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read moreDubai to Host the Global Ports Forum on Port Engineering & Maintenance, 26-27 Feb 2020, Dubai, UAE. Join us for the definitive GPF for our superior content, excellent networking and global platform. An invitation to register and participate at the GPF on Port Engineering & Maintenance, 26-27 Feb 2020, Dubai, UAE. Dear Industry colleagues, It is indeed our pleasure to invite you to consider this unique opportunity to participate at the GPF on Port Engineering & Maintenance, 26-27 Feb 2020 Dubai, UAE. Ports Infrastructure are strategic assets to all economies and those assets must be efficiently and effectively controlled because this has a major impact on the bottom line. Port Engineering addresses in depth important aspects on the design and construction of port related structures and facilities. Port Maintenance – the servicing and monitoring – of port infrastructure and port equipment is an integral and important part of asset management that maximizes an asset’s useful lifetime and minimizes its cost, whilst also enhancing its safety. The Global Ports Forum (GPF) on Port Engineering and Maintenance in Dubai UAE from 26-27 Feb 2020 will provide a unique global platform for the Port Industry to discuss and exchange ideas on port engineering and maintenance issues and solutions. Key topics of the GPF on Port Engineering and Maintenance may include: Port Engineering Master Planning for Ports & Terminals Current issues, challenges and trends in civil , mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering for ports Technological evolutions in Port engineering Integration of Port engineering with port operations and commercial functions to deliver value added services to port customers and stakeholders 2. Port Maintenance Maintenance of port assets – infrastructure, superstructure and equipment Maintenance as an integral function of Port Quality and HSE policy Defining and implementing maintenance policy based on Preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance and conditional maintenance principles Using Artificial Intelligence and other data from equipment manufacturers and other vendors for optimization of maintenance activities. 3. Port Engineering, Maintenance and Financial Parameters Financial evaluation and cost benefit analysis of engineering and maintenance (E&M) proposals Raising funds and finances for the E&M 4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Port Engineering, Maintenance Define, measure and improve port operations KPIs with Port Engineering and Maintenance policy Implement Engineering and Maintenance KPIs in conflict free manner. Expect to get a solid grounding in tried-and-tested port engineering and maintenance fundamentals and unique insight into the innovative new practices. Industry veterans with long standing experiences in the port industry will exchange strategic perspectives on how your port can devise key performance indicators (KPIs) that takes into consideration the safety of personnel and environment, cost of engineering and performance of equipment. Hear from globally renowned ports, as they share their strategic insights on boosting the life cycle of your port facilities by engaging in predictive and preventive maintenance. Join us and hear from global leading ports and practices on their recipe for Success as they share dependable, up-to-the-minute knowledge, insights and resources on port engineering and maintenance, delivered in a unique, collegial atmosphere. Expect to hear Case Studies of how you can design modernized port facilities for efficient direct access connections and improved sustainability of the supply Chain. Join us in our exclusive port dialogue sessions featuring globally leading ports as they share on winning strategies and practical insights in the area of port engineering and maintenance. From learning sessions to interactive panel discussions featuring high quality presentations, you’ll be guaranteed to bag home solutions with top rated presentations discussed in the context of the rapidly evolving global ports industry. Updated Draft Agenda uploaded as of today is as follows :- COSTS: On or Before 26 Dec 2019: The ‘Early Bird’ Rate is USD3095 – Save USD400! Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD3095! From 27 Dec 2019: The Regular Rate is USD3495 Special Offer! – 3 Delegates For The Price of 2 in This Category! Save USD3495! Note: All fees stated include luncheons, and refreshments. It does not include the cost of accommodation and travel. REGISTER NOW! To register, please submit the following details to Name: Position: Organisation: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: What Best Describes Your Industry Sector?: Billing information: For cheque payments: To be made payable to ‘Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd.’ Please do not send post-dated cheque. For telegraphic transfers: Account Name: Global Ports Forum Pte. Ltd., Account No. : 695 477 141 001. Beneficiary Bank: Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. (Swift: OCBCSGSG), Address : 65 Chulia Street #01-00, OCBC Centre, Singapore 049513. Please supply confirmation via email of the TT from your bank. Transmitting bank charges must be paid by sender. Please quote both delegate and company name as reference. Kindly note that as we are providing a special rate for ‘early bird’ sign up, we will need to receive your company payment by 26 Dec 2019 to enjoy the discount. Look forward to welcome to you for our Global Ports Forum! Kind regards Thomas Ng Chairman The Global Ports Forum GLOBAL PORTS FORUM PTE. LTD. 10 Anson Road #27-15 International Plaza Singapore 079903 Website: DID: +65 65197662 Fax: +65 6725 8438 Email: Terms & Conditions: No delegate registration will be accepted without completing registration details and full payment. Upon receipt of your registration details and full payment, further programme information will be emailed to you including your proforma invoice and, if required, a letter of invitation for entry visa application. Delegates will not be admitted unless payment has been received in Full. Flights, Airport Transfers and Accommodation are not included in your delegate registration fee. Cancellation – No cancellation is allowed, but a replacement with another participant is allowed. This programme is subject to change without notice, E&O.E.
