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UB³ - Module 6 - Actualités en droit pénal et exécution des peines

Actualités en droit pénal et exécution des peines Sous la coordination de Christine Guillain, Professeure à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles et Franklin Kuty, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, juge au tribunal de première instance de Liège Si le projet de nouveau Code pénal n’a pu aboutir au cours de la législature 2014-2019, le Parlement n’en a pas moins voté diverses lois qui modifient la matière pénale et qui sont abordées au cours de ce module. Ainsi, en matière de droit pénal général, une nouvelle forme de récidive légale de crime sur délit a été introduite dans le Code pénal ; l’article 61 dudit Code, concernant le concours d’infractions, a été supprimé et les peinesdites alternatives sont favorisées en matière de racisme, de xénophobie et de discrimination. En matière de droit pénal spécial, de nombreuses modifications doivent également être relevées, qu’il s’agisse d’incriminations de nouveaux comportements, de modifications des éléments constitutifs, de déplacements d’infractions pénales ou de modifications des peines, tant dans le livre II du Code pénal que dans les lois particulières. Concernantl’exécution des peines, la loi du 5 mai 2019 a induit un changement fondamental dans l’exécution des peines de prison inférieures ou égales à trois ans, en modifiant la loi du 17 mai 2006 sur ce point, en vue de la faire entrer en vigueur le 1er octobre 2020. La nouvelle modalité de placement en maison de transition est égalementanalysée. Enfin, une quatrième contribution est consacrée à l’exigence de proportionnalité de la peine telle qu’elle est prévue tant par la loi, en ce qu’elle confère aux juridictions un pouvoir d’appréciation lors de la détermination de la répression, que par le droit international, qui leur permet d’écarter l’application d’unelégislation comminant une peine qui s’avère disproportionnée. Programme La proportionnalité des peines, Franklin Kuty, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, membre du Centre de recherches en droit pénal de l’ULB, juge au tribunal de première instance de Liège Actualités en droit pénal général, Christine Guillain, Professeure à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, responsable du GREPEC (Groupe de recherche en matière pénale et criminelle) de l’USL-B Actualités en droit pénal spécial, Laurent Kennes, Chargé de cours à l’ULB et l’UMons, membre du Centre de recherches en droit pénal de l’ULB, avocat au barreau de Bruxelles Actualités en droit de l’exécution des peines, Olivia Nederlandt, Chercheuse FRS-FNRS à l’Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, membre du GREPEC de l’USL-B  Renseignements pratiques: Quand ?  Lundi  27 avril 2020, de 17h à 20h. Où ?  ULB - Auditoire R42.5.503 (bâtiment R42, 5e étage, local 503), Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 42 (coin de l’avenue Jeanne), 1050 Bruxelles Clôture des inscriptions : 27 avril 2020, à midi. Remarque: dans la mesure du possible, et afin que vos points de formation puissent être directement encodés dans votre dossier sur la nouvelle plateforme qui sera prochainement mise en place par l'OBFG, nous vous remercions de vous inscrire à cette formation avec votre adresse mail 3 points de formation juridique. Remarque importante concernant la prise en charge des frais dinscription des magistrats professionnels, stagiaires judiciaires et membres du personnel de l’ordre judiciaire par l'IFJ: L’Institut de formation judiciaire ne prend pas en charge les frais éventuels des personnes qui s’inscrivent mais ne sont pas effectivement présentes.  Il est toutefois permis de se faire remplacer par un collègue qui signe la liste de présence mentionnant son nom et sa fonction à côté du nom du collègue remplacé.

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Philadelphia 76ers vs. Indiana Pacers


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Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Buffalo Bills

TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover / USF FOOTBALL: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express / STADIUM JUMPING: Cash / All Other Events: Cash Location: box office (south end of the staduim) Opens: day of event (Please contact the proper organization for specific times) Stadium Office Number: Tampa Bay Bucaneers: (813)879-2827 Buccaneer Groups Sales:(813)870-2700 (ask for Group Sales) Stadium Jumping Inc: (813)253-2782 USF Football: 1-800-GOBULLS Outback Bowl: (813)874-2695 The ticket office located on property at the Raymond James Stadium is open day of event only. The various organizations that use Raymond James Stadium have varying hours of operation. The number(s) for these organizations are listed under "Box Office Phone Numbers". This is an accessible venue. Raymond James Stadium would like for you to know that is fraud if you purchase an accessible ticket knowing you are not eligible for accessible seating.

