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Hamilton (Touring)

Visa, MC, AMEX,DSC,Cash,Travelers Checks Will call 2 hours prior to curtain time. 10 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday (non-show days)

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Golden State Warriors vs. LA Clippers

You can use our proud partner’s Chase Cards for payment at the Box Office. We also accept, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover Will Call tickets may be picked-up at the Chase Center box office with a valid government issued photo I.D. that matches the name on the order, the credit card used to make the purchase, and the confirmation number given at the time of purchase are provided. VIP PACKAGES are subject to the package providers rules for pick up. For the box office to release tickets not in your name you need to submit a written letter of authorization along with a copy of the driver’s license of the party whose name is on the account. For Golden State Warriors: Ticket Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 1) Group Sales: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 2) Account Service: 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 3) Grandview Suites 1-888-GSW-HOOP (option 4) Administration: (510) 986-2200 Monday-Friday: 10AM - 4PM // Weekends: Only on event days pending door times. Accessible seating is available online through, by calling Ticketmaster phone agents or coming to the Chase Center Box Office. Interpreters are available by request and are dependent upon availability. Please call the Chase Center for further information. Interpreters need to be reserved a minimum of 10 days in advance of the show. Service dogs are allowed at the Chase Center.

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Máster Executive Dirección y Gestión Logística Integral UNO

Máster Executive dirección y Gestión Logística Integral de UNO, la Organización Empresarial de Logística y Transporte, cuenta con el respaldo de las principales empresas de logística del pais y del Ministerio de Fomento. a través de este Máster, se dotara a los participantes de las aptitudesy compentencias que demandan las empresas. Además incluye la preparación y los examenes para la obtención del Certificado Europeo de logística, emitido por la European Logistics Association (ELA). los alumnos del máster de UNO adquiridán técnicas de gestión y liderazgo para difericiarse en las distintas empresas integrantes de la cadena de suministro y en el área de logística de las compañías usuarias de servicios logísticos. El máster, valorado en 10.000 euros, cuenta con el respaldo del Ministerio de Fomento a través de una beca del 60% de su coste para las reservas realizadas antes del 10 de septiembre. el coste de las matrículas efectuadas antes de esa fecha es de 3.900 euros. Modalidad: presencial los viernes de 15:30 a 21:30 horas y los sábados de 9:00 a 15:00 horas, más 20 sesiones (masterclass) los jueves de 18:30 a 21:30 horas, a visitas de plataformas logísticas. Lugar: Cexco. Centro de Excelencia Empresarial. Av. Europa, 10, 28821 Coslada (Madrid)

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New Years Eve Cruise Sydney Harbour 2019 - Vagabond Princess

NYE CRUISE ON THE VAGABOND PRINCESS 6 hour NYE cruise with entertainment, open bar, & fine dining The MV Vagabond Princess is an intimate wooden style vessel, which will cater for all your needs for a Sydney Harbour New Year's Eve Cruise. With two decks, you will be able to enjoy outdoor areas on both decks as well as see the stunning fireworks from inside the vessel through our large windows. This vessel has a warm cosy feeling, with service to make you feel right at home! We offer fully licensed bars, parquet dance floors, and every table by the window for great views of Sydney Harbour's famous landmarks and the spectacular fireworks displays. Our cruise includes 6 hours of cruising on Sydney Harbour with our delicious seafood and carvery buffet dinner, unlimited bar service, and beautiful desserts to be enjoyed by all!  The New Years Eve fireworks display is going to be something you will remember forever with close up views of the fireworks with shows at both 9pm and midnight, to welcome the New Year. With tables by the window, and two spacious outdoor decks, you will be able to witness one of the most spectacular fireworks display in the world! Our DJ will keep you on your feet whilst you dance on our parquet dance floor, and enjoy our premium open bar. Come on board & experience the best New Years Eve party on Sydney Harbour! CRUISE INCLUSIONS: Comfortable allocated seating Open bar for Premium Spirits, Liquors, pre-mixes, fine South Australian Wine, Sparkling Wine, Premium Bottled Beers, Juices & Soft drinks A beautiful 6 hour cruise on Sydney Harbour on New Years Eve Tempting cocktail food upon arrival Delicious Seafood and Carvery Buffet main meal Delightful dessert with tea and coffee All night DJ & lights show Outdoor decks for the ultimate dazzling firework display! Lucky Door Prizes Party Screamers and Hats

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BookCamp seconda edizione: crea il Tuo Libro in 3 giorni e diventa un leader