read moreDER EINLASS IST AB 18 JAHREN ! Längst sind die „WE LOVE MMA“-Wettkämpfe nicht mehr aus der deutschlandweiten MMA-Szene wegzudenken. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA, Gemischte Kampfkünste) ist ein Vollkontaktkampfsport, der ein breites Spektrum von Kampftechniken erlaubt, von einer Mischung traditioneller bis hin zu nichttraditionellen Wettkampftechniken. Dabei bedienen sich die Kämpfer von Tritt-und Schlagtechniken aus verschiedenen Kampfsportarten. Karte-, Kickbox-und Ringertechniken sind dabei nur eine kleine Auswahl der Sportarten, welche in der „WE LOVE MMA“-Serie vertreten sind. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf und FAQs Muss ich mich am Einlass ausweisen oder gibt es eine Altersbeschränkung für das Event? Der Einlass ist ab 18 Jahren. Bitte Lichtbildausweis bereithalten. Ist mein Ticket übertragbar? Ja. Wie sehen die Rückerstattungsbedingungen aus? Eine Rückerstattung der Tickets ist ausgeschlossen. Fightcard Die Änderung der Fightcard ist jederzeit möglich. Muss ich das ausgedruckte Ticket mitbringen? Das Ticket kann sowohl auf dem Smartphone als auch ausgedruckt vorgelegt werden. Gibt es besondere Plätze für Rollstuhlfahrer? Ja, gibt es. Tickets für Rollstuhlfahrer und Begleitpersinen können Mo. - So. 8 bis 20 Uhr unter 01806-570 070 (0,20 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt., Mobilfunkpreise max. 0,60 €/Anruf inkl. MwSt.) bestellt werden. Sonstiges : Es gilt die Olympiapark-Verordnung. Keine Haftung des Veranstalters bei leichter Fahrlässigkeit außer bei Verletzung von Leben, Körper und Gesundheit.
read moreCash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express To pick up tickets, a valid government-issued photo identification is required. Hours: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and three (3) hours prior to any event. Location: On Church Street (north side of venue). Venue information : 407.440.7900 Groups Sales: Kia Center events: 407.440.7900 Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Orlando Magic games: 407.896.2442, select "2". Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday / 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Summer and holiday hours may apply. Wheelchair accessible and companion seats are available at locations dispersed throughout Kia Center, offering guests the choice of an array of prices, amenities and lines of sight. Seating locations vary depending on particular events. It is important to indicate when buying tickets if you require wheelchair accessible seating. Service animals are animals individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Guests with disabilities are welcome to bring their service animals inside the Kia Center. Service animals may not use additional seats unless a ticket has been purchased for the adjacent seat, but may request accessible seating. Elevators : The Kia Center has fourteen (14) accessible public elavators available for all guests. Parking : Convenient accessible parking is located in the GEICO Garage, which is adjacent to the Kia Center and accessible via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3). Additional accessible parking is located in lot 9. There are also accessible parking spaces in surface lots and garages in the area surrounding the Kia Center. Visit for more information. Entrance : The Kia Center's main entrance is at the middle block of Church Street between Hughey Avenue and Division Avenue. Accessible entry is also available via the pedestrian bridge on the Terrace Level (Level 3).
read moreREJOIGNEZ LE TRAINING LEADERSHIP AU FÉMININ POUR BOOSTER VOTRE CARRIERE ! DESCRIPTION : Training sur LE LEADERSHIP AU FÉMININ Toutes les femmes et tous les hommes sont nés avec des caractéristiques féminines et masculines dans leur personnalité mais la société nous apprend très vite à ignorer un coté de notre personnalité afin de rencontrer les normes de la société, nous privant ainsi d'un sain équilibre. Dans la société et dans les affaires, on retrouve souvent un déséquilibre entre le féminin et le masculin car le monde des affaires est encore dominé par le masculin qui cherche souvent à minimiser l'énergie féminine dans les femmes et les hommes. Le résultat de tout ça est un focus sur la compétition féroce, l'intérêt personnel au lieu du bien collectif et des comportements qui proviennent souvent de l'égo. Depuis plusieurs années, il y a un focus sur l'augmentation des femmes dans les postes de direction et plusieurs organisations travaillent fort la dessus mais les progrès sont très lent. Un autre défi est que souvent, les femmes qui accèdent aux postes de direction doivent adopter plusieurs comportements masculins afin de réussir dans un monde des affaires principalement masculin. Les hommes quant à eux négligent le côté féminin en eux, ce qui les empêche d'être entier et d'accéder à un leadership plus complet et versatile. Le leadership conscient va transformer le monde des affaires et prenant soin des besoins de toutes les parties prenantes et l'émergence du leadership féminin est un des piliers du leadership conscient. Ensemble, nous pouvons faciliter l'émergence du leadership féminin et promouvoir un monde des affaires plus équilibré, ce qui nous permettra de créer des cultures organisationnelles conscientes et d'obtenir de bien meilleurs résultats. 