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CashCheckAmExVisaMC Pick up tickets 1 hour prior to show. Customers must present the actual credit card used to place the order and a photo ID. (212) 586-6510 Monday - Wednesday 10am - 8pm Thursday - Saturday 10am - 8:30pm

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

The Box Office accepts Visa, Mastercard,American Express, Discover, money orders,and cash. Will Call tickets can be picked up at the Box Office 2 hours prior to show time. Customer must present the actual credit card, a picture ID and the confirmation number. (502) 690-9090 10:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday 10:00AM-5:00PM Saturday event days or on sales 12:00PM-5:00PM Sunday event days or on sales *If there is not an event or on sale, the ticket office is closed on Saturday and Sunday* Accessible seating is available for 1 wheelchair and up to 3 companions. TM Customer Service: use sell class accessible for seating availability.

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Disney On Ice presents Find Your Hero

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Cash Tickets can be picked up at the Main Box Office no earlier than 5:00PM on the day of the event. Customers must have a picture ID and the confirmation number to receive their tickets. 662-470-2131 Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM-5:00 PM Extended Hours for events This is an accessible venue. *ADA Wheelchair and Companion seating is configured in both 1+2, 2+1, and 2+2 arrangements on the lower level.

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Menopause The Musical

Cash and All Major Credit Cards MUST HAVE PHOTO I.D. & CREDIT CARD USED TO PURCHASE TICKETS WHEN PICKING UP WILL CALL TICKETS 702-693-6143 1-855-234-7469 Group Sales (20+) Opens one hour prior to the first show and closes a half hour after the last show. To better accommodate your needs the box office has requested that special seating accommodations be solicited through their representatives

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Blind Date Matchmaking in Orlando and Complimentary Events

We wanted to bring a fresh alternative to countless forms, contracts and hours of consultations. Matchmakers claiming they had thousands of daters, but none explaining from where. While other Matchmakers are forced to find your match at bars, the mall or other unsavory locations, we meet a fantastic set of new singles every week from our events alone, allowing us the opportunity to choose for you the best out of an already great crowd. We we also garner extremely busy Matchmaking daters who find our services an efficient dating indulgence. Sought after for the level of dater we attract, the personal service we offer and an unparalleled selection of the daters you want to meet. We're honored to find that special someone just for you. Consider us your blind date specialists. Inspired by the romantic and simple days gone by, we bring back the lovely idea of meeting a date, arranged by another, at a venue of your choosing. Days of only knowing your date’s first name and looking out for that date with the red carnation are back; Red carnation optional. All communication between you and your Date-Mate prior to your Date-Night will be entirely through us. *Simplify Me Package $349.00 2 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events   *Date  Me Package $495.00 4 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events   *Indulge Me Package $695.00 6 Pre-Arranged Date Nights - For each Date-Night you will meet a different partner chosen for you based on your mutual aspirations, expectations and likes.*Includes Complimentary Events ---   What is the age range?Our Matchmaking age range is similar to that of our events; our daters tend to be between the early twenties to early forties.   Are events included in my Matchmaking Package?Yes! A wonderful bonus to purchasing our Matchmaking Packages is the ability to attend our speed dating events at no additional charge to you. When you see an event you fancy attending - simply let us know and we'll add you to the guest list. There is no limit to the number of events you may attend with our compliments for the duration of your package. Attending events is an important part of the process and an excellent opportunity for us to get to know you better, for you get to know our daters and for us to see who is drawn to you. As well, many Matchmaking daters find our events the perfect way to narrow down what they are looking for and learn a bit more about themselves in the process. How do I let you know my preferences?After you select your matchmaking package, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with details and questions to help us find your Date Mate. Tell us as much as you like! The more you offer, the better we can match. Our staff will review your preferences and get to work finding your match, making arrangements and sending you off on your date night.   What is ‘This, that and the other’? Consider it our Concierge Service.  Let us know what you need – everything from fashion tips to relationship advice, to being well-groomed!  We have all the perks! Let us make your personal appointments or dinner reservations at the venue of your choice or ours - whilst you enjoy the lovely treatment!   How do I get started’? Simply email us at with some information about yourself and your goals. If we believe we can be of assistance to you - we'll send on details for you to purchase your desired package. How can you charge so much less than the competition? We don't have to spend money on recruiting daters. We are sought after for who we are and the level of dater we attract, affording us the luxury of daters finding us, rather than the expense of having to find daters. For more information please visit us at -- We wish we could help everyone but we can’t. It’s a very busy season for us but we love to spread the love wherever we can! If you would like to register please email us a brief introduction about yourself and goals. If we feel we can assist, we will give the go ahead to purchase.   Check out our Press! Terms & Conditions

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