Hobby and Elo Rating Chess and Rubiks Cube TRAining and Competition ONline and at our centres Fee: 100 Half hour 1st prize 300 Learn 100 Chess tricks and 50 shapes of rubiks cube including 3x3 cube and beginners cubes and advanced cubes
Informacion General
Una de las grandes riquezas de Venezuela, ha sido y será siempre su gente.
TU HUELLA POR VENEZUELA, es una experiencia inolvidable que busca fomentar la concientización del cambio que requiere el país, y reforzar el vínculo del venezolano que vive fuera con su:
Buscamos rescatar el golpeado orgullo nacional, y lograr el compromiso de la comunidad de venezolanos en el exterior, en los esfuerzos por la re construcción de Venezuela.
A través de un Número 800, se recibirán donativos para las 3 ONGs participantes.
El donante escoge la organización que desea apoyar, y el monto aprobado, se deposita directamente en las cuentas de la organización deseada.
Los embajadores impulsarán la participación de los asistentes y la comunidad en general, a través de sus redes sociales.
Objetivos Especificos
TU HUELLA POR VENEZUELA, se convierte en el puente entre la ayuda humanitaria donada por los participantes y las Fundaciones sin fines de lucro, previamente escogidas y certificadas por el comité organizador. Dos actividades serán desarrolladas para este objetivo:
Recaudación de más de 2000 insumos de medicinay alimentos no perecederos siendo tres ONGs directamente beneficiadas
Recaudación monetaria telefónica: durante 10 horas, a través de un call center y 20 embajadores impulsando la colaboración
Todo el dinero recaudado por las donaciones, será depositado directamente en las cuentas de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro participantes.
Los esperamos
Pagina web del congreso : www.congresosporvenezuela.com , www.tuhuellaporvenezuela.com
Pagina web de la organizacion: www.despiertavenezuela.org
Ph: 786.306.56.77
E: info@despiertavenezuela.org
Tickets left at the box office for collection may be picked up on the day, during the hour before the performance starts. Please take the credit card used to make the booking and the Ticketmaster booking reference number as proof of purchase.
Ticketmaster UK: 0870 154 40 40, International: 00 44 161 385 3500
Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 18:00 and occasionally on Sunday.
Infra red hearing system with no deposit required. For special needs seating please call 0844 412 4648. Disabled toilet situated in the rear Stalls with ground level access There is no limit to the amount of Guide Dogs (within reason of course)
Cash, check (local only), travelers check, Visa, MC, AMX, Discover
Box Office hours day of event.
(615) 889-3060
9:00am-4:00pm 7 days a week. Box Office will re-open at 5pm on Event Nights.
This is an accessible venue
Chicago Couture Fashion Week Exhibition Program
The CCFW Exhibition is a program that presents couture designers, artists and vendors tailored to artists, emerging designers, entertainers, vendors, and retail entrepreneurs who cater to trade targeted to a high caliber niche market
Goals and Objectives
(1) Provide exposure for and develop a marketing strategy for our presenters.
(2) Promote networking opportunities and connections between the artists, designers, vendors and all presenters with Retail Buyers, Marketing & Public Relations firms as well as manufacturing companies.
(3) Increase exposure of Chicago Artists, Chicago Designers, Product Vendors, Chicago Entertainers and anyone who wants their art or talent to be cultivated and the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity within the Chicago Couture Fashion Week Exhibition Program.
(4) Provide a unique shopping experience to the public and retail buyers from the local couture designer's collections and vendors products fresh off the runway.
About the Chicago Couture Fashion Week Events
This season' showcases will feature the best that the City of Chicago and surrounding suburbs offers from design talent, entertainment, vendors to local businesses and our product sponsors.
Chicago Couture Fashion Week NFP (CCFW INC) is a local Entertainment, Fashion Consulting and Show Production Company that works with local students, talent and at risk youth and working in conjunction with American Heritage Youth Foundation, NFP. The central core of our show is to present, produce high octave shows, celebrate emerging young artists, designers and talent from the local and surrounding communities and give them a platform to present their collections in our couture tradeshows. Many of our exhibiting couturier designers target a higher caliber niche market which consists of high powered business executives, celebrities, retail buyers and many diverse affluent patrons. This show season, our aim is to provide awareness about how all of Chicago's communities can unite and support our efforts on supporting the local arts and fashion through outreach in health and prevention of youth violence by providing inclusion opportunities to the underserved youth through our apprenctice programs in an effort to provide violence prevention solutions through our artistic and cultural programs.
Our organization offers positive alternative activities for youth involvement through our many programs in the arts, health, wellness and education. Through our arts showcase and youth apprentice program, it gives a chance for at-risk youth to work with professionals in the industry, to get hands on skills and to increase their awareness of the many facets education in the arts has to offer them.
This trade show/charity funraiser is to support arts education and entertainment (Design, Acting, Dance, Fashion, Modeling, Music, Paintings, Photography, etc.) as a way of violence prevention, Health & Wellness Promotion. CCFW INC, is a not for profit organization that helps to raise funds for our parent company, American Heritage Youth Foundation programs which help keep kids off the streets and into positive constructive activities through show production,education, health and other positive activities.
*** Please note: All proceeds to benefit the CCFW Youth Apprentice, Community Outreach and other CCFW INC Charitable Programs. Event date are subject to change, due to inclement weather conditions or venue cancellations, availability, etc..
No Refunds as space is limited.
No Refunds as space is limited.
Cash,MasterCard and VISA accepted. American Express NOT accepted
Will Call is located at the Box Office, located on the East Side of the Arena. Tickets may be picked up beginning two hours prior to the event. The person whose name is on the account, must be present and show their photo ID and credit card used to make the purchase to pick up tickets. The Box Office cannot release tickets to anyone whose name does not appear on the account, and cannot make name changes over the telephone.
Box Office Hours: Non-event days Monday - Friday: 12pm - 4pm Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED Events days Monday - Friday: 12pm - closing Saturday - Sunday: 3 hours before the start of the event* •Varies per event Closed on Holidays On day of show, the ticket windows will remain open until 30 minutes after the event begins.
Accessible seating is available in the last row of the following sections: 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 301,302, 304, and 305. Elevators outside sections 103/203 and 114/214. Will identify areas for hearing impaired as needed.