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世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー

詳細 【IT・TECH・メディア系向け◆APAC進出に興味のある方必見!】中国・タイ・ベトナム進出のイロハがわかる!世界26都市に拠点を持つMonstar Labのアジア3拠点現地リーダーによる海外進出セミナー開催!◆開催概要「海外に進出したいと思っているが、どこからはじめて良いかわからない」「現地のマーケット事情を調べても、何が正しいか判断できない」「トレンドのズレで損をしたくない」など、 ほど近いアジアであっても、どの国にするのか?どう始めるのか?不安が多く、なかなか進出を決められない方もいらっしゃると思います。実際、日本と同じアジアといえども、商慣習や法令、マーケットの特徴は国により大きく異なり、一筋縄で行かないことも多々あります。本セミナーでは、世界26都市に開発・営業拠点をもち、マーケティングやUX調査を含むローカライズ案件や企画開発を通して得た知見を、現地をよく知る中国・成都、タイ・バンコク、ハノイ・ベトナムの各拠点リーダーより惜しみなくお伝えさせていただきます。■こんな方にオススメ・海外(特にアジア)へのビジネス展開を真剣に考えている・現事業に加えて、ビジネス基盤を海外におきたいと考えている・事業のみならず、海外に拠点を持ちたいと考えている・進出を考えているが、何から手をつけて良いか、ノウハウがわからない・まだ進出まで考えていないが、マーケット事情を知っておきたい・自社のサービス・商品のニーズ・可能性を知りたい■セミナー内容▷導入・モンスターラボグループ会社紹介・モンスターラボグループの海外進出サポート概要▷各国拠点から・各国のマーケット概況・近年の進出に関する傾向と事例・各国進出に関するイロハ・モンスター・ラボとして提供できるサービスラインナップ▷名刺交換会◆イベント詳細 日時 2019年11月21日(木)・16:00~18:00(15:30受付開始)セミナー終了後、ご希望の方に名刺交換会を実施いたします 場所 東京本社(日本/モンスター・ラボ)〒150-0012東京都渋谷区広尾1-1-39 恵比寿プライムスクエアタワー 4F 参加料 無料(※詳しいタイムテーブルや参加申込みについては下記イベントページからお願いします) 持ち物 名刺をご持参ください

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Spanish Advanced

The Spanish Advanced course is designed for confident Spanish speakers who want to participate in lively, engaging conversations on a wide variety of topics. Content Whilst enrolled upon the course you will study the following topics: The Spanish-speaking world Spanish culture (food, film, books, business etc.) Famous Spanish figures The full course fee is £150. More information about the assessment and entry requirements can be found on the website: Alternatively, contact us at or call 020 8240 4321 during office hours.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Phoenix Suns vs. Boston Celtics

The Footprint Center accepts the following methods of payment at the Box Office:VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CASH, PHX ARENA NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS The WILL CALL windows open two hours prior to events and are located on the Northwest side of the building in the Pavilion. WILL CALL PICK-UP: The Footprint Center requires that customers picking up WILL CALL tickets furnish the following: 1) PICTURE IDENTIFICATION THAT MATCHES THE PICK-UP NAME 2) CONFIRMATION NUMBER THAT MATCHES THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ALTERNATE WILL CALL PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at (1-800-745-3000), ask for customer service to verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Northwest side of Footprint Center in the Pavilion.(602)379-7800 Suns Game Nights call (602)379-7867 Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - Sunday: closed except on event days and special on sales. PHOENIX SUNS: To purchase Phoenix Suns tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7867 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARIZONA RATTLERS: To purchase Arizona Rattlers tickets for people with disabilities, Subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at PHOENIX MERCURY: To purchase Phoenix Mercury tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)252-9622 or visit the Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARENA CONCERTS AND OTHER EVENTS: To purchase concert or other event tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Footprint Center at (602)379-7800 or visit Footprint Center ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at

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Laboratorio annuale Pianeta 2019/2020 - Codemotion Kids! Roma