Sei un esperto del tuo settore ma non lo sa nessuno? Vuoi acquisire nuovi clienti e risultare autorevole ai loro occhi? Hai già provato tutte le strategie di Marketing ma non riesci a stracciare la concorrenza? È ORA DI SCRIVERE IL TUO LIBRO. E NOI TI AIUTEREMO A FARLO. Vieni al BookCamp, un vero e proprio campo di addestramento intensivo che ti trasformerà in un autore in 3 giorni.Con il nostro aiuto non otterrai solo un libro, ma un efficace e sofisticato strumento di marketing che ti permetterà di costruire relazioni strategiche e ottenere credibilità nel tuo settore. In questi 3 giorni di full immersion verrai affiancato da un team collaudato di professionisti senior e co-produrrai fino al 70% del tuo libro. SENZA SCRIVERE NEMMENO UNA PAROLA!  Affiancato dalla nostra squadra di editor, copywriter, art director, social media manager ed esperti di marketing, durante il BookCamp creerai  la strategia del tuo libro la mappa dei contenuti il contenuto di ogni capitolo del tuo libro (senza scrivere nemmeno una riga) la copertina una strategia di lancio foto professionali da usare per il libro e per il lancio QUANDO 23, 24 e 25 gennaio 2020. DOVE Hotel Novotel Milano Ca Granda - viale G. Suzzani 13, Milano (MI) PERCHÉ  il libro è lo strumento di marketing più potente ed elitario in assoluto; ti rende in automatico leader della tua nicchia di mercato; ti regala più autorevolezza e credibilità di quanto potrebbero fare anni di formazione e riconoscimenti;  fa sì che tu venga percepito come uno dei massimi esperti nel tuo settore; fa in modo che siano i clienti a cercare te, e non più il contrario;  è come un biglietto da visita con i muscoli;  conferisce a te e al tuo prodotto un valore che i tuoi clienti saranno disposti a pagare; è il regalo perfetto per i tuoi potenziali acquirenti;  ti spiana l’ingresso nella mente e nei cuori dei tuoi clienti;  è un potente strumento di vendita per le contrattazioni dei tuoi commerciali. COSA FACCIAMO Hai un libro imprigionato nella tua mente, ma la paura di non essere in grado o di non avere abbastanza tempo ti blocca. È qui che entriamo in gioco noi di Libri D’Impresa, il team collaudato di editor, copywriter e art director senior che si avvale di un metodo testato su centinaia di imprenditori. Affidandoti a noi in 3 giorni potrai creare un libro nel quale ritroverai le tue idee, la tua azienda, la tua voce e persino la tua vita, se lo vorrai. C’È LIBRO E LIBRO Insieme a noi non ti limiterai a scrivere il tuo libro, ma lo trasformerai in un potente strumento di marketing che lavorerà per te anche mentre starai sul divano. Il nostro lavoro comincerà a monte, impostando insieme a te l’intero progetto. Dove vuoi arrivare e cosa vuoi ottenere con il tuo libro? Solo dopo averlo stabilito potrai cominciare a scrivere. Siamo anche e soprattutto esperti di marketing con anni di esperienza alle spalle e scriveremo il tuo libro perché questo si trasformi nel tuo miglior commerciale! 

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Lift - Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (by Zoom call)

This Project involves 10 fascinating lessons that take you on an educational adventure. Each lesson introduces a scientifically proven way to lift your mood and your life from the exciting fields of Neuroscience, Positive Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine. • Join us for facilitated group video conferencing that includes watching weekly fun and entertaining video presentations together. • Gather together for RLMI’s online activities with others in our closed Facebook group and experience fun but powerful challenges to put it into practice. • Reflect on what you are learning and experiencing. • Share your adventure with others in our Facebook communities.

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ICVEHT 2020: 14. International Conference on Vibration Energy Harvesting Technologies

The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives

The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

ICVEHT 2020: 14. International Conference on Vibration Energy Harvesting Technologies aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Vibration Energy Harvesting Technologies. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Vibration Energy Harvesting Technologies

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Rapunzel is an enticing classic complete with the long-haired beauty, Prince Charming and the evil witch. Exiled to a lonely tower, only the witch may visit Rapunzel by climbing up her beautiful, long hair. This seriously funny tale shows how a possessive mother, a tentative prince, and a naïve young girl all grow up in a surprising way. Grade 2 Curriculum: Language Arts, Social Studies, Music, Dance, Theater Click Here for the SEAS Study Guide: *SEAS PLUS Workshops Connect Direct Experience with Learning* SEAS PLUS for  Rapunzel ---> Superhero Storytelling and Songs  --- Grade Level: 2 The 10:30 SEAS PLUS workshop is for students who attend the 11:30 a.m. performance Add to your students’ experience this year with SEAS Plus, pre- and post-show interactive workshops that take place at the theater. Students build on the themes and content from select performances and extend that experience through small group, hands-on workshops led by professional Teaching Artists. Students explore the educational content of the show using creative theater art forms such as movement, music, drama and dance, adding to the learning experience. Students use fun and engaging storytelling exercises and imaginative exploration through song, recreating characters and action from the show to present during the workshop. Maximum participants: 120 40-minute workshop before or after the performance 2 different engaged learning activities Teacher’s study guide for the show FREE add-on available after your reserve seats ---> To register for SEAS Plus submit your ticket request first. After submitting your ticket request, the link to register for SEAS Plus will be in the confirmation email. ---

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