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CURSO DE LIDERAZGO Economía para Emprendedores

CURSO DE LIDERAZGO Formación para Jóvenes líderes políticos Coordinador: Mg. Luciano Acedo Salim Los jóvenes interesados en la cosa pública deben poder obtener herramientas que les permitan desenvolverse cuando asuman cargos de responsabilidad institucional con solvencia, eficiencia y honestidad, además de contar con elementos para ocupar mediante el voto popular los cargos electivos. Para ello, el objetivo de este Curso es introducir en los jóvenes con perfil y vocación de liderazgo y servicio público herramientas teóricas y casos prácticos que les sean útiles en su búsqueda del mejoramiento de la sociedad y el bien común. Se complementarán las clases teóricas con panelistas calificados visitas a organismos, empresas, medios de comunicación y sindicatos, para conversar con las personas a cargo. No sólo las buenas intenciones alcanzan para ser un servidor público, es fundamental la formación continua para mejorar la comunidad y que la comunidad también perciba a los “nuevos políticos” como personas formadas, honestas y responsables capaces de solucionar los problemas que los afectan.

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Golden State Warriors vs. Los Angeles Lakers

You can use our proud partner’s Chase Cards for payment at the Box Office. We also accept, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets may be picked-up at the Chase Center box office with a valid government issued photo I.D. that matches the name on the order, the credit card used to make the purchase, and the confirmation number given at the time of purchase are provided. VIP PACKAGES are subject to the package providers rules for pick up. For the box office to release tickets not in your name you need to submit a written letter of authorization along with a copy of the driver’s license of the party whose name is on the account. For Golden State Warriors: Ticket Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 1) Group Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 2) Account Service: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 3) Grandview Suites 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 4) Administration: (510) 986-2200 Monday-Friday: 10AM - 4PM // Weekends: Only on event days pending door times. Accessible seating is available online through, by calling Ticketmaster phone agents or coming to the Chase Center Box Office. Interpreters are available by request and are dependent upon availability. Please call the Chase Center for further information. Interpreters need to be reserved a minimum of 10 days in advance of the show. Service dogs are allowed at the Chase Center.

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash Tickets can be picked up at the Main Box Office no earlier than 5:00PM on the day of the event. Customers must have the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number to receive their tickets. 662-470-2131 Monday - Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 12-4 Sunday closed (unless scheduled event) This is an accessible venue. *ADA Wheelchair and Companion seating is configured in both 1+2, 2+1, and 2+2 arrangements on the lower level.

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Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash Will call is available starting 90 minutes before the event. 814-536-5156 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesdays & Thursdays and 90 minutes prior to the start of all ticketed events. Yes, accessible seats are available for all events. If you need assistance with accessible seating, please call the box office at 814-536-5156 or email

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