1. Différencier le leadership masculin du leadership féminin S’appuyer sur les valeurs et les traits de personnalité des femmesDevenir son propre coach pour libérer son potentielAligner ses comportements avec sa vision, sa mission et ses valeurs defemme leaderIdentifier les freins et les leviers pour vivre pleinement lemanagement au féminin 2. Gagner en efficacité grâce à l’Intelligence Émotionnelle Évaluer la part de l’émotion dans le management et la prise de décisionMieux comprendre les émotions de ses collaborateursSe donner les moyens pour adopter une attitude affirméeSavoir-faire la différence entre l’affirmation, l’autorité, l’agressivité 3. Construire son leadership S’accepter, connaître ses limites.Rechercher son équilibre intellectuel, émotionnel, physique.Bâtir des relations positives grâce à l’écoute active.Développer sa flexibilité comportementale.Soigner son image et accroître son impact LES OBJECTIFS Le but du programme est de vous amener à : Avoir confiance dans vos forces pour booster votre évolution professionnelle, Prendre conscience de vos freins internes et vous entraîner entre pairs à les dépasser, Vous motiver ensemble : que cet atelier soit un espace de co-développement, de partage d’une même culture, d’un même savoir-faire, de mêmes «secrets», en plus d’être un espace de formation. Démarches et travail personnel : Afin d’atteindre les objectifs de la formation, il est essentiel que chaque stagiaire entreprenne des démarches individuelles pour avancer dans son projet et appliquer le plan d’action élaboré au cours de la formation. Vos frais de formation sont pris en charge à 100%. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus: Tel: 06 46 01 37 11 Email: Site web:
read moreThe Box Office accepts cash only for Chicago Bears games. Soldier Field games accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cash. Chicago Bears events: Tickets may be picked up at the Will Call Window outside of Gate 10, 2 hours before the event. Gate 10 is located on the southeast side of Soldier Field. Customers must have the actual credit card, picture ID and the confirmation number to receive their tickets. Soldier Field events: Will Call is available on the day of the event only. Government issued photo i.d. and the credit card used for the purchase will be required to claim tickets. Typically will call opens 90 minutes to an hour before the scheduled event. For non Bears events please call (312) 235-7000 Chicago Bears ticket office is available by phone Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. The Soldier Field Box Office is open only on game days, their phone number is (312) 235-7000. Accessible Seating Information for Chicago Bears games: For Chicago Bears accessible seating please purchase the best available seating and contact the Chicago Bears at 847-615-2327 for an exchange after purchase is complete. Accessible Seating Information for Other Soldier Field events: Accessible seating is available through Ticketmaster. Do NOT contact the Chicago Bears for accessible seating information on non-Bears events at Soldier Field
read moreCoaching and mentoring employees helps to boost productivity, create a healthier work environment, ensure smooth functioning of business processes and improve moral. As human resources are the key in any organisation, it is important to coach and mentor the less experienced employees appropriately to reduce attrition, improve staff retention and create a culture of continuous improvement. The PD Training Coaching and Mentoring Training Course provides you with a deep understanding and the skills required to properly implement important techniques such as personal and professional goal setting, developing career options, overcoming personal obstacles, building trust, giving critical feedback and more. Attend our Coaching and Mentoring training class today, or have a trainer come to your workplace in Brisbane, Sydney, Parramatta, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide or Perth. Learning Outcomes In this course participants will: Understand the G.R.O.W. model and apply it Learn to set appropriate, effective goals using the S.M.A.R.T. technique Learn how to recognise the current state or reality of an employee's situation Learn to identify coaching and mentoring options for your employees, creating a preliminary plan with action steps Learn how to develop a complete plan, including motivational opportunities to drive accomplishment Understand the importance of building & fostering trust with employees Master the art of giving effective feedback while maintaining trust Recognise & overcome common obstacles that are holding employees back Know when it is the right time to stop coaching an employee Learn to continue to transition an employee to other opportunities for continued growth Course Outline Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 1 Getting Started Workshop Objectives Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 2 Defining Coaching and Mentoring What is Coaching? What is Mentoring? Introducing the GROW Model Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 3 Setting Goals Goals in the Context of GROW Identifying Appropriate Goal Areas Setting SMART Goals Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 4 Understanding the Reality Getting a Picture of Where you are Identifying Obstacles Exploring the Past Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 5 Developing Options Identifying Paths Choosing your Final Approach Structuring a Plan Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 6 Wrapping it all Up Creating the Final Plan Identifying the First Step Getting Motivated Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 7 The Importance of Trust What is Trust? Trust and Coaching Building Trust Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 8 Providing Feedback The Feedback Sandwich Providing Constructive Criticism Encouraging Growth and Development Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 9 Overcoming Roadblocks Common Obstacles Re-Evaluating Goals Focusing on Progress Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 10 Reaching the End How to know when you've Achieved Success Transitioning the Coachee Wrapping it all up Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 11 How Mentoring Differs from Coaching The Basic Differences Blending the Two Models Adapting the GROW Model for Mentoring Focusing on the Relationship Coaching and Mentoring Training Course - Lesson 12 Wrapping it Up Words from the Wise
read moreEQUAL Academy Seminars and events - Seminaires et événements - Seminairs en evenementen
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