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Focus Tour - Landscapes Revealed

Join guide Nicholas Eden Haslam on a tour that explores the art of landscape painting. Inspired by highlights drawn from our permanent collection.  Everyone welcome.

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TORNEO DI CARTE COLLEZIONABILI POKEMON MAGIC WARRIOR LEAGUE CUP COSMIC ECLIPSE   CHE COS’E’ UNA LEAGUE CUP E’ un torneo “sanzionato” in formato “STANDARD” definito evento “premier” (con i quali è possibile ottenere Punti Campionato) che si svolge nelle città dove è presente una Lega Pokemon ed in misura pari a uno nell’arco di un trimestre. I premi garantiti sono costituiti da una carta promozionale per tutti i partecipanti, nel limite dei posti disponibili, ed una esclusiva playmat per i primi classificati di ciascuna categoria di età. Ulteriori premi sono a discrezione dell’organizzazione e variano in relazione al numero di partecipanti. Possono essere costituiti da bustine Pokemon, confezioni speciali o buoni sconto negozio.   LEAGUE CUP COSMIC ECLIPSE LUOGO: MAGIC WARRIOR – Via Treviso 7/9 – 31057 Silea (TV) DATA: Domenica 26 gennaio 2020 REGISTRAZIONI: Dalle ore 09.45 alle ore 10.15 INIZIO TORNEO: Ore 10.30 POSTI DISPONIBILI: 50 COSTO: Euro 10,00 (preiscritti) – Euro 20,00 (non preiscritti) PREISCRIZIONE: La pre-iscrizione per questo torneo è obbligatoria in considerazione del numero limitato di posti, al fine di versare una quota di iscrizione più bassa e per assicurarsi la carta promo dell’evento. Si può effettuare tramite il sito Eventbrite all'indirizzo La preiscrizione può essere effettuata dal 01 gennaio 2020 alle ore 23.30 di venerdì 24 gennaio 2020. MODALITA’ DI REGISTRAZIONE: I giocatori dovranno presentarsi nell’orario indicato per le registrazioni corrispondendo la quota di iscrizione. Dovrà essere compilata la lista del mazzo che sarà ritirata durante il meeting dei giocatori che si terrà al termine delle registrazioni. Il modulo può essere compilato on-line all’indirizzo internet (in lingua inglese) in, richiesto via mail a oppure reperibile sul luogo del torneo.  Si raccomanda la corretta compilazione della lista per non incorrere nelle penalità previste dal regolamento.   FORMATO E CARTE AMMESSE: STANDARD COSTRUITO Il mazzo DEVE essere di 60 carte esatte con limitazione al massimo di 4 carte uguali, ad eccezione delle carte energia base. Sono ammesse esclusivamente le carte in lingua inglese, italiana, francese, tedesca, portoghese e spagnola delle espansioni da Utra Prism (UPR) a Cosmic Eclipse (CEC), incluso il set Detective Pikachu, Hidden Fates e le Black Star Promo da SM094 in poi. Sono altresì ammesse le carte delle espansioni precedenti purché ristampate integralmente (Punti vita, attacchi, ecc.) in uno dei nuovi set. Potete trovare l’elenco al seguente link: MODALITA’ DI SVOLGIMENTO: Ogni giocatore gareggerà nella propria categoria di età (Junior, Senior, Master) qualora venga raggiunto il numero minimo di 6 iscritti. Nel caso in cui in una qualunque categoria non sia raggiunto il numero minimo sopra citato, si procederà con sistema “swiss age modified” secondo quanto stabilito dai documenti ufficiali Play Pokemon. I round di “svizzera” avranno la durata di 50 minuti + 3 turni con partite al meglio delle tre. La fase ad eliminazione diretta, se prevista sarà di 60 minuti + 3 turni con partite al meglio delle tre    PREMI: Per ciascuna categoria sono previsti i seguenti premi: 1° class – Playmat esclusiva + 50 punti Campionato 2° class – 40 Punti Campionato 3°-4° class – 32 Punti Campionato 5°-8° class – 25 Punti Campionato (se almeno 24 giocatori presenti nella categoria) Tutti i giocatori riceveranno: Una esclusiva carta promozionale dell’evento (nei limiti dei posti disponibili) Una bustina di carte Pokémon!  In relazione al numero di partecipanti in ciascuna categoria sono previsti per i giocatori con i migliori piazzamenti buoni spesa da utilizzare nel negozio o carte rare singole a disposizione del negozio. Ulteriori informazioni sulle regole ufficiali da torneo possono essere reperite sul sito ufficiale Per informazioni relative ai tornei è possibile inviare una mail a

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NEAS Online - Leadership in ELT 365