Laboratorio Pianeta (8 - 10 anni) Il Laboratorio Pianeta è l’esperienza annuale che Codemotion kids! ha pensato per bambini e bambine dagli 8 ai 10 anni. Nel corso di 24 incontri, i piccoli partecipanti  familiarizzano con i concetti base di logica, programmazione e robotica, con un largo spazio dedicato alla creatività ed alle attività manuali (tinkering e making), considerate alla base di un apprendimento creativo delle tecnologie.>> Scopri di più sui Laboratori Annuali di Tecnologia APPROCCIO PROJECT BASED Grazie ad un approccio project based, i ragazzi impareranno, incontro dopo incontro, a trasformare un’idea in realtà realizzando i loro personali progetti tecnologici e digitali.>> Leggi di più sul Metodo di Apprendimento Obiettivi Educativi sviluppare abilità manuali e una mentalità maker; introdurre i principi di logica; comprendere le basi del movimento nello spazio; approcciare i concetti di base della programmazione: sequenze, ripetizioni, condizioni, eventi; sviluppare abilità multisensoriali, sviluppare la creatività manuale integrandola con gli strumenti digitali; familiarizzare con i concetti base della Robotica. sviluppare l'attitudine al lavoro in squadra >> Scopri alcune delle attività da Laboratorio CALENDARIO  Durata del laboratorio: 24 lezioni da 1h 45 minInizio lezioni: 07/08/11 ottobre 2019Classi (a scelta tra): Lunedì (a partire dal 7 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Martedì (a partire dall'8 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Venerdì (a partire dall'11 ottobre): 17:30 - 19:15 Prezzo del laboratorio Promozione speciale: per tutto il mese di luglio 800€ anzichè 890€! COSA COMPRENDE IL PREZZO DEL CORSO? - Tutti i materiali utili allo svolgimento del corso vengono forniti da Codemotion Kids! - E' previsto un pc per ogni partecipante - La classe si compone di max 10 partecipanti con 1 docente ogni 7 allievi - Tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un attestato di partecipazione alla fine del laboratorio -- INFO UTILI:- La classe partirà solo a raggiungimento del numero minimo di iscritti- Prima di procedere all'iscrizione, i genitori sono pregati di prendere visione delle condizioni di vendita e dell'informativa per il trattamento dei dati personali Per maggiori informazioni: All'iscrizione seguirà, entro 30 giorni, l'emissione di una ricevuta fiscale. Nel caso in cui si necessiti di fattura, specificarlo nel modulo d'ordine o inoltrare la richiesta a:

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Hamilton (Touring)

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and cash. Will Call tickets can be picked up 90 minutes prior to the event at the street level lobby. Customers must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number. (501) 244-8800 Celebrity Attractions Box Office hours 426 W Markham (Broadway & Markham) Monday – Friday 9:30 to 5:30 Walk-up sales Monday – Friday 9:30 – 4:30 Phones This is an accessible venue.

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Phoenix Suns vs. Los Angeles Lakers

The Talking Stick Resort Arena accepts the following methods of payment at the Box Office:VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMERICAN EXPRESS CASH, THE US AIRWAYS CENTER NO LONGER ACCEPTS CHECKS The WILL CALL windows open two hours prior to events and are located on the Northwest side of the building in the Casino Arizona Pavillion. WILL CALL PICK-UP: The Talking Stick Resort Arena requires that customers picking up WILL CALL tickets furnish the following: 1) PICTURE IDENTIFICATION THAT MATCHES THE PICK-UP NAME 2) CONFIRMATION NUMBER THAT MATCHES THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ALTERNATE WILL CALL PICK-UP: If another person, other than the person ordering and paying for the tickets, is picking up a WILL CALL order, the ALTERNATE PICK-UP name MUST be on the account. To get the alternate pick-up name noted on the account, the original purchaser MUST contact Ticketmaster at (1-800-745-3000), ask for customer service to verify account information and request alternate pick-up. Northwest side of Talking Stick Resort Arena in the Casino Arizona Pavilion.(602)379-7800 Suns Game Nights call (602)379-7867 Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday - Sunday: closed except on event days and special on sales. PHOENIX SUNS: To purchase Phoenix Suns tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Talking Stick Resort Arena at (602)379-7867 or visit Talking Stick Resort Arena ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARIZONA RATTLERS: To purchase Arizona Rattlers tickets for people with disabilities, Subject to availability, please call Talking Stick Resort Arena at (602)379-7800 or visit Talking Stick Resort Arena ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at PHOENIX MERCURY: To purchase Phoenix Mercury tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Talking Stick Resort Arena at (602)252-9622 or visit Talking Stick Resort Arena ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at ARENA CONCERTS AND OTHER EVENTS: To purchase concert or other event tickets for people with disabilities, subject to availability, please call Talking Stick Resort Arena at (602)379-7800 or visit Talking Stick Resort Arena ticket office. Accessible tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, by calling (800)745-3000 or online at

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