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Denver Broncos vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Cash, Visa, MC, Discover and American Express only. Photo ID is required for all events. Tickets will only be released to the person whose name is on the envelope. Note: Broncos half-price tickets are only available via mobile delivery. There is no will call for half-price tickets. (720)258-3333 Denver Outlaws Information: 720-258-3600 8:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday 9:00-End of half time on Game Day ADA seating may be purchased via Ticketmaster at or by calling 800-745-3000. Limit of 4 ADA seats per customer. For ADA assistance/inquiries, please call 720-258-3337.

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TINA - The Tina Turner Musical

Mastercard, Visa (credit and debit), Switch/Maestro, cash. (AMEX and cheques not accepted.) Collect tickets from the Aldwych Theatre box office on the day of the show an hour before the start of the performance. Take the credit card used to make the booking and Ticketmaster reference number with you. The cardholder will be required to sign for proof of purchase. General Bookings: 0345 200 7981 (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm, Saturday to Sunday) Groups of 10+: 0345 0130 602 (10am to 5.30pm, Monday, Wednesday to Friday) Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 4pm to 7.45pm Thursday and Saturday: midday to 7.45pm Sunday: midday to 3.45pm Customers with access needs need to book direct through ALDWYCH ACCESS on 020 7836 5537 (option 2) or by e-mail For more information about d/Deaf and disabled access at the theatre, please visit

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Hamilton (NY)

Cash, AmEx, Visa, MC Pick up tickets one hour prior to the show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 221-1211 Monday - Saturday 10am - 8pm Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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Hamilton (Touring)

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Cash Will Call can be picked up at Gay Stree Box Office day of event 1 hour prior to performance. 865-684-1200 Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm Day of event - 1 hour prior to the start of performance Venue has ADA seating in various locations. Please call venue BOX office for these. Venue has Elevators, and ADA Facilities, ADA Parking, ADA ramps and Entrance. For more info call 865-684-1200.

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Columbus Blue Jackets vs. Pittsburgh Penguins

Box Office accepts Cash, Visa, Master Card, American Express & Discover Will Call windows are located inside the Nationwide Arena Box Office at the southwest corner of Nationwide Blvd. and McConnell Blvd. Customer must present actual credit card, confirmation number and a photo ID. Nationwide Arena : 800 645 2657 or 614 246 3350 for hockey; 614 246 2000 for events Chiller Dublin : 614 764 1000 Chiller Easton : 614 475 7575 Chiller North : 740 549 0009 Group Sales Information: For more information on group reservations or premium seating opportunities, call 614 246 7224 Nationwide Arena: Monday thru Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed except on game or event days. Opens at 10 a.m. on game or event days. WHEELCHAIR ACCESS: Tickets available at all prices. Available at Ticketmaster, The Chillers and the Box Office. HEARING IMPAIRED: RF style assisted listening devices available through guest services at Nationwide Arena. ELEVATOR ACCESS: Available at the southeast, southwest & northeast corners of Nationwide Arena.

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Hamilton (Touring)

Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa. Will Call is located at the Box Office. Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770 The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.

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ANL1- Tokyo - Stage de formation initiale à l'Approche Neurolinguistique de l'enseignement des langues secondes/étrangères

