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Celine Dion

Cash / Visa / Mastercard / American Express Groups Booking: email Opening times are subject to performance schedule and can vary.

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FMC20 - Flourish Media Conference: Where Women Do Business - woman focused but men-friendly. Join us in Miami, FL for Flourish Media Conference, the only media conference with business funding for women. Friday & Saturday, Feb 21-22, businesswomen, and aspiring entrepreneurs will learn about branding, visibility, and business funding. Now is the time to make your daydream, your day job. This 4th annual conference addresses one driving effort: connecting women with willing investors.  Our 2020 theme: Join 300 women in sunny South Florida for a gathering that is so much more than a conference. This is for women who desire to move with purpose. The ones who are willing to roll up their sleeves, step out with courage, and use their creativity. This year our 2020 theme is “Take Action.” As women we are fed the fluff of business. How many times have you left a conference feeling inspired but have no idea what to do next?  What if you were given all the keys to your success without all the stereotypes of being a woman in business. Taking action on the stories, dreams, visions, passions and abilities we have. Our 2020 goal is to get you to take action and make the decision you need to make. To show you how to move like a boss, to make the hard decision and to get in the room with the right people. Companies will have the opportunity to LIVE PITCH to investors for the chance to walk away with up to MILLIONS for their ventures. This two-day conference offers lectures and workshops. During both days, you will hear from women leaders, successful female business owners and workshops with business professionals to help you focus your ideas and reach your goals.  Conference Schedule: Friday, Feb 21  8:30am - 9:00am  - Registration 9:00 - 10:20pm - Flourish Breakfast 10:20 - 12:30pm - Speakers 12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch Break 1:40pm - 3:00pm -  Workshops 3:00pm - 4:00pm - Speakers 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Happy Hour Suprise Saturday, Feb 22 9:30am - 10:30am  - Brunch & Grant Awards 11:00 - 12:30pm - Speakers  12:30pm - 1:30pm - Lunch Break 1:35pm - 3:50pm - Speakers 3:50pm - 5:00pm - Pitches 5:00pm - 5:30pm - Closing Ceremony  PAST SPEAKERS INCLUDE

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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27th Annual Florida Statewide Autism Conference - CARD

ATTENTION GROUPS! Read this first. IF YOU ARE REGISTERING SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF                                                                       YOU MUST USE THEIR EMAIL, NOT JUST YOURS. All conference correspondence is distributed via email. We must have every email to assure that participants receive important conference information and links (handouts, tickets, certificates, etc.). For more info... For full conference details, visit our website at  ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR PURCHASE: Continuing Education Units (APA, ASHA, BCBA) You will be able to add these items to your registration in the ADDITIONAL ITEMS section or click on them during your registration to add to your purchase. You may come back and just order CEs too. CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS Continuing Education Units are contracted with various brokers. CEs are $45 per discipline. Fees are not assessed by the accrediting agency.  You may purchase CEUs at anytime up to the day of the conference. Quanity of units offered will be updated. Please check back. Sessions are in the approval process.   THURSDAY, JANUARY 17 & FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020 Join us for a ADOS 2 Workshop with Dr. Catherine Rice.  Completion certification will be provided. The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS 2) has become the standard instrument for assessing ASD across age, developmental level, and language skills. Participants will learn how to use the ADOS 2 in clinical practice to assess and diagnose autism.   FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020- PEPSA DAY The Partnership for Effective Programs for Students with Autism (PEPSA) Pre-Conference Day for Educators will be held on Friday, January 17th, 2020 and begin at 8:00am.  The day will begin with a keynote followed by a series of breakout sessions after lunch.  There is no charge for this day for educators.   SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JANUARY 18-19, 2020 Sat & Sun will offer a series of breakout sessions and keynote presentations. The purpose of the annual conference is to provide information on state-of-the-art practices in areas that promote best practices in education, early intervention and quality community based life-styles for individuals with autism, deaf-blindness, and related disabilities.  Conference participants will learn about current research findings and their implications, as well as practical strategies related to communication and social interventions, transitions to adulthood, education, early intervention, and school and community inclusion.   PLEASE NOTE: There are 3 levels of registration. 1) An adult with ASD registered with a CARD center. 2) A parent/guardian/caregiver of an individual with ASD or an educator in the public system or private system  3.) A professional. CARD recognizes a professional as a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a specified professional activity and whose competence can usually be measured against an established set of standards.  Early bird registration will end October 11, 2019 at midnight. CANCELLATION POLICY All cancellations MUST be received in writing by the following methods. Email: pals.florida@gmail.comMail:  PALS, Attn:  Cancellation, PO Box 781458, Orlando, FL  32878-1458 postmarked no later than December 18, 2019. Registration cancellations received on or before the deadline will be eligible for a refund minus a one-time $30 processing fee. Note: The amount refunded will never exceed the amount paid. Cancellation requests postmarked  AFTER December 18, 2019 and electronic cancellation requests posted after MIDNIGHT December 18, 2019,  will not be eligible for a refund.  PAYMENTS CHECKS & INVOICES Send payment to PALS, PO Box 781458, Orlando, FL  32878-1458

