Get Ready for the Next Event. Look when it's starts

Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash Will Call tickets will be available for pick-up the day of the event, starting 3 hours prior to the event's start time. Guests must present a valid government issued photo identification to receive tickets. Guest Services: ADA Inquiries: The UBS Arena regular Box Office hours are yet to be announced. In addition to the regular hours, the Box Office will also open 3 hours prior to the start of events. Accessible seating is available on all levels and in all ticket price ranges. Wheelchair accessible and companion seating and seats with removeable armrests are available at locations dispersed throughout UBS Arena. Two guest elevators are located in each quad of the arena with access to every level. Accessible doors are at each entrance as well as a limited number of wheelchairs to transport guests with limited mobility to their seating area. Guests may contact UBS Arena at for more information

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Crédit entre particuliers, CDD, Chômeur, Intérimaire, RSA, Retraite, Interdit Bancaire, Surendettement: des Solutions Existent pour obtenir un Prêt Rapide et sans frais!

Vous êtes sans emploi et vous n'avez pas assez pour répondre à vos dépenses, vous avez des dettes à payer, vous ne payez pas les taxes, vous avez besoin de financement pour vos projets et de cérémonies et d'autres problèmes de quantités s'il vous plaît contactez-nous afin que nous puissions remédier à la situation cadre financier pour la fiabilité et la vitesse pour marquer notre différence, si vous avez la capacité de rembourser et de respecter les engagements de votre demande. Credit-Prive Prêt rapide de 3.000 EUR à EUR. Réponse de principe immédiate ! Auto, Moto - Travaux Maison - Frontalier - Regroupement de Crédit. Crédit Facile pour tous. Crédit Rapide, Simple, Efficace La Solution pour réaliser vos Rêves. E-mail : C’est rapide : décision de financement sous 48h.

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Stonham Barns Sunday Car Boot on 2nd August 7am onwards #carboot

Last Sunday was a record with 158 sellers and I expect even more this weekend. Despite the soaking it received the night before there was an amazing turn out and filled up all three areas. Pretty much everyone followed the distancing and one-way routes and abided by our strict no harassment policy which is why Stonham Barns Car Boot is always such a friendly place to sell and buy at. Back again this Sunday 2nd August & every Sunday until further notice. More good weather predicted and I will have to allocate a larger area for the sellers. We are using three different fields at the moment so I apologise for the extra walk for buyers but, the Car Boot is literally right next to where you park once everyone is in (if the weather is good). There are only a few Sunday Car Boots on at the moment so, make sure you are organised and bring everything that you need to feel comfortable at the Car Boot. We do have food and drinks (hot and cold) and the toilets are open with a strict one in one out system. These are cleaned constantly throughout the opening times. You can turn up on the day and sell. If you can’t get to the food van/toilet I am coming round to take pitch fees so ask me or ask your neighbour to look after your pitch. Thanks to everyone last week who followed all that I asked. For your safety I suggest that sellers bring gloves, sanitiser & possibly masks if they choose to. These are for your own peace of mind and obviously because you are handling cash. You still need to decide whether you allow buyers to pick up items or not and please clean items if you allow them to. These are suggestions only – you need to decide how you can sell and feel comfortable and safe. Each week, I’m amending a few things so it’s easier to get in. Sellers will be allowed to enter the field from 6.30am onwards. NO ONE WILL BE LET IN UNTIL 6.30 SO DON’T ARRIVE BEFORE THEN AS YOU CAUSE TRAFFIC JAMS. Buyers will not be allowed in until gone 8am (maybe earlier) but – please allow me to get everyone into position so you don’t hinder this, thanks. There will be a one-way viewing system which needs to be followed. I will place Way in and No Entry signs down each aisle. BUYERS – PLEASE FOLLOW THESE as they are very important for everyone’s enjoyment & safety. We will have sanitising solution available to purchase if necessary but, ideally all will bring some. Go to the food van if you need any sanitiser. Again, I ask the buyers to be patient and to make sure they are aware of the opening times and to follow the one-way system. If you see anyone going the wrong way – please politely point this out to anyone oblivious to the numerous signs. I will be out attempting to guide everyone into position and again I ask for patience as I will decide where everyone goes as the positioning of everyone will be vital and everyone needs to be positioned as I suggest. The last 2 weeks were a great success and I can only thank everyone that acted intelligently and sensibly. At the end of the day though, we are an extremely friendly car boot with a lot of regular sellers. You’ll find that you can speak to and ask anyone selling at the car boot and they’ll point you in the direction of myself or the various people working at the car boot. I will be wearing a high viz jacket this Sunday so the person covered with small beetles will be me. Please feel free to ask anything. Otherwise ask at the food van. Stonham Car Boot has always had a great atmosphere where the public (sellers and buyers) have made the whole occasion really enjoyable. We don't have or allow anyone to harass sellers and it has never been an issue. Which is why everything worked so well last week. But, because of restrictions we will have to follow set guidelines for sellers and buyers and everyone needs to read these and follow carefully. We will have Covered stalls in position but, these will need to be pre-booked in advance – Text 07817539168 with your number plate and vehicle size to reserve one and specify which Sunday you would like to attend. If you cannot make a date please text beforehand to let me know. Any Sunday can be reserved in advance. These are covered stalls (outside) with an overhead canopy and table to place items on. These are £10 for any vehicle size. If the forecast is heavy winds the overhead canopies may not be placed on the stalls for fear of the stall being blown into your car’s bodywork. Anyone wishing to attend on the day will be charged £5 cars, £7.50 small vans, £10 Large Vans, car with trailer £7.50. Food & drinks will be available as usual at the Car Boot. There will be only 2/3 people in the food van and they will also have gloves & masks. All Food and drinks will follow Covid 19 government guidelines. We are outdoors only but offer covered stalls. We try to open every week irrespective of the weather as we still get buyers and sellers. The prices are Five Pounds Cars, Small Vans Seven Pounds Fifty so are Cars with Trailers, Large Vans are Ten Pounds, Covered stalls are also Ten Pounds. Buying is free as is parking. 07817539168 for information on the Car Boot or