OBJECTIFS Cette formation vise à faire acquérir les fondements théoriques et l'expérience pratique des stratégies d’enseignement indispensables qui sont au cœur de l’Approche Neurolinguistique.Les formations du CiFRAN garantissent : • La mise en pratique des stratégies d'enseignement avec des apprenants dans une classe réelle pendant le stage ;• Un suivi de la formation par ses experts et au sein de la communauté de ses praticiens ANL au-delà du stage ;• L'obtention d'un "Certificat de praticien ANL1" attestant l'aptitude à la mise en œuvre des stratégies ANL (après évaluation pratique) TÉMOIGNAGES DE STAGIAIRES DU JAPON • Je ne m’attendais pas à ça… • À cause de ce stage, j’ai mis toutes mes préparations à la corbeille… Je repars à zéro ! PAIEMENT √  Trois tarifs (voir Billets Eventbrite). √  Payable directement en ligne (Billet Eventbrite, frais à la charge du payeur). √  Payable par virement bancaire (sans frais, banque japonaise). √  Payable en 1, 2 ou 3 fois. ⚠️ 30% d'acompte à verser par virement bancaire avant le 15 février. STAGE DE FORMATION ANL 1 › ÉCOLE DE LANGUES DES FORCES CANADIENNES (GATINEAU) Juin 2018 (Steeve Mercier, Joan Netten, Olivier Massé ) CONTENUS DU STAGE L’approche neurolinguistique (ANL) est un nouveau paradigme pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde ou étrangère en milieu institutionnel. Cette approche a été conçue par Claude Germain et Joan Netten dans le contexte de l’influence émergente des neurosciences en éducation. L'objectif de cette semaine de formation intensive est de livrer aux enseignants de langue seconde ou étrangère, ainsi qu'aux responsables de formation, les fondements théoriques et pratiques des stratégies d’enseignement de l’ANL. La formation, offerte par Steeve Mercier (Ph. D. ; Université Laval) et Olivier Massé (Ing. Form.) se déroule sur une semaine complète et offre aux participants un contenu théorique et pratique. Claude Germain (co-concepteur de l'ANL et professeur émérite à l'UQAM et l'UNCS) agit à titre de conseiller scientifique. La démonstration et la prise en main des stratégies d'enseignement ANL durant le stage est faite avec d'authentiques apprenants de langue, en classe réelle, - format de formation exclusif à CiFRAN. La démarche de communication authentique introduite durant la formation permettra de développer chez les apprenants de langue l’aisance et la précision nécessaires au développement des compétences linguistiques dès les niveaux débutants tout en favorisant une forte motivation tout au long de l’apprentissage. VOLUME DE LA FORMATION Cette formation correspond à un volume de 35 heures de cours en présentiel et de 25 heures de travail personnel réparties en amont et en aval de la formation. Cette formation de 60 heures mène à l’obtention du Certificat ANL1 (Certificat de praticien ANL). Reportage de la Télévision Nationale RADIO CANADA sur ce stage ANL (2 min) Compte-rendu de ce stage ANL sur le Site Internet de RADIO CANADA. DÉMARCHE PÉDAGOGIQUE L’approche neurolinguistique (ANL) pour l’acquisition d’une langue seconde ou étrangère (L2/LÉ) est un nouveau paradigme pour l’enseignement/apprentissage d’habiletés de communication dans une L2/LÉ en milieu institutionnel.Cette nouvelle approche a été conçue par Claude Germain (professeur émérite de l'UQAM et de l'Université Normale de Chine du Sud) et Joan Netten (professeure à la Memorial University of Newfoundland) dans le contexte de l’influence émergente des neurosciences en éducation. Elle est fondée sur la théorie neurolinguistique du bilinguisme de M. Paradis (1994, 2004, 2009), ainsi que sur les recherches en neurosciences cognitives de N. Ellis (2011) et de N. Segalowitz (2010) ; elle a aussi été influencée par les vues de L. Vygotski (1985) sur le rôle des interactions sociales dans l'apprentissage.L’ANL repose sur cinq principes fondamentaux, élaborés par C. Germain et J. Netten (2011, 2012), qui définissent pour la salle de classe les conditions d'une maximisation des potentiels du cerveau des apprenants lorsqu'on vise en L2/LÉ, en premier lieu, le développement de l’habileté à communiquer spontanément à l’oral, soit un langage intérieur, qui permet d’optimiser, à la suite, le développement d’habiletés en lecture et en écriture (Germain et Netten, 2013).L’ANL prend appui sur une démarche de communication authentique et d’exploitation des interactions sociales. Elle parvient ainsi à développer chez les apprenants l’intelligibilité et la spontanéité nécessaires tout en favorisant une forte motivation tout au long de l’apprentissage, ce qui explique sa popularité grandissante aux quatre coins du monde chez les enseignants qui perçoivent, de ce fait, son efficacité, en marge des mesures empiriques sur le terrain qui attestent ces résultats.L’ANL porte donc un gain pédagogique double : du côté des apprenants, qui voient leur aisance et leur précision en langue cible rapidement croître ; mais également chez les enseignants qui constatent de réels progrès avec moins de temps de préparation et d’efforts en classe qu’avec les méthodes qu’ils utilisaient précédemment. STAGE DE FORMATION ANL1 › Alliance Française de Pékin (Chine) novembre 2018 Jour 1 : Cadre théorique • Les besoins des enseignants/formateurs, analyse des pratiques et des résultats en classes • Les croyances quant au mode d’acquisition d’une L2• La nécessité d’une nouvelle approche• Les conditions d’émergence de l’approche neurolinguistique• Les cinq principes fondamentaux de l’ANL• Les changements majeurs de curriculum et de pédagogie• Les résultats des expérimentationsJour 2 : Les stratégies d‘enseignement de l’oral• Les péchés capitaux, ou stratégies courantes d’enseignement inefficaces• Les 7 péchés capitaux pour le développement de l’oral• Démonstrations des stratégies efficaces de l’ANL• Simulations• Pratiques en classes réelles (avec de vrais apprenants)Jour 3 : Les stratégies d'enseignement de la lecture• Les 3 péchés capitaux pour le développement de la lecture• Démonstrations des stratégies efficaces de l’ANL• Simulations• Pratiques en classes réelles (avec de vrais apprenants)Jour 4 : Les stratégies d'enseignement de l'écriture• Les 3 péchés capitaux pour le développement de l’écriture• Démonstrations des stratégies efficaces de l’ANL• Simulations• Pratiques en classes réelles (avec de vrais apprenants)Jour 5 : Bilan et synthèse• Retour sur les croyances courantes des enseignants• Retour sur la théorie neurolinguistique et la neuropédagogie• Retour sur les pratiques des stagiaires et les réactions des apprenants • Échanges sur les modalités d'adaptations des contenus du stage aux contextes d’enseignement des stagiaires/enseignants• Les groupes de recherche du CiFRAN (ANL et autres) et le suivi de la formation• Consignes pour la tâche finale (à remettre dans les 3 mois pour validation du Certificat de praticien ANL1)• Clôture de la formation

