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The Addams Family

The Addams Family Musical by Andrew Lippa, Marshall Brickman, and Rick Elice Directed by Rebecca Campbell October 9 November 8 Based on the popular family tv show, Addams Family is a kooky, spooky Halloween show perfect for the young and the young at heart. All your favorite characters are here and this time they sing!

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Monster Jam

Cash, MC, Visa, Discover, and AMEX Tickets held at Will Call can be picked up as early as 1 hour prior to event at the front of the building on the West side. (Alcaniz Street). (850) 432-0800 - General Info 10am - 4pm Monday - Friday. Event hours vary and posted at Box Office. This is an accessible venue.

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Holiday Gift Collective brings together seven East Bay female artisans in Lafayette, CA

Holiday Gift Collective brings together seven East Bay female artisans in Lafayette, CA San Francisco, CA – With a global pandemic and wave of fires, many small businesses have shuttered under the conditions, while others have united in finding new ways to sustain themselves and support their local communities through their crafts. Contra Costa County recently moved into Tier 2, allowing for the return of indoor retail shopping under state guidelines. The artisans and women behind Holiday Gift Collective are thrilled at the opportunity to safely showcase their goods and boost their local economy just in time for the holidays. The idea for Holiday Gift Collective was born from the shared values of each of the participating artisans as well as from the #shoplocal movement which encourages people to invest in their communities with the goal of strengthening the economy. Holiday Gift Collective is a union in support of community and equality, and will offer home goods, jewelry, gourmet foods, and more. In addition to continuing to pave the path for aspiring female entrepreneurs, Holiday Gift Collective hopes to encourage the community to work together in the fight against climate change. Brands such as Planet Renu, SIP, and Hofssi Chocolates will be presenting a variety of eco-friendly and ethically sourced products. Joining the list of green businesses will be Hollie's Homegrown, a local organic herb farm on a mission to create the highest quality herbal food and body products. All together, they will provide Holiday Gift Collective customers with unique and special gift options that reduce our carbon-footprint. To learn more about the women behind Holiday Gift Collective, visit their sites: Anne Morrison Rabe Photography, Annie Chrietzberg, Hofssi Chocolates, Hollie’s Homegrown, Manjusha Jewels, Planet Renu, and SIP (Seriously Imbibed Products). Located at 3539 Plaza Way, Lafayette, CA, the pop-up will run Sunday, Nov. 1 through the end of the holiday season from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Local guest artisans will be featured on a rotating basis. ### Contacts Holiday Gift Collective: Sanjiv Chawla

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12. jobmesse münchen

Mit über 1,4 Millionen Einwohnern ist München die drittgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und wächst stets weiter. Zudem ist die bayerische Landeshauptstadt zweitgrößter Beschäftigungsstandort der Republik. Zahlreiche Studien bestätigen die hervorragenden wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven Münchens. Somit darf der attraktive Wirtschaftsstandort natürlich auch im Tourplan der jobmesse deutschland nicht fehlen – seit Jahren ist die jobmesse münchen fester Bestandteil. Das MOC Veranstaltungscenter München bietet mit seiner repräsentativen und tageslichthellen Architektur dabei das perfekte Messe-Flair. Seine direkte Anbindung an das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz, die zahlreichen Parkplätze sowie eine professionelle Infrastruktur sind auch logistisch weitere Vorteile dieser Location. Rahmenprogramm: Fachvorträge & Workshops Bewerbungschecks Bewerbungsfotoservice

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Crédit entre particulier rapide

Bonjour je me présent moi c'est Mr Frédéric, Eddy VINGADASSALOM un Particulier; je vous offre un emprunte de 2000 EURO à 250.000 EURO à toute personne capable de le rembourser avec intérêt a un taux faible de 2%  ou 3%  nous sommes des particuliers qui offre  un emprunte entre Particuliers sérieux qui ont besoin pour les petits entreprises, Nous faisons des prêts locaux et des prêts internationaux à des personnes partout dans le monde. Nous ne nécessitons pas beaucoup de documents. Emprunte juste et honnête et fiable. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui et faites-nous connaître le montant d'argent que vous voulez  un emprunte.Voici le

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Boston Bruins vs. Ottawa Senators

Cash; Check up to $100.00 w/Mass. Driver License; AMEX; Visa; MC; Discover; Diners Club Pick up tickets starting 2 hours prior to event time. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place order and a photo I.D. General Info Number:(617) 624-1000 Group Sales (only!): (617) 624-1805/1806 Bruins (617) 624-BEAR (Groups = 25+) Celtics (617) 523-3030 (Groups = 20+) Please do not contact Group Sales regarding sold out games! TD Garden - Boston | Tickets, Schedule, Seating Chart, Directions ( The box office will open 2 hours prior to an event and remain open until one hour after the event begins. Please note the TD Garden Box Office does not sell tickets at the public on sale. All tickets should be purchased via *Hours subject to change This is an accessible venue.