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't Zonnehuis op zijn kop: Nee (2+) van Onder het buro

Kom elke tweede zondag van de maand naar ’t Zonnehuis in Amsterdam-Noord voor de leukste familievoorstellingen! Fantasierijke, grappige en muzikale voorstellingen voor baby’s, dreumesen, peuters, schoolkinderen en natuurlijk hun (groot)ouders en begeleiders. We verwelkomen elke maand een ander gezelschap, variërend van poppen en objecttheater tot dans en zelfs circusacts. Deze keer NEE van Onder het buro. Een energieke voorstelling over nee zeggen, waarin Tessa en Olivier op een lichte manier een groot verhaal vertellen. Wat als je helemaal niet wil doen wat anderen van je verwachten? Wat als je liever in de plassen stampt en je moeder na-aapt? Is het niet heerlijk om je eigen plan te trekken? Is het soms niet veel leuker om lekker je eigen gevoel te volgen en eigen keuzes te maken en nee te zeggen? Tessa en Olivier zeggen keihard nee en dat levert een mooi avontuur op.   Credits Concept & regie: Milan Boele van Hensbroek Concept & spel: Tessa Friedrich & Olivier van Klaarbergen Regieadvies: René Geerlings (Bonte Hond) Vormgeving, decor: Calle de Hoog Composities: Marc Nochem & Maarten Bokslag Fotografie: Joep van Aert 'T ZONNEHUIS OP ZIJN KOP is een samenwerking tussen de Janivo Stichting en Stichting Stadsherstel Cultureel om jeugdtheatermakers verder te helpen en het Zonnehuis toegankelijker te maken voor zowel de buurt als nieuw jong publiek.

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Un autre monde, La pièce de théâtre improvisée

Drôle, déjanté et surprenant, Un autre monde est une pièce de théâtre 100 % improvisée qui va vous faire voyager vers une terre parallèle où tout est possible!Et si... la téléportation était inventée?Et si... les dinosaures étaient toujours en vie?Et si... les hommes pouvaient tomber enceint(e)s?Et si... on partait tous ensemble vers un autre monde?Le temps d'une soirée, nous vous invitons sur une terre parallèle, créée à partir de vos suggestions : ce monde sera t-il meilleur ou pire que le notre ? Pour le découvrir, les comédiens improviseront pour vous une folle histoire, remplie de personnages drôles, touchants de mauvaise foi... et toujours plein de surprises car (presque!) comme nous.Pendant une heure, vous découvrirez la joie de vivre autrement sur une nouvelle terre, attention le retour dans notre réalité n'est pas garantie :)Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenu(e)s dans un autre monde, celui que vous avez toujours désiré, nous espérons que vous vous y plairez ! Entrée :Entrée GratuiteAvec participation au chapeau et consommation obligatoireLieu :Improvi'bar3 rue Geoffroy l'Angevin, 75004 ParisM° RambuteauLe Saviez-vous? Née au coeur de la Butte aux Cailles, notre troupe d'improvisation Les Drôles de Cailles a pour seul objectif de faire rêver le public grâce à des histoires drôles, burlesques ou dramatiques.  Nous existons depuis 2011 et avons déjà créé plusieurs concepts de cabarets et participé à de nombreux matchs d'improvisation. Les Drôles de Cailles ont toujours eu pour vocation de se présenter sur scène avec des concepts interactifs pour partager un maximum d'émotions avec le public.

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