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Klub Kids London presents KATYA & THE COMEDY QUEENS (ages 16+)

Klub Kids London presents  KATYA & The Comedy Queens The Klub Kids Comedy Queens are back in London with an all new exciting comedy show. The show will consist of 6 of the worlds hilarious comedy queens. The show will be hosted by RuPauls Drag Race superstar KATYA. The following 5 queens will be revealed every 2 weeks building up to the show. Expect a high energy drag show, with world class performers, Tv personalities and hilarious comedy. 6 QUEENS WILL HEADLINE THIS SHOW :) VIP DOORS 5:30PM GENERAL DOORS 7pm (VIP meet and greet includes mix and mingle with all queens, first chance to buy official merchandise, best view in for the show, official klub kids VIP lanyard)

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Big Open Day Gennaio 2020

Per scoprire BigRock non c’è di meglio che entrarci dentro completamente. Spesso apriamo le porte della scuola, in un pomeriggio dedicato a raccontare cosa abbiamo fatto, cosa hanno fatto i nostri ragazzi, cosa stiamo per fare e cosa immaginiamo per le prossime generazioni di sognatori. Faremo vedere cosa viene prodotto durante le lezioni, come sono fatte le lezioni, cosa si fa durante il giorno e qualche volta anche durante la notte.Spiegheremo come è fatta la vita di un BigRocker per i mesi che passerà qui con noi,ma spiegheremo anche che il tempo a BigRock ha un andamento strano: scorre molto più velocemente del tempo nel mondo reale. Scopriremo tutti i segreti della scuola, mostreremo ogni millimetro di ogni stanza, corridoio o scala. Vogliamo essere sicuri che ci scegliate perchè è esattamente cosi che immaginate il posto che cambierà la vostra vita per sempre. PROGRAMMA: ORE 15:30 PRESENTAZIONE DELLA SCUOLA (Talk, Q&A – Durata 90′ circa)            (Fino ad esaurimento posti… controlla se ci sono ancora posti disponibili!) A SEGUITO VISITE DELLA SCUOLA (Visita guidata delle classi, Q&A con i docenti. – Durata 30′ circa) È necessario prenotare un posto per ogni partecipante. (Per motivi di sicurezza la scuola non verrà aperta ai visitatori prima delle ore 15:15. Se doveste arrivare in anticipo, vi preghiamo cortesemente di attendere nella waiting room.) N.B. Purtroppo non tutti possono socializzare con i vostri amici a quattro zampe, vi informiamo dunque che non è consentito loro l'accesso all'interno della scuola (indipendentemente dalla loro taglia). Si raccomanda la puntualità. N.B. Purtroppo non tutti possono socializzare con i vostri amici a quattro zampe, vi informiamo dunque che non è consentito loro l'accesso all'interno della scuola (indipendentemente dalla loro taglia). **AGGIORNAMENTO** Dalla fermata dell'autobus, procedere sulla Via Per Meolo, aggirando la tenuta agricola ed entrando da Via Burano, come indicato dalla mappa. In caso di necessità, negli orari non coperti dal servizio pubblico, è a disposizione un servizio taxi convenzionato, previa prenotazione telefonica al numero 392 9555672 da effettuarsi con almeno un giorno di anticipo. - Da/per Stazione dei Treni di Quarto D'Altino euro 20,00 a tratta - Da/per Aeroporto Venezia (Tessera) euro 30,00 a tratta - Da /per Stazione dei Treni Venezia Mestre euro 35,00 a tratta - Da/per Aeroporto Treviso euro 35,00 a tratta

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Inner & Outer Tech - The Digital Japan