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Annasach's Burns Night Ceilidh

Annasach Ceilidh Band invites you to our informal celebration of The Bard's birthday in the hidden gem of Edinburgh’s Old Town, The Counting House; a venue where Robert Burns himself was once entertained by poet Thomas Blacklock!   The ceilidh will start at 8pm with a break for a buffet supper served around 9.30pm of haggis (vegetarian option available), neeps & tatties, and a complimentary dram of The Famous Grouse to wash it all down.  Then it's back to the dancing!   Our dance caller Tricia will be there as usual to explain the dances so all beginners welcome :)  She might even sing a Burns song or two!   Tickets can be purchased here or at the door - although booking in advance is highly recommended as previous years have SOLD OUT; and are priced at £25 and £20 conc. You will receive an e-ticket which should be brought with you on the evening.     Please note that an official photographer may be in attendance at this event.  By purchasing a ticket you agree to any image being used by Annasach for future publicity.

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Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins

Cash - Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Discover The Will Call Booth at Highmark Stadium is located in between gates 3 and 4. Guests may pick up their pre-paid tickets on game day. This location is open 4 hours prior to kickoff. PROPER PHOTO IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED. Tickets will only be released to the person who purchased the tickets. 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257) Box Office Hours Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday 9am - 1pm, Saturdays before home games Open 4 hours prior to kick off on game days through the end of the 3rd Quarter Off Season Hours: 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday For Buffalo Bills Tickets Only. Available at the Box Office and through Ticketmaster. Phone #: 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257)

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Santa Booze Cruise on December 21st