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Sağlık Turizm Eğitimi Konular:1. Yurtdışı Müşteri Bulmak ve Yönetmek2. Analiz ve Strateji Belirleme3. Yurtdışı Hasta ve Sigorta Kavramıa) Özel Sağlık Sigortasıb) Seyahat Sigortasıc) Ülkemizin SGK Sözleşmesi İmzaladığı Ülkeler ve Kullanılan Formlard) Malpraktise) Yurtdışında Türkiye’yi tanıyan Sigorta Şirketleri4) Hasta Bulmak için Kullanılacak Yöntemlera) Dijital Pazarlamab) Sosyal Medyac) Adwords Reklamd) e-mail pazarlamae) B2B – B2C Portal ve Networklerf) Uluslararası Organizasyon – Fuar ve Seminerlerg) Akreditasyon ve Reserch Marketingh) Çağrı Merkezleri5. Hasta Başvuru Süreci6. Yurtdışı hastanın kapıdan kapıya süreçleri,a) Yolculuk Planlamasıb) Vize ve Yasal Korunma Sistemleri, Sigortalar7. Sağlık Turizm Acentası Nedir Ne değildir?8. Sağlık Turizm Acentası Yönetişimi9. Hastane Programına Kurum Tanımlama Süreci10. Ekonomi Bakanlığı Teşvikleri ile ilgili temel bilgi11. Teşvik Projeksiyonu Oluşturma12. Teşvikler ile Pazarlama ve Yönetim Planlaması13. Sürdürülebilir Hasta Trafiği için Acenta, PAL, HAL14. FacetoFace Pazarlama organizasyonları ve Sağlık Turizmi Sağlık Turizm Eğitimi Cevap Bulacaksınız1) Hangi pazarlarda hangi ürün ve hizmetler için çalışmalısınız.2)Pazar araştırması nasıl yapılır.3) Sürdürülebilir Hasta akışı için ne yapmalıyım.4) Ön tanı polikliniği ve yurtdışında klinik açarak hasta bulmak5) Devlet destekleri ile ne yapabilirim.6) Destekleri nasıl alabilirim.7) Yabancı hasta karar veririken nelere dikkat eder.8) Hangi Ülkelerdeki sigorta şirketleriyle nasıl süreçler izlenmelidir, hangi şartlarda ne tür anlaşmalar yapılmalıdır?9) Sağlık Turizmi Acentası , Turizm Acentası aynı işimi yapar?10) Yurtdışı Hasta Departmanı Kurmak ve Yönetmek için çözüm önerileri.11) Türkiye deki pazarlama diyalektiği Yurtdışında geçerli midir?12) Sağlık turizmi pazarlaması nasıl yapılmalıdır?13) Malpraktis ile hastaları güvence altına almak, Uluslararası hasta hakları ve hukuksal sorumluluklar. Sağlık Turizm EĞİTİME KİMLER KATILABİLİRKamu / Özel Sağlık Kurumu YöneticileriKamu / Özel Sağlık Kurumlarında görev yapan yurtdışı hasta birimleri sorumluları ve çalışanlarıSağlık Turizm işletmelerinde çalışan yöneticilerTurizm AcentalarıGirişimcilerSağlık Yönetim Bölümü Mezun ve Öğrencileri Bu Eğitimdeki Tüm içerik İGEME çalışanlarınınSağlık Turizm Stratejisi,Sağlık Turizm Yönetişimi,Sağlık Turizm TeşvikleriSağlık Kuruluşu Kobi – İhracatçı – Sağlık Turizmi TeşvikleriKitap ve makalelerinden oluşturulmuştur. Kaynak göstererek kullanmanızda sakınca yoktur.

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