I spåren av OS i Tokyo 2020 - ett OS inte bara i sport utan i Tech - samlar vi en begränsad skara av företagsledare för att utforska Det Digital Japan och det mytomspunna begreppet 'digital transformation'. Programmet innehåller element från det digitala OS 2020 (, besök på världens första robotbank (Softbank), 3D digital arts museum Mori building, besök i elektronikcentret Akihabara, digital shopping, robot-caféer, företagsbesök mm. Resan avslutas med det paradoxalt motsatta; boende hos munkarna på Mt. Koya - något som har mer med digital transformation att göra än vad man i en första anblick kan tro. Resa och boende tillkommer utöver programavgiften. Vi flyger med Finnair och bor på Ryokan eller medelklass hotell. Sista helgen spenderas i ett av de ca 50 templen på Mt. Koya (shukuboen) där vi erfar den andra delen av resan - transformation -  Ungefärligt program (uppdateras löpande):  Lördag Tokyo 3/10 - Ankomst Tokyo incheckning på hotell/ryokan Söndag 4/10 - Fri shopping - Omoteosando doori - Shibuya - valfritt Måndag 5/10 - Besök Akihabara - Tokyos teknikmecka Tisdag 6/10 - Besök OS-by Onsdag 7/10 - Företagsbesök Sony, 3D Digital Art Museum  Torsdag 8/10 - Softbank robotiserad bank, Robotcafé Fredag 9/10 - Digital Shopping area, transport till Mt. Koya  Lördag 10/10 - Morgonmeditation med Zen-munkarna, vandring Koya-san Söndag 11/10 - Hemfärd från Osaka För mer information om anmälan & avgifter, kontakta

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Business Course Sydney

Looking for a more dynamic business course in Sydney? Try our comprehensive course in successfully starting a small business. Our 2-day intensive small business courses are held at our Blue Mountains Retreat or online. Writes Of Passage Retreats fosters out of the box thinking in a beautiful bushland setting. Unlike any other business course in Sydney, we take a holistic approach to you starting a business and making it successful. Gain clarity on your vision and market opportunities while gaining a comprehensive understanding of how to digitally market your business effectively. Enjoy our residential course at our Blue Mountains Retreat Centre or take it online. Unlike any other business course in Sydney, we take a holistic approach to you starting a business and making it successful. Most small businesses fail due to people neglecting to explore why they’re going into self-employment and how they might integrate their values, ideals and strengths to ensure sustainability through the midwifing process. You’ll gain clarity on your vision and outline market opportunities while gaining a comprehensive understanding of how to digitally market your business effectively. This small business course covers all the practical considerations such as finances, tax, insurance etc. With a major focus on marketing and branding, you’ll determine whether to create a webpage or utilise social media & other tools. You will leave with a clear plan and a host of practical steps to build a digital presence and navigate challenges along the way. For those in Sydney you can take this as a residential course at our Blue Mountains Retreat Centre or else online via Zoom. Here is a testimonial about our business course: "After taking part in the Writes of passage 'Birth your Business' retreat in the lovely setting of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I can't speak highly enough of Marcus and his program. I was so impressed and grateful to Marcus for his thorough mentorship as he offers a fountain of experience and information about getting your business off the ground and into the digital world. If you have a business idea that you would like to share with the world but are confused about how to get started than this is the program you need to take." - Anthony M

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New Plymouth Women's Lifestyle Expo

Come join us at NZ's special event for women! The New Plymouth Women's Lifestyle Expo is a two-day event for women of all ages. With more than 130 companies involved featuring everything from artisan goods, jewellery ...

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Disney On Ice presents Dream Big

Cash, American Express, VISA, Mastercard, Discover Monday - Friday from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm at the Box Office located near the East Entrance. Event will call tickets may be picked up two hours prior to the event. Policies for each event may vary. 512-600-5001 Regular Hours - Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, weekend hours vary per event. For event box office hours, please visit All H-E-B Center at Cedar Park event tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster. Tickets for H-E-B Center at Cedar Park events can be purchased by visiting the Box Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10am to 6pm. Tickets can also be purchased through Please indicate the need for accessible seating to the ticket seller when purchasing tickets at the Box Office. If an ASL Interpreter is needed, please contact our Box Office at 512.600.5001 a minimum of three weeks prior to the scheduled event so appropriate accommodations can be made. H-E-B Center at Cedar Park provides accessible seating on each level of the arena. Wheelchair companion seats are reserved for the companions of guests in wheelchairs.

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