadership Servant Leadership Attributes of Agile Leaders Target Audience : Product Owners Product Managers Team Leadership Project Managers Learning Objectives : Understand Agile Practices and Principles Learn the role, responsibilities, and characteristics needed to become an effective Product Owner Explore the roles and characteristics of a strong agile team and learn what a Product Owner needs to do to support an agile team Dispel the myth that mid and long term planning are abandoned with Agile Develop user personas and write user stories to build out and manage a product backlog Discuss and understand typical ceremonies conducted within a sprint in an agile development process Explore what it means to be an agile leader and the importance of servant leadership Course Agenda : Day 1 Agile Overview Product Owner Overview The Agile Team Agile Planning Building and Managing the Backlog Day 2 Sprint Planning and Execution Agile Leadership

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The boys are back! 5ive/A1/Damage/911 (O2 Apollo, Manchester)

The boys are back! Catch 5ive, A1, Damage and 911 at venues all over the UK in February and March, bringing you a hit-packed show of pop classics. Four acts, one unforgettable night! General Admission and VIP / Meet & Greet tickets on general sale Wednesday 10th April at 10am. ID may be required on entry as proof of purchase. Resales are strictly not permitted. The promoter reserves the right to void any tickets found on, or sold through any secondary resale sites.

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