Cash, American Express, Mastercard, & Visa.
Will Call is located at the Box Office.
Box Office Telephone: 323-468-1770
The Pantages Box Office opens daily at 10am. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 5 ADMITTED
There is no elevator in the Pantages Theatre. Disabled seating is reserved for the exclusive use of the disabled patron and their companion. The purchase or use of disabled seating locations by non-disabled individuals is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or forfeiture of the ticket price.
Enhance Your Child’s Understanding of Mathematics with Python
Consistently ranked #1 as the “Most Popular Coding Language“, learning Python will enable your child to build programs that are used widely today in many domains; Eg. Web Development, Data Science, and Artificial Intelligence.
In this program specifically designed based on the GCE “O” and “A” level Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. They will learn how to develop a simultaneous or quadratic equation solver, program Monte Carlo simulations, and more, leading to a better understanding of these complex and abstract Mathematical concepts.
This powerful synergistic pairing of Math and Programming, developed by Coding Lab’s Award-Winning team of curriculum advisors, has been tested in selected MOE schools and proven to provide students a solid foundation in both.
Students who have completed this course are encouraged to go on to pursue S100P: Python perfect which is a critical lab practice component.
There are many stressors in this modern world that can lead to low levels of resilience. If you don’t learn how to cope with your stressors, this can impact your wellbeing and focus at work.
This course will provide you with practical tools and techniques to help you identify your stressors and build your resilience.
This course is ideal for
Team members and managers who want to build their resilience by understanding their stressors and building a plan to improve the way they adapt to stressful situations or events in the workplace.
What you will learn
Define and identify what stress and resilience are for you.
Understand where stress comes from and how to manage it.
Learn about the different levels of stress, which ones are good for us, and which ones are not.
Develop ways to manage stress and cope better.
Begin to build your resilience through a variety of strategies.
Use control mechanisms to increase personal effectiveness and build resilience to manage stress.
Build a personal resilience plan that you can apply to almost any situation.
Topics covered in this training course
What is stress and what is resilience?Understand the definitions of resilience and stress and reflect on the way you think about stress.
Causes of stressAccording to the latest findings, Australians are reporting lower levels of wellbeing and higher levels of stress. By examining the common causes, you can begin to identify your individual stressors and develop strategies to minimise and cope with them.
The effects of social media on stress and resilienceUnderstand how fear of missing out (FoMO) may be affecting your stress levels.
Not all stress is badRemember, not all types of stress are bad for you. In fact, some stress can be good for you.
Life outlook and coping with eventsYou may not have control of the event, but you have control of yourself.
Techniques for maintaining focusUse the FOCUS acronym techniques to regain control and overcome procrastination in a variety situations.
Mental readinessIdentify what you need to do to make sure your mind is prepared and ready to do a task.
Seven traits of resilient peopleThere are varying degrees of resilience within and between people, but practising these traits will put you on your way to being more resilient.
Responding to and managing stress betterUnderstand how you respond to stress and the coping resources you can implement to feel calm and in control.
Dealing with stressful situationsUse the four As to change the situation or change your reaction – avoid the stressor, adapt to the stressor, alter the stressor and accept the stressor.
Positive self-talk and imageryIdentifying any negative thought processes and reframing these them into positive self-talk can go a long way to helping build your resilience.
Build your personal resilience planBuild a personal resilience plan to take away with you that identifies your strengths and uses them to help you improve in other areas you find challenging.
MEGA SOCIAL MIXERpresented by ALPFA Atlanta, Mega Social Mixer, Women's Advisory Board of GHCC, ATL Search GroupThursday, August 15th6:00pm - 9:00pm
Eclipse Di Luna Dunwoody4505 Ashford Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta, GA 30346 - 678.205.5862
Mingle with Atlanta's Elite Professionals in an ExclusiveAfter-Hours Social while enjoying complimentary Hors d'oeuvres.Reward your hard work with a night of stimulating conversationsamong peers plus their prospective organizations.(ASSOCIATIONS, CONSULATES, CHAMBERS, AFFINITY GROUPS)Seek a bit of life after work at this quarterly event.
Bring your business cards for a chance to WIN raffle prizes.
Il Coaching per performare nello Sport
“Lo sport va a cercare la paura per dominarla, la fatica per trionfarne, la difficoltà per vincerla.”Pierre de Coubertin
Il Coaching nasce in ambito sportivo, e in questo ambiente trova la sua più naturale applicazione, proprio perché tutto lo sport è focalizzato sui concetti chiave del Coaching: PERFORMANCE e RISULTATI.
Ma nello sport esistono molti tipi di performance: tecnica, atletica, mentale, emotiva e relazionale, con le declinazioni individuali o di squadra e di team.
Per far distinzione tra tutti questi tipi di Performance, molti non parlano solo di Coaching Sportivo, ma di MENTAL COACHING SPORTIVO. Ma in realtà non ci si occupa solo degli aspetti mentali, per questo forse è più corretto parlare di PERFOMANCE COACHING SPORTIVO.
Il focus per un Coach Sportivo Professionista è su 3 aspetti:– MENTALE;– EMOTIVO;– RELAZIONALE.
La mente di un atleta deve essere un rasoio affilato, e deve conoscere le strategie relative alla propria disciplina. Esistono vari tipi di performance sportiva, da quelle che durano pochi secondi (come nei tuffi), a quelle che durano molte ore (come ultra-maratone e triathlon), da quelle individuali a quelle di squadra, e da quelle che prevedono uno scontro (esempio la scherma o la boxe) o un confronto solo con se stessi (esempio il sollevamento pesi). Le strategie mentali devono tenere conto di questi aspetti peculiari della disciplina e del singolo atleta.
Poi c’è la performance emotiva, diversa da quella mentale. Un atleta deve essere pronto a reazioni emotive proprie, dei propri compagni di squadra e dei propri avversari, e deve sapersi gestire e riequilibrare emotivamente. In questo ambito il modello di Equilibrio Emotivo è un valido supporto.
Infine c’è la performance relazionale. Un atleta deve sapersi relazionare al proprio team, ai propri compagni nel caso degli sport di squadra, ai propri tifosi, ai propri manager e parenti, e anche con i media.
L’obiettivo del corso è specializzarsi nell’applicazione del Coaching ai contesti sportivi, professionistici e dilettantistici, di squadra e individuali, agonistici e non.
“La forza mentale distingue i campioni dai quasi campioni.”Rafael Nadal
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover & AMEX
Monday-Friday; 10:00am-5:00pm.
This venue is accessible.
Cash, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and Visa.
Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Will Call window beginning 1 1/2 hours prior to the event start time. Customers must have their Confirmation Number and Photo Identification.
For information about events at the Van Andel Arena, call (616) 742-6600.
The Van Andel Arena box office is currently closed for daily ticket sales. The Van Andel Arena box office will be open limited hours based on the event schedule. The outside box office window at DeVos Performance Hall, located at 303 Monroe Ave NW, is currently open Monday through Friday, 11 AM - 3 PM, for ticket sales for DeVos Performance Hall, Van Andel Arena and select DeVos Place events. Grand Rapids Griffins tickets can NOT be purchased at the box office. For box office hours, please visit
Customers needing special seating arrangements may purchase tickets online at, or by visiting the Van Andel Arena Box Office prior to the event. Accessible Seating Terms: Wheelchair Accessible: seating location in which there are no stairs that allows for wheelchair or scooter usage. Companion Seat: seating for individuals that are attending an event with someone who requires wheelchair or semi-ambulatory seats. Semi-Ambulatory: seating reserved for those with limited mobility that may require walking a few incline/decline stairs.