FREEWALKERS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR KENNEDY 50 GOAL: Seeking individuals who wish to walk 50 miles in a day. Participants in the training program will aim to complete the February 8, 2020 FREEWALKERS KENNEDY 50 (C&O Canal in Maryland) in approximately 15-16 hours. Methodology: The following would be the basis of the program: Distance Training-Participants will progressively increase the distance they can comfortably walk in a day to approximately 30 miles. If one can comfortably walk 30 miles in a day, they have a good chance of completing the 50. (See schedule of training events below) Walk Faster- To complete a 50-mile walk in 15 hours, one will have to walk about 3.5 miles an hour. The 50-Mile is not a race. However, the longer one takes to complete the event the tired they will become. Many walkers are used to a 3 MPH pace, so they just need to get walking a bit faster, taking quick breaks and eating on the run. Off Weeks- On weeks where you are not participating in a “longer” walk, commit to doing a 10-15 mile walk. Awards will be given to most training miles walked. Knowledge-Techniques concerning what to wear, eat, bring with you will be shared. Camaraderie-Completing this event can be especially challenging if done by your self. This applies to both the training and the actual event. Hopefully, “The Group” can get you through this by supporting each other. At the conclusion of the program, awards will be given to the most supportive, most improved walkers and most training miles walked. New This Year: Two opportunities to walk approximately 40 miles in a day DC Area Training Walks Schedule of events: August 10 Penn to Penn 20 miles Sept 21 Endless Summer 30 miles Oct 14 Lenape 34 miles Nov 2 Marathon Walk 26 miles Nov 16 Take A Hike Day 20-30 Miles Dec 7* Winter Hudson Loop 30 -40 miles Jan 4* TBD 30-40 miles Jan 18* Training Walk X2 32 miles Feb 9 Kennedy 50 50 Miles * Tentative Dates (For earlier events new walkers would not have to finish the entire distance. One need not attend all events. There are alternative FREEWALKER events and other organized events.) After you register for the training program more information will be provided. You will also need to register for the individual training events that are listed above that you plan to participate in. You also need to register separately for the KENNEDY 50 walk. Contact Ed Purcell @ ELANDEDPUR@GMAIL.COM for details and questions.
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