Tickets include a Live DJ, Dancing, Giveaways, a drink at the after party and the best views of Chicago!  Chicago may be the Second City, but our booze cruises are first class! Cruising aboard a three story, 140 foot, luxury yacht, you'll enjoy breathtaking views of Chicago's iconic landmarks from Lake Michigan. Take in the sights from either of the heated interior decks, or enjoy the breeze on the open top deck. Be sure to take a spin on the dance floor as the DJ plays your favorite Top 40, Hip-Hop, and party hits. Don't forget to grab a drink from any of our full bars! Take advantage of Chicago's best asset and come aboard the cruise! FREE TICKETS/GROUP RATES Want to celebrate your birthday on the boat? If you have 10 or more people in your party, your ticket is on us, and all your friends get a discount! Fill out the form HERE for more info! Group Rates Available for groups of 10+ - Email for more info! FREE STUFF! All attendees will also receive the following Freebies*: 3 FREE rides (up to $7 ea.) from Via using promo code 'CHICAGO3' – Get $7 in DoorDash cash from DoorDash – $10 in FREE food at your favorite restaurants like Freshii, Protein Bar, Rockit & more from Ritual – 5 FREE on-demand dog walks from Rover with promo code CHICAGOFREEBIES! *All offers valid for first time users only and subject to change without notice. Click HERE for more info! BOARDING INFO (PLEASE READ) Boarding will begin promptly at 7:45pm. Please have your printed Eventbrite QR Code and your valid 21+ ID ready as you enter the boarding line. As soon as boarding is complete, the gate will close and the crew will start preparing for departure. No one else will be permitted to board. Please be on time, as the boat will leave without you! FAQ: What is the dress code?  There is NO Dress code for the boat. All guests are encouraged to dress festively! Where is the after-party? The after-party is typically at a bar in River North, and is announced as you board the boat. Can I bring my own food/drink on the boat? Absolutely no outside food or beverage may be brought on the boat. What do I need to bring to get on the boat?  Your printed ticket from Eventbrite and a valid ID.  All guests must Be 21+. How do I get to the boat? Please see below for a map and a detailed list of directions. What kind of music will be played on the boat?  The DJ will start with Top 40, Hip-Hop, and Party Hits and will play a variety of music with the goal of helping everyone enjoy themselves. DIRECTIONS The Anita Dee is docked at DuSable Harbor on the South side of the Chicago River at Lake Shore Drive.  ** Since the Harbor has no real physical address, GPS and online directions are unreliable. Use the maps along with the directions below to get to the boat! Driving (Parking in DuSable Harbor Parking Lot) From the West Head east toward the lake on Lower Randolph Street from Michigan Ave. or Columbus Drive. (If coming from Michigan Ave., stay to the left to access lower Randolph St., do not go to the upper level!) Take Randolph Street all the way to the last stop light before the lake and turn left. (Do not enter cul-de-sac) Immediately after you turn, merge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. At bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. Park, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River. From the North Via Lake Shore Drive Take Randolph St. exit off of Lake Shore Drive. Turn left at bottom of Randolph St. exit ramp. Turn left at second light (Do not enter cul-de-sac). Immediately after you turn, merge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. At bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. Park, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River. From the South Via Lake Shore Drive Exit to Randolph/Wacker Dr. off of Lake Shore Drive. Stay in middle lane of ramp. At bottom of ramp, proceed straight beyond traffic light. Merge left to ramp leading down to parking lot. At bottom of ramp, take ticket at the gate (pay upon exit) then drive straight to the end of the lot. Park, walk out of opening on the right/east side of the lot. Both yachts will be to your left on the River . Alternate Parking Locations: In the event that DuSable Harbor Parking Lot is at capacity, we’ve listed additional parking options. Millennium Park Garage - 5 S. Columbus - (312) 616-0600 ABM Parking Services - 400 N McClurg - (855) 234-0260 ABM Parking Services - 323 E. Wacker - (312) 268-8116 LAZ Parking - 350 E. Monroe - (312) 616-0600 Navy Pier Lots - 600 E Grand - (312) 595-5072 Dropped Off If getting dropped off by taxi, instead of telling the driver an address, tell them to drop off where lower Randolph Street meets the lakefront, DuSable Harbor, or Columbia Yacht Club. Lower Randolph Street, east to the lakefront. Drop off at DuSable Harbor cul-de-sac Walk down to the lake front path and turn left/walk north along the lakefront. Our yachts will be straight ahead at the end of the lakefront path where it ends at the Chicago River. Taxis can also go inside to the end of the DuSable Harbor Parking Lot which is closer (directions above in ‘Driving’). If they’re there for less than 15 mins, there is no charge.   Walking From the Loop Take any stairway down to the Riverwalk on the south side of the Chicago River. Walk east toward the lake (From Michigan Ave. Bridge- 10 min walk) The south side of the Riverwalk ends at our boats just east of the Lake Shore Drive Bridge From Navy Pier Walk west on Illinois to Lower Lake Shore Drive, the first street on your left. Cross Lower Lake Shore Drive to the west side of the street and turn left. Once you cross over the Chicago River, look for the staircase on your right to walk down to Riverwalk Turn left to go through tunnel on Riverwalk Once you exit tunnel, you’ll see both yachts to your left on the River.  From Millennium Park Head east on Monroe and cross over to the east side of Lake Shore Drive. Turn left or walk north on the lakefront path. Once you pass Columbia Yacht Club, keep walking north for 4-5 mins- Path ends at Chicago River and our Yachts. Rules, Regulations & Disclaimers:  All guests must be 21+ with a valid government issued ID that will be checked by security prior to boarding the boat. A valid ticket with scannable QR code is required by all guests to board. It is recommended to print a paper ticket to prevent any technology complications which would prevent your ticket from displaying on your phone. There is no guest list at the boat, each ticket must be scanned. Security reserves the right to inspect all bags and persons. Absolutely no outside food or beverage may be brought on the boat. Guests who are deemed intoxicated (or otherwise unfit) upon arrival, will be denied entry and no refunds will be given. We want all guests to enjoy themselves on the cruise, but please note you will be on the boat for an extended amount of time and our number one priority is the safety of all guests. The boat will depart the dock as soon as boarding is completed. Once the boat begins its cast off procedure, for the safety of all guests, absolutely no late arrivals will be allowed within the security fence to board. If you are late, you will be left at the harbor without a refund. In the event of dangerous weather conditions, security situations, mechanical issues with the locks, the boat, etc., the boat may not cruise, but the party will still go on at the dock. In the event of rain, or other inclement weather, the party will continue on the enclosed portion of the boat. Any ticketing/technical issues will be handled by Please contact them directly at Sorry – no refunds or price adjustments. The Eventbrite system does not allow us to restrict people who are underage from buying tickets. If you are not 21 and purchase a ticket, you will not be allowed on board. Cruise length will vary based upon multiple factors, including, but not limited to: boarding time, lock operations, boat traffic, weather, special events such as fireworks, emergency situations, etc. The DJ's aboard the boat will play a variety of music, at their discretion, with the goal of making a fun cruise for the entire crowd. The music's volume level will be set to an acceptable level intended to please all guests and may be regulated/limited by safety regulations set forth by the captain. For further Terms and Conditions of this event and ticket purchase please see “Ticket Purchase and Event Terms and Conditions” in checkout before purchasing these tickets; which shall also be binding and shall be incorporated by reference as though fully stated herein. 

