Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover
Customers can pick up their tickets on the day of the show at the Will Call Window. Customers must have actual credit card, a picture ID, and their confirmation number.
Monday - Friday: 10AM - 5PM Saturday - Sunday: Hours vary depending on events and onsales.
What we often read is misleading. It's not 'despite the economy' that we have more millionaires; Instead, it's 'because of the economy' that we have more millionaires. The question is, are you the former or the latter?
Dato' Joey Yap will be conducting the annual Feng Shui & Astrology (FSA) 2020 seminar LIVE in Singapore. Get an outlook of 2020 and the opportunities hidden at curves and edges ahead.
The economic climate and the symptoms all point to one direction...
In the year of the Metal Rat (2020), expect to see challenges faced by the majority. On the other hand, it is also a time that you would expect empires to rise and new kings of the hill established. Statistics of all successful business empires, millionaires, and game changers show that they made head starts during turbulent times.
Get the unfair advantage by being prepared. Be the last man standing and reap the rewards.
In this one-day seminar with Dato' Joey Yap, you’ll learn:
How the Metal Rat Year affects your personal BaZi Astrology Chart.
What is the World’s Economic Outlook for 2020.
What is your personal forecast for Health, Wealth, Career & Relationships in 2020.
What are the Auspicious Dates of 2020 and how you can use these dates strategically.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. Checks are NOT accepted.
(956) 843-6688
Box Office Location: The box office is located ON THE FRONT OF THE State Farm Arena facing 10th Street. Box Office Phone Number: (956) 843-6688 Box Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:30pm Saturday - Open at 12 noon ONLY if an event is scheduled Sunday – Open at 12 noon ONLY if an event is scheduled Open 10:00 am for Saturday show on-sales
Accessible seating is available at State Farm Arena. For additional information regarding the availability of accessible seating please call the Dodge Arena Box Office at (956) 843-6688.
Du bist zwischen 10 und 14 Jahre alt und interessierst dich brennend für Elektronik und Programmierung?Bei Bauelementen hast du schon LEDs, Kondensatoren und ICs vor Augen? Bei Buttons denkst du nicht an Hemdknöpfe? Dann herzlich willkommen in unserer Arduino Schaltzentrale!
Gemeinsam erkunden wir, was man mit dem Minicomputer Arduino so alles zaubern kann. Du lernst die Grundlagen, um später eigene Arduino-Projekte umzusetzen. Der Kurs zeigt dir, welche Stolperstellen es gibt, wenn du über Buttons und Potentiometer einfache LEDs ansteuern willst. Abschließend werden wir auch bunte LED-Streifen nach eigener Komposition zum Leuchten bringen, gesteuert von einem Helligkeitssensor oder von einem Potentiometer.
Nach diesem Kurs bist zu startklar! Deinen Arduino nimmst du mit nach Hause und kannst all das gelernte Wissen kreativ nutzen und deine eigenen Projekte beginnen!
Der Kurs richtet sich an Mädchen und Jungen im Alter von 10-14 Jahren. Maximal 8 Teilnehmer/innen, Kursdauer 4 Stunden. In der Kursgebühr sind die Materialkosten von 10 € für den Arduino, Steckbrett (breadboard) sowie LEDs, Widerstände, Buttons, Potentiometer, Sensoren, Jumper Kabel und Farb-LED Streifen bereits enthalten.
Bitte beachte:im Normalfall finden all unsere Kurse und Workshops auch so statt, wie hier angegeben. Es kann in Ausnahmefällen aber vorkommen, dass es Änderungen gibt oder die Mindest-Teilnehmerzahl nicht erreicht wird. In diesem Fall werden wir Dich über die hier hinterlegte Email-Adresse informieren.Unsere Seminarräume befinden sich im Gewerbehof Westend, Gollierstraße 70D. Der Zugang erfolgt über den Hinterhof.
Cash, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. ATM machines are located in Chase Square.
Pick-up tickets anytime the day of the show during box office hours (see above). Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a picture ID. MSG cannot accept third party or “drop offs” from individual patrons.
General Info: (212) 465-MSG1 (6741) or (212) 247-4777 Knicks Information: 1(877) NYK-DUNK. Rangers Fan Line: (212) 465-4459. Liberty Hotline: (212) 564-WNBA (9622). Season Subscriptions: (212) 465-6073. Disabled Services: (212) 465-6034 Guest Relations: (212) 465 - 6225 Group Sales: (212) 465-6100 Lost and Found: (212) 465-6299
Monday - Saturday: 10:00am to 6:00pm **Tickets are not on-sale at the Box Office on the first day an event goes on-sale** The Box Office will be open at 10:00am daily or 90 minutes before the 1st performance of the day, whichever is earlier and will stay open until 8:00pm or 30 minutes after the last performance of the day begins, whichever is later. Sunday – Closed If an event takes place on Sunday, Box Office will open 90 minutes before the event start time and remain open 1 hour after event start time for Will Call and tickets sales for the evening's event only.
MSG WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING POLICY: Wheelchair and Transfer seating is reserved exclusively for patrons with accessible needs and their companions. Accessible seating is intended for use by an individual with a mobility disability or other disability who requires the accessible features of accessible seating due to a disability, and that individual's companions. Madison Square Garden (MSG) reserves the right to investigate potential misuse of accessible seating and to take all appropriate action against individuals who fraudulently obtain tickets for accessible seating. While tickets for accessible seating legitimately purchased for the use of an individual with disability may be transferred to another individual under the same terms and conditions applicable to other tickets, in the event such ticket is transferred to a non-disabled individual, MSG reserves the right to transfer that individual to other available seating TO ORDER WHEELCHAIR AND TRANSFER SEATING: Tickets for people with accessible needs, subject to availability, may be purchased in several ways: 1) Call Ticketmaster at 866-858-0008 2) Call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212)465-6115. 3) Visit Madison Square Garden's Box Office (see box office hours above) 4) Order Online with Ticketmaster (select your event from the list to the left) For additional information regarding accessibility at Madison Square Garden or to request any other accommodations, please call MSG's Disabled Services Department at (212) 465-6115 any weekday between 9:30am-4:30pm ET. Service Animals Pets are not permitted at Madison Square Garden. MSG has very specific policies related to service and emotional support animals. Please visit to obtain more information for admitting your animal. Assistive listening devices (ALDAs) are available upon request. Please visit the Guest Experience Office across from section 117 for assistance. There is no charge for this service, however some form of identification will be requested and returned to you, once the device is checked back in. Wheelchair Storage: For patrons who wish to transfer to a seat from their wheelchair, we will store your mobility device at the Guest Experience Office. You will receive a claim check for your device. Wheelchair Escorts to Seats: Patrons with mobility impairments who do not have access to a wheelchair may request a wheelchair to transport the individual to/from their seat, free of charge. Please be aware that our personnel cannot remain with you during the event, nor will they allow you to remain in or keep the wheelchair for the duration of the event. In the event a patron requires the use of a wheelchair for the duration of the event, we recommend bringing your own wheelchair or other mobility device. The escort pick-up area is located on the South (toward 31st) side of Chase Square at elevator alcove. Please allow for extra so that you may be accommodated prior to the event start. Simply ask a Guest Experience Representative or a MSG Security Guard for assistance. Elevators: Public elevators are available for use by guests with disabilities and service every seating level