Welcome to the NEAS ELT Leadership Program (NELP). The program will be conducted in a flipped mode. In this course there are four modules: The Library (Leaders are readers), The Café (Learning is social), The Playground (Learning as play) and The Assessment Centre (Formative and Summative). You can start in any of the four modules, leave and come back. The choice is yours! There are four module completion badges you can earn in the course. However, you must complete three items from each module to earn each badge. The items will be labelled with, view (page), contribute (discussion), and score at least (quiz). The course is best done on a laptop or desktop PC. See a detailed explanation of each module below and remember to have fun learning!   In the Library, you can watch a video, read articles or view infographics on leadership. There are four areas – Authentic, Transformational, Emerging and Inspiring Leadership. You need to view three of the four pages to earn the Module badge. The pages you need to view are labelled “View”.  In the Café, you can engage in asynchronous discussion forums and a synchronous (if others are online at the same time) chat room. These forums are open to the whole course. There are three discussion forums that you need to contribute to in order to earn the Café Module badge. These are labelled “Contribute”. Remember also that you must post a reply to the activity question(s) before you will see the replies of others. The first discussion forum requires a video introduction from you and your thoughts on leadership. It’s best to make and save this in mp4. In the Playground, you will need to join a group. There is a group discussion for your to do with a small group of your peers. There are also interactive H5P games and other activities to help you reinforce the key learnings from the other Modules.   In the Assessment Centre, there is a combination of formative and summative assessment. You will be able to complete some self-assessment, peer-assessment and quizzes in this Module. To earn the Module badge, you will need to score 90 percent in three of the quizzes. Don’t worry you will have many opportunities to retake the quizzes. FAQs  How can I contact the organiser with any questions? The Ticket says Members only, How do I become a NEAS member? For more details please visit:    

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Electronic Music Production - Intensivkurs (noisy Academy Berlin)

24 Sessions, 3 Stunden pro Woche!Das sind die Hardfacts dieses 6 monatigen Electronic Music Production Intensivkurs in der noisy Academy Berlin.Wenn Du professionell und praxisnah lernen willst, wie elektronische Musik produziert wird, worauf es ankommt und was es unbedingt zu beachten gilt, dann bist Du in diesem Kurs bestens aufgehoben. Von der Einführung in die DAW (Ableton), Beatprogramming, den Umgang mit Synthesizern, Plug Ins, Effekten und Kompressoren über Harmonielehre bis hin zu Arrangement, Mixdown und Mastering erfährst Du hier alles, was nötig ist um einen amtlichen elektronischen Track zu produzieren.Lerne Deine Ideen umzusetzen, fokussiert zu arbeiten, verstehe Funktion und Arbeitsweise eines Synthesizers und kreiere Deinen individuellen Sound jenseits der gängigen Presets und Sample Libraries. Projektbezogene praktische Übungen helfen Dir hierbei, das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden! Nutze den sozialen Moment des Kurses mit anderen Teilnehmern in Kontakt zu treten und profitiere von der Professionalität und langjährigen Erfahrung Deiner Coaches, die Dir entgegen einem Youtube Tutorial unmittelbar und direkt zur Hand stehen. Jederzeit! Sessionübersicht:  17.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0024.09.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0001.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0008.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0015.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0022.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0029.10.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0005.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0012.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0019.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0026.11.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0003.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0010.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0017.12.2019 - 19:00 - 22:0007.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0014.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0021.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0028.01.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0004.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0011.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0018.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0025.02.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0003.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:0010.03.2020 - 19:00 - 22:00

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Charlotte Career Fair.

Meet face to face with recruiters and hiring managers to apply for positions in: Sales Management Government Customer Service/Call Center Insurance Banking/Financial Services Healthcare Education IT/Engineering Retail.....and more The career fair starts at 9:30 AM and professional dress is strongly recommended. This job fair is free to job seekers and allows you to connect face to face with top employers. A list of the attending employers and open positions will be sent to all registered candidates the week before the career fair. To apply directly to open positions please register here: We are looking forward to seeing you there! Recruitment Services Talent Career Fairs. 800-201-3873

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JavaScript Online Training - NareshIT

We are providing Javascript online training in our institute NareshIT. We are having the best and well trained experienced faculty to train you the Javascript. By joining in this course you will get complete knowledge about Javascript. we are giving 100% guidance in placement for our students. JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web development. It was originally developed by Netscape as a means to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. Like server-side scripting languages, such as PHP and ASP, JavaScript code can be inserted anywhere within the HTML of a webpage. course objective : After completion of the JavaScript course at Naresh I technologies, you will be expertise and eligible for below : Web programming and developing the web site. Handling event using DOM – Document Object Model. Able to do the client side validation of forms. Use of Operators, Variable, Function and Object in JavaScript Animation of a Web page. Working with informational and data. Embedding with HTML. What does JavaScript do? JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes. Is JavaScript front end or backend? Basically JavaScript is a front end language. In recent years many frameworks are developed which uses JavaScript to do back end tasks. Node is is one of them which uses JavaScript to do back end programming. Why JavaScript is so popular? JS for Servers Server-side JavaScript gained popularity because it allowed for the scalability needed in cloud computing and the back-end. In the server, JavaScript can be integrated with other languages to communicate with databases. ... JS, or Node, is one of the most popular versions of server-side JavaScript. Why do I need JavaScript? All you need to do is put your code in the HTML document and tell the browser that it is JavaScript.JavaScript allows you to create highly responsive interfaces that improve the user experience and provide dynamic functionality, without having to wait for the server to react and show another page. Why is JavaScript so powerful? The reason being that JavaScript is a very powerful language.Javascript runs on the browser, means it doesn't affect the server performance. 4. Since it doesn't run on the server, but on the browser, the process can be more event driven. Is JavaScript good for Career? The most obvious reason for learning JavaScript is if you have hopes of becoming a web developer. Even if you haven't got your heart set on a tech career, being proficient in JavaScript will enable you to build websites from scratch a pretty useful skill to have in today's job market! Why we have to choose NareshIT? • Real Time Trainers • 100% Placement Assistance • Small Training Batch • Flexible Timings • Practical Guidance • Excellent Lab Facility • Resume Preparation • Hands on Experience • Certification Support For Details : • Email Id : • Contact : +91 8179191999 • Website :

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