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Core Cash and Voucher Assistance Skills for Programme Staff in Bangkok

Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff  Training Venue - TBA April 6th to 10th, 2020 The Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course is a 5-day training for technical staff responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash transfer programmes.  The training is structured around the project cycle and covering all of the key skills required to design, implement and monitor cash transfer programmes.  The course is interactive, drawing on participants’ experiences and knowledge. It is focused on a technical/programmatic perspective and incorporates examples and case studies from multiple sectors.  This course is CaLP-accredited and delivered in English by Key Aid Consulting.  Course objectives By the end of the Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff,training participants will be able to: Understand how CVA is guided by key policies, standards and guidelines  Describe how CVA needs to be integrated into role of different teams throughout the project cycle Explain what assessment information is needed to inform response analysis Use market information to inform modality choice  Understand how CVA can contribute to response objectives Identify the information needed for monitoring of CVA Identify how collaboration and coordination support quality CVA  Course structure Training will run from 9:00 to 17:00 every day except for the last day, which will end at 15:00. Each day is organised into four blocks, separated by a lunch break and two coffee breaks (one in the morning and another in the afternoon).  From the second day onwards, each day will begin with a review of the topics covered the day before to ensure that the concepts, tools, and approaches were fully understood. Each day ends with a period of reflection, evaluation, and questions.  Participants will be actively encouraged to take part in classroom discussions and group work. The trainers will draw on both theoretical and practical knowledge in order to make the experience and learning applicable.  TOPIC 1 - CVA Concepts, Standards and the Policy Environment  - CVA concepts and terminologies - Explain how CVA can support the different phases of humanitarian response  - The key steps of CVA across the project cycle - CVA and key standards in the humanitarian sector - Key policy trends and their influence on CVA  TOPIC 2 - Assessment  - Apply the project cycle to assessing what humanitarian response efforts will be necessary - Integrate CVA-relevant information into needs assessment data collection  - Explain how CVA contributes to broader Market-Based Programming (MBP) - Key types of data that need to be collected to assess market performance  - Key actions involved in market analysis  - Outline common market assessment tools and methods and contexts where they may be more appropriate  - Key factors for selecting delivery mechanisms  - Coordination between assessments and situation analysis  TOPIC 3- Analysis  - Define CVA feasibility  - Compare the feasibility of different delivery mechanisms for CVA  - Pros and cons of different assistance modalities and delivery mechanisms  - Identify the decision-making process for modality selection  - Types of risks related to CVA and potential mitigation strategies  - Transfer value and related concepts  - Relationship between transfer value and expected outcomes  TOPIC 4- Design and Implementation  - CVA-specific targeting considerations  - Key considerations for beneficiary registration for CVA  - Service providers for CVA  - Programme design to reach a humanitarian objective or objectives  - Key elements of the CVA delivery (encashment) process (registration, authentication/verification, distribution, reconciliation)  - Explain concept of accountability to affected populations (AAP) and other stakeholders  - Complaint and feedback mechanisms - Staff and beneficiaries safety  - Coordination, jobs and functionalities  - The different service providers - How to select the good ones and have successful relationships? - Cash in/cash out: the concrete steps TOPIC 5 & 6 – Monitoring & Looking ahead - CVA monitoring indicators - Market monitoring: purpose, steps and tools  - Collaboration and coordination across sectors  - Next steps for learning  Who should attend?  This course is aimed for technical staff who manage/support/backstop cash programs. This might include: programme managers, programme officers, technical specialists from any sector, such as food security, livelihoods, WASH, Health, or Shelter, MEAL specialists. Participants are typically from NGOs/INGOs, UN, Red Cross/Red Crescent. In addition they may be from donors, especially staff involved in technical supervision of and guidance to projects/programmes.  Upon successful completion of the 5 days course, participants will receive a CaLP certificate.  Your trainer Helene Juillard has over a decade’s experience in evaluating, researching and managing emergency and early recovery responses. She is both a cash and market-based programming expert, as well as a capacity strengthening, expertise. She has led and supported several market analysis exercises in the field, from South Sudan to Syria. Helene authored the Minimum Standard for Market Analysis, the Pre- Crisis Market Analysis and reviewed the Labour Market Analysis Guidance, the Multi- Sectoral Market Analysis and the Markit. Helene is a CaLP member and part of the Market in Crisis advisory group.  How much does it cost to attend the training?  Our fees are inclusive of all training resources, lunch, and refreshments. Our training is non-residential but we usually offer recommendations on affordable accommodations close by. Standard fees: 5 days training: 900 EUR.  Early bird: if you register and pay by February 24th, 2019, you will get a 10% discount. Individuals working for organisation with HQ based in the global south are offered a 30% discount on our training fees. Group discount: organisations booking at least 3 participants at the same time get a 20% discount on training fees. Note: those discounts are non-cumulative. (NB: if you are a French-based organisation, we will have to charge you 20% VAT on top of the training fees) Still have some questions?  Check out our Terms and Conditions here  If you have any questions about this course or require further information, please contact

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