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L'arte del PROBLEM SOLVING - Roma

“Tutta la vita consiste nel risolvere problemi.”Karl Popper  Il Problem Solving è l’arte di risolvere problemi apparentemente non risolvibili o difficili da risolvere. La storia dell’uomo è costellata di eroi “problem solver” e di soluzioni che hanno permesso la nostra evoluzione. Il Problem Solving, con le sue metodologie e i suoi protocolli apparentemente “bizzarri” ci insegna a trovare soluzioni mai pensate prima e a diventare abili nell’affrontare le problematiche che spesso noi stessi abbiamo generato e/o alimentato. Il Problem Solving è un’abilità sempre più richiesta e in tutti i campi delle attività umane. Conoscerne le tecniche, i protocolli, le strategie e i vari orientamenti, ci permette di diventare abili problem solver e creativi innovatori. Spesso il Problem Solving viene banalizzato nel semplice “pensa ad una soluzione”. Non è così. Anzi, spesso questo atteggiamento aumenta la frustrazione e alimenta l’incapacità a trovare soluzioni efficaci. Capita di frequente che il voler risolvere un problema, senza strumenti pratici e concreti, lo alimenta, peggiorando la situazione e riducendo le possibilità e le capacità di soluzione: l’insidiosa trappola della Tentata Soluzione. Col nostro corso scoprirai che esistono protocolli rigorosi e tecniche contro-intuitive che permettono di accedere a risorse che consentono di avere nuovi punti di vista e nuove soluzioni, innovative, efficaci, efficienti ed eleganti. Non basta voler risolvere, tantomeno dire di voler risolvere, ma serve una metodologia pratica, efficace, scientifica, sperimentata e comprovata. Scopriremo i modelli Problem oriented, quelli Solution oriented e quelli Action oriented, integrati in una metodologia sperimentata da decenni. Questo è il  PROBLEM SOLVING: non si parla di soluzioni, ma si agiscono soluzioni! Il corso si concentrerà sul Problem Solving applicato al COACHING, come strumento di superamento dei “blocchi di performance”, in ambito professionale, sportivo e personale.   “Ci troviamo continuamente di fronte a una serie di grandi opportunità brillantemente travestite da problemi insolubili.”J. W. Gardner SCARICA LA BROCHURE DEL CORSO  SCARICA LA BIBLIOGRAFIA DEL CORSO 

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