FREE SIGN UP: Racing Rings Around Saturn Running & Walking Challenge 2019 -Miami
*Sign up now to set up a log and participate for FREE! It's time to get moving! Are you ready to Racing Rings Around Saturn? We are looking for runners, walkers and joggers of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels to join us on a Race to Saturn in 2019! Log your miles and they will be added to our total miles as a group. Let's log enough miles to get to Saturn! It's a 746 million mile journey, so we need your help! We are gathering people around the world to join us. You will move up the Moon Jogger rankings as you log more and more miles! Thousands of people worldwide have joined the challenge. Will you? SIGN UP NOW! Sign up anytime during 2019! Participants that choose the FREE option will receive: Your own personal mileage log on our website We will also have other fun contests throughout the year, with great prizes, so be sure to join the Moon Jogger Facebook Group Page How It Works: 1. You sign up and set a goal for how many miles you will run/walk in 2019 and which ranking you will achieve. 2. During the year you log your miles on our website. You’ll move up the rankings as you reach your goal. 3. Along with achieving your personal goal, all of your miles contribute to our grand total of miles to get to Mercury! *Check out the OFFICIAL RULES HERE (find out how to include biking and swimming miles too) “We will laugh with you, cry with you, comfort you, bolster you, praise you, give you pointers, answer your questions, celebrate with you, mourn with you.. we don’t HAVE to actually see your face to care. And knowing that we all care will make the paths we share smoother, easier and more fun!!” -Carolyn Guhman, New Orleans CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING VIRTUAL RACES HERE!
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