cash, visa, mc, amex & discover - no checks
TO PICK UP Will Call -- you must present your confirmation number, a picture ID and the credit card used to purchase your tickets. You must wait 48 hours after ordering to pick up your tickets.
For NRG Stadium information 832-667-1400.
Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Saturday 10am-2pm. Hours subject to change.
Save the date... to Save September!
As we progress through the what was already a crazy year, we wanted to bring the community together to show we are back and stronger than ever! This new event will help Neopolitans see and taste their city in a whole new light.
Save September is a month-long restaurant-based event which gives the diner an opportunity to benefit from multiple dine in and takeout experiences, with tailored takeout menus while receiving gift cards to return to your establishment.
Save September is aimed to do 3 very important things:
1. Save local hospitality from the pitfall known as September
2. Encourage food enthusiasts to save at their favorite local hotspots
3. Give back to our hospitality professionals and other businesses affected by COVID-19
September is all about Taking-out, Dining-in and Giving back!
For more information about this event, check out our Facebook: @SaveSeptemberSWFL
Jadwal Workshop Basic Awareness ISO 9001:2015
Jakarta, 5 Maret 2019
jakarta, 2 April 2019
jakarta, 7 Mei 2019
Jakarta, 2 Juli 2019
Jakarta, 6 Agustus 2019
Jakarta, 10 September 2019
Jakarta, 1 Oktober 2019
Jakarta, 5 November 2019
Jakarta, 10 Desember 2019
Sebagai Badan Sertifikasi kami menyadari pentingnya peranan kompetensi dari orang atau karyawan untuk dapat menjalankan ISO atau Sistem management dengan baik.Untuk dapat menjalankan system ISO 9001:2015, dibutuhkan pengertian & pemahaman yang baik mengenai management system itu sendiri.Dalam hal ini WQA mengadakan WORKSHOP ISO 9001:2015 untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kompetensi bagi para penyelenggara management system yang terbuka untuk umum.Adapun Manfaat Dari Workshop ISO 9001:2015 ini.
Mengembangkan dan merancang sistem manajemen mutu dalam organisasi
Mengimplementasikan ISO 9001:2015 dalam kehidupan sehari-hari suatu organisasi
Mampu menetapkan dan meningkatkan kinerja organisasi
Meningkatkan kompetensi personal
Pokok Bahasan :
Perkenalan ISO
Pemahaman Mutu dan ISO 9001
Alasan terjadinya perubahan ke edisi 2015
Prinsip Manajement Mutu versi ISO 9001:2015
Pemikiran Berdasarkan Resiko
Pemahaman Persyaratan ISO 9001:2015
Implementasi ISO 9001:2015
Persiapan Audit ISO 9001:2015
Fasilitator :Pelatihan ini akan difasilitasi oleh tenaga pengajar yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu dan berpengalaman sebagai auditor. Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dibeberapa sektor. Dan sudah menjadi Lead Auditor untuk ISO 9001:2015 yang diakreditasi oleh IRCA.Sertifikasi WorkshopBagi seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti Workshop hingga selesai, mendapatkan penghargaan sertifikat dari WQA ASIA PACIFIC.Investasi Workshop WQA ISO 9001:2015 Rp. 200.000/pesertaInvestasi ini termasuk :
Coffee Break
Training Material
Seminar Kit
Certificate (Certified by WQA ASIA PACIFIC)
Pembayaran Transfer BCA No Rek. 217 3126 069 A/N PT. INTRA ASIA WORLDWIDE Pembayaran paling lambat 3 hari sebelum acara di laksanakan, untuk konfirmasi pembayaran bisa mengirimkan bukti transfer ke atau hubungi Hotline/Whatsapp +628111496821Tempat Acara :WQA OFFICEGraha ISKA 5th Floor, Jl Pramuka Raya No. 165Central Jakarta, 10570 IndonesiaFor Information Call/Whatsapp +628111496821
web :
The International Research Conference Aims and Objectives
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
ICCVT 2021: 15. International Conference on Computational Vision Technologies aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Computational Vision Technologies. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Computational Vision Technologies
8th ICTEL 2020 – International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning, 19-20 May, Seoul
Conference Website:
Conference Name: 8th ICTEL 2020 – International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning, 19-20 May, Seoul
Conference Dates: 19-20 May 2020
Conference Venue: Nine Tree Premier Hotel, Myeongdong 2, Seoul, South Korea
Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: 17 May 2020
Online Conference Application Form: Click Here
Contact E-Mail ID:
Organising Scholarly Association: Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA)
TERA List of Members: Click Here
TERA President: Dr. Brenda B. Corpuz, Dean, College of Education Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Conference Language: English
Conference Themes: Teaching, Education & Learning
TERA Previous Conferences: Click Here
(Vernacular Session, e.g., Korean, European Languages, Arabic, Bahasa, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organised for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language)
(Only English language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)
Cash, Visa, MC, AMEX and Discover
Customer can pick up tickets within the hour prior to the show in the Main Street entrance of the Theatre. Customer must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. Customer can call (716) 847-0850 for special handling.
(716) 847-0850
SUMMER HOURS: Monday through Thursday: 10:00AM-5:00PM Friday: 10:00AM-2:00PM Saturday: CLOSED FALL/WINTER/SPRING HOURS: Monday through Friday: 10:00AM-5:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM-2:00PM Open two hours prior to performances through intermission.
Visa, Mastercard
Tickets can be collected from the venue box office on the day of the event which is located in the main foyer (ground floor). Please take the credit card used to make the booking and your Ticketmaster reference number
TBC - Venue under construction
The Venue box office is only open on show days and will open 30 mins before doors.
For more information visit -